@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ class ArclenFunctor {
ArclenFunctor(const Quad& q)
: dx0(2 * (q.p[1].x - q.p[0].x))
- , dx1(2 * (q.p[2].x - q.p[1].x))
, dy0(2 * (q.p[1].y - q.p[0].y))
+ , dx1(2 * (q.p[2].x - q.p[1].x))
, dy1(2 * (q.p[2].y - q.p[1].y)) { }
void operator()(double dydx[1], double t, const double y[1]) {
Point p(deriv(t));
@@ -224,7 +224,6 @@ Point Thetas::dir(double s) const {
// L1 angle norm, 2, L2 angle norm, 0.05
// L1 distance norm, 200
-double penalty = 1;
double dist_factor = .005;
double angle_factor = 5;
@@ -272,7 +271,9 @@ private:
// of angle mismatch
double measureQuad(const Thetas& curve, double s0, double s1, const Quad& q) {
ArclenFunctor derivs(q);
- double ss = (s1 - s0) / q.arclen();
+ double ss = 0;
+ if (q.arclen() != 0)
+ ss = (s1 - s0) / q.arclen();
MeasureFunctor err(curve, s0, ss, derivs, q);
const int n = 10;
double dt = 1./n;
@@ -293,13 +294,13 @@ struct Break {
struct Statelet {
- void combine(const Statelet* prev, double score, Quad q);
+ void combine(const Statelet* prev, double score, Quad q, double penalty);
const Statelet* prev;
double score;
Quad q;
-void Statelet::combine(const Statelet* newprev, double newscore, Quad newq) {
+void Statelet::combine(const Statelet* newprev, double newscore, Quad newq, double penalty) {
prev = newprev;
double pmul = 2;
if (newq.isLine()) {
@@ -313,18 +314,18 @@ void Statelet::combine(const Statelet* newprev, double newscore, Quad newq) {
struct State {
- void combine(const State* prev, double score, Quad q);
+ void combine(const State* prev, double score, Quad q, double penalty);
vector<Statelet> sts;
bool init;
-void State::combine(const State* prev, double score, Quad q) {
+void State::combine(const State* prev, double score, Quad q, double penalty) {
const Statelet* prevsl = prev->sts.empty() ? 0 : &prev->sts[0];
if (prevsl == 0 && !prev->init) {
Statelet sl;
- sl.combine(prevsl, score, q);
+ sl.combine(prevsl, score, q, penalty);
if (sts.empty()) {
} else {
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ void findBreaks(vector<Break>* breaks, const Thetas& curve) {
bool intersect(Point* result, Point p0, Point dir0, Point p1, Point dir1) {
double det = dir0.x * dir1.y - dir0.y * dir1.x;
- if (std::abs(det) < 1e-6) return false;
+ if (std::abs(det) < 1e-6 || std::isnan(det)) return false;
det = 1 / det;
double a = p0.y * dir0.x - p0.x * dir0.y;
double b = p1.y * dir1.x - p1.x * dir1.y;
@@ -389,47 +390,47 @@ bool intersect(Point* result, Point p0, Point dir0, Point p1, Point dir1) {
void tryQuad(const State* prev, State* st, const Thetas& curve,
- const Break& bk0, const Break& bk1, const Quad& q) {
+ const Break& bk0, const Break& bk1, const Quad& q, double penalty) {
double score = measureQuad(curve, bk0.s, bk1.s, q);
- st->combine(prev, score, q);
+ st->combine(prev, score, q, penalty);
void tryLineQuad(const State* prev, State* st, const Thetas& curve,
- const Break& bk0, const Break& bk1) {
+ const Break& bk0, const Break& bk1, double penalty) {
if (isInt(bk0.xy.x) && isInt(bk0.xy.y)) {
Quad line(bk0.xy, lerp(0.5, bk0.xy, bk1.xy), bk1.xy);
- tryQuad(prev, st, curve, bk0, bk1, line);
+ tryQuad(prev, st, curve, bk0, bk1, line, penalty);
Point pmid;
if (intersect(&pmid, bk0.xy, bk0.dir, bk1.xy, bk1.dir)) {
Quad q(bk0.xy, round(pmid), bk1.xy);
if (okForHalf(prev, q)) {
- tryQuad(prev, st, curve, bk0, bk1, q);
+ tryQuad(prev, st, curve, bk0, bk1, q, penalty);
-vector<Quad> optimize(const Thetas& curve) {
+vector<Quad> optimize(const Thetas& curve, double penalty=1) {
vector<Break> breaks;
findBreaks(&breaks, curve);
int n = breaks.size() - 1;
vector<State> states;
states.resize(n + 1);
states[0].init = true;
- tryLineQuad(&states[0], &states[n], curve, breaks[0], breaks[n]);
+ tryLineQuad(&states[0], &states[n], curve, breaks[0], breaks[n], penalty);
if (states[n].sts[0].score <= 3 * penalty) {
goto done;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
- tryLineQuad(&states[0], &states[i], curve, breaks[0], breaks[i]);
- tryLineQuad(&states[i], &states[n], curve, breaks[i], breaks[n]);
+ tryLineQuad(&states[0], &states[i], curve, breaks[0], breaks[i], penalty);
+ tryLineQuad(&states[i], &states[n], curve, breaks[i], breaks[n], penalty);
if (states[n].sts[0].score <= 4 * penalty) {
goto done;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- tryLineQuad(&states[j], &states[i], curve, breaks[j], breaks[i]);
+ tryLineQuad(&states[j], &states[i], curve, breaks[j], breaks[i], penalty);
@@ -447,9 +448,8 @@ void readBzs(vector<Quad>* result, std::istream& is) {
result->push_back(Quad(Point(x0, y0), Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)));
// Round the endpoints, they must be on integers
- (*result)[0].p[0] = round((*result)[0].p[0]);
- Quad* lastq = &(*result)[(*result).size()];
- lastq->p[2] = round(lastq->p[2]);
+ result->front().p[0] = round(result->front().p[0]);
+ result->back().p[2] = round(result->back().p[2]);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {