name: "Playwrite GB S" designer: "TypeTogether, Veronika Burian, José Scaglione" license: "OFL" category: "HANDWRITING" date_added: "2024-01-18" fonts { name: "Playwrite GB S" style: "normal" weight: 400 filename: "PlaywriteGBS[wght].ttf" post_script_name: "PlaywriteGBS-Regular" full_name: "Playwrite GB S Regular" copyright: "Copyright 2023 The Playwrite Project Authors (" } fonts { name: "Playwrite GB S" style: "italic" weight: 400 filename: "PlaywriteGBS-Italic[wght].ttf" post_script_name: "PlaywriteGBS-Italic" full_name: "Playwrite GB S Italic" copyright: "Copyright 2023 The Playwrite Project Authors (" } # We use only the menu subset to avoid the subsetter issues identified with the PW fonts. subsets: "menu" axes { tag: "wght" min_value: 100.0 max_value: 400.0 } source { repository_url: "" archive_url: "" files { source_file: "OFL.txt" dest_file: "OFL.txt" } files { source_file: "fonts/variable/PlaywriteGBS[wght].ttf" dest_file: "PlaywriteGBS[wght].ttf" } files { source_file: "fonts/variable/PlaywriteGBS-Italic[wght].ttf" dest_file: "PlaywriteGBS-Italic[wght].ttf" } branch: "main" } display_name: "Playwrite England SemiJoined" minisite_url: "" primary_language: "en_Latn"