export_vtt_hints.sh 489 B

  1. # Export vtt hinting from VTT source font and save as sources/vtt-hinting.ttx
  2. set -e
  3. SRC_TTF=sources/Roboto[ital,wdth,wght]_VTT.ttf
  4. DST_TTX=sources/vtt-hinting.ttx
  5. if [ -f "$SRC_TTF" ]; then
  6. echo "Exporting $SRC_TTF hints to $DST_TTX"
  7. python3 -m vttLib dumpfile $SRC_TTF $DST_TTX
  8. echo "Removing VTT font binary. To make more improvements, rerun 'sh sources/make_vtt_src_font.sh'."
  9. rm $SRC_TTF
  10. else
  11. echo "VTT source font, '$SRC_TTF' does not exist so we cannot export its hints."
  12. fi