@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import firebase from "firebase"
-import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs"
-import { currentUser$ } from "./auth"
-type HoppFeed = firebase.firestore.DocumentData & {
- id: string
- label: string
- message: string
- * An observable subject which is defined as an array of feeds
- * the current user has.
- *
- * Note: If this is null, then it means the user is not signed in
- */
-export const currentFeeds$ = new BehaviorSubject<HoppFeed[] | null>(null)
-export function initFeeds() {
- let snapshotStop: (() => void) | null = null
- currentUser$.subscribe((user) => {
- if (!user && snapshotStop) {
- // User has logged out, clean up snapshot listeners
- snapshotStop()
- snapshotStop = null
- } else if (user) {
- snapshotStop = firebase
- .firestore()
- .collection("users")
- .doc(user.uid)
- .collection("feeds")
- .orderBy("createdOn", "desc")
- .onSnapshot((feedsRef) => {
- const feeds: HoppFeed[] = []
- feedsRef.forEach((doc) => {
- const feed = doc.data()
- feed.id = doc.id
- feeds.push(feed as HoppFeed)
- })
- currentFeeds$.next(feeds)
- })
- }
- })
-export async function writeFeed(label: string, message: string) {
- if (currentUser$.value == null)
- throw new Error("Logged out user cannot write to feeds")
- const dt = {
- createdOn: new Date(),
- author: currentUser$.value.uid,
- author_name: currentUser$.value.displayName,
- author_image: currentUser$.value.photoURL,
- message,
- label,
- }
- try {
- await firebase
- .firestore()
- .collection("users")
- .doc(currentUser$.value.uid)
- .collection("feeds")
- .add(dt)
- } catch (e) {
- console.error("error inserting", dt, e)
- throw e
- }
-export async function deleteFeed(id: string) {
- if (currentUser$.value == null)
- throw new Error("Logged out user cannot delete feed")
- try {
- await firebase
- .firestore()
- .collection("users")
- .doc(currentUser$.value.uid)
- .collection("feeds")
- .doc(id)
- .delete()
- } catch (e) {
- console.error("error deleting", id, e)
- throw e
- }