@@ -178,6 +178,12 @@ bool Server::start()
+ if (port() == LIBTEST_FAIL_PORT)
+ {
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(), "Called failure");
+ }
@@ -189,15 +195,16 @@ bool Server::start()
if (args(_app) == false)
- Error << "Could not build command()";
- return false;
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(), "Could not build command()");
Application::error_t ret;
if (Application::SUCCESS != (ret= _app.run()))
- Error << "Application::run() " << ret;
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(), "Application::run() %s", libtest::Application::toString(ret));
return false;
_running= _app.print();
@@ -225,11 +232,12 @@ bool Server::start()
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char *getcwd_buf= getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf));
- throw libtest::fatal(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
- "Unable to open pidfile in %s for: %s stderr:%s",
- getcwd_buf ? getcwd_buf : "",
- _running.c_str(),
- _app.stderr_c_str());
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(),
+ "Unable to open pidfile in %s for: %s stderr:%s",
+ getcwd_buf ? getcwd_buf : "",
+ _running.c_str(),
+ _app.stderr_c_str());
@@ -265,40 +273,38 @@ bool Server::start()
if (kill_file(pid_file()) == false)
- libtest::fatal err(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
- "Failed to kill off server, waited: %u after startup occurred, when pinging failed: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
- this_wait,
- int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
- int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
- stream::cerr(err.file(), err.line(), err.func()) << err.what();
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(),
+ "Failed to kill off server, waited: %u after startup occurred, when pinging failed: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
+ this_wait,
+ int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
+ int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
- libtest::fatal err(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
- "Failed native ping(), pid: %d was alive: %s waited: %u server started, having pid_file. exec: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
- int(_app.pid()),
- _app.check() ? "true" : "false",
- this_wait,
- int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
- int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
- stream::cerr(err.file(), err.line(), err.func()) << err.what();
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(),
+ "Failed native ping(), pid: %d was alive: %s waited: %u server started, having pid_file. exec: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
+ int(_app.pid()),
+ _app.check() ? "true" : "false",
+ this_wait,
+ int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
+ int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
- libtest::fatal err(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
- "Failed native ping(), pid: %d is alive: %s waited: %u server started. exec: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
- int(_app.pid()),
- _app.check() ? "true" : "false",
- this_wait,
- int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
- int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
- stream::cerr(err.file(), err.line(), err.func()) << err.what();
+ throw libtest::disconnected(LIBYATL_DEFAULT_PARAM,
+ hostname(), port(),
+ "Failed native ping(), pid: %d is alive: %s waited: %u server started. exec: %.*s stderr:%.*s",
+ int(_app.pid()),
+ _app.check() ? "true" : "false",
+ this_wait,
+ int(_running.size()), _running.c_str(),
+ int(_app.stderr_result_length()), _app.stderr_c_str());
return false;