If you have any feedback on Google Fonts API, directory, or the fonts themselves, please create an issue at github.com/google/fonts/issues. Don't forget to search in the issue tracker (using keywords) if your issue has already been raised before opening a new one :)
If you would like to include a new font family in the Google Fonts collection, we'll be happy to include it if it meets the following criteria:
file must be included in the root of the source repository, and inside of that file we can read about the project with the kind of information suggested by SIL in their FONTLOG recommendation (but no FONTLOG file itself is needed). Get inspired by our repo template: https://github.com/googlefonts/Unified-Font-Repository, or by an existing repository: https://github.com/Omnibus-Type/Texturina.More detailed design and production details are listed in our Project Specification
When you are ready to meet these requirements, please create a new issue with a link to the project's source repository. In special circumstances, you can request an exception to these requirements on your issue.
From time to time, Google Fonts provides financial and design assistance for projects. If you would like to discuss this, please mention that you would like someone to contact you privately when filing an issue (and have contact details on your Github profile page.)
If your font is already on-boarded and you'd like us to update our copy, please file an issue (instead of making a pull request directly.)
We carefully check the technical aspects of updated fonts to prevent unintended changes, so we prefer to collaborate with you on your upstream project to make a release which we update from.
We love to accept all good patches and contributions to this project. There is just one thing contributors need to do first...
Contributions to Google projects must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. This is not a copyright assignment, it simply gives Google permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project.
You generally only need to submit the Google CLA once, so if you've already submitted one for a different project, you probably don't need to do it again.
After your contribution is included, you will be listed in CONTRIBUTORS and/or AUTHORS files; CONTRIBUTORS is the official list of people who can contribute (and typically have contributed) code to this repository, while the AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders.