#!/bin/sh # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # # build-subsets.sh # A shell script that builds the Hack web font subsets from UFO source # Copyright 2018 Christopher Simpkins # MIT License # # Usage: ./build-subsets.sh (--system) # Arguments: # --system (optional) - build with system installed versions # of build dependencies # # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to git commit date/time for reproducible builds SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(git show -s --format=%ct HEAD) export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH # default build tooling definitions TTFAH="$HOME/ttfautohint-build/local/bin/ttfautohint" FONTMAKE="pipenv run fontmake" PYTHON="pipenv run python" # The sfnt2woff-zopfli build directory. SFNTWOFF_BUILD="$HOME/sfnt2woff-zopfli-build" # sfnt2woff-zopfli version SFNTWOFF_VERSION="1.1.0" SFNTWOFF="sfnt2woff-zopfli-$SFNTWOFF_VERSION" # Path to sfnt2woff-zopfli executable SFNTWOFF_BIN="$SFNTWOFF_BUILD/$SFNTWOFF/sfnt2woff-zopfli" ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS="3" # The woff2 git clone directory. WOFF2_BUILD="$HOME" # woff2 executable path WOFF2_BIN="$WOFF2_BUILD/woff2/woff2_compress" # temporary source directory for subset source files TEMP_SOURCE="source/temp" # The font build directory paths and file paths for the woff builds TTF_BUILD="master_ttf" REGULAR_TTF="Hack-Regular.ttf" REGULAR_WOFF_PRE="Hack-Regular.woff" REGULAR_WOFF="hack-regular-subset.woff" REGULAR_WOFF2_PRE="Hack-Regular.woff2" REGULAR_WOFF2="hack-regular-subset.woff2" BOLD_TTF="Hack-Bold.ttf" BOLD_WOFF_PRE="Hack-Bold.woff" BOLD_WOFF="hack-bold-subset.woff" BOLD_WOFF2_PRE="Hack-Bold.woff2" BOLD_WOFF2="hack-bold-subset.woff2" ITALIC_TTF="Hack-Italic.ttf" ITALIC_WOFF_PRE="Hack-Italic.woff" ITALIC_WOFF="hack-italic-subset.woff" ITALIC_WOFF2_PRE="Hack-Italic.woff2" ITALIC_WOFF2="hack-italic-subset.woff2" BOLDITALIC_TTF="Hack-BoldItalic.ttf" BOLDITALIC_WOFF_PRE="Hack-BoldItalic.woff" BOLDITALIC_WOFF="hack-bolditalic-subset.woff" BOLDITALIC_WOFF2_PRE="Hack-BoldItalic.woff2" BOLDITALIC_WOFF2="hack-bolditalic-subset.woff2" # release directory path for web fonts WEB_BUILD="build/web/fonts" # test for number of arguments if [ $# -gt 1 ] then echo "Inappropriate arguments included in your command." 1>&2 echo "Usage: ./build-subsets.sh (--system)" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # ////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Re-define build dependencies to PATH # installed versions if --system flag is used # # # ////////////////////////////////////////////// if [ "$1" = "--system" ]; then TTFAH="ttfautohint" FONTMAKE="fontmake" PYTHON="python3" SFNTWOFF_BIN="sfnt2woff-zopfli" WOFF2_BIN="woff2_compress" fi # //////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Create temporary source files with lib.plist # replacements that include subset definitions # # # //////////////////////////////////////////////// # cleanup any previously created temp directory that was not removed if [ -d "$TEMP_SOURCE" ]; then rm -rf $TEMP_SOURCE fi # create temp directory for subset source files mkdir $TEMP_SOURCE # copy source to temporary directory cp -r source/Hack-Regular.ufo $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Regular.ufo cp -r source/Hack-Italic.ufo $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Italic.ufo cp -r source/Hack-Bold.ufo $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Bold.ufo cp -r source/Hack-BoldItalic.ufo $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-BoldItalic.ufo # copy lib.plist files with subset definitions to temporary source directories cp source/subset-lib/lib-regular.plist $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Regular.ufo/lib.plist cp source/subset-lib/lib-italic.plist $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Italic.ufo/lib.plist cp source/subset-lib/lib-bold.plist $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Bold.ufo/lib.plist cp source/subset-lib/lib-bolditalic.plist $TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-BoldItalic.ufo/lib.plist # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Begin subset ttf font build from UFO source # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////// echo "Starting web font subset build..." echo " " # remove master_ttf directory if a previous build failed + exited early and it was not cleaned up if [ -d "master_ttf" ]; then rm -rf master_ttf fi # build regular subset if ! $FONTMAKE --subset -u "$TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Regular.ufo" -o ttf then echo "Unable to build the Hack-Regular variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # build bold subset if ! $FONTMAKE --subset -u "$TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Bold.ufo" -o ttf then echo "Unable to build the Hack-Bold variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # build italic subset if ! $FONTMAKE --subset -u "$TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-Italic.ufo" -o ttf then echo "Unable to build the Hack-Italic variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # build bold italic subset if ! $FONTMAKE --subset -u "$TEMP_SOURCE/Hack-BoldItalic.ufo" -o ttf then echo "Unable to build the Hack-BoldItalic variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Post build fixes # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # DSIG table fix with adapted fontbakery Python script echo " " echo "Attempting DSIG table fixes with fontbakery..." echo " " if ! $PYTHON postbuild_processing/fixes/fix-dsig.py master_ttf/*.ttf then echo "Unable to complete DSIG table fixes on the release files" exit 1 fi # fstype value fix with adapted fontbakery Python script echo " " echo "Attempting fstype fixes with fontbakery..." echo " " if ! $PYTHON postbuild_processing/fixes/fix-fstype.py master_ttf/*.ttf then echo "Unable to complete fstype fixes on the release files" exit 1 fi # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Hinting of ttf subsets # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////// echo " " echo "Attempting ttfautohint hinting..." echo " " # make a temporary directory for the hinted files mkdir master_ttf/hinted # Hack-Regular.ttf if ! "$TTFAH" -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 181 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -R "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf" -m "postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/Hack-Regular-TA.txt" "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf" "master_ttf/hinted/Hack-Regular.ttf" then echo "Unable to execute ttfautohint on the Hack-Regular variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf subset - successful hinting with ttfautohint" # Hack-Bold.ttf if ! "$TTFAH" -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 260 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -R "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf" -m "postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/Hack-Bold-TA.txt" "master_ttf/Hack-Bold.ttf" "master_ttf/hinted/Hack-Bold.ttf" then echo "Unable to execute ttfautohint on the Hack-Bold variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "master_ttf/Hack-Bold.ttf subset - successful hinting with ttfautohint" # Hack-Italic.ttf if ! "$TTFAH" -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 145 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -R "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf" -m "postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/Hack-Italic-TA.txt" "master_ttf/Hack-Italic.ttf" "master_ttf/hinted/Hack-Italic.ttf" then echo "Unable to execute ttfautohint on the Hack-Italic variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "master_ttf/Hack-Italic.ttf subset - successful hinting with ttfautohint" # Hack-BoldItalic.ttf if ! "$TTFAH" -l 6 -r 50 -x 10 -H 265 -D latn -f latn -w G -W -t -X "" -I -R "master_ttf/Hack-Regular.ttf" -m "postbuild_processing/tt-hinting/Hack-BoldItalic-TA.txt" "master_ttf/Hack-BoldItalic.ttf" "master_ttf/hinted/Hack-BoldItalic.ttf" then echo "Unable to execute ttfautohint on the Hack-BoldItalic variant subset. Build canceled." 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "master_ttf/Hack-BoldItalic.ttf subset - successful hinting with ttfautohint" echo " " # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Build woff subsets # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # regular set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $REGULAR_WOFF from $REGULAR_TTF." 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Regular woff subset successfully built from $REGULAR_TTF" fi # bold set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLD_WOFF from $BOLD_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold woff subset successfully built from $BOLD_TTF" fi # italic set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLD_WOFF from $ITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Italic woff subset successfully built from $ITALIC_TTF" fi # bold italic set if ! "$SFNTWOFF_BIN" -n $ZOPFLI_ITERATIONS "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build $BOLDITALIC_WOFF from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold Italic woff subset successfully built from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" fi # ///////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Build woff2 subsets # # # ///////////////////////////////////////////// echo " " # regular set if ! "$WOFF2_BIN" "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build woff2 subset from $REGULAR_TTF." 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Regular woff2 font subset successfully built from $REGULAR_TTF" fi # bold set if ! "$WOFF2_BIN" "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build woff2 subset from $BOLD_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold woff2 subset successfully built from $BOLD_TTF" fi # italic set if ! "$WOFF2_BIN" "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build woff2 subset from $ITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Italic woff2 subset successfully built from $ITALIC_TTF" fi # bold italic set if ! "$WOFF2_BIN" "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_TTF"; then echo "Failed to build woff2 subset from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo "Bold Italic woff2 subset successfully built from $BOLDITALIC_TTF" fi # ////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Move web font subset files to build directory # # # ////////////////////////////////////////////// # create the build directory if it does not exist if ! [ -d "$WEB_BUILD" ]; then mkdir $WEB_BUILD fi echo " " echo "Moving woff files to build directory..." # move woff files to appropriate build directory mv "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" ]; then echo "Regular woff build path: $WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" ]; then echo "Bold woff build path: $WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" ]; then echo "Italic woff build path: $WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" ]; then echo "Bold Italic woff build path: $WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF" fi echo "Moving woff2 files to build directory..." # move woff files to appropriate build directory mv "$TTF_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF2_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF2" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF2_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF2" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF2_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF2" mv "$TTF_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF2_PRE" "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF2" if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF2" ]; then echo "Regular woff2 subset build path: $WEB_BUILD/$REGULAR_WOFF2" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF2" ]; then echo "Bold woff2 subset build path: $WEB_BUILD/$BOLD_WOFF2" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF2" ]; then echo "Italic woff2 subset build path: $WEB_BUILD/$ITALIC_WOFF2" fi if [ -f "$WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF2" ]; then echo "Bold Italic woff2 subset build path: $WEB_BUILD/$BOLDITALIC_WOFF2" fi # ////////////////////////////////////////////// # # # Cleanup temp directory # # # ////////////////////////////////////////////// rm -rf master_ttf rm -rf "$TEMP_SOURCE"