@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package frankenphp
import "C"
import (
- "fmt"
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ const (
// only allow scaling threads if requests were stalled for longer than this time
allowedStallTime = 10 * time.Millisecond
// the amount of time to check for CPU usage before scaling
- cpuProbeTime = 100 * time.Millisecond
+ cpuProbeTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
// if PHP threads are using more than this ratio of the CPU, do not scale
maxCpuUsageForScaling = 0.8
// check if threads should be stopped every x seconds
@@ -40,66 +39,84 @@ var (
func AddRegularThread() (int, error) {
defer scalingMu.Unlock()
+ _, err := addRegularThread()
+ return countRegularThreads(), err
+func addRegularThread() (*phpThread, error) {
thread := getInactivePHPThread()
if thread == nil {
- return countRegularThreads(), fmt.Errorf("max amount of overall threads reached: %d", len(phpThreads))
+ return nil, errors.New("max amount of overall threads reached")
- return countRegularThreads(), nil
+ return thread, nil
-// remove the last regular thread
func RemoveRegularThread() (int, error) {
defer scalingMu.Unlock()
+ err := removeRegularThread()
+ return countRegularThreads(), err
+// remove the last regular thread
+func removeRegularThread() error {
if len(regularThreads) <= 1 {
- return 1, errors.New("cannot remove last thread")
+ return errors.New("cannot remove last thread")
thread := regularThreads[len(regularThreads)-1]
- return countRegularThreads(), nil
+ return nil
-// turn the first inactive/reserved thread into a worker thread
func AddWorkerThread(workerFileName string) (int, error) {
- scalingMu.Lock()
- defer scalingMu.Unlock()
worker, ok := workers[workerFileName]
if !ok {
return 0, errors.New("worker not found")
+ scalingMu.Lock()
+ defer scalingMu.Unlock()
+ _, err := addWorkerThread(worker)
+ return worker.countThreads(), err
+// turn the first inactive/reserved thread into a worker thread
+func addWorkerThread(worker *worker) (*phpThread, error) {
thread := getInactivePHPThread()
if thread == nil {
- count := worker.countThreads()
- return count, fmt.Errorf("max amount of threads reached: %d", count)
+ return nil, errors.New("max amount of overall threads reached")
convertToWorkerThread(thread, worker)
- return worker.countThreads(), nil
+ return thread, nil
-// remove the last worker thread
func RemoveWorkerThread(workerFileName string) (int, error) {
- scalingMu.Lock()
- defer scalingMu.Unlock()
worker, ok := workers[workerFileName]
if !ok {
return 0, errors.New("worker not found")
+ scalingMu.Lock()
+ defer scalingMu.Unlock()
+ err := removeWorkerThread(worker)
+ return worker.countThreads(), err
+// remove the last worker thread
+func removeWorkerThread(worker *worker) error {
if len(worker.threads) <= 1 {
- return 1, errors.New("cannot remove last thread")
+ return errors.New("cannot remove last thread")
thread := worker.threads[len(worker.threads)-1]
- return worker.countThreads(), nil
+ return nil
func initAutoScaling(numThreads int, maxThreads int) {
@@ -107,8 +124,8 @@ func initAutoScaling(numThreads int, maxThreads int) {
- autoScaledThreads = make([]*phpThread, 0, maxThreads-numThreads)
+ autoScaledThreads = make([]*phpThread, 0, maxThreads-numThreads)
timer := time.NewTimer(downScaleCheckTime)
doneChan := mainThread.done
go func() {
@@ -124,52 +141,60 @@ func initAutoScaling(numThreads int, maxThreads int) {
+func drainAutoScaling() {
+ scalingMu.Lock()
+ blockAutoScaling.Store(true)
+ scalingMu.Unlock()
// Add worker PHP threads automatically
func autoscaleWorkerThreads(worker *worker, timeSpentStalling time.Duration) {
// first check if time spent waiting for a thread was above the allowed threshold
if timeSpentStalling < allowedStallTime || !blockAutoScaling.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
+ scalingMu.Lock()
+ defer scalingMu.Unlock()
defer blockAutoScaling.Store(false)
// TODO: is there an easy way to check if we are reaching memory limits?
- if probeIfCpusAreBusy(cpuProbeTime) {
+ if !probeCPUs(cpuProbeTime) {
logger.Debug("cpu is busy, not autoscaling", zap.String("worker", worker.fileName))
- count, err := AddWorkerThread(worker.fileName)
+ thread, err := addWorkerThread(worker)
if err != nil {
- logger.Debug("could not add worker thread", zap.String("worker", worker.fileName), zap.Int("count", count), zap.Error(err))
+ logger.Debug("could not add worker thread", zap.String("worker", worker.fileName), zap.Error(err))
+ return
- scalingMu.Lock()
- autoScaledThreads = append(autoScaledThreads, worker.threads[len(worker.threads)-1])
- scalingMu.Unlock()
+ autoScaledThreads = append(autoScaledThreads, thread)
// Add regular PHP threads automatically
func autoscaleRegularThreads(timeSpentStalling time.Duration) {
// first check if time spent waiting for a thread was above the allowed threshold
if timeSpentStalling < allowedStallTime || !blockAutoScaling.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
+ scalingMu.Lock()
+ defer scalingMu.Unlock()
defer blockAutoScaling.Store(false)
- if probeIfCpusAreBusy(cpuProbeTime) {
+ if !probeCPUs(cpuProbeTime) {
logger.Debug("cpu is busy, not autoscaling")
- count, err := AddRegularThread()
- scalingMu.Lock()
- autoScaledThreads = append(autoScaledThreads, regularThreads[len(regularThreads)-1])
- scalingMu.Unlock()
+ thread, err := addRegularThread()
+ if err != nil {
+ logger.Debug("could not add regular thread", zap.Error(err))
+ return
+ }
- logger.Debug("regular thread autoscaling", zap.Int("count", count), zap.Error(err))
+ autoScaledThreads = append(autoScaledThreads, thread)
func downScaleThreads() {
@@ -210,23 +235,32 @@ func downScaleThreads() {
-func readMemory() {
- return
- var mem runtime.MemStats
- runtime.ReadMemStats(&mem)
- fmt.Printf("Total allocated memory: %d bytes\n", mem.TotalAlloc)
- fmt.Printf("Number of memory allocations: %d\n", mem.Mallocs)
-// probe the CPU usage of the process
+// probe the CPU usage of all PHP Threads
// if CPUs are not busy, most threads are likely waiting for I/O, so we should scale
// if CPUs are already busy we won't gain much by scaling and want to avoid the overhead of doing so
-// keep in mind that this will only probe CPU usage by PHP Threads
// time spent by the go runtime or other processes is not considered
-func probeIfCpusAreBusy(sleepTime time.Duration) bool {
- cpuUsage := float64(C.frankenphp_probe_cpu(C.int(cpuCount), C.int(sleepTime.Milliseconds())))
+func probeCPUs(probeTime time.Duration) bool {
+ var startTime, endTime, cpuTime, cpuEndTime C.struct_timespec
+ C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &startTime)
+ C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &cpuTime)
+ timer := time.NewTimer(probeTime)
+ select {
+ case <-mainThread.done:
+ return false
+ case <-timer.C:
+ }
+ C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &endTime)
+ C.clock_gettime(C.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &cpuEndTime)
+ elapsedTime := float64((endTime.tv_sec-startTime.tv_sec)*1e9 + (endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec))
+ elapsedCpuTime := float64((cpuEndTime.tv_sec-cpuTime.tv_sec)*1e9 + (cpuEndTime.tv_nsec - cpuTime.tv_nsec))
+ cpuUsage := elapsedCpuTime / elapsedTime / float64(cpuCount)
+ // TODO: remove unnecessary debug messages
+ logger.Debug("CPU usage", zap.Float64("cpuUsage", cpuUsage))
- logger.Warn("CPU usage", zap.Float64("usage", cpuUsage))
- return cpuUsage > maxCpuUsageForScaling
+ return cpuUsage < maxCpuUsageForScaling