GFK Q2 new content [not final] (#4854)
* Setting up the 3 new modules, w/ “TBC” content + metadata
* Correcting “Advancing type” title
* Adding `installing_and_managing_fonts` article without formatting
* Adding new Glossary content (without formatting)
* Adding new `legibility` & `readability` entries
* Removing `legibility_readability` entry
* Removing image files from `installing_and_managing_fonts`
* Adding placeholder articles for `history_of_type` module
* Adding placeholder articles for `advancing_type` module
* Adding pleceholder articles for `typography_in_vr_and_ar` module
* Adding `ar_vr` topic
* Re-ordering “VR & AR” to “AR & VR”
* Adding formatting to `counter` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `icon_symbol` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `icon_font` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `material_symbols` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `parametric_font` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `legibility` glossary term
* Adding formatting to `readability` glossary term
* Basic content (no formatting) for `fitting_the_line`
* Basic content (no formatting) for `justification_hyphenation`
* Basic content (no formatting) for `the_tight_not_touching_style`
* Homepage module ordering
* Images files for `fitting_the_line`
* Image files for `justification_hyphenation`
* Image files for `the_tight_not_touching_style`
* Image files for `installing_and_managing_fonts`
* Image files for new glossary terms
* Renaming all glossary images to `thumbnail`
* Inserting `figure` element into all new glossary terms
* Adding image files into `installing...` article (alt text TBC)
* Updating slug & module name for `Using type in AR & VR`
* Adding content for 1st AR/VR article
* Article ordering within module
* Adding `Andrew Johnson` and `Niteesh Yadav` as contributors
* Adding content for 2nd AR/VR article
* Adding content for 3rd AR/VR article
* Adding content for 4th AR/VR article
* Adding content for 5th AR/VR article
* Adding content for 6th + 7th AR/VR articles
* Combining and reordering articles
New order:
Introducing + Text in 3D Space (1+3)
Designing for + How fonts work (2+5)
Type Selection (7)
Spacial Classification (4)
Technical Challenges (6)
* Changes to content after reordering
* Copy tweaks to intro AR article
* Renaming 1st AR/VR article
* Updating article name in module listing
* Adding all AR/VR illustrations (as PNGs for now)
* Placing images and updating captions
* HTML-izing links within figcaptions
* Removing Niteesh research line
* 3 × excerpts for the new modules
* Images, links, and proper markup for “Fitting the line”
* Images, links, and proper markup for “Justification & hyphenation”
* Images, links, and proper markup for “The tight not touching style”
* Actioning additional copy tweaks from Sarah on “Fitting...”
* New AR/VR illustrations
* Updating illustration order + copy tweaks
* Initial markup + metadata for all 3 `advancing_type` articles
* Article ordering within module
* Full metadata for `advancing_type` articles
* Sarah’s copy for `history_of_type` module excerpt
* Removing empty `reviewers:` field from DB’s articles
* Minor copy edit for module excerpt
* Typo fix
* Final AR/VR copy /img order tweaks after Joost feedback
* Changing all `VR/AR` instances to `AR/VR`
* Converting illo to table markup
* Turning all “see article X” instances into actual titles & correct links
* Adding prev/next lessons into AR/VR metadata
* Adding new (and vector-based) `thumbnail.svg` images
* Correcting illustration ordering by updating filenames
* Adding `alt_ids: "legibility_readability"` to fix errors
* Fix attempt: `INSERT_URL` > ``
* Fix GFK graph checks.
There were a few bad links left in the files.
* Fix one last broken reference to /glossary/legibiility
Co-authored-by: nathan-williams <>