@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"disconnect": "斷開連線",
"dismiss": "忽略",
"download_file": "下載檔案",
- "duplicate": "重複",
+ "duplicate": "副本",
"edit": "編輯",
"go_back": "返回",
"label": "標籤",
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"stop": "停止",
"turn_off": "關閉",
"turn_on": "開啟",
- "undo": "復原",
+ "undo": "撤消",
"yes": "是"
"add": {
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
"body": "該請求沒有任何請求體",
"collection": "組合為空",
"collections": "組合為空",
- "documentation": "連接至 GraphQL 端點以檢視文檔",
+ "documentation": "連線到 GraphQL 端點以檢視文件",
"endpoint": "Endpoint cannot be empty",
"environments": "環境為空",
"folder": "資料夾為空",
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"invites": "邀請名單為空",
"members": "團隊為空",
"parameters": "該請求沒有任何引數",
- "pending_invites": "There are no pending invites for this team",
+ "pending_invites": "這個團隊沒有待定的邀請",
"profile": "登入以檢視您的個人檔案",
"protocols": "協議為空",
"schema": "連線至 GraphQL 端點",
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@
"empty_req_name": "空請求名稱",
"f12_details": "(F12 詳情)",
"gql_prettify_invalid_query": "無法美化無效的查詢,處理查詢語法錯誤並重試",
- "incorrect_email": "電子郵件地址錯誤",
+ "incorrect_email": "錯誤的電子郵箱",
"invalid_link": "Invalid link",
"invalid_link_description": "The link you clicked is invalid or expired.",
"json_prettify_invalid_body": "無法美化無效的請求頭,處理 JSON 語法錯誤並重試",
- "network_error": "似乎發生了網路錯誤。請再試一次。",
+ "network_error": "似乎有網路錯誤。請再試一次。",
"network_fail": "無法傳送請求",
"no_duration": "無持續時間",
"something_went_wrong": "發生了一些錯誤"
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"navigation": {
"doc": "文件",
"graphql": "GraphQL",
- "profile": "Profile",
+ "profile": "設定檔",
"realtime": "實時",
"rest": "REST",
"settings": "設定"
@@ -269,15 +269,15 @@
"profile": {
"app_settings": "應用程式設定",
- "editor": "編輯者",
- "editor_description": "編輯者能夠新增、編輯、和刪除請求。",
- "no_permission": "您沒有執行此操作的權限。",
+ "editor": "編輯器",
+ "editor_description": "編輯器可以新增、編輯和刪除請求。",
+ "no_permission": "你沒有權限執行此操作。",
"owner": "擁有者",
- "owner_description": "擁有者能夠新增、編輯、和刪除請求、組合、及團隊成員。",
+ "owner_description": "擁有者可以新增、編輯和刪除請求、組合和團隊成員。",
"roles": "角色",
- "roles_description": "角色能夠控管共用組合的存取權。",
+ "roles_description": "角色用來控制對共用組合的訪問權。",
"viewer": "檢視者",
- "viewer_description": "檢視者僅能檢視和使用請求。"
+ "viewer_description": "檢視者只能檢視和使用請求。"
"remove": {
"star": "移除星標"
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
"body": "回應體",
"headers": "回應頭",
"html": "HTML",
- "image": "影像",
+ "image": "影象",
"json": "JSON",
"preview_html": "預覽 HTML",
"raw": "原始內容",
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"change_font_size": "更改字型大小",
"choose_language": "選擇語言",
"dark_mode": "暗色",
- "expand_navigation": "Expand navigation",
+ "expand_navigation": "展開導航欄",
"experiments": "實驗功能",
"experiments_notice": "下面是我們正在開發中的一些實驗功能,這些功能可能會很有用,可能很有趣,又或者二者都是或都不是。這些功能並非最終版本且可能不穩定,所以如果發生了一些過於奇怪的事情,不要驚慌,關掉它們就好了。玩笑歸玩笑,",
"extension_ver_not_reported": "未報告",
@@ -355,15 +355,15 @@
"language": "語言",
"light_mode": "亮色",
"official_proxy_hosting": "官方代理由 Hoppscotch 託管。",
- "profile": "Profile",
- "profile_description": "更新您的個人檔案資訊",
- "profile_name": "個人檔案名稱",
+ "profile": "設定檔",
+ "profile_description": "更新你的設定檔詳細資料",
+ "profile_name": "設定檔名稱",
"proxy": "網路代理",
"proxy_url": "代理網址",
"proxy_use_toggle": "使用代理中介軟體傳送請求",
"read_the": "閱讀",
"reset_default": "重置為預設",
- "sidebar_on_left": "將側邊欄移至左側",
+ "sidebar_on_left": "左側邊欄",
"sync": "同步",
"sync_collections": "組合",
"sync_description": "這些設定會同步到雲端。",
@@ -490,52 +490,52 @@
"websocket": "WebSocket"
"team": {
- "already_member": "您已經是此團隊的成員了。請與您的團隊擁有者聯繫。",
+ "already_member": "你已經是這個團隊的成員了。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
"create_new": "建立新團隊",
"deleted": "團隊已刪除",
"edit": "編輯團隊",
"email": "電子郵箱",
- "email_do_not_match": "電子郵件地址與您的帳號資料不相符。請與您的團隊擁有者聯繫。",
+ "email_do_not_match": "電子郵箱與你的帳戶資料不一致。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
"exit": "退出團隊",
"exit_disabled": "團隊所有者無法退出團隊",
"invalid_email_format": "電子郵箱格式無效",
- "invalid_id": "團隊 ID 無效。請與您的團隊擁有者聯繫。",
- "invalid_invite_link": "邀請連結無效",
- "invalid_invite_link_description": "The link you followed is invalid. Contact your team owner.",
+ "invalid_id": "無效團隊 ID。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
+ "invalid_invite_link": "無效邀請連結",
+ "invalid_invite_link_description": "無效連結。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
"invalid_member_permission": "請為團隊成員提供有效的許可權",
"invite": "邀請",
"invite_more": "邀請更多",
- "invite_tooltip": "邀請其他人加入此工作區",
- "invited_to_team": "{owner} 邀請您加入 {team}",
- "join": "Invitation accepted",
+ "invite_tooltip": "邀請人們到這個工作區",
+ "invited_to_team": "{owner} 邀請你加入 {team}",
+ "join": "已接受邀請",
"join_beta": "加入 Beta 計劃以訪問團隊。",
"join_team": "加入 {team}",
- "joined_team": "您加入了 {team}",
- "joined_team_description": "您現在是此團隊的成員了",
+ "joined_team": "你已加入 {team}",
+ "joined_team_description": "你現在是這個團隊的成員",
"left": "你已離開團隊",
- "login_to_continue": "登入以繼續",
- "login_to_continue_description": "您必須先登入才能加入團隊",
- "logout_and_try_again": "登出並以其他帳號登入",
- "member_has_invite": "This email ID already has an invite. Contact your team owner.",
- "member_not_found": "找不到成員。請與您的團隊擁有者聯繫。",
+ "login_to_continue": "登入後繼續",
+ "login_to_continue_description": "你需要登入才能加入一個團隊。",
+ "logout_and_try_again": "登出並以另一個帳戶登入",
+ "member_has_invite": "這個電子郵箱已經有一個邀請。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
+ "member_not_found": "未找到成員。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
"member_removed": "使用者已移除",
"member_role_updated": "使用者角色已更新",
"members": "成員",
"name_length_insufficient": "團隊名稱至少為 6 個字元",
- "name_updated": "Team name updated",
+ "name_updated": "團隊名稱已更新",
"new": "新團隊",
"new_created": "已建立新團隊",
"new_name": "我的新團隊",
"no_access": "你沒有編輯組合的許可權",
- "no_invite_found": "找不到邀請。請與您的團隊擁有者聯繫。",
- "not_valid_viewer": "You are not a valid viewer. Contact your team owner.",
- "pending_invites": "Pending invites",
+ "no_invite_found": "未找到邀請。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
+ "not_valid_viewer": "你不是一個有效的檢視者。聯絡你的團隊擁有者。",
+ "pending_invites": "待定邀請",
"permissions": "許可權",
"saved": "團隊已儲存",
"select_a_team": "選擇團隊",
"title": "團隊",
- "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!",
- "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team."
+ "we_sent_invite_link": "我們向所有受邀者者傳送了邀請連結!",
+ "we_sent_invite_link_description": "請所有受邀者檢查他們的收件箱。點擊連結加入團隊。"
"test": {
"failed": "測試未通過",