@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
<div id="response-details-wrapper">
- <textarea ref="responseBody" name="body" readonly rows="16" placeholder="(waiting to send request)">{{response.body}}</textarea>
+ <pre><code v-model="response.body" ref="responseBody" name="body" readonly rows="16" placeholder="(waiting to send request)">{{response.body}}</code></pre>
<iframe :class="{hidden: !previewEnabled}" class="covers-response" ref="previewFrame" src="about:blank"></iframe>
<div class="align-right" v-if="response.body && responseType === 'text/html'">
@@ -290,6 +290,8 @@
import toggle from "../components/toggle";
import import_modal from "../components/modal";
import parseCurlCommand from '../assets/js/curlparser.js';
+ import hljs from 'highlight.js';
+ import 'highlight.js/styles/github.css';
const statusCategories = [{
name: 'informational',
@@ -405,6 +407,13 @@
rawInput (status) {
if (status && this.rawParams === '') this.rawParams = '{}'
else this.setRouteQueryState()
+ },
+ 'response.body': async function (val, oldVal) {
+ var responseText = document.querySelector("div#response-details-wrapper pre code");
+ if (responseText && this.response.body != "(waiting to send request)" && this.response.body != "Loading..." && this.response.body != "See JavaScript console (F12) for details.") {
+ await setTimeout('', 1000)
+ hljs.highlightBlock(document.querySelector("div#response-details-wrapper pre code"));
+ }
computed: {
@@ -755,8 +764,18 @@
copyResponse() {
this.$refs.copyResponse.innerHTML = this.copiedButton + '<span>Copied</span>';
- this.$refs.responseBody.select();
- document.execCommand("copy");
+ // Creates a textarea element
+ var aux = document.createElement("textarea");
+ var copy = this.responseType == 'application/json' ? JSON.stringify(this.response.body) : this.response.body;
+ // Adds response body to the new textarea
+ aux.innerText = copy;
+ // Append the textarea to the body
+ document.body.appendChild(aux);
+ // Highlight the content
+ aux.select();
+ document.execCommand('copy');
+ // Remove the input from the body
+ document.body.removeChild(aux);
setTimeout(() => this.$refs.copyResponse.innerHTML = this.copyButton + '<span>Copy</span>', 1500)
togglePreview() {