123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710 |
- # Gearman server and library
- # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian Aker, Eric Day
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Use and distribution licensed under the BSD license. See
- # the COPYING file in this directory for full text.
- Gearman Protocol
- ----------------
- The Gearman protocol operates over TCP, port 4730 by default. It
- previously operated on port 7003, but this conflicted with the AFS
- port range and the new port (4730) was assigned by IANA. Communication
- happens between either a client and job server, or between a worker
- and job server. In either case, the protocol consists of packets
- containing requests and responses. All packets sent to a job server
- are considered requests, and all packets sent from a job server are
- considered responses. A simple configuration may look like:
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- | Client | | Client | | Client | | Client |
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- \ / \ /
- \ / \ /
- -------------- --------------
- | Job Server | | Job Server |
- -------------- --------------
- | |
- ----------------------------------------------
- | | | |
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- | Worker | | Worker | | Worker | | Worker |
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- Initially, the workers register functions they can perform with each
- job server. Clients will then connect to a job server and issue a
- request to a job to be run. The job server then notifies each worker
- that can perform that job (based on the function it registered) that
- a new job is ready. The first worker to wake up and retrieve the job
- will then execute it.
- All communication between workers or clients and the job server
- are binary. There is also a line-based text protocol used by
- administrative clients. This part of the protocol is text based so a
- custom administrative utility is not required (instead, 'telnet' or
- 'nc' can be used). This is documented under "Administrative Protocol".
- Binary Packet
- -------------
- Requests and responses are encapsulated by a binary packet. A binary
- packet consists of a header which is optionally followed by data. The
- header is:
- 4 byte magic code - This is either "\0REQ" for requests or "\0RES"
- for responses.
- 4 byte type - A big-endian (network-order) integer containing
- an enumerated packet type. Possible values are:
- # Name Magic Type
- 1 CAN_DO REQ Worker
- 2 CANT_DO REQ Worker
- 4 PRE_SLEEP REQ Worker
- 5 (unused) - -
- 6 NOOP RES Worker
- 9 GRAB_JOB REQ Worker
- 10 NO_JOB RES Worker
- 11 JOB_ASSIGN RES Worker
- RES Client
- RES Client
- 14 WORK_FAIL REQ Worker
- RES Client
- 15 GET_STATUS REQ Client
- 16 ECHO_REQ REQ Client/Worker
- 17 ECHO_RES RES Client/Worker
- 19 ERROR RES Client/Worker
- 20 STATUS_RES RES Client
- 24 ALL_YOURS REQ Worker
- RES Client
- 26 OPTION_REQ REQ Client/Worker
- 27 OPTION_RES RES Client/Worker
- 28 WORK_DATA REQ Worker
- RES Client
- RES Client
- 39 GRAB_JOB_ALL REQ Worker
- 4 byte size - A big-endian (network-order) integer containing
- the size of the data being sent after the header.
- Arguments given in the data part are separated by a NULL byte, and
- the last argument is determined by the size of data after the last
- NULL byte separator. All job handle arguments must not be longer than
- 64 bytes, including NULL terminator.
- Client/Worker Requests
- ----------------------
- These request types may be sent by either a client or a worker:
- When a job server receives this request, it simply generates a
- ECHO_RES packet with the data. This is primarily used for testing
- or debugging.
- Arguments:
- - Opaque data that is echoed back in response.
- Client/Worker Responses
- -----------------------
- These response types may be sent to either a client or a worker:
- This is sent in response to a ECHO_REQ request. The server doesn't
- look at or modify the data argument, it just sends it back.
- Arguments:
- - Opaque data that is echoed back in response.
- This is sent whenever the server encounters an error and needs
- to notify a client or worker.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated error code string.
- - Error text.
- Client Requests
- ---------------
- These request types may only be sent by a client:
- A client issues one of these when a job needs to be run. The
- server will then assign a job handle and respond with a JOB_CREATED
- packet.
- If one of the BG versions is used, the client is not updated with
- status or notified when the job has completed (it is detached).
- The Gearman job server queue is implemented with three levels:
- normal, high, and low. Jobs submitted with one of the HIGH versions
- always take precedence, and jobs submitted with the normal versions
- take precedence over the LOW versions.
- The unique ID can be used by the server to reduce queue length. If a
- job with the same Unique ID has already been submitted, the server
- may attach this request to the already existing job. This includes
- jobs already in progress, in which case non-background jobs will be
- sent the same result as background jobs. This is known commonly as
- "coalescing".
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- Works like the other SUBMIT_JOB commands, but adds a reducer argument.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - NULL byte terminated reducer.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- Just like SUBMIT_JOB_BG, but run job at given time instead of
- immediately. This is not currently used and may be removed.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - NULL byte terminated minute (0-59).
- - NULL byte terminated hour (0-23).
- - NULL byte terminated day of month (1-31).
- - NULL byte terminated month (1-12).
- - NULL byte terminated day of week (0-6, 0 = Monday).
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- Just like SUBMIT_JOB_BG, but run job at given time instead of
- immediately. This is not currently used and may be removed.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - NULL byte terminated epoch time.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- A client issues this to get status information for a submitted job.
- Arguments:
- - Job handle that was given in JOB_CREATED packet.
- A client issues this to get status information for a submitted job.
- Arguments:
- - Unique value that was given when job was submitted.
- A client issues this to set an option for the connection in the
- job server. Returns a OPTION_RES packet on success, or an ERROR
- packet on failure.
- Arguments:
- - Name of the option to set. Possibilities are:
- * "exceptions" - Forward WORK_EXCEPTION packets to the client.
- Client Responses
- ----------------
- These response types may only be sent to a client:
- This is sent in response to one of the SUBMIT_JOB* packets. It
- signifies to the client that a the server successfully received
- the job and queued it to be run by a worker.
- Arguments:
- - Job handle assigned by server.
- For non-background jobs, the server forwards these packets from
- the worker to clients. See "Worker Requests" for more information
- and arguments.
- This is sent in response to a GET_STATUS request. This is used by
- clients that have submitted a job with SUBMIT_JOB_BG to see if the
- job has been completed, and if not, to get the percentage complete.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated known status, this is 0 (false) or 1 (true).
- - NULL byte terminated running status, this is 0 (false) or 1
- (true).
- - NULL byte terminated percent complete numerator.
- - Percent complete denominator.
- This is sent in response to a GET_STATUS_UNIQUE request. This is
- used by clients that have submitted a job with SUBMIT_JOB_BG to see
- if the job has been completed, and if not, to get the percentage
- complete.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated known status, this is 0 (false) or 1 (true).
- - NULL byte terminated running status, this is 0 (false) or 1
- (true).
- - NULL byte terminated percent complete numerator.
- - NULL byte terminated percent complete denominator.
- - Count of clients waiting.
- Successful response to the OPTION_REQ request.
- Arguments:
- - Name of the option that was set, see OPTION_REQ for possibilities.
- Worker Requests
- ---------------
- These request types may only be sent by a worker:
- This is sent to notify the server that the worker is able to
- perform the given function. The worker is then put on a list to be
- woken up whenever the job server receives a job for that function.
- Arguments:
- - Function name.
- Same as CAN_DO, but with a timeout value on how long the job
- is allowed to run. After the timeout value, the job server will
- mark the job as failed and notify any listening clients.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated Function name.
- - Timeout value.
- This is sent to notify the server that the worker is no longer
- able to perform the given function.
- Arguments:
- - Function name.
- This is sent to notify the server that the worker is no longer
- able to do any functions it previously registered with CAN_DO or
- Arguments:
- - None.
- This is sent to notify the server that the worker is about to
- sleep, and that it should be woken up with a NOOP packet if a
- job comes in for a function the worker is able to perform.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- This is sent to the server to request any available jobs on the
- queue. The server will respond with either NO_JOB or JOB_ASSIGN,
- depending on whether a job is available.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- Just like GRAB_JOB, but return JOB_ASSIGN_UNIQ when there is a job.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- Just like GRAB_JOB_UNIQ, but return JOB_ASSIGN_ALL when there is a job.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- This is sent to update the client with data from a running job. A
- worker should use this when it needs to send updates, send partial
- results, or flush data during long running jobs. It can also be
- used to break up a result so the worker does not need to buffer
- the entire result before sending in a WORK_COMPLETE packet.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - Opaque data that is returned to the client.
- This is sent to update the client with a warning. It acts just
- like a WORK_DATA response, but should be treated as a warning
- instead of normal response data.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - Opaque data that is returned to the client.
- This is sent to update the server (and any listening clients)
- of the status of a running job. The worker should send these
- periodically for long running jobs to update the percentage
- complete. The job server should store this information so a client
- who issued a background command may retrieve it later with a
- GET_STATUS request.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated percent complete numerator.
- - Percent complete denominator.
- This is to notify the server (and any listening clients) that
- the job completed successfully.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - Opaque data that is returned to the client as a response.
- This is to notify the server (and any listening clients) that
- the job failed.
- Arguments:
- - Job handle.
- This is to notify the server (and any listening clients) that
- the job failed with the given exception.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - Opaque data that is returned to the client as an exception.
- This sets the worker ID in a job server so monitoring and reporting
- commands can uniquely identify the various workers, and different
- connections to job servers from the same worker.
- Arguments:
- - Unique string to identify the worker instance.
- Not yet implemented. This looks like it is used to notify a job
- server that this is the only job server it is connected to, so
- a job can be given directly to this worker with a JOB_ASSIGN and
- no worker wake-up is required.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- Worker Responses
- ----------------
- These response types may only be sent to a worker:
- This is used to wake up a sleeping worker so that it may grab a
- pending job.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- This is given in response to a GRAB_JOB request to notify the
- worker there are no pending jobs that need to run.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- This is given in response to a GRAB_JOB request to give the worker
- information needed to run the job. All communication about the
- job (such as status updates and completion response) should use
- the handle, and the worker should run the given function with
- the argument.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- This is given in response to a GRAB_JOB_UNIQ request and acts
- just like JOB_ASSIGN but with the client assigned unique ID.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- This is given in response to a GRAB_JOB_ALL request and acts
- just like JOB_ASSIGN_UNIQ but with the reducer returned.
- Arguments:
- - NULL byte terminated job handle.
- - NULL byte terminated function name.
- - NULL byte terminated unique ID.
- - NULL byte terminated reducer.
- - Opaque data that is given to the function as an argument.
- Administrative Protocol
- -----------------------
- The Gearman job server also supports a text-based protocol to pull
- information and run some administrative tasks. This runs on the same
- port as the binary protocol, and the server differentiates between
- the two by looking at the first character. If it is a NULL (\0),
- then it is binary, if it is non-NULL, that it attempts to parse it
- as a text command. The following commands are supported:
- workers
- This sends back a list of all workers, their file descriptors,
- their IPs, their IDs, and a list of registered functions they can
- perform. The list is terminated with a line containing a single
- '.' (period). The format is:
- Arguments:
- - None.
- status
- This sends back a list of all registered functions. Next to
- each function is the number of jobs in the queue, the number of
- running jobs, and the number of capable workers. The columns are
- tab separated, and the list is terminated with a line containing
- a single '.' (period). The format is:
- Arguments:
- - None.
- prioritystatus
- This sends back a list of all registered functions. Next to each
- function is the number of queued jobs that are not running, broken down
- by priority, and the number of capable workers. The columns are tab
- separated, and the list is terminated with a line containing
- a single '.' (period). The format is:
- Columns:
- - Function name.
- - Number of queued high priority jobs.
- - Number of queued normal priority jobs.
- - Number of queued low priority jobs.
- - Available workers registered for this function.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- maxqueue
- This sets the maximum queue size for a function. If no size is
- given, the default is used. If one size is given, it is applied to
- jobs regardless of priority. If three sizes are given, the sizes
- are used when testing high-priority, normal, and low-priority jobs,
- respectively. A zero or negative size indicates no limit. This
- command sends back a single line with "OK".
- Arguments:
- - Function name.
- - Optional maximum queue size (to apply one maximum at all priorities), or
- three optional maximum queue sizes (to enforce for high-, normal-, and
- low-priority job submissions).
- version
- Send back the version of the server.
- Arguments:
- - None.
- The Perl version also has a 'gladiator' command that uses the
- 'Devel::Gladiator' Perl module and is used for debugging.
- Binary Protocol Example
- -----------------------
- This example will step through a simple interaction where a worker
- connects and registers for a function named "reverse", the client
- connects and submits a job for this function, and the worker performs
- this job and responds with a result. This shows every byte that needs
- to be sent over the wire in order for the job to be run to completion.
- Worker registration:
- Worker -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 01 1 (Packet type: CAN_DO)
- 00 00 00 07 7 (Packet length)
- 72 65 76 65 72 73 65 reverse (Function)
- Worker check for job:
- Worker -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 09 9 (Packet type: GRAB_JOB)
- 00 00 00 00 0 (Packet length)
- Job Server -> Worker
- 00 52 45 53 \0RES (Magic)
- 00 00 00 0a 10 (Packet type: NO_JOB)
- 00 00 00 00 0 (Packet length)
- Worker -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 04 4 (Packet type: PRE_SLEEP)
- 00 00 00 00 0 (Packet length)
- Client job submission:
- Client -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 07 7 (Packet type: SUBMIT_JOB)
- 00 00 00 0d 13 (Packet length)
- 72 65 76 65 72 73 65 00 reverse\0 (Function)
- 00 \0 (Unique ID)
- 74 65 73 74 test (Workload)
- Job Server -> Client
- 00 52 45 53 \0RES (Magic)
- 00 00 00 08 8 (Packet type: JOB_CREATED)
- 00 00 00 07 7 (Packet length)
- 48 3a 6c 61 70 3a 31 H:lap:1 (Job handle)
- Worker wakeup:
- Job Server -> Worker
- 00 52 45 53 \0RES (Magic)
- 00 00 00 06 6 (Packet type: NOOP)
- 00 00 00 00 0 (Packet length)
- Worker check for job:
- Worker -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 09 9 (Packet type: GRAB_JOB)
- 00 00 00 00 0 (Packet length)
- Job Server -> Worker
- 00 52 45 53 \0RES (Magic)
- 00 00 00 0b 11 (Packet type: JOB_ASSIGN)
- 00 00 00 14 20 (Packet length)
- 48 3a 6c 61 70 3a 31 00 H:lap:1\0 (Job handle)
- 72 65 76 65 72 73 65 00 reverse\0 (Function)
- 74 65 73 74 test (Workload)
- Worker response for job:
- Worker -> Job Server
- 00 52 45 51 \0REQ (Magic)
- 00 00 00 0d 13 (Packet type: WORK_COMPLETE)
- 00 00 00 0c 12 (Packet length)
- 48 3a 6c 61 70 3a 31 00 H:lap:1\0 (Job handle)
- 74 73 65 74 tset (Response)
- Job server response to client:
- Job Server -> Client
- 00 52 45 53 \0RES (Magic)
- 00 00 00 0d 13 (Packet type: WORK_COMPLETE)
- 00 00 00 0c 12 (Packet length)
- 48 3a 6c 61 70 3a 31 00 H:lap:1\0 (Job handle)
- 74 73 65 74 tset (Response)
- At this point, the worker would then ask for more jobs to run (the
- "Check for job" state above), and the client could submit more
- jobs. Note that the client is full duplex and could have multiple
- jobs being run over a single socket at the same time. The result
- packets may not be sent in the same order the jobs were submitted
- and instead interleaved with other job result packets.