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- package frankenphp
- import (
- "net/http"
- )
- // representation of a thread with no work assigned to it
- // implements the threadHandler interface
- type inactiveThread struct {
- thread *phpThread
- }
- func convertToInactiveThread(thread *phpThread) {
- if thread.handler == nil {
- thread.handler = &inactiveThread{thread: thread}
- return
- }
- thread.setHandler(&inactiveThread{thread: thread})
- }
- func (handler *inactiveThread) beforeScriptExecution() string {
- thread := handler.thread
- switch thread.state.get() {
- case stateTransitionRequested:
- return thread.transitionToNewHandler()
- case stateBooting, stateTransitionComplete:
- thread.state.set(stateInactive)
- // wait for external signal to start or shut down
- thread.state.waitFor(stateTransitionRequested, stateShuttingDown)
- return handler.beforeScriptExecution()
- case stateShuttingDown:
- // signal to stop
- return ""
- }
- panic("unexpected state: " + thread.state.name())
- }
- func (thread *inactiveThread) afterScriptExecution(exitStatus int) {
- panic("inactive threads should not execute scripts")
- }
- func (thread *inactiveThread) getActiveRequest() *http.Request {
- panic("inactive threads have no requests")
- }