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-FONTLOG for the Buenard fonts
-This file provides detailed information on the Buenard
-Font Software.
-This information should be distributed along with the
-Buenard fonts and any derivative works.
-Basic Font Information
-Buenard is a high-quality serif typeface for art books.
-It’s based on the Transitional Roman classical structure,
-with less contrasted strokes and heavier serifs.
-It has its own contemporary style, combining elegance,
-consistency and legibility for all text sizes, making
-it an excellent choice when selecting a serif font.
-Buenard was designed for an Argentinian art publisher
-and its being developed as the final project in the
-Postgraduate Career in Typography at the University
-of Buenos Aires.
-Designed by Gustavo Ibarra for FontFuror (www.fontfuror.com).
-Buenard is a Unicode typeface family that supports languages
-that use the Latin script and its variants, and could be
-expanded to support other scripts.
-More specifically, this release supports the following
-Unicode ranges: Basic Latin and Latin-1 Supplement.
-To contribute to the project contact Gustavo Ibarra
-at info@fontfuror.com
-There are six Source files:
-1. Buenard-Bold-OTF.vfb Merged contours and optimized
- file corresponding to the OTF file
-2. Buenard-Bold-TTF.sfd TrueType outlines with hinting
- adjustments corresponding to the TTF file
-3. Buenard-Bold.vfb Original Source files with contour overlaps
-4. Buenard-Regular-OTF.vfb Merged contours and optimized
- file corresponding to the OTF file
-5. Buenard-Regular-TTF.sfd TrueType outlines with hinting
- adjustments corresponding to the TTF file
-6. Buenard-Regular.vfb Original Source files with contour
- overlaps
-12 Jan 2012 (Gustavo Ibarra) Buenard v1.001
-- Extended Latin character set for Regular and Bold styles
-18 Dec 2011 (Gustavo Ibarra) Buenard v1.000
-- Initial release of Regular and Bold styles
-If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N),
-email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and
-description (D). This list is in alphabetical order.
-N: Gustavo Ibarra
-E: info@fontfuror.com
-W: www.fontfuror.com
-D: Typeface Designer