@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+# Solver based on direct Newton solving of 4 parameters for each curve
+# segment
+import sys
+from math import *
+from Numeric import *
+import LinearAlgebra as la
+import poly3
+import band
+class Seg:
+ def __init__(self, chord, th):
+ self.ks = [0., 0., 0., 0.]
+ self.chord = chord
+ self.th = th
+ def compute_ends(self, ks):
+ chord, ch_th = poly3.integ_chord(ks)
+ l = chord / self.chord
+ thl = ch_th - (-.5 * ks[0] + .125 * ks[1] - 1./48 * ks[2] + 1./384 * ks[3])
+ thr = (.5 * ks[0] + .125 * ks[1] + 1./48 * ks[2] + 1./384 * ks[3]) - ch_th
+ k0l = l * (ks[0] - .5 * ks[1] + .125 * ks[2] - 1./48 * ks[3])
+ k0r = l * (ks[0] + .5 * ks[1] + .125 * ks[2] + 1./48 * ks[3])
+ l2 = l * l
+ k1l = l2 * (ks[1] - .5 * ks[2] + .125 * ks[3])
+ k1r = l2 * (ks[1] + .5 * ks[2] + .125 * ks[3])
+ l3 = l2 * l
+ k2l = l3 * (ks[2] - .5 * ks[3])
+ k2r = l3 * (ks[2] + .5 * ks[3])
+ return (thl, k0l, k1l, k2l), (thr, k0r, k1r, k2r), l
+ def set_ends_from_ks(self):
+ self.endl, self.endr, self.l = self.compute_ends(self.ks)
+ def fast_pderivs(self):
+ l = self.l
+ l2 = l * l
+ l3 = l2 * l
+ return [((.5, l, 0, 0), (.5, l, 0, 0)),
+ ((-1./12, -l/2, l2, 0), (1./12, l/2, l2, 0)),
+ ((1./48, l/8, -l2/2, l3), (1./48, l/8, l2/2, l3)),
+ ((-1./480, -l/48, l2/8, -l3/2), (1./480, l/48, l2/8, l3/2))]
+ def compute_pderivs(self):
+ rd = 2e6
+ delta = 1./rd
+ base_ks = self.ks
+ base_endl, base_endr, dummy = self.compute_ends(base_ks)
+ result = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ try_ks = base_ks[:]
+ try_ks[i] += delta
+ try_endl, try_endr, dummy = self.compute_ends(try_ks)
+ deriv_l = (rd * (try_endl[0] - base_endl[0]),
+ rd * (try_endl[1] - base_endl[1]),
+ rd * (try_endl[2] - base_endl[2]),
+ rd * (try_endl[3] - base_endl[3]))
+ deriv_r = (rd * (try_endr[0] - base_endr[0]),
+ rd * (try_endr[1] - base_endr[1]),
+ rd * (try_endr[2] - base_endr[2]),
+ rd * (try_endr[3] - base_endr[3]))
+ result.append((deriv_l, deriv_r))
+ return result
+class Node:
+ def __init__(self, x, y, ty, th):
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ self.ty = ty
+ self.th = th
+ def continuity(self):
+ if self.ty == 'o':
+ return 4
+ elif self.ty in ('c', '[', ']'):
+ return 2
+ else:
+ return 0
+def mod_2pi(th):
+ u = th / (2 * pi)
+ return 2 * pi * (u - floor(u + 0.5))
+def setup_path(path):
+ segs = []
+ nodes = []
+ nsegs = len(path)
+ if path[0][2] == '{':
+ nsegs -= 1
+ for i in range(nsegs):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % len(path)
+ x0, y0, t0 = path[i]
+ x1, y1, t1 = path[i1]
+ s = Seg(hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0), atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0))
+ segs.append(s)
+ for i in range(len(path)):
+ x0, y0, t0 = path[i]
+ if t0 in ('{', '}', 'v'):
+ th = 0
+ else:
+ s0 = segs[(i + len(path) - 1) % len(path)]
+ s1 = segs[i]
+ th = mod_2pi(s1.th - s0.th)
+ n = Node(x0, y0, t0, th)
+ nodes.append(n)
+ return segs, nodes
+def count_vec(nodes):
+ jincs = []
+ n = 0
+ for i in range(len(nodes)):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % len(nodes)
+ t0 = nodes[i].ty
+ t1 = nodes[i1].ty
+ if t0 in ('{', '}', 'v', '[') and t1 in ('{', '}', 'v', ']'):
+ jinc = 0
+ elif t0 in ('{', '}', 'v', '[') and t1 == 'c':
+ jinc = 1
+ elif t0 == 'c' and t1 in ('{', '}', 'v', ']'):
+ jinc = 1
+ elif t0 == 'c' and t1 == 'c':
+ jinc = 2
+ else:
+ jinc = 4
+ jincs.append(jinc)
+ n += jinc
+ return n, jincs
+thscale, k0scale, k1scale, k2scale = 1, 1, 1, 1
+def inversedot_woodbury(m, v):
+ a = zeros((n, 11), Float)
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(max(-7, -i), min(4, n - i)):
+ a[i, j + 7] = m[i, i + j]
+ print a
+ al, indx, d = band.bandec(a, 7, 3)
+ VtZ = identity(4, Float)
+ Z = zeros((n, 4), Float)
+ for i in range(4):
+ u = zeros(n, Float)
+ for j in range(4):
+ u[j] = m[j, n - 4 + i]
+ band.banbks(a, 7, 3, al, indx, u)
+ for k in range(n):
+ Z[k, i] = u[k]
+ #Z[:,i] = u
+ for j in range(4):
+ VtZ[j, i] += u[n - 4 + j]
+ print Z
+ print VtZ
+ H = la.inverse(VtZ)
+ print H
+ band.banbks(a, 7, 3, al, indx, v)
+ return(v - dot(Z, dot(H, v[n - 4:])))
+def inversedot(m, v):
+ return dot(la.inverse(m), v)
+ n, nn = m.shape
+ if 1:
+ for i in range(n):
+ sys.stdout.write('% ')
+ for j in range(n):
+ if m[i, j] > 0: sys.stdout.write('+ ')
+ elif m[i, j] < 0: sys.stdout.write('- ')
+ else: sys.stdout.write(' ')
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ cyclic = False
+ for i in range(4):
+ for j in range(n - 4, n):
+ if m[i, j] != 0:
+ cyclic = True
+ print '% cyclic:', cyclic
+ if not cyclic:
+ a = zeros((n, 11), Float)
+ for i in range(n):
+ for j in range(max(-5, -i), min(6, n - i)):
+ a[i, j + 5] = m[i, i + j]
+ for i in range(n):
+ sys.stdout.write('% ')
+ for j in range(11):
+ if a[i, j] > 0: sys.stdout.write('+ ')
+ elif a[i, j] < 0: sys.stdout.write('- ')
+ else: sys.stdout.write(' ')
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ al, indx, d = band.bandec(a, 5, 5)
+ print a
+ band.banbks(a, 5, 5, al, indx, v)
+ return v
+ else:
+ #return inversedot_woodbury(m, v)
+ bign = 3 * n
+ a = zeros((bign, 11), Float)
+ u = zeros(bign, Float)
+ for i in range(bign):
+ u[i] = v[i % n]
+ for j in range(-7, 4):
+ a[i, j + 7] = m[i % n, (i + j + 7 * n) % n]
+ #print a
+ if 1:
+ for i in range(bign):
+ sys.stdout.write('% ')
+ for j in range(11):
+ if a[i, j] > 0: sys.stdout.write('+ ')
+ elif a[i, j] < 0: sys.stdout.write('- ')
+ else: sys.stdout.write(' ')
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ #print u
+ al, indx, d = band.bandec(a, 5, 5)
+ band.banbks(a, 5, 5, al, indx, u)
+ #print u
+ return u[n + 2: 2 * n + 2]
+def iter(segs, nodes):
+ n, jincs = count_vec(nodes)
+ print '%', jincs
+ v = zeros(n, Float)
+ m = zeros((n, n), Float)
+ for i in range(len(segs)):
+ segs[i].set_ends_from_ks()
+ j = 0
+ j0 = 0
+ for i in range(len(segs)):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % len(nodes)
+ t0 = nodes[i].ty
+ t1 = nodes[i1].ty
+ seg = segs[i]
+ derivs = seg.compute_pderivs()
+ print '%derivs:', derivs
+ jinc = jincs[i] # the number of params on this seg
+ print '%', t0, t1, jinc, j0
+ # The constraints are laid out as follows:
+ # constraints that cross the node on the left
+ # constraints on the left side
+ # constraints on the right side
+ # constraints that cross the node on the right
+ jj = j0 # the index into the constraint row we're writing
+ jthl, jk0l, jk1l, jk2l = -1, -1, -1, -1
+ jthr, jk0r, jk1r, jk2r = -1, -1, -1, -1
+ # constraints crossing left
+ if t0 == 'o':
+ jthl = jj + 0
+ jk0l = jj + 1
+ jk1l = jj + 2
+ jk2l = jj + 3
+ jj += 4
+ elif t0 in ('c', '[', ']'):
+ jthl = jj + 0
+ jk0l = jj + 1
+ jj += 2
+ # constraints on left
+ if t0 in ('[', 'v', '{') and jinc == 4:
+ jk1l = jj
+ jj += 1
+ if t0 in ('[', 'v', '{', 'c') and jinc == 4:
+ jk2l = jj
+ jj += 1
+ # constraints on right
+ if t1 in (']', 'v', '}') and jinc == 4:
+ jk1r = jj
+ jj += 1
+ if t1 in (']', 'v', '}', 'c') and jinc == 4:
+ jk2r = jj
+ jj += 1
+ # constraints crossing right
+ jj %= n
+ j1 = jj
+ if t1 == 'o':
+ jthr = jj + 0
+ jk0r = jj + 1
+ jk1r = jj + 2
+ jk2r = jj + 3
+ jj += 4
+ elif t1 in ('c', '[', ']'):
+ jthr = jj + 0
+ jk0r = jj + 1
+ jj += 2
+ print '%', jthl, jk0l, jk1l, jk2l, jthr, jk0r, jk1r, jk2r
+ if jthl >= 0:
+ v[jthl] += thscale * (nodes[i].th - seg.endl[0])
+ if jinc == 1:
+ m[jthl][j] += derivs[0][0][0]
+ elif jinc == 2:
+ m[jthl][j + 1] += derivs[0][0][0]
+ m[jthl][j] += derivs[1][0][0]
+ elif jinc == 4:
+ m[jthl][j + 2] += derivs[0][0][0]
+ m[jthl][j + 3] += derivs[1][0][0]
+ m[jthl][j + 0] += derivs[2][0][0]
+ m[jthl][j + 1] += derivs[3][0][0]
+ if jk0l >= 0:
+ v[jk0l] += k0scale * seg.endl[1]
+ if jinc == 1:
+ m[jk0l][j] -= derivs[0][0][1]
+ elif jinc == 2:
+ m[jk0l][j + 1] -= derivs[0][0][1]
+ m[jk0l][j] -= derivs[1][0][1]
+ elif jinc == 4:
+ m[jk0l][j + 2] -= derivs[0][0][1]
+ m[jk0l][j + 3] -= derivs[1][0][1]
+ m[jk0l][j + 0] -= derivs[2][0][1]
+ m[jk0l][j + 1] -= derivs[3][0][1]
+ if jk1l >= 0:
+ v[jk1l] += k1scale * seg.endl[2]
+ m[jk1l][j + 2] -= derivs[0][0][2]
+ m[jk1l][j + 3] -= derivs[1][0][2]
+ m[jk1l][j + 0] -= derivs[2][0][2]
+ m[jk1l][j + 1] -= derivs[3][0][2]
+ if jk2l >= 0:
+ v[jk2l] += k2scale * seg.endl[3]
+ m[jk2l][j + 2] -= derivs[0][0][3]
+ m[jk2l][j + 3] -= derivs[1][0][3]
+ m[jk2l][j + 0] -= derivs[2][0][3]
+ m[jk2l][j + 1] -= derivs[3][0][3]
+ if jthr >= 0:
+ v[jthr] -= thscale * seg.endr[0]
+ if jinc == 1:
+ m[jthr][j] += derivs[0][1][0]
+ elif jinc == 2:
+ m[jthr][j + 1] += derivs[0][1][0]
+ m[jthr][j + 0] += derivs[1][1][0]
+ elif jinc == 4:
+ m[jthr][j + 2] += derivs[0][1][0]
+ m[jthr][j + 3] += derivs[1][1][0]
+ m[jthr][j + 0] += derivs[2][1][0]
+ m[jthr][j + 1] += derivs[3][1][0]
+ if jk0r >= 0:
+ v[jk0r] -= k0scale * seg.endr[1]
+ if jinc == 1:
+ m[jk0r][j] += derivs[0][1][1]
+ elif jinc == 2:
+ m[jk0r][j + 1] += derivs[0][1][1]
+ m[jk0r][j + 0] += derivs[1][1][1]
+ elif jinc == 4:
+ m[jk0r][j + 2] += derivs[0][1][1]
+ m[jk0r][j + 3] += derivs[1][1][1]
+ m[jk0r][j + 0] += derivs[2][1][1]
+ m[jk0r][j + 1] += derivs[3][1][1]
+ if jk1r >= 0:
+ v[jk1r] -= k1scale * seg.endr[2]
+ m[jk1r][j + 2] += derivs[0][1][2]
+ m[jk1r][j + 3] += derivs[1][1][2]
+ m[jk1r][j + 0] += derivs[2][1][2]
+ m[jk1r][j + 1] += derivs[3][1][2]
+ if jk2r >= 0:
+ v[jk2r] -= k2scale * seg.endr[3]
+ m[jk2r][j + 2] += derivs[0][1][3]
+ m[jk2r][j + 3] += derivs[1][1][3]
+ m[jk2r][j + 0] += derivs[2][1][3]
+ m[jk2r][j + 1] += derivs[3][1][3]
+ j += jinc
+ j0 = j1
+ #print m
+ dk = inversedot(m, v)
+ dkmul = 1
+ j = 0
+ for i in range(len(segs)):
+ jinc = jincs[i]
+ if jinc == 1:
+ segs[i].ks[0] += dkmul * dk[j]
+ elif jinc == 2:
+ segs[i].ks[0] += dkmul * dk[j + 1]
+ segs[i].ks[1] += dkmul * dk[j + 0]
+ elif jinc == 4:
+ segs[i].ks[0] += dkmul * dk[j + 2]
+ segs[i].ks[1] += dkmul * dk[j + 3]
+ segs[i].ks[2] += dkmul * dk[j + 0]
+ segs[i].ks[3] += dkmul * dk[j + 1]
+ j += jinc
+ norm = 0.
+ for i in range(len(dk)):
+ norm += dk[i] * dk[i]
+ return sqrt(norm)
+def plot_path(segs, nodes, tol = 1.0, show_cpts = False):
+ if show_cpts:
+ cpts = []
+ j = 0
+ cmd = 'moveto'
+ for i in range(len(segs)):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % len(nodes)
+ n0 = nodes[i]
+ n1 = nodes[i1]
+ x0, y0, t0 = n0.x, n0.y, n0.ty
+ x1, y1, t1 = n1.x, n1.y, n1.ty
+ ks = segs[i].ks
+ abs_ks = abs(ks[0]) + abs(ks[1] / 2) + abs(ks[2] / 8) + abs(ks[3] / 48)
+ n_subdiv = int(ceil(.001 + tol * abs_ks))
+ n_subhalf = (n_subdiv + 1) / 2
+ if n_subdiv > 1:
+ n_subdiv = n_subhalf * 2
+ ksp = (ks[0] * .5, ks[1] * .25, ks[2] * .125, ks[3] * .0625)
+ pside = poly3.int_3spiro_poly(ksp, n_subhalf)
+ ksm = (ks[0] * -.5, ks[1] * .25, ks[2] * -.125, ks[3] * .0625)
+ mside = poly3.int_3spiro_poly(ksm, n_subhalf)
+ mside.reverse()
+ for j in range(len(mside)):
+ mside[j] = (-mside[j][0], -mside[j][1])
+ if n_subdiv > 1:
+ pts = mside + pside[1:]
+ else:
+ pts = mside[:1] + pside[1:]
+ chord_th = atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ chord_len = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ rot = chord_th - atan2(pts[-1][1] - pts[0][1], pts[-1][0] - pts[0][0])
+ scale = chord_len / hypot(pts[-1][1] - pts[0][1], pts[-1][0] - pts[0][0])
+ u, v = scale * cos(rot), scale * sin(rot)
+ xt = x0 - u * pts[0][0] + v * pts[0][1]
+ yt = y0 - u * pts[0][1] - v * pts[0][0]
+ s = -.5
+ for x, y in pts:
+ xp, yp = xt + u * x - v * y, yt + u * y + v * x
+ thp = (((ks[3]/24 * s + ks[2]/6) * s + ks[1] / 2) * s + ks[0]) * s + rot
+ up, vp = scale / (1.5 * n_subdiv) * cos(thp), scale / (1.5 * n_subdiv) * sin(thp)
+ if s == -.5:
+ if cmd == 'moveto':
+ print xp, yp, 'moveto'
+ cmd = 'curveto'
+ else:
+ if show_cpts:
+ cpts.append((xlast + ulast, ylast + vlast))
+ cpts.append((xp - up, yp - vp))
+ print xlast + ulast, ylast + vlast, xp - up, yp - vp, xp, yp, 'curveto'
+ xlast, ylast, ulast, vlast = xp, yp, up, vp
+ s += 1. / n_subdiv
+ if t1 == 'v':
+ j += 2
+ else:
+ j += 1
+ print 'stroke'
+ if show_cpts:
+ for x, y in cpts:
+ print 'gsave 0 0 1 setrgbcolor', x, y, 'translate circle fill grestore'
+def plot_ks(segs, nodes, xo, yo, xscale, yscale):
+ j = 0
+ cmd = 'moveto'
+ x = xo
+ for i in range(len(segs)):
+ i1 = (i + 1) % len(nodes)
+ n0 = nodes[i]
+ n1 = nodes[i1]
+ x0, y0, t0 = n0.x, n0.y, n0.ty
+ x1, y1, t1 = n1.x, n1.y, n1.ty
+ ks = segs[i].ks
+ chord, ch_th = poly3.integ_chord(ks)
+ l = chord/segs[i].chord
+ k0 = l * poly3.eval_cubic(ks[0], ks[1], .5 * ks[2], 1./6 * ks[3], -.5)
+ print x, yo + yscale * k0, cmd
+ cmd = 'lineto'
+ k3 = l * poly3.eval_cubic(ks[0], ks[1], .5 * ks[2], 1./6 * ks[3], .5)
+ k1 = k0 + l/3 * (ks[1] - 0.5 * ks[2] + .125 * ks[3])
+ k2 = k3 - l/3 * (ks[1] + 0.5 * ks[2] + .125 * ks[3])
+ print x + xscale / l / 3., yo + yscale * k1
+ print x + 2 * xscale / l / 3., yo + yscale * k2
+ print x + xscale / l, yo + yscale * k3, 'curveto'
+ x += xscale / l
+ if t1 == 'v':
+ j += 2
+ else:
+ j += 1
+ print 'stroke'
+ print xo, yo, 'moveto', x, yo, 'lineto stroke'
+def plot_nodes(nodes, segs):
+ for i in range(len(nodes)):
+ n = nodes[i]
+ print 'gsave', n.x, n.y, 'translate'
+ if n.ty in ('c', '[', ']'):
+ th = segs[i].th - segs[i].endl[0]
+ if n.ty == ']': th += pi
+ print 180 * th / pi, 'rotate'
+ if n.ty == 'o':
+ print 'circle fill'
+ elif n.ty == 'c':
+ print '3 4 poly fill'
+ elif n.ty in ('v', '{', '}'):
+ print '45 rotate 3 4 poly fill'
+ elif n.ty in ('[', ']'):
+ print '0 -3 moveto 0 0 3 90 270 arc fill'
+ else:
+ print '5 3 poly fill'
+ print 'grestore'
+def prologue():
+ print '/ss 2 def'
+ print '/circle { ss 0 moveto currentpoint exch ss sub exch ss 0 360 arc } bind def'
+ print '/poly {'
+ print ' dup false exch {'
+ print ' 0 3 index 2 index { lineto } { moveto } ifelse pop true'
+ print ' 360.0 2 index div rotate'
+ print ' } repeat pop pop pop'
+ print '} bind def'
+def run_path(path, show_iter = False, n = 10, xo = 36, yo = 550, xscale = .25, yscale = 2000, pl_nodes = True):
+ segs, nodes = setup_path(path)
+ print '.5 setlinewidth'
+ for i in range(n):
+ if i == n - 1:
+ print '0 0 0 setrgbcolor 1 setlinewidth'
+ elif i == 0:
+ print '1 0 0 setrgbcolor'
+ elif i == 1:
+ print '0 0.5 0 setrgbcolor'
+ elif i == 2:
+ print '0.3 0.3 0.3 setrgbcolor'
+ norm = iter(segs, nodes)
+ print '% norm =', norm
+ if show_iter or i == n - 1:
+ #print '1 0 0 setrgbcolor'
+ #plot_path(segs, nodes, tol = 5)
+ #print '0 0 0 setrgbcolor'
+ plot_path(segs, nodes, tol = 1.0)
+ plot_ks(segs, nodes, xo, yo, xscale, yscale)
+ if pl_nodes:
+ plot_nodes(nodes, segs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if 1:
+ path = [(100, 350, 'o'), (225, 350, 'o'), (350, 450, 'o'),
+ (450, 400, 'o'), (315, 205, 'o'), (300, 200, 'o'),
+ (285, 205, 'o')]
+ if 1:
+ path = [(100, 350, 'o'), (175, 375, '['), (250, 375, ']'), (325, 425, '['),
+ (325, 450, ']'),
+ (400, 475, 'o'), (350, 200, 'c')]
+ if 0:
+ ecc, ty, ty1 = 0.56199, 'c', 'c'
+ ecc, ty, ty1 = 0.49076, 'o', 'o',
+ ecc, ty, ty1 = 0.42637, 'o', 'c'
+ path = [(300 - 200 * ecc, 300, ty), (300, 100, ty1),
+ (300 + 200 * ecc, 300, ty), (300, 500, ty1)]
+ # difficult path #3
+ if 0:
+ path = [(100, 300, '{'), (225, 350, 'o'), (350, 500, 'o'),
+ (450, 500, 'o'), (450, 450, 'o'), (300, 200, '}')]
+ if 0:
+ path = [(100, 100, '{'), (200, 180, 'v'), (250, 215, 'o'),
+ (300, 200, 'o'), (400, 100, '}')]
+ if 0:
+ praw = [
+ (134, 90, 'o'),
+ (192, 68, 'o'),
+ (246, 66, 'o'),
+ (307, 107, 'o'),
+ (314, 154, '['),
+ (317, 323, ']'),
+ (347, 389, 'o'),
+ (373, 379, 'v'),
+ (386, 391, 'v'),
+ (365, 409, 'o'),
+ (335, 419, 'o'),
+ (273, 390, 'v'),
+ (251, 405, 'o'),
+ (203, 423, 'o'),
+ (102, 387, 'o'),
+ (94, 321, 'o'),
+ (143, 276, 'o'),
+ (230, 251, 'o'),
+ (260, 250, 'v'),
+ (260, 220, '['),
+ (258, 157, ']'),
+ (243, 110, 'o'),
+ (159, 99, 'o'),
+ (141, 121, 'o'),
+ (156, 158, 'o'),
+ (121, 184, 'o'),
+ (106, 117, 'o')]
+ if 0:
+ praw = [
+ (275, 56, 'o'),
+ (291, 75, 'v'),
+ (312, 61, 'o'),
+ (344, 50, 'o'),
+ (373, 72, 'o'),
+ (356, 91, 'o'),
+ (334, 81, 'o'),
+ (297, 85, 'v'),
+ (306, 116, 'o'),
+ (287, 180, 'o'),
+ (236, 213, 'o'),
+ (182, 212, 'o'),
+ (157, 201, 'v'),
+ (149, 209, 'o'),
+ (143, 230, 'o'),
+ (162, 246, 'c'),
+ (202, 252, 'o'),
+ (299, 260, 'o'),
+ (331, 282, 'o'),
+ (341, 341, 'o'),
+ (308, 390, 'o'),
+ (258, 417, 'o'),
+ (185, 422, 'o'),
+ (106, 377, 'o'),
+ (110, 325, 'o'),
+ (133, 296, 'o'),
+ (147, 283, 'v'),
+ (117, 238, 'o'),
+ (133, 205, 'o'),
+ (147, 191, 'v'),
+ (126, 159, 'o'),
+ (128, 94, 'o'),
+ (167, 50, 'o'),
+ (237, 39, 'o')]
+ path = []
+ for x, y, ty in praw:
+ #if ty == 'o': ty = 'c'
+ path.append((x, 550 - y, ty))
+ if 0:
+ path = [(100, 300, 'o'), (300, 100, 'o'), (300, 500, 'o')]
+ if 0:
+ # Woodford data set
+ ty = 'o'
+ praw = [(0, 0, '{'), (1, 1.9, ty), (2, 2.7, ty), (3, 2.6, ty),
+ (4, 1.6, ty), (5, .89, ty), (6, 1.2, '}')]
+ path = []
+ for x, y, t in praw:
+ path.append((100 + 80 * x, 100 + 80 * y, t))
+ if 0:
+ ycen = 32
+ yrise = 0
+ path = []
+ ty = '{'
+ for i in range(10):
+ path.append((50 + i * 30, 250 + (10 - i) * yrise, ty))
+ ty = 'o'
+ path.append((350, 250 + ycen, ty))
+ for i in range(1, 10):
+ path.append((350 + i * 30, 250 + i * yrise, ty))
+ path.append((650, 250 + 10 * yrise, '}'))
+ prologue()
+ run_path(path, show_iter = True, n=5)