@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-import { HoppModule } from "."
-import * as Sentry from "@sentry/vue"
-import { BrowserTracing } from "@sentry/tracing"
-import { Route } from "@sentry/vue/types/router"
-import { RouteLocationNormalized, Router } from "vue-router"
-import { settingsStore } from "~/newstore/settings"
-import { App } from "vue"
-import { APP_IS_IN_DEV_MODE } from "~/helpers/dev"
-import { gqlClientError$ } from "~/helpers/backend/GQLClient"
-import { platform } from "~/platform"
- * The tag names we allow giving to Sentry
- */
-type SentryTag = "BACKEND_OPERATIONS"
-interface SentryVueRouter {
- onError: (fn: (err: Error) => void) => void
- beforeEach: (fn: (to: Route, from: Route, next: () => void) => void) => void
-function normalizedRouteToSentryRoute(route: RouteLocationNormalized): Route {
- return {
- matched: route.matched,
- // route.params' type translates just to a fancy version of this, hence assertion
- params: route.params as Route["params"],
- path: route.path,
- // route.query's type translates just to a fancy version of this, hence assertion
- query: route.query as Route["query"],
- name: route.name,
- }
-function getInstrumentationVueRouter(router: Router): SentryVueRouter {
- return <SentryVueRouter>{
- onError: router.onError,
- beforeEach(func) {
- router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
- func(
- normalizedRouteToSentryRoute(to),
- normalizedRouteToSentryRoute(from),
- next
- )
- })
- },
- }
-let sentryActive = false
-function initSentry(dsn: string, router: Router, app: App) {
- Sentry.init({
- app,
- dsn,
- release: import.meta.env.VITE_SENTRY_RELEASE_TAG ?? undefined,
- environment: APP_IS_IN_DEV_MODE
- ? "dev"
- : import.meta.env.VITE_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT,
- integrations: [
- new BrowserTracing({
- routingInstrumentation: Sentry.vueRouterInstrumentation(
- getInstrumentationVueRouter(router)
- ),
- // TODO: We may want to limit this later on
- tracingOrigins: [new URL(import.meta.env.VITE_BACKEND_GQL_URL).origin],
- }),
- ],
- tracesSampleRate: 0.8,
- })
- sentryActive = true
-function deinitSentry() {
- Sentry.close()
- sentryActive = false
- * Reports a set of related errors to Sentry
- * @param errs The errors to report
- * @param tag The tag for the errord
- * @param extraTags Additional tag data to add
- * @param extras Extra information to attach
- */
-function reportErrors(
- errs: Error[],
- tag: SentryTag,
- extraTags: Record<string, string | number | boolean> | null = null,
- extras: any = undefined
-) {
- if (sentryActive) {
- Sentry.withScope((scope) => {
- scope.setTag("tag", tag)
- if (extraTags) {
- Object.entries(extraTags).forEach(([key, value]) => {
- scope.setTag(key, value)
- })
- }
- if (extras !== null && extras === undefined) scope.setExtras(extras)
- scope.addAttachment({
- filename: "extras-dump.json",
- data: JSON.stringify(extras),
- contentType: "application/json",
- })
- errs.forEach((err) => Sentry.captureException(err))
- })
- }
- * Reports a specific error to Sentry
- * @param err The error to report
- * @param tag The tag for the error
- * @param extraTags Additional tag data to add
- * @param extras Extra information to attach
- */
-function reportError(
- err: Error,
- tag: SentryTag,
- extraTags: Record<string, string | number | boolean> | null = null,
- extras: any = undefined
-) {
- reportErrors([err], tag, extraTags, extras)
- * Subscribes to events occuring in various subsystems in the app
- * for personalized error reporting
- */
-function subscribeToAppEventsForReporting() {
- gqlClientError$.subscribe((ev) => {
- switch (ev.type) {
- reportErrors(ev.errors, "BACKEND_OPERATIONS", { from: ev.type })
- break
- reportError(
- ev.error,
- { from: ev.type },
- { op: ev.op }
- )
- break
- reportError(
- new Error("Backend Query Failed"),
- { opType: ev.opType },
- {
- opResult: ev.opResult,
- }
- )
- break
- }
- })
- * Subscribe to app system events for adding
- * additional data tags for the error reporting
- */
-function subscribeForAppDataTags() {
- const currentUser$ = platform.auth.getCurrentUserStream()
- currentUser$.subscribe((user) => {
- if (sentryActive) {
- Sentry.setTag("user_logged_in", !!user)
- }
- })
-export default <HoppModule>{
- onRouterInit(app, router) {
- if (!import.meta.env.VITE_SENTRY_DSN) {
- console.log(
- "Sentry tracing is not enabled because 'VITE_SENTRY_DSN' env is not defined"
- )
- return
- }
- if (settingsStore.value.TELEMETRY_ENABLED) {
- initSentry(import.meta.env.VITE_SENTRY_DSN, router, app)
- }
- settingsStore.subject$.subscribe(({ TELEMETRY_ENABLED }) => {
- if (!TELEMETRY_ENABLED && sentryActive) {
- deinitSentry()
- } else if (TELEMETRY_ENABLED && !sentryActive) {
- initSentry(import.meta.env.VITE_SENTRY_DSN!, router, app)
- }
- })
- subscribeToAppEventsForReporting()
- subscribeForAppDataTags()
- },