Fixed missing middle dot glyph (U+00B7), adjusted width of U+00B7 em box to address spacing issues in editors that highlight empty spaces (Issues 27 & 46)
Powerline glyph alignment and size adjustments (Issue #33)
Fixed name tables to address:
incorrect oblique rendering with Java type renderers on OS X (Issue #26)
incorrect italic + bold + bold oblique rendering in some syntax highlighters (Issues #42, #50, #60)
backslash character took inappropriate vertical alignment because of incorrect slant angle in some editors (Issue #67)
Changed license name from "Modified SIL Open Font License" to "Hack Open Font License", removed all references to SIL, and removed the SIL OFL preamble in order to comply with SIL regulations for modifications of the SIL Open Font License
Removed the following statement from Hack Open Font License condition #3: "This restriction only applies to the primary font name as presented to the users." to address a conflict with the Bitstream Vera license
Version 2.012 (development build)
Powerline glyph alignment and size adjustments (Issue #33)
Fixed name tables to address:
incorrect oblique rendering with Java type renderers on OS X (Issue #26)
incorrect italic + bold + bold oblique rendering in some syntax highlighters (Issues #42, #50, #60)
backslash character took inappropriate vertical alignment because of incorrect slant angle in some editors (Issue #67)
Version 2.011 (development build)
fixed missing middle dot glyph (U+00B7), adjusted width of U+00B7 em box to address spacing issues in editors that highlight empty spaces (Issues 27 & 46)
Version 2.010
New Glyphs
New glyphs for Revised Western European (ISO-8859-15, Latin-9) character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Central European (ISO-8859-2, Latin-2) character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for South European (ISO-8859-3, Latin-3) character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Vietnamese character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Pan African Latin character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5) character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Greek (ISO-8859-7) character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Armenian character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
New glyphs for Georgian character set (shapes from DejaVu Sans Mono typeface)
Modified uppercase F - central arm lowered to fill open gap at the base
Modified lowercase a - added curved tail/spur
Modified lowercase b - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase d - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase g - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase i - rounded corners of the dot, oriented dot position left of center relative to vertical stem, adjusted vertical position of the horizontal stem to x-height, lengthened the vertical stem to slightly overshoot baseline with the curved tail, decreased width of horizontal stem
Modified lowercase j - rounded corners of the dot, oriented dot position left of center relative to vertical stem
Modified lowercase l - lengthened the vertical stem to overshoot the baseline with the curved tail
Modified lowercase m - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase n - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase p - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase q - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase r - decreased width of terminal, opened angle
Modified lowercase t - added angle to the upper terminal, increased length of the vertical stem to allow the curved tail to slightly overshoot the baseline
Modified lowercase y - modified curves
Modified 0 - modified width and length of central oval fill, improved symmetry of the oval fill in all sets
Modified 2 - rounded the upper left corner of the base, decreased width of the spine of the hook
Modified Abreve - modified curves
Modified Aogonek - modified curve, decreased the width of the tail to meet typeface metrics
Modified Eogonek - modified tail curve
Modified Iogonek - modified tail curve
Modified Itilde - modified tilde curve
Modified Ohorn - modified horn curve
Modified Oslash - modified curves
Modified Oslashacute - modified curves
Modified Otilde - modified tilde curve
Modified Racute - modified bowl and leg curves
Modified Rcaron - modiifed bowl and leg curves
Modified Rcommaaccent - modified bowl and leg curves
Modified uppercase P - increased right sidebearing to equal sidebearing of uppercase O glyph
Modified uppercase Z - changed to right = left sidebearing (shifts orientation to left) for regular, bold, oblique sets
Modified uppercase Z - reduced left sidebearing for bold oblique set, not necessary to make this equal as with above sets
Modified lowercase a - reduced left sidebearing
Modified lowercase c - reduced left sidebearing
Modified lowercase e - increased left sidebearing
Modified lowercase g - increased left sidebearing
Modified lowercase i - increased left sidebearing
Modified lowercase j - increased left sidebearing
Modified lowercase k - reduced left sidebearing
Modified lowercase r - reduced left sidebearing
Modified 3 - increased left sidebearing
Modified Zacute - centered glyph (reduced left sidebearing, increased right sidebearing)
Modified Zcaron - centered glyph (reduced left sidebearing, increased right sidebearing)
Modified Zdotaccent - centered glyph (reduced left sidebearing, increased right sidebearing)
Modified aacute - increased left sidebearing
Modified abreve - increased left sidebearing
Modified acircumflex - increased left sidebearing
Modified adieresis - increased left sidebearing
Modified agrave - increased left sidebearing
Modified amacron - increased left sidebearing
Modified aogonek - increased left sidebearing
Modified aring - increased left sidebearing
Modified atilde - increased left sidebearing
Modified kcommaaccent - decreased left sidebearing
Modified racute - decreased left sidebearing
Modified rcaron - decreased left sidebearing
Modified rcommaaccent - decreased left sidebearing
Mofified Mu - increased left sidebearing
Modified Zeta - reduced left sidebearing to center the glyph
Modified Rho - reduced left sidebearing
Modified Phi - increased left sidebearing
Modified left guillemet - increased right sidebearing
Modified right guillemet - increased left sidebearing
Modified left brace - increased right sidebearing
Modified right brace - increased left sidebearing
Modified left bracket - increased right sidebearing
Modified right bracket - increased left sidebearing
Modified left parenthesis - increased right sidebearing
Modified right parenthesis - increased left sidebearing
Adjusted spacing on all diacritic marks in the regular, bold, oblique, and bold oblique set
True Type Instructions / PostScript Hinting
New TrueType instructions / PostScript hinting across the entire glyph set
Removed fi and fl ligatures. Spacing issues that require these ligatures are not present in this monospaced typeface
Version 1.3
Modified Glyphs
Curve adjustments & curve smoothing across all glyphs in the font collection
hinting improvements
Build Files
New binary build system - should result in improved cross-platform compatibility for font binaries
Version 1.2
Modified Glyphs
Modified lowercase i glyph. Removed serif and added curved tail
Modified hyphen glyph. Widened
Modified zero glyph. Adjusted alignment and shape of the oval fill
Modified left parenthesis glyph. Increased right sidebearing length
Modified right parenthesis glyph. Increased left sidebearing length
Converted to UFO formatted source
Version 1.0.1
Modified the SIL license to permit dual licensing with the Bitstream Vera license. This modification removed the stipulation that multiple licenses are not possible (preamble and section #5) and was intended to create the new Reserved Font Name Hack for this typeface modification and preserve the right (for myself and others) to define Reserved Font Names for all future fonts derived from this typeface. There are no other modifications to either license under which this font is released.
This release did not introduce changes to the glyphs included in the typeface
Version 1.0.0
Branched Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 1.10 release
New Glyphs
New exclamation point glyph. Circular full stop point, tapered line, increased weight relative to other characters.
New asterisk glyph. Glyph shape from Source Code Pro. Modified vertical position of the glyph to orient closer to the ascender.
New period glyph. Circular full stop point, modified from square glyph.
New comma glyph. Rounded comma shape from Source Code Pro, modified from square glyph.
New colon glyph. Circular colon points, modified from square points.
New semicolon glyph. Circular point and rounded comma shape from Source Code Pro, increased vertical spacing between the shapes
Modified Glyphs
Modified percent glyph. Increased line length and added vertical line ends.
Modified zero glyph. Changed circular fill to oval fill.
Modified left square bracket glyph. Increased height of the glyph.
Modified right square bracket glyph. Increased height of the glyph.
Modified left curly bracket glyph. Modified vertical position, increased length of the horizontal stem, decreased left sidebearing
Modified right curly bracket glyph. Modified vertical position, increased length of the horizontal stem, decreased right sidebearing
Modified question mark glyph. Changed square full stop point to circular full stop point.
Modified hyphen glyph. Raised vertical alignment to center -> character combinations.
Font Styles
Regular - includes all changes indicated above
Regular Oblique - includes all changes indicated above
Bold - includes all changes indicated above
Bold Oblique - includes all changes indicated above