@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
+import {
+ GraphQLSchemaBuilderModule,
+ GraphQLSchemaFactory,
+} from '@nestjs/graphql';
+import { printSchema } from 'graphql/utilities';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+import { ShortcodeResolver } from './shortcode/shortcode.resolver';
+import { TeamCollectionResolver } from './team-collection/team-collection.resolver';
+import { TeamEnvironmentsResolver } from './team-environments/team-environments.resolver';
+import { TeamInvitationResolver } from './team-invitation/team-invitation.resolver';
+import { TeamRequestResolver } from './team-request/team-request.resolver';
+import { TeamMemberResolver } from './team/team-member.resolver';
+import { TeamResolver } from './team/team.resolver';
+import { UserCollectionResolver } from './user-collection/user-collection.resolver';
+import { UserEnvironmentsResolver } from './user-environment/user-environments.resolver';
+import { UserHistoryResolver } from './user-history/user-history.resolver';
+import { UserRequestResolver } from './user-request/resolvers/user-request.resolver';
+import { UserSettingsResolver } from './user-settings/user-settings.resolver';
+import { UserResolver } from './user/user.resolver';
+import { Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
+ * All the resolvers present in the application.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This needs to be KEPT UP-TO-DATE to keep the schema accurate
+ */
+const RESOLVERS = [
+ ShortcodeResolver,
+ TeamResolver,
+ TeamMemberResolver,
+ TeamCollectionResolver,
+ TeamEnvironmentsResolver,
+ TeamInvitationResolver,
+ TeamRequestResolver,
+ UserResolver,
+ UserCollectionResolver,
+ UserEnvironmentsResolver,
+ UserHistoryResolver,
+ UserCollectionResolver,
+ UserRequestResolver,
+ UserSettingsResolver,
+ * All the custom scalars present in the application.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This needs to be KEPT UP-TO-DATE to keep the schema accurate
+ */
+const SCALARS = [];
+ * Generates the GraphQL Schema SDL definition and writes it into the location
+ * specified by the `GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION` environment variable.
+ */
+export async function emitGQLSchemaFile() {
+ const logger = new Logger('emitGQLSchemaFile');
+ try {
+ const destination = path.resolve(
+ __dirname,
+ process.env.GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION ?? '../gen/schema.gql',
+ );
+ logger.log(`GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION: ${destination}`);
+ const app = await NestFactory.create(GraphQLSchemaBuilderModule);
+ await app.init();
+ const gqlSchemaFactory = app.get(GraphQLSchemaFactory);
+ logger.log(
+ `Generating Schema against ${RESOLVERS.length} resolvers and ${SCALARS.length} custom scalars`,
+ );
+ const schema = await gqlSchemaFactory.create(RESOLVERS, SCALARS);
+ const schemaString = printSchema(schema, {
+ commentDescriptions: true,
+ });
+ logger.log(`Writing schema to GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION (${destination})`);
+ // Generating folders if required to emit to the given output
+ fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(destination), { recursive: true });
+ fs.writeFileSync(destination, schemaString);
+ logger.log(`Wrote schema to GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION (${destination})`);
+ } catch (e) {
+ logger.error(
+ `Failed writing schema to GQL_SCHEMA_EMIT_LOCATION. Reason: ${e}`,
+ );
+ }