@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Creating a worker to handle a map/reduce job
-#include <libgearman/gearman.h>
-.. c:function:: gearman_return_t gearman_worker_add_map_function(gearman_worker_st *worker, const char *function_name, size_t functiona_name_length, uint32_t timeout, gearman_mapper_fn *mapper_function, gearman_aggregator_fn *aggregator_function, void *context)
-.. c::type:: gearman_worker_error_t (gearman_mapper_fn)(gearman_job_st *job, void *context)
-.. c::type:: gearman_return_t (gearman_aggregator_fn)(gearman_aggregator_st *, gearman_task_st *, gearman_result_st *)
-Link with -lgearman
-:c:func:`gearman_worker_add_map_function()` creates a worker that will be
-used to execute jobs created by :c:type:`gearman_client_execute_reduce()`.
-:c:type:`gearman_mapper_fn` are passed a job and will need to return
-a :c:type:`gearman_worker_error_t` upon exit. For each call of
-:c:func:`gearman_job_send_data()` a :c:type:`gearman_job_st` is created.
-Each job will be executed against the aggregate function that
-:c:type:`gearman_client_execute_reduce()` specified. If any errors are
-detected then the entire job is cancelled. The gearman_aggregator_fn will
-be called when all mapped jobs have completed. The result of this function
-will be what is returned to the client.
-The callback function needs to populute the ret value with one of the following errors:
-:c:func:`gearman_job_send_complete()` and :c:func:`gearman_job_send_fail()` cannot be used with mapper functions.
-To find out more information please check:
-`https://launchpad.net/gearmand <https://launchpad.net/gearmand>`_
-:manpage:`gearmand(8)` :manpage:`libgearman(3)` :manpage:`gearman_strerror(3)` :manpage:`gearman_client_error` :manpage:`gearman_client_execute_reduce`