123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461 |
- # Some code to convert arbitrary curves to high quality cubics.
- # Some conventions: points are (x, y) pairs. Cubic Bezier segments are
- # lists of four points.
- import sys
- from math import *
- import pcorn
- def pt_wsum(points, wts):
- x, y = 0, 0
- for i in range(len(points)):
- x += points[i][0] * wts[i]
- y += points[i][1] * wts[i]
- return x, y
- # Very basic spline primitives
- def bz_eval(bz, t):
- degree = len(bz) - 1
- mt = 1 - t
- if degree == 3:
- return pt_wsum(bz, [mt * mt * mt, 3 * mt * mt * t, 3 * mt * t * t, t * t * t])
- elif degree == 2:
- return pt_wsum(bz, [mt * mt, 2 * mt * t, t * t])
- elif degree == 1:
- return pt_wsum(bz, [mt, t])
- def bz_deriv(bz):
- degree = len(bz) - 1
- return [(degree * (bz[i + 1][0] - bz[i][0]), degree * (bz[i + 1][1] - bz[i][1])) for i in range(degree)]
- def bz_arclength(bz, n = 10):
- # We're just going to integrate |z'| over the parameter [0..1].
- # The integration algorithm here is eqn 4.1.14 from NRC2, and is
- # chosen for simplicity. Likely adaptive and/or higher-order
- # algorithms would be better, but this should be good enough.
- # Convergence should be quartic in n.
- wtarr = (3./8, 7./6, 23./24)
- dt = 1./n
- s = 0
- dbz = bz_deriv(bz)
- for i in range(0, n + 1):
- if i < 3:
- wt = wtarr[i]
- elif i > n - 3:
- wt = wtarr[n - i]
- else:
- wt = 1.
- dx, dy = bz_eval(dbz, i * dt)
- ds = hypot(dx, dy)
- s += wt * ds
- return s * dt
- # One step of 4th-order Runge-Kutta numerical integration - update y in place
- def rk4(y, dydx, x, h, derivs):
- hh = h * .5
- h6 = h * (1./6)
- xh = x + hh
- yt = []
- for i in range(len(y)):
- yt.append(y[i] + hh * dydx[i])
- dyt = derivs(xh, yt)
- for i in range(len(y)):
- yt[i] = y[i] + hh * dyt[i]
- dym = derivs(xh, yt)
- for i in range(len(y)):
- yt[i] = y[i] + h * dym[i]
- dym[i] += dyt[i]
- dyt = derivs(x + h, yt)
- for i in range(len(y)):
- y[i] += h6 * (dydx[i] + dyt[i] + 2 * dym[i])
- def bz_arclength_rk4(bz, n = 10):
- dbz = bz_deriv(bz)
- def arclength_deriv(x, ys):
- dx, dy = bz_eval(dbz, x)
- return [hypot(dx, dy)]
- dt = 1./n
- t = 0
- ys = [0]
- for i in range(n):
- dydx = arclength_deriv(t, ys)
- rk4(ys, dydx, t, dt, arclength_deriv)
- t += dt
- return ys[0]
- # z0 and z1 are start and end points, resp.
- # th0 and th1 are the initial and final tangents, measured in the
- # direction of the curve.
- # aab is a/(a + b), where a and b are the lengths of the bezier "arms"
- def fit_cubic_arclen(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab):
- chord = hypot(z1[0] - z0[0], z1[1] - z0[1])
- cth0, sth0 = cos(th0), sin(th0)
- cth1, sth1 = -cos(th1), -sin(th1)
- armlen = .66667 * chord
- darmlen = 1e-6 * armlen
- for i in range(10):
- a = armlen * aab
- b = armlen - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- actual_s = bz_arclength_rk4(bz)
- if (abs(arclen - actual_s) < 1e-12):
- break
- a = (armlen + darmlen) * aab
- b = (armlen + darmlen) - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- actual_s2 = bz_arclength_rk4(bz)
- ds = (actual_s2 - actual_s) / darmlen
- #print '% armlen = ', armlen
- if ds == 0:
- break
- armlen += (arclen - actual_s) / ds
- a = armlen * aab
- b = armlen - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- return bz
- def mod_2pi(th):
- u = th / (2 * pi)
- return 2 * pi * (u - floor(u + 0.5))
- def measure_bz(bz, arclen, th_fn, n = 1000):
- dt = 1./n
- dbz = bz_deriv(bz)
- s = 0
- score = 0
- for i in range(n):
- dx, dy = bz_eval(dbz, (i + .5) * dt)
- ds = dt * hypot(dx, dy)
- s += ds
- score += ds * (mod_2pi(atan2(dy, dx) - th_fn(s)) ** 2)
- return score
- def measure_bz_rk4(bz, arclen, th_fn, n = 10):
- dbz = bz_deriv(bz)
- def measure_derivs(x, ys):
- dx, dy = bz_eval(dbz, x)
- ds = hypot(dx, dy)
- s = ys[0]
- dscore = ds * (mod_2pi(atan2(dy, dx) - th_fn(s)) ** 2)
- return [ds, dscore]
- dt = 1./n
- t = 0
- ys = [0, 0]
- for i in range(n):
- dydx = measure_derivs(t, ys)
- rk4(ys, dydx, t, dt, measure_derivs)
- t += dt
- return ys[1]
- # th_fn() is a function that takes an arclength from the start point, and
- # returns an angle - thus th_fn(0) and th_fn(arclen) are the initial and
- # final tangents.
- # z0, z1, and arclen are as fit_cubic_arclen
- def fit_cubic(z0, z1, arclen, th_fn, fast = 1):
- chord = hypot(z1[0] - z0[0], z1[1] - z0[1])
- if (arclen < 1.000001 * chord):
- return [z0, z1], 0
- th0 = th_fn(0)
- th1 = th_fn(arclen)
- imax = 4
- jmax = 10
- aabmin = 0
- aabmax = 1.
- if fast:
- imax = 1
- jmax = 0
- for i in range(imax):
- for j in range(jmax + 1):
- if jmax == 0:
- aab = 0.5 * (aabmin + aabmax)
- else:
- aab = aabmin + (aabmax - aabmin) * j / jmax
- bz = fit_cubic_arclen(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab)
- score = measure_bz_rk4(bz, arclen, th_fn)
- print '% aab =', aab, 'score =', score
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if j == 0 or score < best_score:
- best_score = score
- best_aab = aab
- best_bz = bz
- daab = .06 * (aabmax - aabmin)
- aabmin = max(0, best_aab - daab)
- aabmax = min(1, best_aab + daab)
- print '%--- best_aab =', best_aab
- return best_bz, best_score
- def plot_prolog():
- print '%!PS'
- print '/m { moveto } bind def'
- print '/l { lineto } bind def'
- print '/c { curveto } bind def'
- print '/z { closepath } bind def'
- def plot_bz(bz, z0, scale, do_moveto = True):
- x0, y0 = z0
- if do_moveto:
- print bz[0][0] * scale + x0, bz[0][1] * scale + y0, 'm'
- if len(bz) == 4:
- x1, y1 = bz[1][0] * scale + x0, bz[1][1] * scale + y0
- x2, y2 = bz[2][0] * scale + x0, bz[2][1] * scale + y0
- x3, y3 = bz[3][0] * scale + x0, bz[3][1] * scale + y0
- print x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, 'c'
- elif len(bz) == 2:
- print bz[1][0] * scale + x0, bz[1][1] * scale + y0, 'l'
- def test_bz_arclength():
- bz = [(0, 0), (.5, 0), (1, 0.5), (1, 1)]
- ans = bz_arclength_rk4(bz, 2048)
- last = 1
- lastrk = 1
- for i in range(3, 11):
- n = 1 << i
- err = bz_arclength(bz, n) - ans
- err_rk = bz_arclength_rk4(bz, n) - ans
- print n, err, last / err, err_rk, lastrk / err_rk
- last = err
- lastrk = err_rk
- def test_fit_cubic_arclen():
- th = pi / 4
- arclen = th / sin(th)
- bz = fit_cubic_arclen((0, 0), (1, 0), arclen, th, th, .5)
- print '%', bz
- plot_bz(bz, (100, 400), 500)
- print 'stroke'
- print 'showpage'
- # -- cornu fitting
- import cornu
- def cornu_to_cubic(t0, t1):
- def th_fn(s):
- return (s + t0) ** 2
- y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
- y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
- bz, score = fit_cubic((x0, y0), (x1, y1), t1 - t0, th_fn, 0)
- return bz, score
- def test_draw_cornu():
- plot_prolog()
- thresh = 1e-6
- print '/ss 1.5 def'
- print '/circle { ss 0 moveto currentpoint exch ss sub exch ss 0 360 arc } bind def'
- s0 = 0
- imax = 200
- x0, y0, scale = 36, 100, 500
- bzs = []
- for i in range(1, imax):
- s = sqrt(i * .1)
- bz, score = cornu_to_cubic(s0, s)
- if score > (s - s0) * thresh or i == imax - 1:
- plot_bz(bz, (x0, y0), scale, s0 == 0)
- bzs.append(bz)
- s0 = s
- print 'stroke'
- for i in range(len(bzs)):
- bz = bzs[i]
- bx0, by0 = x0 + bz[0][0] * scale, y0 + bz[0][1] * scale
- bx1, by1 = x0 + bz[1][0] * scale, y0 + bz[1][1] * scale
- bx2, by2 = x0 + bz[2][0] * scale, y0 + bz[2][1] * scale
- bx3, by3 = x0 + bz[3][0] * scale, y0 + bz[3][1] * scale
- print 'gsave 0 0 1 setrgbcolor .5 setlinewidth'
- print bx0, by0, 'moveto', bx1, by1, 'lineto stroke'
- print bx2, by2, 'moveto', bx3, by3, 'lineto stroke'
- print 'grestore'
- print 'gsave', bx0, by0, 'translate circle fill grestore'
- print 'gsave', bx1, by1, 'translate .5 dup scale circle fill grestore'
- print 'gsave', bx2, by2, 'translate .5 dup scale circle fill grestore'
- print 'gsave', bx3, by3, 'translate circle fill grestore'
- # -- fitting of piecewise cornu curves
- def pcorn_segment_to_bzs_optim_inner(curve, s0, s1, thresh, nmax = None):
- result = []
- if s0 == s1: return [], 0
- while s0 < s1:
- def th_fn_inner(s):
- if s > s1: s = s1
- return curve.th(s0 + s, s == 0)
- z0 = curve.xy(s0)
- z1 = curve.xy(s1)
- bz, score = fit_cubic(z0, z1, s1 - s0, th_fn_inner, 0)
- if score < thresh or nmax != None and len(result) == nmax - 1:
- result.append(bz)
- break
- r = s1
- l = s0 + .001 * (s1 - s0)
- for i in range(10):
- smid = 0.5 * (l + r)
- zmid = curve.xy(smid)
- bz, score = fit_cubic(z0, zmid, smid - s0, th_fn_inner, 0)
- if score > thresh:
- r = smid
- else:
- l = smid
- print '% s0=', s0, 'smid=', smid, 'actual score =', score
- result.append(bz)
- s0 = smid
- print '% last actual score=', score
- return result, score
- def pcorn_segment_to_bzs_optim(curve, s0, s1, thresh, optim):
- result, score = pcorn_segment_to_bzs_optim_inner(curve, s0, s1, thresh)
- bresult, bscore = result, score
- if len(result) > 1 and optim > 2:
- nmax = len(result)
- gamma = 1./6
- l = score
- r = thresh
- for i in range(5):
- tmid = (0.5 * (l ** gamma + r ** gamma)) ** (1/gamma)
- result, score = pcorn_segment_to_bzs_optim_inner(curve, s0, s1, tmid, nmax)
- if score < tmid:
- l = max(l, score)
- r = tmid
- else:
- l = tmid
- r = min(r, score)
- if max(score, tmid) < bscore:
- bresult, bscore = result, max(score, tmid)
- return result
- def pcorn_segment_to_bzs(curve, s0, s1, optim = 0, thresh = 1e-3):
- if optim >= 2:
- return pcorn_segment_to_bzs_optim(curve, s0, s1, thresh, optim)
- z0 = curve.xy(s0)
- z1 = curve.xy(s1)
- fast = (optim == 0)
- def th_fn(s):
- return curve.th(s0 + s, s == 0)
- bz, score = fit_cubic(z0, z1, s1 - s0, th_fn, fast)
- if score < thresh:
- return [bz]
- else:
- smid = 0.5 * (s0 + s1)
- result = pcorn_segment_to_bzs(curve, s0, smid, optim, thresh)
- result.extend(pcorn_segment_to_bzs(curve, smid, s1, optim, thresh))
- return result
- def pcorn_curve_to_bzs(curve, optim = 3, thresh = 1e-3):
- result = []
- extrema = curve.find_extrema()
- extrema.extend(curve.find_breaks())
- extrema.sort()
- print '%', extrema
- for i in range(len(extrema)):
- s0 = extrema[i]
- if i == len(extrema) - 1:
- s1 = extrema[0] + curve.arclen
- else:
- s1 = extrema[i + 1]
- result.extend(pcorn_segment_to_bzs(curve, s0, s1, optim, thresh))
- return result
- import struct
- def fit_cubic_arclen_forplot(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab):
- chord = hypot(z1[0] - z0[0], z1[1] - z0[1])
- cth0, sth0 = cos(th0), sin(th0)
- cth1, sth1 = -cos(th1), -sin(th1)
- armlen = .66667 * chord
- darmlen = 1e-6 * armlen
- for i in range(10):
- a = armlen * aab
- b = armlen - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- actual_s = bz_arclength_rk4(bz)
- if (abs(arclen - actual_s) < 1e-12):
- break
- a = (armlen + darmlen) * aab
- b = (armlen + darmlen) - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- actual_s2 = bz_arclength_rk4(bz)
- ds = (actual_s2 - actual_s) / darmlen
- #print '% armlen = ', armlen
- armlen += (arclen - actual_s) / ds
- a = armlen * aab
- b = armlen - a
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- return bz, a, b
- def plot_errors_2d(t0, t1, as_ppm):
- xs = 1024
- ys = 1024
- if as_ppm:
- print 'P6'
- print xs, ys
- print 255
- def th_fn(s):
- return (s + t0) ** 2
- y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
- y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
- z0 = (x0, y0)
- z1 = (x1, y1)
- chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
- arclen = t1 - t0
- th0 = th_fn(0)
- th1 = th_fn(arclen)
- cth0, sth0 = cos(th0), sin(th0)
- cth1, sth1 = -cos(th1), -sin(th1)
- for y in range(ys):
- b = .8 * chord * (ys - y - 1) / ys
- for x in range(xs):
- a = .8 * chord * x / xs
- bz = [z0, (z0[0] + cth0 * a, z0[1] + sth0 * a),
- (z1[0] + cth1 * b, z1[1] + sth1 * b), z1]
- s_bz = bz_arclength(bz, 10)
- def th_fn_scaled(s):
- return (s * arclen / s_bz + t0) ** 2
- score = measure_bz_rk4(bz, arclen, th_fn_scaled, 10)
- if as_ppm:
- ls = -log(score)
- color_th = ls
- darkstep = 0
- if s_bz > arclen:
- g0 = 128 - darkstep
- else:
- g0 = 128 + darkstep
- sc = 127 - darkstep
- rr = g0 + sc * cos(color_th)
- gg = g0 + sc * cos(color_th + 2 * pi / 3)
- bb = g0 + sc * cos(color_th - 2 * pi / 3)
- sys.stdout.write(struct.pack('3B', rr, gg, bb))
- else:
- print a, b, score
- if not as_ppm:
- print
- def plot_arclen(t0, t1):
- def th_fn(s):
- return (s + t0) ** 2
- y0, x0 = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
- y1, x1 = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
- z0 = (x0, y0)
- z1 = (x1, y1)
- chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
- arclen = t1 - t0
- th0 = th_fn(0)
- th1 = th_fn(arclen)
- for i in range(101):
- aab = i * .01
- bz, a, b = fit_cubic_arclen_forplot(z0, z1, arclen, th0, th1, aab)
- print a, b
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- #test_bz_arclength()
- test_draw_cornu()
- #run_one_cornu_seg()
- #plot_errors_2d(.5, 1.0, False)
- #plot_arclen(.5, 1.0)