from fontbakery.callable import check from fontbakery.callable import condition from fontbakery.checkrunner import Section, PASS, FAIL, WARN from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory from fontbakery.profiles.universal import UNIVERSAL_PROFILE_CHECKS from fontbakery.profiles.googlefonts_conditions import ( style, expected_style, familyname_with_spaces, familyname, ) from fontbakery.profiles.googlefonts import ( com_google_fonts_check_usweightclass, com_google_fonts_check_fsselection, com_google_fonts_check_name_familyname, ) from nototools.unittests import layout # These checks fail in V2. If we try and make these checks pass, we # will cause regressions. This isn't acceptable for a family which is # requested 40 billion times a week. REMOVE_CHECKS = [ "", "", "", "", "", ] def filter_checks(_, check_id, __): if check_id in REMOVE_CHECKS: return False return True GOOGLEFONTS_PROFILE_CHECKS = [ '', '', '', ] ROBOTO_GENERAL_CHECKS = [c for c in UNIVERSAL_PROFILE_CHECKS + GOOGLEFONTS_PROFILE_CHECKS if c not in REMOVE_CHECKS] ROBOTO_GENERAL_CHECKS += [ "com.roboto.fonts/check/italic_angle", "com.roboto.fonts/check/fs_type", "com.roboto.fonts/check/vendorid", "com.roboto.fonts/check/charset_coverage", "com.roboto.fonts/check/digit_widths", "com.roboto.fonts/check/numr_mapped_to_supr", "com.roboto.fonts/check/name_copyright", "com.roboto.fonts/check/name_unique_id", "com.roboto.fonts/check/vertical_metrics", "com.roboto.fonts/check/cmap4", ] profile_imports = ('fontbakery.profiles.universal',) profile = profile_factory(default_section=Section("Roboto v3 general")) # Checks ported from @condition def is_italic(ttFont): return True if "Italic" in else False @condition def is_vf(ttFont): return True if "fvar" in ttFont else False def font_style(ttFont): subfamily_name = ttFont['name'].getName(2, 3, 1, 1033) typo_subfamily_name = ttFont['name'].getName(17, 3, 1, 1033) if typo_subfamily_name: return typo_subfamily_name.toUnicode() return subfamily_name.toUnicode() def font_family(ttFont): family_name = ttFont['name'].getName(1, 3, 1, 1033) typo_family_name = ttFont['name'].getName(16, 3, 1, 1033) if typo_family_name: return typo_family_name.toUnicode() return family_name.toUnicode() @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/italic_angle", conditions = ["is_italic"] ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_italic_angle(ttFont): """Check italic fonts have correct italic angle""" failed = False if ttFont['post'].italicAngle != -12: yield FAIL, "post.italicAngle must be set to -12" else: yield PASS, "post.italicAngle is set correctly" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/fs_type", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_fs_type(ttFont): """Check metadata is correct""" failed = False if ttFont['OS/2'].fsType != 0: yield FAIL, "OS/2.fsType must be 0" else: yield PASS, "OS/2.fsType is set correctly" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/vendorid", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_vendorid(ttFont): """Check vendorID is correct""" if ttFont["OS/2"].achVendID != "GOOG": yield FAIL, "OS/2.achVendID must be set to 'GOOG'" else: yield PASS, "OS/2.achVendID is set corrrectly" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/name_copyright", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_copyright(ttFont): """Check font copyright is correct""" expected_copyright = "Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved." copyright_record = ttFont['name'].getName(0, 3, 1, 1033).toUnicode() if copyright_record == expected_copyright: yield PASS, "Copyright is correct" else: yield FAIL, f"Copyright is incorrect. It should be {expected_copyright}" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/name_unique_id", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_name_unique_id(ttFont): """Check font unique id is correct""" family_name = font_family(ttFont) style = font_style(ttFont) expected = f"Google:{family_name} {style}:2016" font_unique_id = ttFont['name'].getName(3, 3, 1, 1033).toUnicode() if font_unique_id == expected: yield PASS, "Unique ID is correct" else: yield FAIL, f"Unique ID, '{font_unique_id}' is incorrect. It should be '{expected}'" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/digit_widths", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_digit_widths(ttFont): """Check that all digits have the same width""" widths = set() for glyph_name in ["zero", "one", "two", "three","four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]: widths.add(ttFont['hmtx'][glyph_name][0]) if len(widths) != 1: yield FAIL, "Numerals 0-9 do not have the same width" else: yield PASS, "Numerals 0-9 have the same width" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/numr_mapped_to_supr", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_numr_mapped_to_supr(ttFont): """Check that 'numr' features maps digits to Unicode superscripts.""" ascii_digits = '0123456789' superscript_digits = u'⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹' numr_glyphs = layout.get_advances( ascii_digits,, '--features=numr') superscript_glyphs = layout.get_advances( superscript_digits, if superscript_glyphs == numr_glyphs: yield PASS, "'numr' feature mapped to unicode superscript glyphs" else: yield FAIL, "'numr' feature is not mapped to unicode superscript glyphs" @condition def include_glyphs(): return frozenset([ 0x2117, # SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT 0xEE01, 0xEE02, 0xF6C3] ) # legacy PUA @condition def exclude_glyphs(): return frozenset([ 0x2072, 0x2073, 0x208F] + # unassigned characters list(range(0xE000, 0xF8FF + 1)) + list(range(0xF0000, 0x10FFFF + 1)) # other PUA ) - include_glyphs() # don't exclude legacy PUA @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/charset_coverage", conditions = ["include_glyphs", "exclude_glyphs"] ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_charset_coverage(ttFont, include_glyphs, exclude_glyphs): """Check to make sure certain unicode encoded glyphs are included and excluded""" font_unicodes = set(ttFont.getBestCmap().keys()) to_include = include_glyphs - font_unicodes if to_include != set(): yield FAIL, f"Font must include the following codepoints {list(map(hex, to_include))}" else: yield PASS, "Font includes correct encoded glyphs" to_exclude = exclude_glyphs - font_unicodes if to_exclude != exclude_glyphs: yield FAIL, f"Font must exclude the following codepoints {list(map(hex, to_exclude))}" else: yield PASS, "Font excludes correct encoded glyphs" # TODO TestLigatures # TODO TestFeatures @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/vertical_metrics", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_vertical_metrics(ttFont): """Check vertical metrics are correct""" failed = [] expected = { # android requires this, and web fonts expect this ("head", "yMin"): -555, ("head", "yMax"): 2163, # test hhea ascent, descent, and lineGap to be equal to Roboto v1 values ("hhea", "descent"): -500, ("hhea", "ascent"): 1900, ("hhea", "lineGap"): 0, # test OS/2 vertical metrics to be equal to old OS/2 win values # since fsSelection bit 7 is now enabled ("OS/2", "sTypoDescender"): -555, ("OS/2", "sTypoAscender"): 2146, ("OS/2", "sTypoLineGap"): 0, ("OS/2", "usWinDescent"): 555, ("OS/2", "usWinAscent"): 2146, } for (table, k), v in expected.items(): font_val = getattr(ttFont[table], k) if font_val != v: failed.append((table, k, v, font_val)) if not failed: yield PASS, "Fonts have correct vertical metrics" else: msg = "\n".join( [ f"- {tbl}.{k} is {font_val} it should be {v}" for tbl, k, v, font_val in failed ] ) yield FAIL, f"Fonts have incorrect vertical metrics:\n{msg}" @check( id="com.roboto.fonts/check/cmap4", ) def com_roboto_fonts_check_cmap4(ttFont): """Check fonts have cmap format 4""" cmap_table = ttFont['cmap'].getcmap(3, 1) if cmap_table and cmap_table.format == 4: yield PASS, "Font contains a MS Unicode BMP encoded cmap" else: yield FAIL, "Font does not contain a MS Unicode BMP encoded cmap" profile.auto_register(globals(), filter_func=filter_checks) profile.test_expected_checks(ROBOTO_GENERAL_CHECKS, exclusive=False)