variable "IMAGE_NAME" { default = "dunglas/frankenphp" } variable "VERSION" { default = "dev" } variable "PHP_VERSION" { default = "8.2,8.3,8.4" } variable "GO_VERSION" { default = "1.23" } variable "SHA" {} variable "LATEST" { default = true } variable "CACHE" { default = "" } variable DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION { default = "8.4" } function "tag" { params = [version, os, php-version, tgt] result = [ version == "" ? "" : "${IMAGE_NAME}:${trimprefix("${version}${tgt == "builder" ? "-builder" : ""}-php${php-version}-${os}", "latest-")}", php-version == DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION && os == "bookworm" && version != "" ? "${IMAGE_NAME}:${trimprefix("${version}${tgt == "builder" ? "-builder" : ""}", "latest-")}" : "", php-version == DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION && version != "" ? "${IMAGE_NAME}:${trimprefix("${version}${tgt == "builder" ? "-builder" : ""}-${os}", "latest-")}" : "", os == "bookworm" && version != "" ? "${IMAGE_NAME}:${trimprefix("${version}${tgt == "builder" ? "-builder" : ""}-php${php-version}", "latest-")}" : "", ] } # cleanTag ensures that the tag is a valid Docker tag # cleanTag ensures that the tag is a valid Docker tag # see function "clean_tag" { params = [tag] result = substr(regex_replace(regex_replace(tag, "[^\\w.-]", "-"), "^([^\\w])", "r$0"), 0, 127) } # semver adds semver-compliant tag if a semver version number is passed, or returns the revision itself # see function "semver" { params = [rev] result = __semver(_semver(regexall("^v?(?P0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(?P0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(?P0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-(?P(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+(?P[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$", rev))) } function "_semver" { params = [matches] result = length(matches) == 0 ? {} : matches[0] } function "__semver" { params = [v] result = v == {} ? [clean_tag(VERSION)] : v.prerelease == null ? [v.major, "${v.major}.${v.minor}", "${v.major}.${v.minor}.${v.patch}"] : ["${v.major}.${v.minor}.${v.patch}-${v.prerelease}"] } function "php_version" { params = [v] result = _php_version(v, regexall("(?P\\d+)\\.(?P\\d+)", v)[0]) } function "_php_version" { params = [v, m] result = "${m.major}.${m.minor}" == DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION ? [v, "${m.major}.${m.minor}", "${m.major}"] : [v, "${m.major}.${m.minor}"] } target "default" { name = "${tgt}-php-${replace(php-version, ".", "-")}-${os}" matrix = { os = ["bookworm", "alpine"] php-version = split(",", PHP_VERSION) tgt = ["builder", "runner"] } contexts = { php-base = "docker-image://php:${php-version}-zts-${os}" golang-base = "docker-image://golang:${GO_VERSION}-${os}" } dockerfile = os == "alpine" ? "alpine.Dockerfile" : "Dockerfile" context = "./" target = tgt # arm/v6 is only available for Alpine: platforms = os == "alpine" ? [ "linux/amd64", "linux/386", # FIXME: armv6 doesn't build in GitHub actions because we use a custom Go build #"linux/arm/v6", "linux/arm/v7", "linux/arm64", ] : [ "linux/amd64", "linux/386", "linux/arm/v7", "linux/arm64" ] tags = distinct(flatten( [for pv in php_version(php-version) : flatten([ LATEST ? tag("latest", os, pv, tgt) : [], tag(SHA == "" || VERSION != "dev" ? "" : "sha-${substr(SHA, 0, 7)}", os, pv, tgt), VERSION == "dev" ? [] : [for v in semver(VERSION) : tag(v, os, pv, tgt)] ]) ])) labels = { "org.opencontainers.image.created" = "${timestamp()}" "org.opencontainers.image.version" = VERSION "org.opencontainers.image.revision" = SHA } args = { FRANKENPHP_VERSION = VERSION } } target "static-builder" { contexts = { golang-base = "docker-image://golang:${GO_VERSION}-alpine" } dockerfile = "static-builder.Dockerfile" context = "./" platforms = [ "linux/amd64", "linux/arm64", ] tags = distinct(flatten([ LATEST ? "${IMAGE_NAME}:static-builder" : "", SHA == "" || VERSION != "dev" ? "" : "${IMAGE_NAME}:static-builder-sha-${substr(SHA, 0, 7)}", VERSION == "dev" ? [] : [for v in semver(VERSION) : "${IMAGE_NAME}:static-builder-${v}"] ])) labels = { "org.opencontainers.image.created" = "${timestamp()}" "org.opencontainers.image.version" = VERSION "org.opencontainers.image.revision" = SHA } args = { FRANKENPHP_VERSION = VERSION } secret = ["id=github-token,env=GITHUB_TOKEN"] }