1. Hi!
  2. You've most likely downloaded this package as a tar.gz distribution,
  3. so you'll want to read Getting Started. If you are interested in
  4. developing or submitting patches to the project, read the Contributing
  5. and Coding Style sections.
  6. Getting Started
  7. ---------------
  8. To build, you can follow the normal:
  9. ./configure
  10. make
  11. make install
  12. You can also run 'make test' before installing to make sure everything
  13. checks out ok. Once you have it installed, you can start the Gearman
  14. job server with:
  15. gearmand -v
  16. This will start it while printing some verbose messages. To try
  17. running a job through it, look in the examples/ directory of this
  18. source and run:
  19. ./reverse_worker
  20. Once that is running, you can run your first job with:
  21. ./reverse_client "Hello, Gearman!"
  22. If all goes well, the reverse_worker application should have output:
  23. Job=H:lap:1 Workload=Hello, Gearman! Result=!namraeG ,olleH
  24. While the reverse_client returned:
  25. Result=!namraeG ,olleH
  26. If you want to start writing your own client and workers, be sure to
  27. check out the developer API at:
  29. You can also find other useful resources related to the project at:
  31. Enjoy!
  32. Contributing
  33. ------------
  34. If you are getting this code from
  35. then continue reading. Otherwise these directions are not for you
  36. (well maybe...).
  37. To obtain code from you will need to
  38. issue the following command:
  39. bzr branch lp:gearmand
  40. Once the tree is branched you will need to build the "configure"
  41. script. You can do this by running the script:
  42. ./config/
  43. It will set up all of the files you need to build the package. At
  44. that point it is just the typical "./configure; make; make test;
  45. make install"
  46. For a tarball release do a "make dist" and for an RPM type "make rpm".
  47. For patches please create a branch on launchpad and propose it to be
  48. merged into the trunk. You can find out more information on how to
  49. do this at the launchpad help site:
  51. Thanks and keep hacking!
  52. Cheers,
  53. -Brian
  54. Seattle, WA.