/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Gearmand client and server library. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Data Differential, http://datadifferential.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** * @file * @brief Gear Protocol Definitions */ #include "gear_config.h" #include "configmake.h" #include #include #include #include "libgearman/strcommand.h" #include #include #include #include "libgearman/ssl.h" #include #include "libgearman/command.h" static gearmand_error_t gearmand_packet_unpack_header(gearmand_packet_st *packet) { uint32_t tmp; if (memcmp(packet->args, "\0REQ", 4) == 0) { packet->magic= GEARMAN_MAGIC_REQUEST; } else if (memcmp(packet->args, "\0RES", 4) == 0) { packet->magic= GEARMAN_MAGIC_RESPONSE; } else { gearmand_warning("invalid magic value"); return GEARMAND_INVALID_MAGIC; } memcpy(&tmp, packet->args + 4, 4); packet->command= static_cast(ntohl(tmp)); if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT || packet->command >= GEARMAN_COMMAND_MAX) { gearmand_error("invalid command value"); return GEARMAND_INVALID_COMMAND; } memcpy(&tmp, packet->args + 8, 4); packet->data_size= ntohl(tmp); return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } class Geartext : public gearmand::protocol::Context { public: ~Geartext() { } bool is_owner() { return false; } void notify(gearman_server_con_st* connection) { gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Gear connection disconnected: %s:%s", connection->host(), connection->port()); } size_t unpack(gearmand_packet_st *packet, gearman_server_con_st *, const void *data, const size_t data_size, gearmand_error_t& ret_ptr) { size_t used_size; gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Gear unpack"); if (packet->args_size == 0) { if (data_size > 0 && ((uint8_t *)data)[0] != 0) { /* Try to parse a text-based command. */ uint8_t* ptr= (uint8_t *)memchr(data, '\n', data_size); if (ptr == NULL) { ret_ptr= GEARMAND_IO_WAIT; return 0; } packet->magic= GEARMAN_MAGIC_TEXT; packet->command= GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT; used_size= size_t(ptr - ((uint8_t *)data)) +1; *ptr= 0; if (used_size > 1 && *(ptr - 1) == '\r') { *(ptr - 1)= 0; } size_t arg_size; for (arg_size= used_size, ptr= (uint8_t *)data; ptr != NULL; data= ptr) { ptr= (uint8_t *)memchr(data, ' ', arg_size); if (ptr != NULL) { *ptr= 0; ptr++; while (*ptr == ' ') { ptr++; } arg_size-= size_t(ptr - ((uint8_t *)data)); } ret_ptr= gearmand_packet_create(packet, data, ptr == NULL ? arg_size : size_t(ptr - ((uint8_t *)data))); if (ret_ptr != GEARMAND_SUCCESS) { return used_size; } } return used_size; } else if (data_size < GEARMAND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) { ret_ptr= GEARMAND_IO_WAIT; return 0; } packet->args= packet->args_buffer; packet->args_size= GEARMAND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; memcpy(packet->args, data, GEARMAND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE); if (gearmand_failed(ret_ptr= gearmand_packet_unpack_header(packet))) { return 0; } used_size= GEARMAND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; } else { used_size= 0; } while (packet->argc != gearman_command_info(packet->command)->argc) { if (packet->argc != (gearman_command_info(packet->command)->argc - 1) or gearman_command_info(packet->command)->data) { uint8_t* ptr= (uint8_t *)memchr(((uint8_t *)data) +used_size, 0, data_size -used_size); if (ptr == NULL) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Possible protocol error for %s, received only %u args", gearman_command_info(packet->command)->name, packet->argc); ret_ptr= GEARMAND_IO_WAIT; return used_size; } size_t arg_size= size_t(ptr - (((uint8_t *)data) + used_size)) +1; if (gearmand_failed((ret_ptr= gearmand_packet_create(packet, ((uint8_t *)data) + used_size, arg_size)))) { return used_size; } packet->data_size-= arg_size; used_size+= arg_size; } else { if ((data_size - used_size) < packet->data_size) { ret_ptr= GEARMAND_IO_WAIT; return used_size; } ret_ptr= gearmand_packet_create(packet, ((uint8_t *)data) + used_size, packet->data_size); if (gearmand_failed(ret_ptr)) { return used_size; } used_size+= packet->data_size; packet->data_size= 0; } } #if defined(VCS_CHECKOUT) && VCS_CHECKOUT if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_ECHO_REQ and packet->data_size) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s length: %" PRIu64, gearman_strcommand(packet->command), uint64_t(packet->data_size)); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_TEXT and packet->data_size) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s text: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->data_size), packet->data); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_OPTION_REQ and packet->arg_size[0]) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s option: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->arg_size[0]), packet->arg[0]); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_WORK_EXCEPTION and packet->data_size) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s handle: %.*s exception: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->arg_size[0]), packet->arg[0], int(packet->data_size), packet->data); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_WORK_FAIL and packet->arg_size[0]) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s handle: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->arg_size[0]), packet->arg[0]); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_SET_CLIENT_ID and packet->arg_size[0]) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s identifier: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->arg_size[0]), packet->arg[0]); } else { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command)); } #endif ret_ptr= GEARMAND_SUCCESS; return used_size; } size_t pack(const gearmand_packet_st *packet, gearman_server_con_st*, void *data, const size_t data_size, gearmand_error_t& ret_ptr) { #if defined(VCS_CHECKOUT) && VCS_CHECKOUT if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_ECHO_RES and packet->data_size) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s length: %" PRIu64, gearman_strcommand(packet->command), uint64_t(packet->data_size)); } else if (packet->command == GEARMAN_COMMAND_OPTION_RES and packet->arg_size[0]) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s option: %.*s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command), int(packet->arg_size[0]), packet->arg[0]); } else { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GEAR %s", gearman_strcommand(packet->command)); } #endif if (packet->args_size == 0) { ret_ptr= GEARMAND_SUCCESS; return 0; } if (packet->args_size > data_size) { ret_ptr= GEARMAND_FLUSH_DATA; return 0; } memcpy(data, packet->args, packet->args_size); ret_ptr= GEARMAND_SUCCESS; return packet->args_size; } private: }; static Geartext gear_context; static gearmand_error_t _gear_con_remove(gearman_server_con_st* connection) { #if defined(HAVE_SSL) && HAVE_SSL if (connection->_ssl) { SSL_shutdown(connection->_ssl); SSL_free(connection->_ssl); connection->_ssl= NULL; } #else (void)connection; #endif return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } static gearmand_error_t _gear_con_add(gearman_server_con_st *connection) { #if defined(HAVE_SSL) && HAVE_SSL if (Gearmand()->ctx_ssl()) { if ((connection->_ssl= SSL_new(Gearmand()->ctx_ssl())) == NULL) { return gearmand_log_gerror(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, GEARMAND_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, "SSL_new() failed to return a valid object"); } SSL_set_fd(connection->_ssl, connection->con.fd()); int accept_error; while ((accept_error= SSL_accept(connection->_ssl)) != SSL_SUCCESS) { int ssl_error; switch (ssl_error= SSL_get_error(connection->_ssl, accept_error)) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: continue; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: return gearmand_log_perror(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, errno, "Error occurred on SSL_accept()"); case SSL_ERROR_SSL: case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: default: { char ssl_error_buffer[SSL_ERROR_SIZE]= { 0 }; if (ERR_peek_last_error()) { ssl_error = ERR_peek_last_error(); } ERR_error_string_n(ssl_error, ssl_error_buffer, sizeof(ssl_error_buffer)); return gearmand_log_gerror(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, GEARMAND_LOST_CONNECTION, "%s(%d)", ssl_error_buffer, ssl_error); } } } gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "GearSSL connection made: %s:%s", connection->host(), connection->port()); } else #endif { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Gear connection made: %s:%s", connection->host(), connection->port()); } connection->set_protocol(&gear_context); return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } namespace gearmand { namespace protocol { Gear::Gear() : Plugin("Gear"), _port(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT_STRING), _ssl_ca_file(GEARMAND_CA_CERTIFICATE), _ssl_certificate(GEARMAND_SERVER_PEM), _ssl_key(GEARMAND_SERVER_KEY), opt_ssl(false) { command_line_options().add_options() ("port,p", boost::program_options::value(&_port)->default_value(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT_STRING), "Port the server should listen on.") ("ssl", boost::program_options::bool_switch(&opt_ssl)->default_value(false), "Enable ssl connections.") ("ssl-ca-file", boost::program_options::value(&_ssl_ca_file), "CA file.") ("ssl-certificate", boost::program_options::value(&_ssl_certificate), "SSL certificate.") ("ssl-key", boost::program_options::value(&_ssl_key), "SSL key for certificate.") ; } Gear::~Gear() { } gearmand_error_t Gear::start(gearmand_st *gearmand) { gearmand_error_t rc; if (_port.compare(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT_STRING) == 0) { char* service; if ((service= getenv("GEARMAND_PORT")) and service[0]) { _port.clear(); _port.append(service); } } if (_port.empty()) { const char* service= GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT_STRING; struct servent *gearman_servent; if ((gearman_servent= getservbyname(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_SERVICE, NULL))) { if (gearman_servent and gearman_servent->s_name) { service= gearman_servent->s_name; } } _port.clear(); _port.append(service); } gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Initializing Gear on port %s with SSL: %s", _port.c_str(), opt_ssl ? "true" : "false"); #if defined(HAVE_SSL) && HAVE_SSL if (opt_ssl) { if (getenv("GEARMAND_CA_CERTIFICATE")) { _ssl_ca_file= getenv("GEARMAND_CA_CERTIFICATE"); } if (getenv("GEARMAND_SERVER_PEM")) { _ssl_certificate= getenv("GEARMAND_SERVER_PEM"); } if (getenv("GEARMAND_SERVER_KEY")) { _ssl_key= getenv("GEARMAND_SERVER_KEY"); } gearmand->init_ssl(); if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(gearmand->ctx_ssl(), _ssl_ca_file.c_str(), 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) { gearmand_log_fatal(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() cannot local the ca certificate %s", _ssl_ca_file.c_str()); } gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Loading CA certificate : %s", _ssl_ca_file.c_str()); if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(gearmand->ctx_ssl(), _ssl_certificate.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) { gearmand_log_fatal(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file() cannot obtain certificate %s", _ssl_certificate.c_str()); } gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Loading certificate : %s", _ssl_certificate.c_str()); if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(gearmand->ctx_ssl(), _ssl_key.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) { gearmand_log_fatal(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() cannot obtain certificate %s", _ssl_key.c_str()); } gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Loading certificate key : %s", _ssl_key.c_str()); if (SSL_CTX_check_private_key(gearmand->ctx_ssl()) != SSL_SUCCESS) { gearmand_log_fatal(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "SSL_CTX_check_private_key() cannot check certificate %s", _ssl_key.c_str()); } gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Checking certificate key : %s", _ssl_key.c_str()); assert(gearmand->ctx_ssl()); } #endif rc= gearmand_port_add(gearmand, _port.c_str(), _gear_con_add, _gear_con_remove); return rc; } } // namespace protocol } // namespace gearmand