@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
import { UseGuards } from '@nestjs/common';
-import { Args, ID, Query, ResolveField, Resolver } from '@nestjs/graphql';
+import {
+ Args,
+ ID,
+ Mutation,
+ Query,
+ ResolveField,
+ Resolver,
+} from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { GqlThrottlerGuard } from 'src/guards/gql-throttler.guard';
import { Infra } from './infra.model';
import { AdminService } from './admin.service';
@@ -16,11 +23,21 @@ import { Team } from 'src/team/team.model';
import { TeamInvitation } from 'src/team-invitation/team-invitation.model';
import { GqlAdmin } from './decorators/gql-admin.decorator';
import { ShortcodeWithUserEmail } from 'src/shortcode/shortcode.model';
+import { InfraConfig } from 'src/infra-config/infra-config.model';
+import { InfraConfigService } from 'src/infra-config/infra-config.service';
+import {
+ EnableAndDisableSSOArgs,
+ InfraConfigArgs,
+} from 'src/infra-config/input-args';
+import { InfraConfigEnumForClient } from 'src/types/InfraConfig';
@Resolver(() => Infra)
export class InfraResolver {
- constructor(private adminService: AdminService) {}
+ constructor(
+ private adminService: AdminService,
+ private infraConfigService: InfraConfigService,
+ ) {}
@Query(() => Infra, {
description: 'Fetch details of the Infrastructure',
@@ -222,4 +239,76 @@ export class InfraResolver {
+ @Query(() => [InfraConfig], {
+ description: 'Retrieve configuration details for the instance',
+ })
+ @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard, GqlAdminGuard)
+ async infraConfigs(
+ @Args({
+ name: 'configNames',
+ type: () => [InfraConfigEnumForClient],
+ description: 'Configs to fetch',
+ })
+ names: InfraConfigEnumForClient[],
+ ) {
+ const infraConfigs = await this.infraConfigService.getMany(names);
+ if (E.isLeft(infraConfigs)) throwErr(infraConfigs.left);
+ return infraConfigs.right;
+ }
+ @Query(() => [String], {
+ description: 'Allowed Auth Provider list',
+ })
+ @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard, GqlAdminGuard)
+ allowedAuthProviders() {
+ return this.infraConfigService.getAllowedAuthProviders();
+ }
+ /* Mutations */
+ @Mutation(() => [InfraConfig], {
+ description: 'Update Infra Configs',
+ })
+ @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard, GqlAdminGuard)
+ async updateInfraConfigs(
+ @Args({
+ name: 'infraConfigs',
+ type: () => [InfraConfigArgs],
+ description: 'InfraConfigs to update',
+ })
+ infraConfigs: InfraConfigArgs[],
+ ) {
+ const updatedRes = await this.infraConfigService.updateMany(infraConfigs);
+ if (E.isLeft(updatedRes)) throwErr(updatedRes.left);
+ return updatedRes.right;
+ }
+ @Mutation(() => Boolean, {
+ description: 'Reset Infra Configs with default values (.env)',
+ })
+ @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard, GqlAdminGuard)
+ async resetInfraConfigs() {
+ const resetRes = await this.infraConfigService.reset();
+ if (E.isLeft(resetRes)) throwErr(resetRes.left);
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Mutation(() => Boolean, {
+ description: 'Enable or Disable SSO for login/signup',
+ })
+ @UseGuards(GqlAuthGuard, GqlAdminGuard)
+ async enableAndDisableSSO(
+ @Args({
+ name: 'providerInfo',
+ type: () => [EnableAndDisableSSOArgs],
+ description: 'SSO provider and status',
+ })
+ providerInfo: EnableAndDisableSSOArgs[],
+ ) {
+ const isUpdated = await this.infraConfigService.enableAndDisableSSO(providerInfo);
+ if (E.isLeft(isUpdated)) throwErr(isUpdated.left);
+ return true;
+ }