axes.proto 1.2 KB

  1. syntax = "proto2";
  2. // GF Axis Registry Protos
  3. // An axis in the GF Axis Registry
  4. message AxisProto {
  5. // Axis tag
  6. optional string tag = 1;
  7. // Display name for axis, e.g. "Optical size" for 'opsz'
  8. // Like 'Name' in
  9. //
  10. optional string display_name = 7;
  11. // Lower bound for the axis
  12. optional float min_value = 2;
  13. // The default position to use and to prefer for exemplars
  14. optional float default_value = 3;
  15. // Upper bound for the axis
  16. optional float max_value = 4;
  17. // Input values for this axis must aligned to 10^precision
  18. optional int32 precision = 5;
  19. // Fallback positions along the axis
  20. repeated FallbackProto fallback = 6;
  21. // Short descriptive paragraph
  22. optional string description = 8;
  23. // Whether only the fallback positions should be used, for example, an axis
  24. // might have only three relevant positions: the min, the middle, and the max.
  25. optional bool fallback_only = 9;
  26. // The thumbnail image for this axis, if any.
  27. optional string illustration_url = 10;
  28. // Next = 11
  29. }
  30. message FallbackProto {
  31. optional string name = 1;
  32. optional float value = 2;
  33. optional string display_name = 3;
  34. }