**Diffenator** Displaying the 20 most significant items in each table. To increase use the '-ol' flag ****names new: 2**** id string (294, 3, 1, 1033... Condensed (295, 3, 1, 1033... Normal ****names missing: 2**** id string (16, 3, 1, 1033)... Roboto (17, 3, 1, 1033)... Black ****names modified: 5**** id string_a string_b (1, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto Black Roboto (3, 3, 1, 1033) Google:Roboto Bl... Google:Roboto:20... (4, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto Black Roboto (5, 3, 1, 1033) Version 2.138; 2... Version 3.0; 202... (6, 3, 1, 1033) Roboto-Black Roboto-Regular ****attribs modified: 6**** table attrib value_a value_b OS/2 fsSelection 32 64 head xMax 4234 4188 head xMin -1883 -1825 head modified 2017/05/26 10:20... 2020/05/28 20:01... head fontRevision 2.13800048828125... 3.0 head macStyle 1 0 ****glyphs modified: 2824**** glyph diff string uni033C 0.6818 ̼ uni032B 0.6818 ̫ uni1DC2 0.6286 ᷂ uni1DF3 0.6143 ᷳ uniA675 0.6071 ꙵ uni1AB6 0.6029 ᪶ uni0357 0.6 ͗ uni2DEA 0.5893 ⷪ uni2078 0.5889 ⁸ uni2088 0.5859 ₈ uni0330 0.5833 ̰ uni1AB2 0.5769 ᪲ uni1FC0 0.575 ῀ tildecomb 0.575 ̃ uni0366 0.5714 ͦ glyph01997 0.5667 8 glyph01954 0.5657 8 uni1DD2 0.5556 ᷒ uni2DF4 0.5536 ⷴ tilde 0.55 ˜ ****marks_modified: 120**** base_glyph mark_glyph diff_x diff_y uni1E2C uni034D 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni0339 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni033A 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni0349 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni1DFF 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni0331 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D glyph02194 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni1AB8 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni1DFD 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni0347 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni031E 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni0348 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D glyph02192 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni1DC2 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni032D 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni1DCF 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni035A 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2C uni1AB7 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni032F 0.0 -407.0 uni1E2D uni034E 0.0 -407.0 ****mkmks_modified: 42**** base_glyph mark_glyph diff_x diff_y uni1ABC uni0312 -33.0 381.0 uni1ABB uni0312 -33.0 381.0 uni1ABB uni0313 -23.0 381.0 uni1ABC uni0313 -23.0 381.0 uni1ABC uni0314 20.0 381.0 uni1ABB uni0314 20.0 381.0 uni1ABB acutecomb -109.0 291.0 uni1ABC acutecomb -109.0 291.0 uni1ABB uni0310 0.0 385.0 uni1ABC uni0310 0.0 385.0 uni1ABC uni030F 129.0 255.0 uni1ABB uni030F 129.0 255.0 uni1ABB gravecomb 85.0 291.0 uni1ABC gravecomb 85.0 291.0 uni1ABB uni030B -75.0 261.0 uni1ABC uni030B -75.0 261.0 uni1ABB hookabovecomb -62.0 273.0 uni1ABC hookabovecomb -62.0 273.0 uni1ABB uni030E -3.0 322.0 uni1ABC uni030E -3.0 322.0