Optical sizes are different versions of a [typeface](/glossary/typeface) optimized for use at specific sizes or size ranges.
![On the left, text set in four different optical sizes—display, subhead, body, and caption—at the intended font sizes for each. On the right, a close-up of each optical size, set at the same font size to emphasize the difference between each.](images/thumbnail.svg)
On the left, text set in four different optical sizes—display, subhead, body, and caption—at the intended font sizes for each. On the right, all set at the same font size.
Small (or [body](/glossary/body)) optical sizes tend to have: - less stroke [contrast](/glossary/contrast), - more open spacing, - and taller [x-heights](/glossary/x_height) than those of their large (or [display](/glossary/display)) counterparts. Different optical sizes can be split into separate [font](/glossary/font) files or be assigned to the [optical size axis](/glossary/optical_size_axis) within a [variable font](/glossary/variable_fonts).