7.1 KB


Gentelella 管理后台是一个免费使用的Bootstrap管理模版。 这个模版默认使用Bootstrap 3 风格,还有一系列强大的jQuery插件和工具去创造一个强大的框架,用来创建管理面板或者后端仪表盘。 该主题使用了不同的库,用来创建表格,日历,表单验证,引导式风格的接口,导航菜单,文本表格,日期范围,上传区域,表格自动填充,范围滑块,进度条,提示以及更多。 我们很乐意看到你使用这个令人惊叹的管理模版。你可以通过tweet @colorlib告知我们你的网站,app或者服务。一旦列表量够了,我们将会写一篇文章去展示这个最佳案例this


Gentelella Bootstrap 管理模版




通过Package Manager安装

我们的目标是使它在不同的包管理器中都可以安装!你有你倾向使用的包管理器还有你知道为什么吗?随时随地通过pull request告诉我们! 现在这是一些可以安装的包管理器:


bower install gentelella --save


npm install gentelella --save


yarn add gentelella


为了贡献,请确保你安装有稳定的 Node.jsnpm 测试Gulp CLI 是否安装,可以运行gulp --version.如果命令行没有找到,运行npm install -g gulp。关于更多如何安装Gulp,可以看一下Gulp的使用指南Getting Started

安装所有的gulp依赖,可以运行npm install

如果gulp 已经安装了,遵循一下的步骤。

  1. Fork和克隆这个仓库
  2. 运行gulp,会在你的默认浏览器中运行 gentelella 。
  3. 现在你可以开始写代码了!
  4. 提交一个pull request

Gentelella 在其它平台和框架


Scripts 包括:

  • Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome
  • jQuery-Autocomplete
  • FullCalendar
  • Charts.js
  • Bootstrap Colorpicker
  • Cropper
  • dataTables
  • Date Range Picker for Bootstrap
  • Dropzone
  • easyPieChart
  • ECharts
  • bootstrap-wysiwyg
  • Flot - Javascript plotting library for jQuery.
  • gauge.js
  • iCheck
  • jquery.inputmask plugin
  • Ion.RangeSlider
  • jQuery
  • jVectorMap
  • moment.js
  • Morris.js - pretty time-series line graphs
  • PNotify - Awesome JavaScript notifications
  • NProgress
  • Pace
  • Parsley
  • bootstrap-progressbar
  • select2
  • Sidebar Transitions - simple off-canvas navigations
  • Skycons - canvas based wather icons
  • jQuery Sparklines plugin
  • switchery - Turns HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS style switches
  • jQuery Tags Input Plugin
  • Autosize - resizes text area to fit text
  • validator - HTML from validator using jQuery
  • jQuery Smart Wizard


  • Free Bootstrap Admin Templates - List of the best Free Bootstrap admin dashboard templates that are available for free for personal and commercial use.
  • Free Admin Templates - Long list of the best free HTML5 powered admin dashboard templates. Available for personal and commercial use.
  • Angular Templates - List of the most popular admin templates based on AngularJS.
  • HTML Admin Templates - Most of these templates are based on AngularJS and uses a stunning Material design.
  • Bootstrap Admin Templates - List of premium Bootstrap admin templates that uses a minimal flat or material design. Majority of these themes uses AngularJS but HTML5 versions are also available.
  • WordPress Admin Templates - List of the best WordPress admin dashboard templates and plugins that will add a personal touch to your WordPress dashboard.
  • WordPress Themes - A huge selection of the best free WordPress themes that are all licensed under GPL and are available for personal and commercial use without restrictions.

License information

Gentelella is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software. But you always need to state that Colorlib is the original author of this template.

Project is developed and maintained by Colorlib and Aigars Silkalns