@@ -34,41 +34,6 @@ UFO_MASTERS = font_tests.load_fonts(
-class TestRobotoRegressions(font_tests.FontTest):
- loaded_fonts = FONTS
- def setUp(self):
- self.font_files, self.fonts = self.loaded_fonts
- def test_chi_descends(self):
- """Test that the chi glyph descends below the baseline.
- Bug: https://github.com/google/roboto/issues/18
- """
- for font in self.fonts:
- glyph_set = font.getGlyphSet()
- glyph = glyph_set['chi']._glyph
- self.assertTrue(
- glyph.yMin < 0, 'Lowercase chi does not descend below y=0, is '
- 'it an alias of x?')
- def test_upsilontonos_narrow(self):
- """Test that the tonos in Upsilontonos is not too far left.
- Bug: https://github.com/google/roboto/issues/154
- """
- for filename, font in zip(self.font_files, self.fonts):
- glyph_set = font.getGlyphSet()
- glyph = glyph_set['Upsilontonos']._glyph
- # accept within an x bound based on weight, where xMin=-150 is about
- # what is expected for regular, -110 for light, -190 for medium
- bound = -(150 + (font['OS/2'].usWeightClass - 400) * 0.4)
- self.assertTrue(
- glyph.xMin > bound, 'Upsilontonos extends far to the left and may '
- 'be susceptible to aggressive clipping. %s %d' % (filename, glyph.xMin))
class TestItalicAngle(font_tests.TestItalicAngle):
loaded_fonts = FONTS
expected_italic_angle = -12.0
@@ -158,6 +123,23 @@ class TestVerticalMetrics(font_tests.TestVerticalMetrics):
expected_head_yMax = 2163
+class TestGlyphBounds(font_tests.TestGlyphBounds):
+ loaded_fonts = FONTS
+ should_exceed = (
+ (('chi',), (None, 0, None, None), 0, 'is it an alias of x?'),
+ )
+ should_not_exceed = (
+ (('Epsilontonos', 'Etatonos', 'Iotatonos', 'Upsilontonos'),
+ (-150, None, None, None), 0.4,
+ 'may be susceptible to aggressive clipping'),
+ (('uni1F1B', 'uni1F2B', 'uni1F3B', 'uni1F5B', 'uni1F9B'),
+ (-550, None, None, None), 0.1,
+ 'may be susceptible to aggressive clipping'),
+ )
class TestGlyphAreas(font_tests.TestGlyphAreas):
master_weights_to_test = ['Thin', 'Bold']
instance_weights_to_test = ['Thin', 'Regular', 'Bold']