/* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Gearmand client and server library. * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Data Differential, http://datadifferential.com/ * Copyright (C) 2011 Oleksiy Krivoshey * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Default values. */ #define GEARMAND_QUEUE_MYSQL_DEFAULT_TABLE "gearman_queue" namespace gearmand { namespace plugins { namespace queue { class MySQL; } } } static gearmand_error_t _initialize(gearman_server_st& server, gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *queue); namespace gearmand { namespace plugins { namespace queue { class MySQL : public gearmand::plugins::Queue { public: MySQL(); ~MySQL(); gearmand_error_t initialize(); gearmand_error_t prepareAddStatement(); gearmand_error_t prepareDoneStatement(); MYSQL *con; MYSQL_STMT *add_stmt; MYSQL_STMT *done_stmt; std::string mysql_host; std::string mysql_user; std::string mysql_password; std::string mysql_db; std::string mysql_table; in_port_t port() const { return _port; } private: in_port_t _port; }; MySQL::MySQL() : Queue("MySQL"), con(NULL), add_stmt(NULL), done_stmt(NULL) { command_line_options().add_options() ("mysql-host", boost::program_options::value(&mysql_host)->default_value("localhost"), "MySQL host.") ("mysql-port", boost::program_options::value(&_port)->default_value(3306), "Port of server. (by default 3306)") ("mysql-user", boost::program_options::value(&mysql_user)->default_value(""), "MySQL user.") ("mysql-password", boost::program_options::value(&mysql_password)->default_value(""), "MySQL user password.") ("mysql-db", boost::program_options::value(&mysql_db)->default_value(""), "MySQL database.") ("mysql-table", boost::program_options::value(&mysql_table)->default_value(GEARMAND_QUEUE_MYSQL_DEFAULT_TABLE), "MySQL table name."); } MySQL::~MySQL() { if (add_stmt) { mysql_stmt_close(add_stmt); } if (con) { mysql_close(con); } } gearmand_error_t MySQL::initialize() { return _initialize(Gearmand()->server, this); } gearmand_error_t MySQL::prepareAddStatement() { char query_buffer[1024]; if ((this->add_stmt= mysql_stmt_init(this->con)) == NULL) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_init failed: %s", mysql_error(this->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } int query_buffer_length= snprintf(query_buffer, sizeof(query_buffer), "INSERT INTO %s " "(unique_key, function_name, priority, data, when_to_run) " "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", this->mysql_table.c_str()); if (mysql_stmt_prepare(this->add_stmt, query_buffer, query_buffer_length)) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_prepare failed: %s", mysql_error(this->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } gearmand_error_t MySQL::prepareDoneStatement() { char query_buffer[1024]; if ((this->done_stmt= mysql_stmt_init(this->con)) == NULL) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_init failed: %s", mysql_error(this->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } int query_buffer_length= snprintf(query_buffer, sizeof(query_buffer), "DELETE FROM %s " "WHERE unique_key=? " "AND function_name=?", this->mysql_table.c_str()); if (mysql_stmt_prepare(this->done_stmt, query_buffer, query_buffer_length)) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_prepare failed: %s", mysql_error(this->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } void initialize_mysql() { static MySQL local_instance; } } // namespace queue } // namespace plugin } // namespace gearmand /* Queue callback functions. */ static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_add(gearman_server_st *server, void *context, const char *unique, size_t unique_size, const char *function_name, size_t function_name_size, const void *data, size_t data_size, gearman_job_priority_t priority, int64_t when); static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_flush(gearman_server_st *server, void *context); static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_done(gearman_server_st *server, void *context, const char *unique, size_t unique_size, const char *function_name, size_t function_name_size); static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_replay(gearman_server_st *server, void *context, gearman_queue_add_fn *add_fn, void *add_context); gearmand_error_t _initialize(gearman_server_st& server, gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *queue) { MYSQL_RES * result; my_bool my_true= true; gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"Initializing MySQL module"); gearman_server_set_queue(server, queue, _mysql_queue_add, _mysql_queue_flush, _mysql_queue_done, _mysql_queue_replay); queue->con= mysql_init(queue->con); mysql_options(queue->con, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "gearmand"); if (!mysql_real_connect(queue->con, queue->mysql_host.c_str(), queue->mysql_user.c_str(), queue->mysql_password.c_str(), queue->mysql_db.c_str(), queue->port(), NULL, 0)) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "Failed to connect to database: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } mysql_options(queue->con, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &my_true); if (!(result= mysql_list_tables(queue->con, queue->mysql_table.c_str()))) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_list_tables failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } if (mysql_num_rows(result) == 0) { char query_buffer[1024]; int query_buffer_length= snprintf(query_buffer, sizeof(query_buffer), "CREATE TABLE %s" "(" "unique_key VARCHAR(%d)," "function_name VARCHAR(255)," "priority INT," "data LONGBLOB," "when_to_run INT," "unique key (unique_key, function_name)" ")", queue->mysql_table.c_str(), GEARMAN_UNIQUE_SIZE); gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"MySQL module: creating table %s", queue->mysql_table.c_str()); if (mysql_real_query(queue->con, query_buffer, query_buffer_length)) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "MySQL module: create table failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } } mysql_free_result(result); if (queue->prepareAddStatement() == GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } if (queue->prepareDoneStatement() == GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } /* * Static definitions */ static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_add(gearman_server_st *, void *context, const char *unique, size_t unique_size, const char *function_name, size_t function_name_size, const void *data, size_t data_size, gearman_job_priority_t priority, int64_t when) { MYSQL_BIND bind[5]; gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *queue= (gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *)context; gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"MySQL queue add: %.*s %.*s", (uint32_t) unique_size, (char *) unique, (uint32_t) function_name_size, (char *) function_name); bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind[0].buffer= (char *)unique; bind[0].buffer_length= unique_size; bind[0].is_null= 0; bind[0].length= (unsigned long*)&unique_size; bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind[1].buffer= (char *)function_name; bind[1].buffer_length= function_name_size; bind[1].is_null= 0; bind[1].length= (unsigned long*)&function_name_size; bind[2].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; bind[2].buffer= (char *)&priority; bind[2].is_null= 0; bind[2].length= 0; bind[3].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB; bind[3].buffer= (char *)data; bind[3].buffer_length= data_size; bind[3].is_null= 0; bind[3].length= (unsigned long*)&data_size; bind[4].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG; bind[4].buffer= (char *)&when; bind[4].is_null= 0; bind[4].length= 0; while(1) { if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(queue->add_stmt, bind)) { if ( mysql_stmt_errno(queue->add_stmt) == CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT ) { if (queue->prepareAddStatement() == GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } continue; } else { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_bind_param failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } } if (mysql_stmt_execute(queue->add_stmt)) { if ( mysql_stmt_errno(queue->add_stmt) == CR_SERVER_LOST ) { mysql_stmt_close(queue->add_stmt); if (queue->prepareAddStatement() != GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { continue; } } gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_execute failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } break; } return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_flush(gearman_server_st*, void*) { gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"MySQL queue flush"); return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_done(gearman_server_st*, void *context, const char *unique, size_t unique_size, const char *function_name, size_t function_name_size) { MYSQL_BIND bind[2]; gearmand_log_debug(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"MySQL queue done: %.*s %.*s", (uint32_t) unique_size, (char *) unique, (uint32_t) function_name_size, (char *) function_name); gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *queue= (gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *)context; bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind[0].buffer= (char *)unique; bind[0].buffer_length= unique_size; bind[0].is_null= 0; bind[0].length= (unsigned long*)&unique_size; bind[1].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING; bind[1].buffer= (char *)function_name; bind[1].buffer_length= function_name_size; bind[1].is_null= 0; bind[1].length= (unsigned long*)&function_name_size; while(1) { if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(queue->done_stmt, bind)) { if ( mysql_stmt_errno(queue->done_stmt) == CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT ) { if (queue->prepareDoneStatement() == GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } continue; } else { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_bind_param failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } } if (mysql_stmt_execute(queue->done_stmt)) { if ( mysql_stmt_errno(queue->done_stmt) == CR_SERVER_LOST ) { mysql_stmt_close(queue->done_stmt); if (queue->prepareDoneStatement() != GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR) { continue; } } gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_stmt_execute failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } break; } return GEARMAND_SUCCESS; } static gearmand_error_t _mysql_queue_replay(gearman_server_st* server, void *context, gearman_queue_add_fn *add_fn, void *add_context) { MYSQL_RES * result; MYSQL_ROW row; char query_buffer[1024]; gearmand_log_info(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM,"MySQL queue replay"); gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *queue= (gearmand::plugins::queue::MySQL *)context; int query_buffer_length= snprintf(query_buffer, sizeof(query_buffer), "SELECT unique_key, function_name, data, priority, when_to_run FROM %s", queue->mysql_table.c_str()); if (mysql_real_query(queue->con, query_buffer, query_buffer_length)) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_real_query failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } if (!(result= mysql_store_result(queue->con))) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "mysql_store_result failed: %s", mysql_error(queue->con)); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } if (mysql_num_fields(result) < 5) { gearmand_log_error(GEARMAN_DEFAULT_LOG_PARAM, "MySQL queue: insufficient row fields in queue table"); return GEARMAND_QUEUE_ERROR; } gearmand_error_t ret= GEARMAND_SUCCESS; while ((row= mysql_fetch_row(result))) { unsigned long *lengths; gearman_job_priority_t priority= (gearman_job_priority_t)0; int when= 0; lengths= mysql_fetch_lengths(result); /* need to make a copy here ... gearman_server_job_free will free it later */ size_t data_size= lengths[2]; char * data= (char *)malloc(data_size); if (data == NULL) { return gearmand_perror(errno, "malloc failed"); } memcpy(data, row[2], data_size); if (lengths[3]) { priority= (gearman_job_priority_t) atoi(row[3]); } if (lengths[4]) { when= atoi(row[4]); } ret= (*add_fn)(server, add_context, row[0], (size_t) lengths[0], row[1], (size_t) lengths[1], data, data_size, priority, when); if (ret != GEARMAND_SUCCESS) { break; } } mysql_free_result(result); return ret; }