@@ -1,27 +1,25 @@
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
-import * as T from 'fp-ts/Task';
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option';
-import * as TO from 'fp-ts/TaskOption';
-import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither';
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either';
-import { pipe, flow, constVoid } from 'fp-ts/function';
import { PrismaService } from 'src/prisma/prisma.service';
-import { Team, TeamMemberRole } from 'src/team/team.model';
-import { Email } from 'src/types/Email';
-import { User } from 'src/user/user.model';
+import { TeamInvitation as DBTeamInvitation } from '@prisma/client';
+import { TeamMember, TeamMemberRole } from 'src/team/team.model';
import { TeamService } from 'src/team/team.service';
import {
} from 'src/errors';
import { TeamInvitation } from './team-invitation.model';
import { MailerService } from 'src/mailer/mailer.service';
import { UserService } from 'src/user/user.service';
import { PubSubService } from 'src/pubsub/pubsub.service';
import { validateEmail } from '../utils';
+import { AuthUser } from 'src/types/AuthUser';
export class TeamInvitationService {
@@ -32,38 +30,37 @@ export class TeamInvitationService {
private readonly mailerService: MailerService,
private readonly pubsub: PubSubService,
- ) {
- this.getInvitation = this.getInvitation.bind(this);
- }
+ ) {}
- getInvitation(inviteID: string): TO.TaskOption<TeamInvitation> {
- return pipe(
- () =>
- this.prisma.teamInvitation.findUnique({
- where: {
- id: inviteID,
- },
- }),
- TO.fromTask,
- TO.chain(flow(O.fromNullable, TO.fromOption)),
- TO.map((x) => x as TeamInvitation),
- );
+ /**
+ * Cast a DBTeamInvitation to a TeamInvitation
+ * @param dbTeamInvitation database TeamInvitation
+ * @returns TeamInvitation model
+ */
+ cast(dbTeamInvitation: DBTeamInvitation): TeamInvitation {
+ return {
+ ...dbTeamInvitation,
+ inviteeRole: TeamMemberRole[dbTeamInvitation.inviteeRole],
+ };
- getInvitationWithEmail(email: Email, team: Team) {
- return pipe(
- () =>
- this.prisma.teamInvitation.findUnique({
- where: {
- teamID_inviteeEmail: {
- inviteeEmail: email,
- teamID: team.id,
- },
- },
- }),
- TO.fromTask,
- TO.chain(flow(O.fromNullable, TO.fromOption)),
- );
+ /**
+ * Get the team invite
+ * @param inviteID invite id
+ * @returns an Option of team invitation or none
+ */
+ async getInvitation(inviteID: string) {
+ try {
+ const dbInvitation = await this.prisma.teamInvitation.findUniqueOrThrow({
+ where: {
+ id: inviteID,
+ },
+ });
+ return O.some(this.cast(dbInvitation));
+ } catch (e) {
+ return O.none;
+ }
@@ -92,213 +89,162 @@ export class TeamInvitationService {
- createInvitation(
- creator: User,
- team: Team,
- inviteeEmail: Email,
+ /**
+ * Create a team invitation
+ * @param creator creator of the invitation
+ * @param teamID team id
+ * @param inviteeEmail invitee email
+ * @param inviteeRole invitee role
+ * @returns an Either of team invitation or error message
+ */
+ async createInvitation(
+ creator: AuthUser,
+ teamID: string,
+ inviteeEmail: string,
inviteeRole: TeamMemberRole,
) {
- return pipe(
- // Perform all validation checks
- TE.sequenceArray([
- // creator should be a TeamMember
- pipe(
- this.teamService.getTeamMemberTE(team.id, creator.uid),
- TE.map(constVoid),
- ),
- // Invitee should not be a team member
- pipe(
- async () => await this.userService.findUserByEmail(inviteeEmail),
- TO.foldW(
- () => TE.right(undefined), // If no user, short circuit to completion
- (user) =>
- pipe(
- // If user is found, check if team member
- this.teamService.getTeamMemberTE(team.id, user.uid),
- TE.foldW(
- () => TE.right(undefined), // Not team-member, this is good
- () => TE.left(TEAM_INVITE_ALREADY_MEMBER), // Is team member, not good
- ),
- ),
- ),
- TE.map(constVoid),
- ),
- // Should not have an existing invite
- pipe(
- this.getInvitationWithEmail(inviteeEmail, team),
- TE.fromTaskOption(() => null),
- TE.swap,
- TE.map(constVoid),
- ),
- ]),
+ // validate email
+ const isEmailValid = validateEmail(inviteeEmail);
+ if (!isEmailValid) return E.left(INVALID_EMAIL);
- // Create the invitation
- TE.chainTaskK(
- () => () =>
- this.prisma.teamInvitation.create({
- data: {
- teamID: team.id,
- inviteeEmail,
- inviteeRole,
- creatorUid: creator.uid,
- },
- }),
- ),
+ // team ID should valid
+ const team = await this.teamService.getTeamWithID(teamID);
+ if (!team) return E.left(TEAM_INVALID_ID);
- // Send email, this is a side effect
- TE.chainFirstTaskK((invitation) =>
- pipe(
- this.mailerService.sendMail(inviteeEmail, {
- template: 'team-invitation',
- variables: {
- invitee: creator.displayName ?? 'A Hoppscotch User',
- action_url: `${process.env.VITE_BASE_URL}/join-team?id=${invitation.id}`,
- invite_team_name: team.name,
- },
- }),
+ // invitation creator should be a TeamMember
+ const isTeamMember = await this.teamService.getTeamMember(
+ team.id,
+ creator.uid,
+ );
+ if (!isTeamMember) return E.left(TEAM_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND);
+ // Checking to see if the invitee is already part of the team or not
+ const inviteeUser = await this.userService.findUserByEmail(inviteeEmail);
+ if (O.isSome(inviteeUser)) {
+ // invitee should not already a member
+ const isTeamMember = await this.teamService.getTeamMember(
+ team.id,
+ inviteeUser.value.uid,
+ );
+ if (isTeamMember) return E.left(TEAM_INVITE_ALREADY_MEMBER);
+ }
- TE.getOrElseW(() => T.of(undefined)), // This value doesn't matter as we don't mind the return value (chainFirst) as long as the task completes
- ),
- ),
+ // check invitee already invited earlier or not
+ const teamInvitation = await this.getTeamInviteByEmailAndTeamID(
+ inviteeEmail,
+ team.id,
+ );
+ if (E.isRight(teamInvitation)) return E.left(TEAM_INVITE_MEMBER_HAS_INVITE);
+ // create the invitation
+ const dbInvitation = await this.prisma.teamInvitation.create({
+ data: {
+ teamID: team.id,
+ inviteeEmail,
+ inviteeRole,
+ creatorUid: creator.uid,
+ },
+ });
- // Send PubSub topic
- TE.chainFirstTaskK((invitation) =>
- TE.fromTask(async () => {
- const inv: TeamInvitation = {
- id: invitation.id,
- teamID: invitation.teamID,
- creatorUid: invitation.creatorUid,
- inviteeEmail: invitation.inviteeEmail,
- inviteeRole: TeamMemberRole[invitation.inviteeRole],
- };
+ await this.mailerService.sendEmail(inviteeEmail, {
+ template: 'team-invitation',
+ variables: {
+ invitee: creator.displayName ?? 'A Hoppscotch User',
+ action_url: `${process.env.VITE_BASE_URL}/join-team?id=${dbInvitation.id}`,
+ invite_team_name: team.name,
+ },
+ });
- this.pubsub.publish(`team/${inv.teamID}/invite_added`, inv);
- }),
- ),
+ const invitation = this.cast(dbInvitation);
+ this.pubsub.publish(`team/${invitation.teamID}/invite_added`, invitation);
- // Map to model type
- TE.map((x) => x as TeamInvitation),
- );
+ return E.right(invitation);
- revokeInvitation(inviteID: string) {
- return pipe(
- // Make sure invite exists
- this.getInvitation(inviteID),
- TE.fromTaskOption(() => TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_FOUND),
- // Delete team invitation
- TE.chainTaskK(
- () => () =>
- this.prisma.teamInvitation.delete({
- where: {
- id: inviteID,
- },
- }),
- ),
+ /**
+ * Revoke a team invitation
+ * @param inviteID invite id
+ * @returns an Either of true or error message
+ */
+ async revokeInvitation(inviteID: string) {
+ // check if the invite exists
+ const invitation = await this.getInvitation(inviteID);
+ if (O.isNone(invitation)) return E.left(TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_FOUND);
- // Emit Pubsub Event
- TE.chainFirst((invitation) =>
- TE.fromTask(() =>
- this.pubsub.publish(
- `team/${invitation.teamID}/invite_removed`,
- invitation.id,
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ // delete the invite
+ await this.prisma.teamInvitation.delete({
+ where: {
+ id: inviteID,
+ },
+ });
- // We are not returning anything
- TE.map(constVoid),
+ this.pubsub.publish(
+ `team/${invitation.value.teamID}/invite_removed`,
+ invitation.value.id,
- }
- getAllInvitationsInTeam(team: Team) {
- return pipe(
- () =>
- this.prisma.teamInvitation.findMany({
- where: {
- teamID: team.id,
- },
- }),
- T.map((x) => x as TeamInvitation[]),
- );
+ return E.right(true);
- acceptInvitation(inviteID: string, acceptedBy: User) {
- return pipe(
- TE.Do,
- // First get the invitation
- TE.bindW('invitation', () =>
- pipe(
- this.getInvitation(inviteID),
- TE.fromTaskOption(() => TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_FOUND),
- ),
- ),
- // Validation checks
- TE.chainFirstW(({ invitation }) =>
- TE.sequenceArray([
- // Make sure the invited user is not part of the team
- pipe(
- this.teamService.getTeamMemberTE(invitation.teamID, acceptedBy.uid),
- TE.swap,
- TE.bimap(
- constVoid, // The return type is ignored
- ),
- ),
+ /**
+ * Accept a team invitation
+ * @param inviteID invite id
+ * @param acceptedBy user who accepted the invitation
+ * @returns an Either of team member or error message
+ */
+ async acceptInvitation(inviteID: string, acceptedBy: AuthUser) {
+ // check if the invite exists
+ const invitation = await this.getInvitation(inviteID);
+ if (O.isNone(invitation)) return E.left(TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_FOUND);
+ // make sure the user is not already a member of the team
+ const teamMemberInvitee = await this.teamService.getTeamMember(
+ invitation.value.teamID,
+ acceptedBy.uid,
+ );
+ if (teamMemberInvitee) return E.left(TEAM_INVITE_ALREADY_MEMBER);
- // Make sure the invited user and accepting user has the same email
- pipe(
- undefined,
- TE.fromPredicate(
- () =>
- acceptedBy.email.toLowerCase() ===
- invitation.inviteeEmail.toLowerCase(),
- ),
- ),
- ]),
- ),
+ // make sure the user is the same as the invitee
+ if (
+ acceptedBy.email.toLowerCase() !==
+ invitation.value.inviteeEmail.toLowerCase()
+ )
- // Add the team member
- // TODO: Somehow bring subscriptions to this ?
- TE.bindW('teamMember', ({ invitation }) =>
- pipe(
- TE.tryCatch(
- () =>
- this.teamService.addMemberToTeam(
- invitation.teamID,
- acceptedBy.uid,
- invitation.inviteeRole,
- ),
- () => TEAM_INVITE_ALREADY_MEMBER, // Can only fail if Team Member already exists, which we checked, but due to async lets assert that here too
- ),
- ),
- ),
+ // add the user to the team
+ let teamMember: TeamMember;
+ try {
+ teamMember = await this.teamService.addMemberToTeam(
+ invitation.value.teamID,
+ acceptedBy.uid,
+ invitation.value.inviteeRole,
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
- TE.chainFirstW(({ invitation }) => this.revokeInvitation(invitation.id)),
+ // delete the invite
+ await this.revokeInvitation(inviteID);
- TE.map(({ teamMember }) => teamMember),
- );
+ return E.right(teamMember);
- * Fetch the count invitations for a given team.
+ * Fetch all team invitations for a given team.
* @param teamID team id
- * @returns a count team invitations for a team
+ * @returns array of team invitations for a team
- async getAllTeamInvitations(teamID: string) {
- const invitations = await this.prisma.teamInvitation.findMany({
+ async getTeamInvitations(teamID: string) {
+ const dbInvitations = await this.prisma.teamInvitation.findMany({
where: {
teamID: teamID,
+ const invitations: TeamInvitation[] = dbInvitations.map((dbInvitation) =>
+ this.cast(dbInvitation),
+ );
return invitations;