@@ -8,7 +8,12 @@ import {
} from "../workspace"
-import { HoppCollection, HoppRESTRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data"
+import {
+ HoppCollection,
+ HoppRESTAuth,
+ HoppRESTHeader,
+ HoppRESTRequest,
+} from "@hoppscotch/data"
import * as E from "fp-ts/Either"
import { platform } from "~/platform"
@@ -27,8 +32,8 @@ import { createTeam } from "~/helpers/backend/mutations/Team"
import { Ref, computed, ref } from "vue"
import {
+ RESTCollectionJSONView,
- RESTCollectionViewItem,
} from "../view"
import { runGQLQuery, runGQLSubscription } from "~/helpers/backend/GQLClient"
@@ -53,6 +58,19 @@ import { generateKeyBetween } from "fractional-indexing"
import IconUser from "~icons/lucide/user"
import TeamsWorkspaceSelector from "~/components/workspace/TeamsWorkspaceSelector.vue"
import { lazy } from "~/helpers/utils/lazy"
+import { HoppInheritedProperty } from "~/helpers/types/HoppInheritedProperties"
+import { initializeDownloadFile } from "~/helpers/import-export/export"
+type TeamsWorkspaceCollection = WorkspaceCollection & {
+ parentCollectionID?: string
+ order: string
+ auth: HoppRESTAuth
+ headers: HoppRESTHeader[]
+type TeamsWorkspaceRequest = WorkspaceRequest & {
+ order: string
export class TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
extends Service
@@ -66,18 +84,9 @@ export class TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
private workspaces: Ref<Workspace[]> = ref([])
- private collections: Ref<
- (WorkspaceCollection & {
- parentCollectionID?: string
- order: string
- })[]
- > = ref([])
+ private collections: Ref<TeamsWorkspaceCollection[]> = ref([])
- private requests: Ref<
- (WorkspaceRequest & {
- order: string
- })[]
- > = ref([])
+ private requests: Ref<TeamsWorkspaceRequest[]> = ref([])
private orderedRequests = computed(() => {
return sortByOrder(this.requests.value)
@@ -716,6 +725,196 @@ export class TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ async getRESTCollectionLevelAuthHeadersView(
+ collectionHandle: Handle<WorkspaceCollection>
+ ): Promise<E.Either<never, Handle<RESTCollectionLevelAuthHeadersView>>> {
+ return E.right({
+ get: () =>
+ computed(() => {
+ const collectionHandleRef = collectionHandle.get()
+ if (!isValidCollectionHandle(collectionHandleRef, this.providerID)) {
+ return {
+ type: "invalid" as const,
+ }
+ }
+ const { collectionID } = collectionHandleRef.value.data
+ const collection = this.collections.value.find(
+ (collection) => collection.collectionID === collectionID
+ )
+ if (!collection) {
+ return {
+ type: "invalid" as const,
+ }
+ }
+ let inheritedAuth: HoppInheritedProperty["auth"] = {
+ parentID: "",
+ parentName: "",
+ inheritedAuth: {
+ authType: "none",
+ authActive: true,
+ },
+ }
+ let collectionToProcess: typeof collection | undefined = collection
+ // TODO: move this into a function
+ while (collectionToProcess) {
+ if (collectionToProcess.auth.authType !== "inherit") {
+ inheritedAuth = {
+ parentID: collectionToProcess.collectionID,
+ parentName: collectionToProcess.name,
+ inheritedAuth: collectionToProcess.auth,
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ const parentCollectionID: string | undefined =
+ collectionToProcess.parentCollectionID
+ if (!parentCollectionID) {
+ break
+ }
+ collectionToProcess = this.collections.value.find(
+ (collection) => collection.collectionID === parentCollectionID
+ )
+ }
+ let collectionToProcessHeaders: typeof collection | undefined =
+ collection
+ const inheritedHeaders: HoppInheritedProperty["headers"] = []
+ const headerKeys = new Set<string>()
+ // TODO: move this into a function
+ while (collectionToProcessHeaders) {
+ collectionToProcessHeaders.headers
+ .filter((header) => header.active)
+ .forEach((header) => {
+ if (!headerKeys.has(header.key) && collectionToProcessHeaders) {
+ inheritedHeaders.push({
+ parentID: collectionToProcessHeaders.collectionID,
+ parentName: collectionToProcessHeaders.name,
+ inheritedHeader: header,
+ })
+ headerKeys.add(header.key)
+ }
+ })
+ const parentCollectionID: string | undefined =
+ collectionToProcessHeaders.parentCollectionID
+ if (!parentCollectionID) {
+ break
+ }
+ collectionToProcessHeaders = this.collections.value.find(
+ (collection) => collection.collectionID === parentCollectionID
+ )
+ }
+ return {
+ data: {
+ auth: inheritedAuth,
+ headers: inheritedHeaders,
+ },
+ type: "ok" as const,
+ }
+ }),
+ })
+ }
+ public async exportRESTCollections(
+ workspaceHandle: Handle<WorkspaceCollection>
+ ): Promise<E.Either<unknown, void>> {
+ const workspaceHandleRef = workspaceHandle.get()
+ if (!isValidWorkspaceHandle(workspaceHandleRef, this.providerID)) {
+ return E.left("INVALID_WORKSPACE_HANDLE" as const)
+ }
+ const workspaceID = workspaceHandleRef.value.data.workspaceID
+ const collectionsInWorkspace = this.collections.value.filter(
+ (collection) => {
+ return collection.workspaceID === workspaceID
+ }
+ )
+ const requestsInWorkspace = this.requests.value.filter((request) => {
+ return request.workspaceID === workspaceID
+ })
+ const tree = makeCollectionTree(collectionsInWorkspace, requestsInWorkspace)
+ const downloadRes = await initializeDownloadFile(
+ JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2),
+ "Collections"
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(downloadRes)) {
+ return downloadRes
+ }
+ return E.right(undefined)
+ }
+ public async getRESTCollectionJSONView(
+ workspaceHandle: Handle<Workspace>
+ ): Promise<E.Either<never, Handle<RESTCollectionJSONView>>> {
+ const workspaceHandleRef = workspaceHandle.get()
+ return E.right({
+ get: () =>
+ computed(() => {
+ if (!isValidWorkspaceHandle(workspaceHandleRef, this.providerID)) {
+ return {
+ type: "invalid" as const,
+ }
+ }
+ const workspaceID = workspaceHandleRef.value.data.workspaceID
+ const collectionsInWorkspace = this.collections.value.filter(
+ (collection) => {
+ return collection.workspaceID === workspaceID
+ }
+ )
+ const requestsInWorkspace = this.requests.value.filter((request) => {
+ return request.workspaceID === workspaceID
+ })
+ const tree = makeCollectionTree(
+ collectionsInWorkspace,
+ requestsInWorkspace
+ )
+ const view: RESTCollectionJSONView = {
+ providerID: this.providerID,
+ workspaceID,
+ content: JSON.stringify(tree, null, 2),
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "ok" as const,
+ data: view,
+ }
+ }),
+ })
+ }
// this might be temporary, might move this to decor
async getWorkspaceHandle(
workspaceID: string
@@ -758,10 +957,6 @@ export class TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
- console.group("Team Collection Added")
- console.log(result)
- console.groupEnd()
const parentCollectionID = result.right.teamCollectionAdded.parent?.id
const siblingCollections = this.collections.value.filter(
@@ -1346,6 +1541,77 @@ const sortByOrder = <OrderedItem extends { order: string }>(
+// converts the flat collections structure to the HoppCollection tree format
+function makeCollectionTree(
+ collections: TeamsWorkspaceCollection[],
+ requests: TeamsWorkspaceRequest[]
+) {
+ const collectionsTree: HoppCollection[] = []
+ const collectionsMap = new Map<
+ string,
+ HoppCollection & { parentCollectionID?: string; id: string; order: string }
+ >()
+ // build a copy of the collections array with empty folders & requests
+ // so we don't mutate the original argument array
+ const hoppCollections = collections.map(
+ (
+ collection
+ ): HoppCollection & {
+ parentCollectionID?: string
+ id: string
+ order: string
+ } => ({
+ parentCollectionID: collection.parentCollectionID,
+ order: collection.order,
+ id: collection.collectionID,
+ name: collection.name,
+ auth: collection.auth,
+ headers: collection.headers,
+ // we'll populate the child collections and child requests in the next steps
+ folders: [],
+ requests: [],
+ v: 2,
+ })
+ )
+ const uniqueParentCollectionIDs = new Set<string>()
+ hoppCollections.forEach((collection) => {
+ if (collection.parentCollectionID) {
+ uniqueParentCollectionIDs.add(collection.parentCollectionID)
+ } else {
+ collectionsTree.push(collection)
+ uniqueParentCollectionIDs.add(collection.id)
+ }
+ collectionsMap.set(collection.id, collection)
+ })
+ const collectionsMapArray = Array.from(collectionsMap)
+ uniqueParentCollectionIDs.forEach((parentCollectionID) => {
+ const childCollections = collectionsMapArray
+ .filter(([, collection]) => {
+ return collection.parentCollectionID === parentCollectionID
+ })
+ .map(([, collection]) => collection)
+ .sort((a, b) => a.order.localeCompare(b.order))
+ const childRequests = requests
+ .filter((request) => request.collectionID === parentCollectionID)
+ .sort((a, b) => a.order.localeCompare(b.order))
+ const parentCollection = collectionsMap.get(parentCollectionID)
+ parentCollection?.folders.push(...childCollections)
+ parentCollection?.requests.push(
+ ...childRequests.map((request): HoppRESTRequest => request.request)
+ )
+ })
+ return collectionsTree
// where to put the getChildren api call
// cursor + pagination stuff