@@ -3,138 +3,247 @@ import { ExecException } from "child_process";
import { HoppErrorCode } from "../../types/errors";
import { runCLI, getErrorCode, getTestJsonFilePath } from "../utils";
-describe("Test 'hopp test <file>' command:", () => {
- test("No collection file path provided.", async () => {
- const args = "test";
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+describe("Test `hopp test <file>` command:", () => {
+ describe("Argument parsing", () => {
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` for not supplying enough arguments", async () => {
+ const args = "test";
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
+ });
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
- });
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` for an invalid command", async () => {
+ const args = "invalid-arg";
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Collection file not found.", async () => {
- const args = "test notfound.json";
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
+ });
+ })
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("FILE_NOT_FOUND");
- });
+ describe("Supplied collection export file validations", () => {
+ test("Errors with the code `FILE_NOT_FOUND` if the supplied collection export file doesn't exist", async () => {
+ const args = "test notfound.json";
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Collection file is invalid JSON.", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
- "malformed-collection.json"
- )}`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("FILE_NOT_FOUND");
+ });
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("UNKNOWN_ERROR");
- });
+ test("Errors with the code UNKNOWN_ERROR if the supplied collection export file content isn't valid JSON", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("malformed-coll.json", "collection")}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Malformed collection file.", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
- "malformed-collection2.json"
- )}`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("UNKNOWN_ERROR");
+ });
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("MALFORMED_COLLECTION");
- });
+ test("Errors with the code `MALFORMED_COLLECTION` if the supplied collection export file content is malformed", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("malformed-coll-2.json", "collection")}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Invalid arguement.", async () => {
- const args = "invalid-arg";
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("MALFORMED_COLLECTION");
+ });
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
- });
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_FILE_TYPE` if the supplied collection export file doesn't end with the `.json` extension", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("notjson-coll.txt", "collection")}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Collection file not JSON type.", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("notjson.txt")}`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_FILE_TYPE");
+ });
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_FILE_TYPE");
+ test("Fails if the collection file includes scripts with incorrect API usage and failed assertions", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("fails-coll.json", "collection")}`;
+ const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(error).not.toBeNull();
+ expect(error).toMatchObject(<ExecException>{
+ code: 1,
+ });
+ });
- test("Some errors occured (exit code 1).", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("fails.json")}`;
+ test("Successfully processes a supplied collection export file of the expected format", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("passes-coll.json", "collection")}`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
- expect(error).not.toBeNull();
- expect(error).toMatchObject(<ExecException>{
- code: 1,
- });
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
- test("No errors occured (exit code 0).", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("passes.json")}`;
+ test("Successfully inherits headers and authorization set at the root collection", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "collection-level-headers-auth-coll.json", "collection"
+ )}`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Supports inheriting headers and authorization set at the root collection", async () => {
- const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("collection-level-headers-auth.json")}`;
+ test("Persists environment variables set in the pre-request script for consumption in the test script", async () => {
+ const args = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "pre-req-script-env-var-persistence-coll.json", "collection"
+ )}`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
- })
+ });
-describe("Test 'hopp test <file> --env <file>' command:", () => {
- const VALID_TEST_ARGS = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
- "passes.json"
- )}`;
+describe("Test `hopp test <file> --env <file>` command:", () => {
+ describe("Supplied environment export file validations", () => {
+ const VALID_TEST_ARGS = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("passes-coll.json", "collection")}`;
- test("No env file path provided.", async () => {
- const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if no file is supplied", async () => {
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
- });
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_ARGUMENT");
+ });
- test("ENV file not JSON type.", async () => {
- const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env ${getTestJsonFilePath("notjson.txt")}`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_FILE_TYPE` if the supplied environment export file doesn't end with the `.json` extension", async () => {
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env ${getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "notjson-coll.txt", "collection"
+ )}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_FILE_TYPE");
- });
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("INVALID_FILE_TYPE");
+ });
- test("ENV file not found.", async () => {
- const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env notfound.json`;
- const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ test("Errors with the code `FILE_NOT_FOUND` if the supplied environment export file doesn't exist", async () => {
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env notfound.json`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
- const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
- expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("FILE_NOT_FOUND");
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("FILE_NOT_FOUND");
+ });
+ test("Errors with the code `MALFORMED_ENV_FILE` on supplying a malformed environment export file", async () => {
+ const ENV_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("malformed-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env ${ENV_PATH}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("MALFORMED_ENV_FILE");
+ });
+ test("Errors with the code `BULK_ENV_FILE` on supplying an environment export file based on the bulk environment export format", async () => {
+ const ENV_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("bulk-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --env ${ENV_PATH}`;
+ const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
+ const out = getErrorCode(stderr);
+ expect(out).toBe<HoppErrorCode>("BULK_ENV_FILE");
+ });
- test("No errors occured (exit code 0).", async () => {
- const TESTS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-tests.json");
- const ENV_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-envs.json");
+ test("Successfully resolves values from the supplied environment export file", async () => {
+ const TESTS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-tests-coll.json", "collection");
+ const ENV_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-envs.json", "environment");
const args = `test ${TESTS_PATH} --env ${ENV_PATH}`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
- test("Correctly resolves environment variables referenced in the request body", async () => {
- const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("req-body-env-vars-coll.json");
- const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("req-body-env-vars-envs.json");
+ test("Successfully resolves environment variables referenced in the request body", async () => {
+ const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("req-body-env-vars-coll.json", "collection");
+ const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("req-body-env-vars-envs.json", "environment");
const args = `test ${COLL_PATH} --env ${ENVS_PATH}`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ test("Works with shorth `-e` flag", async () => {
+ const TESTS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-tests-coll.json", "collection");
+ const ENV_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("env-flag-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `test ${TESTS_PATH} -e ${ENV_PATH}`;
+ const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });
+ describe("Secret environment variables", () => {
+ jest.setTimeout(10000);
+ // Reads secret environment values from system environment
+ test("Successfully picks the values for secret environment variables from `process.env` and persists the variables set from the pre-request script", async () => {
+ const env = {
+ ...process.env,
+ secretBearerToken: "test-token",
+ secretBasicAuthUsername: "test-user",
+ secretBasicAuthPassword: "test-pass",
+ secretQueryParamValue: "secret-query-param-value",
+ secretBodyValue: "secret-body-value",
+ secretHeaderValue: "secret-header-value",
+ };
+ const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("secret-envs-coll.json", "collection");
+ const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("secret-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `test ${COLL_PATH} --env ${ENVS_PATH}`;
+ const { error, stdout } = await runCLI(args, { env });
+ expect(stdout).toContain(
+ "https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/*********/*********"
+ );
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });
+ // Prefers values specified in the environment export file over values set in the system environment
+ test("Successfully picks the values for secret environment variables set directly in the environment export file and persists the environment variables set from the pre-request script", async () => {
+ const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("secret-envs-coll.json", "collection");
+ const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("secret-supplied-values-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `test ${COLL_PATH} --env ${ENVS_PATH}`;
+ const { error, stdout } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(stdout).toContain(
+ "https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/*********/*********"
+ );
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });
+ // Values set from the scripting context takes the highest precedence
+ test("Setting values for secret environment variables from the pre-request script overrides values set at the supplied environment export file", async () => {
+ const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "secret-envs-persistence-coll.json", "collection"
+ );
+ const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath("secret-supplied-values-envs.json", "environment");
+ const args = `test ${COLL_PATH} --env ${ENVS_PATH}`;
+ const { error, stdout } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(stdout).toContain(
+ "https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/*********/*********"
+ );
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });
+ test("Persists secret environment variable values set from the pre-request script for consumption in the request and post-request script context", async () => {
+ const COLL_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "secret-envs-persistence-scripting-coll.json", "collection"
+ );
+ const ENVS_PATH = getTestJsonFilePath(
+ "secret-envs-persistence-scripting-envs.json", "environment"
+ );
+ const args = `test ${COLL_PATH} --env ${ENVS_PATH}`;
+ const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });
+ });
-describe("Test 'hopp test <file> --delay <delay_in_ms>' command:", () => {
- const VALID_TEST_ARGS = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath(
- "passes.json"
- )}`;
+describe("Test `hopp test <file> --delay <delay_in_ms>` command:", () => {
+ const VALID_TEST_ARGS = `test ${getTestJsonFilePath("passes-coll.json", "collection")}`;
- test("No value passed to delay flag.", async () => {
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` on not supplying a delay value", async () => {
const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --delay`;
const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
@@ -142,7 +251,7 @@ describe("Test 'hopp test <file> --delay <delay_in_ms>' command:", () => {
- test("Invalid value passed to delay flag.", async () => {
+ test("Errors with the code `INVALID_ARGUMENT` on supplying an invalid delay value", async () => {
const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --delay 'NaN'`;
const { stderr } = await runCLI(args);
@@ -150,10 +259,17 @@ describe("Test 'hopp test <file> --delay <delay_in_ms>' command:", () => {
- test("Valid value passed to delay flag.", async () => {
+ test("Successfully performs delayed request execution for a valid delay value", async () => {
const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} --delay 1`;
const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ test("Works with the short `-d` flag", async () => {
+ const args = `${VALID_TEST_ARGS} -d 1`;
+ const { error } = await runCLI(args);
+ expect(error).toBeNull();
+ });