# [v2.138 unhinted offical](https://github.com/google/roboto/releases/tag/v2.138) vs master_ttf Regression tests to determine whether the .ufos in master_ufo/ produce acceptable static fonts. ## Building ttfs master_ttf/ built with [fontmake v1.6.0](https://github.com/googlei18n/fontmake/releases/tag/v1.6.0) using the following cli: ``` FONTS=$(ls -d ./master_ufo/*.ufo/) for f in $FONTS do fontmake -u $f -o ttf --no-production-names done; ``` ## Generating diffs Diffs produced with [fontdiffenator](https://github.com/googlefonts/fontdiffenator) and [diffbrowsers](https://github.com/googlefonts/diffbrowsers) ## Summary for commit e7ece644e5714951089cd6916db07fc055c9383d - No marks are missing - mark below for uni1E2C fixed - Some mkmks are missing but no visual difference - Some mkmks are modified but no visual difference - No kerns are missing - No glyphs are missing - caretSlopeRun, caretSlopeRise in italics are different - Modified glyphs: Some distortions, are they acceptable? more distortions are occuring in the italic and condensed styles ## Diff Notes Following summary has been made by M Foley by reviewing each diff image ### Modified Glyphs - uni015E which looks like a 'K' now features a double story construction. Fixes https://github.com/google/roboto/issues/289 - sampi, uni0236, uni030F, uni1AB5 have the most notable distortions. Other glyphs seem fine Roboto-LightItalic/glyphs_modified/gifs/Desktop_Windows_7_ie_9.0_.gif ### Modified Marks - Changes only uni1E2C