# Diffenator Displaying the 20 most significant items in each table. To increase use the '-ol' flag ### names new: 2 id | string --- | --- | (294, 3, 1, 1033) | Condensed (295, 3, 1, 1033) | Normal ### names missing: 2 id | string --- | --- | (16, 3, 1, 1033) | Roboto (17, 3, 1, 1033) | Medium ### names modified: 5 id | string_a | string_b --- | --- | --- | (1, 3, 1, 1033) | Roboto Medium | Roboto (3, 3, 1, 1033) | Google:Roboto Medium:2017 | Google:Roboto:2020 (4, 3, 1, 1033) | Roboto Medium | Roboto (5, 3, 1, 1033) | Version 2.138; 2017 | Version 3.0; 2020 (6, 3, 1, 1033) | Roboto-Medium | Roboto-Regular ### attribs modified: 4 table | attrib | value_a | value_b --- | --- | --- | --- | head | xMax | 4202 | 4188 head | xMin | -1858 | -1825 head | modified | 2017/05/26 10:21:45 | 2020/05/28 20:03:14 head | fontRevision | 2.13800048828125 | 3.0 ### glyphs modified: 3294 glyph | diff | string --- | --- | --- | bar | 1.0 | | uni02D7 | 1.0 | ˗ ring | 0.9722 | ˚ uni1DD1 | 0.95 | ᷑ uni030A | 0.9444 | ̊ uni1DD3 | 0.9333 | ᷓ uni1DCE | 0.881 | ᷎ uni2E32 | 0.875 | ⸲ uni0347 | 0.8571 | ͇ uni207C | 0.8571 | ⁼ guillemotleft | 0.8545 | « uni033C | 0.85 | ̼ uni02ED | 0.8444 | ˭ uni2DFD | 0.8438 | ⷽ uni02BF | 0.8333 | ʿ uni02D2 | 0.8333 | ˒ uni0351 | 0.8333 | ͑ uni1DCA | 0.8333 | ᷊ uni02D3 | 0.8333 | ˓ uni2010 | 0.8214 | ‐ ### kerns new: 1612 left | right | value | string --- | --- | --- | --- | lambda | tau | -142 | λτ uni0492 | delta | -71 | Ғδ uni0413 | delta | -71 | Гδ uni04F6 | delta | -71 | Ӷδ Gamma | delta | -71 | Γδ uni0490 | delta | -71 | Ґδ uni0403 | delta | -71 | Ѓδ lambda | quotereversed | -61 | λ‛ lambda | uni02BC | -61 | λʼ lambda | quotesingle | -61 | λ' lambda | quoteright | -61 | λ’ lambda | quotedbl | -61 | λ" lambda | second | -61 | λ″ lambda | quotedblleft | -61 | λ“ lambda | quoteleft | -61 | λ‘ lambda | quotedblright | -61 | λ” lambda | minute | -61 | λ′ uni0442 | delta | -51 | тδ delta | uni0442 | -40 | δт lambda | gamma | -37 | λγ ### kerns modified: 39024 left | right | diff | string --- | --- | --- | --- | uni0492 | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Ғ« uni0490 | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Ґ« uni04F6 | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Ӷ« uni0403 | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Ѓ« Gamma | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Γ« uni0413 | guillemotleft | -194.0 | Г« uni1E56 | AE | 127.0 | ṖÆ uniA750 | AE | 127.0 | ꝐÆ uniA754 | AE | 127.0 | ꝔÆ uniA752 | AE | 127.0 | ꝒÆ P | AE | 127.0 | PÆ uni1E54 | AE | 127.0 | ṔÆ uni0420 | AE | 127.0 | РÆ uni01A4 | AE | 127.0 | ƤÆ uni1FEC | AE | 127.0 | ῬÆ uni2C63 | AE | 127.0 | ⱣÆ Rho | AE | 127.0 | ΡÆ T | guillemotleft | -114.0 | T« uni1E6A | guillemotleft | -114.0 | Ṫ« Tcaron | guillemotleft | -114.0 | Ť« ### metrics modified: 2781 glyph | diff_adv --- | --- | chi | 87.0 Etatonos | 67.0 Epsilontonos | 64.0 Iotatonos | 61.0 uniA66E | 27.0 uni2057 | 26.0 uni047F | 25.0 uni0461 | 25.0 uni2038 | 23.0 hyphen | 23.0 uni02EB | 23.0 uni00AD | 23.0 uni2010 | 22.0 uni2C66 | 22.0 uni2034 | 22.0 uni2037 | 22.0 uni2011 | 22.0 radical | 22.0 uni2055 | 21.0 uni2023 | 21.0 ### marks_modified: 325531 base_glyph | mark_glyph | diff_x | diff_y --- | --- | --- | --- | uni1E2C | uni1DFF | 16.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | glyph02200 | -16.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | uni1AB8 | -16.0 | -420.0 uni1E2D | uni1DFF | 17.0 | -419.0 uni1E2D | uni1AB8 | -15.0 | -419.0 uni1E2D | glyph02200 | -15.0 | -419.0 uni1E2C | glyph02192 | -13.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | uni0324 | -13.0 | -420.0 uni1E2D | uni0356 | 13.0 | -419.0 uni1E2C | uni0356 | 12.0 | -420.0 uni1E2D | glyph02192 | -12.0 | -419.0 uni1E2D | uni0324 | -12.0 | -419.0 uni1E2D | uni031C | 10.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | uni031C | 9.0 | -421.0 uni1E2C | uni1DCA | -8.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | uni0355 | 8.0 | -420.0 uni1E2D | uni0355 | 9.0 | -419.0 uni1E2C | uni0349 | -7.0 | -420.0 uni1E2C | uni0339 | -6.0 | -420.0 uni1E2D | uni1DCA | -7.0 | -419.0 ### mkmks_modified: 10065 base_glyph | mark_glyph | diff_x | diff_y --- | --- | --- | --- | uni1ABB | uni0312 | -47.0 | 397.0 uni1ABC | uni0312 | -46.0 | 397.0 uni1ABB | uni0313 | -28.0 | 397.0 uni1ABC | uni0313 | -27.0 | 397.0 uni1ABC | uni0314 | 18.0 | 397.0 uni1ABB | uni0314 | 17.0 | 397.0 uni1ABB | acutecomb | -121.0 | 272.0 uni1ABC | acutecomb | -120.0 | 272.0 uni1ABC | uni030F | 151.0 | 232.0 uni1ABB | uni030F | 150.0 | 232.0 uni1ABC | gravecomb | 108.0 | 272.0 uni1ABB | gravecomb | 107.0 | 272.0 uni1ABB | hookabovecomb | -68.0 | 276.0 uni1ABC | hookabovecomb | -67.0 | 276.0 uni1ABB | uni0310 | -4.0 | 332.0 uni1ABC | uni0310 | -3.0 | 332.0 uni1ABB | uni030B | -76.0 | 242.0 uni1ABC | uni030B | -75.0 | 242.0 uni1ABB | uni030D | -5.0 | 292.0 uni1ABB | uni030E | -5.0 | 292.0