@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ export class PersonalWorkspaceProviderService
+ // TODO: Move the below out of provider definitions as generic helper functions
* Used to get the index of the request from the path
* @param path The path of the request
@@ -130,6 +132,25 @@ export class PersonalWorkspaceProviderService
return parseInt(pathArr[pathArr.length - 1])
+ /**
+ * @param path The path of the collection or request
+ * @returns The index of the collection or request
+ */
+ private pathToIndex(path: string) {
+ const pathArr = path.split("/")
+ return pathArr
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the collection is already in the root
+ * @param id - path of the collection
+ * @returns boolean - true if the collection is already in the root
+ */
+ private isAlreadyInRoot(id: string) {
+ const indexPath = this.pathToIndex(id)
+ return indexPath.length === 1
+ }
public createRESTRootCollection(
workspaceHandle: Handle<Workspace>,
newCollection: Partial<Exclude<HoppCollection, "id">> & { name: string }
@@ -665,12 +686,165 @@ export class PersonalWorkspaceProviderService
) {
return Promise.resolve(E.left("INVALID_COLLECTION_HANDLE" as const))
+ const { collectionID: draggedCollectionID } = collectionHandleRef.value.data
+ const draggedParentCollectionID = this.isAlreadyInRoot(draggedCollectionID)
+ ? draggedCollectionID
+ : draggedCollectionID.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/")
+ const isMoveToSiblingCollection = this.isAlreadyInRoot(draggedCollectionID)
+ ? this.isAlreadyInRoot(
+ destinationCollectionID === null
+ ? // Move to root
+ this.restCollectionState.value.state.length.toString()
+ : destinationCollectionID
+ )
+ : !!destinationCollectionID?.startsWith(draggedParentCollectionID)
+ const draggedCollectionIndexPos = this.pathToLastIndex(draggedCollectionID)
+ let resolvedDestinationCollectionID = ""
+ if (destinationCollectionID === null) {
+ // destinationCollectionID` being `null` indicates moving to root
+ // New ID will be the length of the root nodes at this point (before the store update)
+ resolvedDestinationCollectionID =
+ this.restCollectionState.value.state.length.toString()
+ } else {
+ // Move to an inner-level collection
+ const destinationCollectionIndexPos = this.pathToLastIndex(
+ destinationCollectionID
+ )
+ // The count of child collections within the destination collection will be the new index position
+ // Appended to the `resolvedDestinationCollectionID`
+ const resolvedDestinationCollectionIndexPos = getFoldersByPath(
+ this.restCollectionState.value.state,
+ destinationCollectionID
+ ).length
+ // Indicates a move from a collection at the top to a sibling collection below it
+ if (
+ isMoveToSiblingCollection &&
+ destinationCollectionIndexPos > draggedCollectionIndexPos
+ ) {
+ const draggedCollectionIDStrLength =
+ draggedCollectionID.split("/").length
+ // Obtain a subset of the destination collection ID till the dragged collection ID string length
+ // Only update the index position at the level of the dragged collection
+ // This ensures moves to deeply any nested collections are accounted
+ const destinationCollectionIDSubset = destinationCollectionID
+ .split("/")
+ .slice(0, draggedCollectionIDStrLength)
+ .join("/")
+ // Reduce `1` from the index position to account for the dragged collection
+ // Dragged collection doesn't exist anymore at the previous level
+ const collectionIDSubsetIndexPos = Number(
+ this.pathToLastIndex(destinationCollectionIDSubset) - 1
+ )
+ // Replace the destination collection ID with `1` reduced from the index position
+ const replacedDestinationCollectionID = destinationCollectionID.replace(
+ destinationCollectionIDSubset,
+ `${destinationCollectionIDSubset
+ .split("/")
+ .slice(0, -1)
+ .join("/")}/${collectionIDSubsetIndexPos}`
+ )
+ const resolvedDestinationCollectionIDPrefix = this.isAlreadyInRoot(
+ draggedCollectionID
+ )
+ ? collectionIDSubsetIndexPos
+ : replacedDestinationCollectionID
+ resolvedDestinationCollectionID = `${resolvedDestinationCollectionIDPrefix}/${resolvedDestinationCollectionIndexPos}`
+ } else {
+ resolvedDestinationCollectionID = `${destinationCollectionID}/${resolvedDestinationCollectionIndexPos}`
+ }
+ }
+ const draggedParentCollectionSize = this.isAlreadyInRoot(
+ draggedCollectionID
+ )
+ ? this.restCollectionState.value.state.length
+ : getFoldersByPath(
+ this.restCollectionState.value.state,
+ draggedParentCollectionID
+ ).length
+ const affectedParentCollectionIDRange =
+ draggedParentCollectionSize - 1 - draggedCollectionIndexPos
+ this.issuedHandles.forEach((handle) => {
+ if (handle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ return
+ }
+ if (!("requestID" in handle.value.data)) {
+ return
+ }
+ const { collectionID, requestID } = handle.value.data
+ const reqIndexPos = requestID.slice(-1)[0]
+ if (requestID.startsWith(draggedCollectionID)) {
+ const newCollectionID = collectionID.replace(
+ draggedCollectionID,
+ resolvedDestinationCollectionID
+ )
+ handle.value.data.collectionID = newCollectionID
+ handle.value.data.requestID = `${newCollectionID}/${reqIndexPos}`
+ }
+ })
+ Array.from({ length: affectedParentCollectionIDRange }).forEach(
+ (_, idx) => {
+ // Adding `1` to dragged collection index position to get the affected collection index position
+ const affectedCollectionIndexPos = draggedCollectionIndexPos + idx + 1
+ const affectedCollectionID = `${draggedParentCollectionID}/${affectedCollectionIndexPos}`
+ // The index position will be reduced by `1` for the affected collections
+ const newAffectedCollectionID = `${draggedParentCollectionID}/${
+ affectedCollectionIndexPos - 1
+ }`
+ // For each affected collection, we'll have to iterate over the `issuedHandles` to account for nested collections
+ this.issuedHandles.forEach((handle) => {
+ if (
+ handle.value.type === "invalid" ||
+ !("requestID" in handle.value.data)
+ ) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (handle.value.data.requestID.startsWith(affectedCollectionID)) {
+ const { collectionID, requestID } = handle.value.data
+ handle.value.data.collectionID = collectionID.replace(
+ affectedCollectionID,
+ newAffectedCollectionID
+ )
+ handle.value.data.requestID = requestID.replace(
+ affectedCollectionID,
+ newAffectedCollectionID
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ )
return Promise.resolve(E.right(undefined))