pyproject.toml 697 B

  1. [build-system]
  2. requires = [
  3. "setuptools>=45",
  4. "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2"
  5. ]
  6. build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
  7. [tool.setuptools.packages.find]
  8. where = ["Lib"]
  9. [tool.setuptools_scm]
  10. git_describe_command = "git describe --match 'v*' --tags"
  11. [project]
  12. dynamic = ["version"]
  13. name = "gflanguages"
  14. description = "A python API for evaluating language support in the Google Fonts collection."
  15. readme = ""
  16. authors = [
  17. { name = "Simon Cozens", email = "" }
  18. ]
  19. dependencies = [
  20. "protobuf>=3.7.0, <4",
  21. "importlib_resources", # Needed for 3.9 and below
  22. ]
  23. [project.optional-dependencies]
  24. dev = [
  25. "uharfbuzz",
  26. "youseedee",
  27. "pytest",
  28. "regex"
  29. ]