2.9 KB


Displaying the 20 most significant items in each table. To increase use the '-ol' flag

names new: 2

id string
(294, 3, 1, 1033) Condensed
(295, 3, 1, 1033) Normal

names missing: 2

id string
(16, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto
(17, 3, 1, 1033) Thin

names modified: 5

id string_a string_b
(1, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto Thin Roboto
(3, 3, 1, 1033) Google:Roboto Thin:2017 Google:Roboto:2020
(4, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto Thin Roboto
(5, 3, 1, 1033) Version 2.138; 2017 Version 3.0; 2020
(6, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto-Thin Roboto-Regular

attribs modified: 6

table attrib value_a value_b
OS/2 panose 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
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head modified 2017/05/26 10:22:07 2020/05/28 19:59:00
head fontRevision 2.13800048828125 3.0

glyphs modified: 2873

glyph diff string
anoteleia 1.0 ·
periodcentered 1.0 ·
uni2027 1.0
uni032B 0.8571 ̫
uniA71F 0.8462
uni0358 0.8333 ͘
uni0307 0.8333 ̇
dotaccent 0.8333 ˙
period 0.8333 .
onedotenleader 0.8333
uni2E33 0.8333
uni1AB5 0.7941
uni033C 0.7857 ̼
uniA71E 0.7692
uni2E31 0.6667
uni0342 0.6667 ͂
uni0357 0.6667 ͗
uni2E3E 0.6556
tilde 0.625 ˜
uni1DC2 0.625

marks_modified: 120

base_glyph mark_glyph diff_x diff_y
uni1E2C uni034D 1.0 -363.0
uni1E2C uni0339 1.0 -363.0
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uni1E2D uni0348 1.0 -363.0
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uni1E2C uni1DC2 1.0 -363.0
uni1E2C uni032D 1.0 -363.0
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uni1E2C uni1AB7 1.0 -363.0
uni1E2D uni032F 1.0 -363.0
uni1E2D uni034E 1.0 -363.0

mkmks_modified: 42

base_glyph mark_glyph diff_x diff_y
uni1ABC uni0312 -45.0 331.0
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uni1ABB uni030E 0.0 280.0
uni1ABC uni030B -63.0 217.0
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uni1ABC uni030D 0.0 280.0
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