tox.ini 504 B

  1. [tox]
  2. envlist = lint, py3{7,8,9}
  3. skip_missing_interpreters = true
  4. [testenv]
  5. deps =
  6. -r requirements.txt
  7. -r dev-requirements.txt
  8. ; download the latest pip, setuptools and wheel when creating the venv
  9. download = true
  10. commands =
  11. pytest tests/
  12. [testenv:lint]
  13. skip_install = true
  14. deps =
  15. -r dev-requirements.txt
  16. commands =
  17. black --check --diff Lib/gflanguages --exclude .*
  18. isort --check-only Lib/gflanguages --skip Lib/gflanguages/
  19. [isort]
  20. profile = black