FiraCode.glyphs 1.6 MB

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  15. code = "A A-cy AE AEacute Aacute Abreve Abreve-cy Acircumflex Adieresis Adieresis-cy Agrave Aie-cy Aleutka-cy Alpha Alphadasia Alphadasiaoxia Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaperispomeni Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiavaria Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Alphamacron Alphaoxia Alphaprosgegrammeni Alphapsili Alphapsilioxia Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliperispomeni Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni Alphapsilivaria Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Alphatonos Alphavaria Alphavrachy Amacron Aogonek Archaicsampi Aring Atilde B BdoubleStruck Be-cy Beta C CR Cacute Cacute.loclPLK Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent CdoubleStruck Che-cy Cheabkhasian-cy Chedescender-cy Chedescenderabkhasian-cy Chedieresis-cy Chekhakassian-cy Cheverticalstroke-cy Chi D Dcaron Dche-cy Dcroat De-cy Delta Digamma Dje-cy Dze-cy Dzeabkhasian-cy Dzhe-cy Dzzhe-cy E E-cy Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edieresis-cy Edotaccent Ef-cy Egrave Eiotified-cy El-cy Eldescender-cy Elhook-cy Elmiddlehook-cy Eltail-cy Em-cy Emacron Emtail-cy En-cy EnLeftHook-cy Endescender-cy Eng Enghe-cy Enhook-cy Enmiddlehook-cy Entail-cy Eogonek Epsilon Epsilondasia Epsilondasiaoxia Epsilondasiavaria Epsilonoxia Epsilonpsili Epsilonpsilioxia Epsilonpsilivaria Epsilontonos Epsilonvaria Er-cy Ereversed-cy Ertick-cy Es-cy Esdescender-cy Eta Etadasia Etadasiaoxia Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Etadasiaperispomeni Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Etadasiaprosgegrammeni Etadasiavaria Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Etaoxia Etaprosgegrammeni Etapsili Etapsilioxia Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliperispomeni Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Etapsiliprosgegrammeni Etapsilivaria Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Etatonos Etavaria Eth F F.spacer F_l.liga.ss10 Fita-cy G Gamma Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Ge-cy Gedescender-cy Germandbls Gestrokehook-cy Ghemiddlehook-cy Ghestroke-cy Gheupturn-cy Gje-cy H H18543 H18551 H22073 Ha-cy Haabkhasian-cy Hadescender-cy Hahook-cy Hardsign-cy Hastroke-cy Hbar Hcircumflex HdoubleStruck Heta I I-cy IJ Ia-cy Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex Idieresis Idieresis-cy Idotaccent Ie-cy Iebreve-cy Iegrave-cy Igrave Ii-cy Iigrave-cy Iishort-cy Iishorttail-cy Imacron Imacron-cy Io-cy Iogonek Iota Iotadasia Iotadasiaoxia Iotadasiaperispomeni Iotadasiavaria Iotadieresis Iotamacron Iotaoxia Iotapsili Iotapsilioxia Iotapsiliperispomeni Iotapsilivaria Iotatonos Iotavaria Iotavrachy Itilde Iu-cy Izhitsa-cy Izhitsadblgrave-cy J Jcircumflex Je-cy K Ka-cy Kabashkir-cy Kadescender-cy Kahook-cy KaiSymbol Kappa Kastroke-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kcommaaccent Kje-cy Komide-cy Komidje-cy Komidzje-cy Komilje-cy Kominje-cy Komisje-cy Komitje-cy Komizje-cy Koppa KoppaArchaic Ksi-cy L LIG Lacute Lambda Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Lha-cy Lje-cy Lslash M Mu N Nacute Nacute.loclPLK Ncaron Ncommaaccent NdoubleStruck Nje-cy Ntilde Nu O O-cy OE Oacute Oacute.loclPLK Obarred-cy Obarreddieresis-cy Obreve Ocircumflex Odieresis Odieresis-cy Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Omega Omega-cy Omegadasia Omegadasiaoxia Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaperispomeni Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiavaria Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Omegaoxia Omegaprosgegrammeni Omegapsili Omegapsilioxia Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliperispomeni Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni Omegapsilivaria Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Omegatonos Omegavaria Omicron Omicrondasia Omicrondasiaoxia Omicrondasiavaria Omicronoxia Omicronpsili Omicronpsilioxia Omicronpsilivaria Omicrontonos Omicronvaria Oslash Oslashacute Otilde P Palochka-cy Pamphyliandigamma PdoubleStruck Pe-cy Pedescender-cy Pemiddlehook-cy Phi Pi Psi Psi-cy Q Qa-cy QdoubleStruck R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent RdoubleStruck Reversedze-cy Rha-cy Rho Rhodasia S SF010000 SF020000 SF030000 SF040000 SF050000 SF060000 SF070000 SF080000 SF090000 SF100000 SF110000 SF190000 SF200000 SF210000 SF220000 SF230000 SF240000 SF250000 SF260000 SF270000 SF280000 SF360000 SF370000 SF380000 SF390000 SF400000 SF410000 SF420000 SF430000 SF440000 SF450000 SF460000 SF470000 SF480000 SF490000 SF500000 SF510000 SF520000 SF530000 SF540000 Sacute Sacute.loclPLK Sampi San Scaron Scedilla Schwa-cy Schwadieresis-cy Scircumflex Scommaaccent Semisoftsign-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Shha-cy Shhadescender-cy Sho Sigma SigmaLunateDottedReversedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedSymbol SigmaLunateReversedSymbol SigmaLunateSymbol Softsign-cy Stigma T T.spacer T_l.liga.ss10 Tau Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Te-cy Tedescender-cy Tetse-cy Theta ThetaSymbol Thorn Tse-cy Tshe-cy U U-cy Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex Udieresis Udieresis-cy Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Uhungarumlaut-cy Uk-cy Umacron Umacron-cy Uogonek Upsilon UpsilonacutehookSymbol Upsilondasia Upsilondasiaoxia Upsilondasiaperispomeni Upsilondasiavaria Upsilondieresis UpsilondieresishookSymbol UpsilonhookSymbol Upsilonmacron Upsilonoxia Upsilontonos Upsilonvaria Upsilonvrachy Uring Ushort-cy Ustrait-cy Ustraitstroke-cy Utilde V Ve-cy W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis We-cy Wgrave X Xi Y Yacute Yae-cy Yat-cy Ycircumflex Ydieresis Yeru-cy Yerudieresis-cy Ygrave Yi-cy Yot-greek Yusbig-cy Yusbigiotified-cy Yuslittle-cy Yuslittleiotified-cy Z Zacute Zacute.loclPLK Zcaron Zdotaccent ZdoubleStruck Ze-cy Zedescender-cy Zedieresis-cy Zeta Zhe-cy Zhebreve-cy Zhedescender-cy Zhedieresis-cy a a-cy a.cv01 aacute aacute.cv01 abreve abreve-cy abreve.cv01 acircumflex acircumflex.cv01 acknowledge-control acute acute.loclPLK acutecomb adieresis adieresis-cy adieresis.cv01 ae aeacute afii00208 agrave agrave.cv01 aie-cy aleutka-cy almostequalorequalto alpha alphadasia alphadasiaoxia alphadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni alphadasiaperispomeni alphadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni alphadasiavaria alphadasiavariaypogegrammeni alphadasiaypogegrammeni alphamacron alphaoxia alphaoxiaypogegrammeni alphaperispomeni alphaperispomeniypogegrammeni alphapsili alphapsilioxia alphapsilioxiaypogegrammeni alphapsiliperispomeni alphapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni alphapsilivaria alphapsilivariaypogegrammeni alphapsiliypogegrammeni alphatonos alphavaria alphavariaypogegrammeni alphavrachy alphaypogegrammeni alternativekeysymbol amacron amacron.cv01 ampersand ampersand.before.ss03 ampersand.spacer ampersand.ss03 ampersand_ampersand.liga anoteleia anticlockwiseGappedCircleArrow aogonek aogonek.cv01 apostrophemod approxequal approximatelybutnotactuallyequalto archaicsampi aring aring.cv01 arrowboth arrowdown arrowdownleft arrowdownright arrowdownwhite arrowleft arrowleftwhite arrowright arrowrightwhite arrowup arrowupdown arrowupleft arrowupright arrowupwhite asciicircum asciicircum.spacer asciicircum_equal.liga asciitilde asciitilde.cv17 asciitilde.spacer asciitilde_asciitilde.liga asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga asciitilde_at.liga asciitilde_greater.liga asciitilde_hyphen.liga assertion asterisk asterisk.cv15 asterisk.spacer asterisk_asterisk.liga asterisk_asterisk.liga.cv16 asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga.cv16 asterisk_greater.liga asterisk_greater.liga.cv16 asterisk_slash.liga asterisk_slash.liga.cv16 asteriskmath asteriskmath.cv15 asymptoticallyequal at at.spacer at.ss05 atilde atilde.cv01 b backslash backslash.spacer backslash.ss06 backslash_slash.liga backspace-control ballotBox ballotBoxWithCheck ballotBoxWithX bar bar.cv30 bar.spacer bar_bar.liga bar_bar.liga.cv30 bar_bar_bar.liga bar_bar_bar.liga.cv30 bar_bar_bar_greater.liga bar_bar_equal_end.seq bar_bar_equal_end.seq.cv30 bar_bar_equal_middle.seq bar_bar_equal_middle.seq.cv30 bar_bar_equal_start.seq bar_bar_equal_start.seq.cv30 bar_bar_greater.liga bar_bar_hyphen_end.seq bar_bar_hyphen_end.seq.cv30 bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq.cv30 bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq.cv30 bar_braceright.liga bar_bracketright.liga bar_equal_end.seq bar_equal_end.seq.cv30 bar_equal_middle.seq bar_equal_middle.seq.cv30 bar_equal_start.seq bar_equal_start.seq.cv30 bar_greater.liga bar_hyphen_end.seq bar_hyphen_end.seq.cv30 bar_hyphen_middle.seq bar_hyphen_middle.seq.cv30 bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_hyphen_start.seq.cv30 bar_underscore_middle.seq bar_underscore_middle.seq.cv30 be-cy because bell-control beta betaSymbol blackCircle blackDiamond blackLowerLeftTriangle blackLowerRightTriangle blackRightArrow blackUpperLeftTriangle blackUpperRightTriangle blackVerticalRect blank blankSymbol boxDownHeavyAndHorizontalLight boxDownHeavyAndLeftLight boxDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight boxDownHeavyAndRightLight boxDownHeavyAndRightUpLight boxDownHeavyAndUpHorizontalLight boxDownLightAndHorizontalHeavy boxDownLightAndLeftHeavy boxDownLightAndLeftUpHeavy boxDownLightAndRightHeavy boxDownLightAndRightUpHeavy boxDownLightAndUpHorizontalHeavy boxHeavyDoubleDashHorizontal boxHeavyDoubleDashVertical boxHeavyDown boxHeavyDownAndHorizontal boxHeavyDownAndLeft boxHeavyDownAndRight boxHeavyHorizontal boxHeavyLeft boxHeavyLeftAndLightRight boxHeavyQuadrupleDashHorizontal boxHeavyQuadrupleDashVertical boxHeavyRight boxHeavyTripleDashHorizontal boxHeavyTripleDashVertical boxHeavyUp boxHeavyUpAndHorizontal boxHeavyUpAndLeft boxHeavyUpAndLightDown boxHeavyUpAndRight boxHeavyVertical boxHeavyVerticalAndHorizontal boxHeavyVerticalAndLeft boxHeavyVerticalAndRight boxLeftDownHeavyAndRightUpLight boxLeftHeavyAndRightDownLight boxLeftHeavyAndRightUpLight boxLeftHeavyAndRightVerticalLight boxLeftLightAndRightDownHeavy boxLeftLightAndRightUpHeavy boxLeftLightAndRightVerticalHeavy boxLeftUpHeavyAndRightDownLight boxLightDiagonalCross boxLightDiagonalUpperLeftToLowerRight boxLightDiagonalUpperRightToLowerLeft boxLightDoubleDashHorizontal boxLightDoubleDashVertical boxLightDown boxLightLeft boxLightLeftAndHeavyRight boxLightQuadrupleDashHorizontal boxLightQuadrupleDashVertical boxLightRight boxLightTripleDashHorizontal boxLightTripleDashVertical boxLightUp boxLightUpAndHeavyDown boxRightDownHeavyAndLeftUpLight boxRightHeavyAndLeftDownLight boxRightHeavyAndLeftUpLight boxRightHeavyAndLeftVerticalLight boxRightLightAndLeftDownHeavy boxRightLightAndLeftUpHeavy boxRightLightAndLeftVerticalHeavy boxRightUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight boxUpHeavyAndDownHorizontalLight boxUpHeavyAndHorizontalLight boxUpHeavyAndLeftDownLight boxUpHeavyAndLeftLight boxUpHeavyAndRightDownLight boxUpHeavyAndRightLight boxUpLightAndDownHorizontalHeavy boxUpLightAndHorizontalHeavy boxUpLightAndLeftDownHeavy boxUpLightAndLeftHeavy boxUpLightAndRightDownHeavy boxUpLightAndRightHeavy boxVerticalHeavyAndHorizontalLight boxVerticalHeavyAndLeftLight boxVerticalHeavyAndRightLight boxVerticalLightAndHorizontalHeavy boxVerticalLightAndLeftHeavy boxVerticalLightAndRightHeavy braceleft braceleft.cv29 braceleft.spacer braceleft_bar.liga braceright braceright.cv29 braceright.spacer bracketleft bracketleft.spacer bracketleft_bar.liga bracketleft_bracketright.cv27 bracketright bracketright.spacer bracketright_numbersign.liga breve breve-cy brevecomb brokenCircleNorthWestArrow brokenbar bullet bulletoperator bullseye c cacute cacute.loclPLK canadiansyllabicsa canadiansyllabicso cancel-control capslock caron caron.alt caroncomb carriageReturn-control ccaron ccedilla ccircumflex cdotaccent cedilla cedillacomb cent che-cy cheabkhasian-cy checkmark chedescender-cy chedescenderabkhasian-cy chedieresis-cy chekhakassian-cy cheverticalstroke-cy chi circumflex circumflexcomb clear clockwiseGappedCircleArrow club colon colon.spacer colon.uc colon_colon.liga colon_colon_colon.liga colon_colon_equal.liga colon_equal.liga colon_equal_middle.seq colon_hyphen.cv26 comma commaabovecomb commaaccent commareversedabovecomb congruent containsasmemberSmall control copyright cornerbracketleft cornerbracketleft.half cornerbracketright cornerbracketright.half crosshatchFillSquare curlybracketextension currency d dagger daggerdbl dasia dasiaoxia dasiaperispomeni dasiavaria dataLinkEscape-control dblgravecomb dblverticalbar dcaron dche-cy dcroat de-cy degree delete-control deleteFormTwo-control deleteLeftKey deleterightKey delta deviceControlFour-control deviceControlOne-control deviceControlThree-control deviceControlTwo-control diagonalcrosshatchFillSquare dialytikaoxia dialytikaperispomeni dialytikavaria diameterSign diamond dieresis dieresiscomb dieresistonos digamma divide divisionslash dje-cy dkshade doesnotforce doesnotprove dollar dollar.spacer dollar.ss04 dollar_greater.liga dollar_greater.liga.ss04 dotaccent dotaccentcomb dotlessj dottedlunatesigmasymbol doubleprimemod doubleverticalbardoublerightturnstile downArrowHead downBlackArrow downBlock downQuadrupleArrow downTipLeftArrow downTipRightArrow drachma dze-cy dzeabkhasian-cy dzhe-cy dzzhe-cy e e-cy eacute earthTrigram ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edieresis-cy edotaccent ef-cy egrave eight eight.dnom eight.numr eight.tosf eightinferior eightsuperior eiotified-cy ejectsymbol el-cy eldescender-cy element elementSmall elhook-cy ellipsis elmiddlehook-cy eltail-cy em-cy emacron emdash emptyset emtail-cy en-cy endOfMedium-control endOfText-control endOfTransmission-control endOfTransmissionBlock-control endash endescender-cy endofproof eng enghe-cy enhook-cy enlefthook-cy enmiddlehook-cy enquiry-control entail-cy eogonek epsilon epsilonLunateReversedSymbol epsilonLunateSymbol epsilondasia epsilondasiaoxia epsilondasiavaria epsilonoxia epsilonpsili epsilonpsilioxia epsilonpsilivaria epsilontonos epsilonvaria equal equal.dnom equal.numr equal.spacer equal_asciitilde.ss07 equal_end.seq equal_equal.liga equal_equal.ss08 equal_equal_equal.liga equal_equal_equal.ss08 equal_middle.seq equal_start.seq equals.circled equalsinferior equalsuperior equivalence er-cy ereversed-cy ertick-cy es-cy escape-control esdescender-cy estimated eta etadasia etadasiaoxia etadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni etadasiaperispomeni etadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni etadasiavaria etadasiavariaypogegrammeni etadasiaypogegrammeni etaoxia etaoxiaypogegrammeni etaperispomeni etaperispomeniypogegrammeni etapsili etapsilioxia etapsilioxiaypogegrammeni etapsiliperispomeni etapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni etapsilivaria etapsilivariaypogegrammeni etapsiliypogegrammeni etatonos etavaria etavariaypogegrammeni etaypogegrammeni eth euro exclam exclam.spacer exclam_asciitilde.ss07 exclam_equal.liga exclam_equal.ss08 exclam_equal_equal.liga exclam_equal_equal.ss08 exclam_equal_middle.seq exclam_exclam.liga exclam_exclam_period.liga exclamdown existential f f.spacer f_i.liga.ss10 f_j.liga.ss10 f_l.liga.ss10 f_t.liga.ss10 female figuredash fileSeparator-control filledRect filledbox fireTrigram firsttonechinese fisheye fita-cy five five.dnom five.numr five.tosf fiveeighths fiveinferior fivesixths fivesuperior florin forces formFeed-control four four.dnom four.numr four.tosf fourfifths fourinferior foursuperior fraction fullBlock g g.cv02 gamma gbreve gbreve.cv02 gcircumflex gcircumflex.cv02 gcommaaccent gcommaaccent.cv02 gdotaccent gdotaccent.cv02 ge-cy gedescender-cy germandbls gestrokehook-cy ghemiddlehook-cy ghestroke-cy gheupturn-cy gje-cy globeWithMeridians gradient grave gravecomb greater greater.spacer greater_equal.liga greater_equal.ss02 greater_equal_end.seq greater_equal_middle.seq greater_equal_start.seq greater_greater.liga greater_greater_equal_end.seq greater_greater_equal_middle.seq greater_greater_equal_start.seq greater_greater_greater.liga greater_greater_hyphen_end.seq greater_greater_hyphen_middle.seq greater_greater_hyphen_start.seq greater_hyphen_end.seq greater_hyphen_middle.seq greater_hyphen_start.seq greaterequal groupSeparator-control guillemetleft guillemetright guilsinglleft guilsinglright h ha-cy haabkhasian-cy hadescender-cy hahook-cy hardsign-cy hastroke-cy hbar hcircumflex heart heavenTrigram heavyleftpointinganglebracketornament heavyrightpointinganglebracketornament helmsymbol heta horizontalFillSquare horizontalTabulation-control house hungarumlaut hungarumlautcomb hyphen hyphen.spacer hyphen_asciitilde.liga hyphen_end.seq hyphen_hyphen.liga hyphen_middle.seq hyphen_start.seq i i-cy i.cv03 i.cv04 i.cv05 i.cv06 i.salt_low ia-cy iacute iacute.cv03 iacute.cv04 iacute.cv05 iacute.cv06 ibreve ibreve.cv03 ibreve.cv04 ibreve.cv05 ibreve.cv06 icircumflex icircumflex.cv03 icircumflex.cv04 icircumflex.cv05 icircumflex.cv06 idieresis idieresis-cy idieresis.cv03 idieresis.cv04 idieresis.cv05 idieresis.cv06 idotaccent idotaccent.cv03 idotaccent.cv04 idotaccent.cv05 idotaccent.cv06 idotless idotless.cv03 idotless.cv04 idotless.cv05 idotless.cv06 ie-cy iebreve-cy iegrave-cy igrave igrave.cv03 igrave.cv04 igrave.cv05 igrave.cv06 ii-cy iigrave-cy iishort-cy iishorttail-cy ij imacron imacron-cy imacron.cv03 imacron.cv04 imacron.cv05 imacron.cv06 increment infinity integral integralbt integraltp intersection inverseWhiteCircle invsmileface io-cy iogonek iogonek.cv03 iogonek.cv04 iogonek.cv05 iogonek.cv06 iota iotadasia iotadasiaoxia iotadasiaperispomeni iotadasiavaria iotadialytikaoxia iotadialytikaperispomeni iotadialytikavaria iotadieresis iotadieresistonos iotamacron iotaoxia iotaperispomeni iotapsili iotapsilioxia iotapsiliperispomeni iotapsilivaria iotatonos iotavaria iotavrachy itilde itilde.cv03 itilde.cv04 itilde.cv05 itilde.cv06 iu-cy izhitsa-cy izhitsadblgrave-cy j j.salt_low jcircumflex je-cy k ka-cy kabashkir-cy kadescender-cy kahook-cy kaiSymbol kappa kappaSymbol kastroke-cy kaverticalstroke-cy kcommaaccent keyboard kgreenlandic kje-cy komide-cy komidje-cy komidzje-cy komilje-cy kominje-cy komisje-cy komitje-cy komizje-cy koppa koppaArchaic koronis ksi-cy l l.cv07 l.cv08 l.cv09 l.cv10 l.salt_low l.spacer lacute lacute.cv07 lacute.cv08 lacute.cv09 lacute.cv10 lakeTrigram lambda largeCircle lcaron lcaron.cv07 lcaron.cv08 lcaron.cv09 lcaron.cv10 lcommaaccent lcommaaccent.cv07 lcommaaccent.cv08 lcommaaccent.cv09 lcommaaccent.cv10 ldot ldot.cv07 ldot.cv08 ldot.cv09 ldot.cv10 leftBlackArrow leftBlackTriangle leftBlock leftFiveEighthsBlock leftHalfBlackCircle leftHalfBlackSquare leftHalfBlackWhiteCircle leftHookArrow leftLongArrow leftLongDoubleArrow leftLongDoubleFromBarArrow leftLongFromBarArrow leftOneEighthBlock leftOneQuarterBlock leftRightLongArrow leftRightLongDoubleArrow leftSevenEighthsBlock leftTabArrow leftThreeEighthsBlock leftThreeQuartersBlock leftanglebracket-math leftcurlybracketlowerhook leftcurlybracketmiddlepiece leftcurlybracketupperhook leftsquarebracketextension leftsquarebracketlowercorner leftsquarebracketuppercorner less less.spacer less_asciitilde.liga less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga less_asciitilde_greater.liga less_asterisk.liga less_asterisk.liga.cv16 less_asterisk_greater.liga less_asterisk_greater.liga.cv16 less_bar.liga less_bar_bar.liga less_bar_bar_bar.liga less_bar_greater.liga less_dollar.liga less_dollar.liga.ss04 less_dollar_greater.liga less_dollar_greater.liga.ss04 less_equal.liga less_equal.ss02 less_equal_end.seq less_equal_middle.seq less_equal_start.seq less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga less_greater.liga less_hyphen_end.seq less_hyphen_middle.seq less_hyphen_start.seq less_less.liga less_less_equal_end.seq less_less_equal_middle.seq less_less_equal_start.seq less_less_hyphen_end.seq less_less_hyphen_middle.seq less_less_hyphen_start.seq less_less_less.liga less_plus.liga less_plus_greater.liga less_slash.liga less_slash_greater.liga lessequal lha-cy lineFeed-control liraTurkish literSign lje-cy logicaland logicalnot logicalor lowerFiveEighthsBlock lowerHalfArc lowerHalfBlackWhiteCircle lowerHalfInverseWhiteCircle lowerLeftArc lowerLeftQuadrantWhiteCircle lowerOneEighthBlock lowerOneQuarterBlock lowerRightArc lowerRightDiagonalHalfBlackSquare lowerRightQuadrantWhiteCircle lowerSevenEighthsBlock lowerThreeEighthsBlock lowerThreeQuartersBlock lowernumeral-greek lozenge lslash lslash.cv07 lslash.cv08 lslash.cv09 lslash.cv10 ltshade m macron macroncomb male micro minus minus.dnom minus.numr minusinferior minussuperior minustilde models mountainTrigram mu multiply musicalnote musicalnotedbl n nacute nacute.loclPLK napostrophe ncaron ncommaaccent negateddoubleverticalbardoublerightturnstile negativeAcknowledge-control neitherapproximatelynoractuallyequalto neitherasubsetofnorequalto neitherasupersetofnorequalto newline-control nine nine.dnom nine.numr nine.tosf nineinferior ninesuperior nje-cy nmod notalmostequalto notasymptoticallyequalto notcontains notelement notequal notidentical notsimilar notsubset notsuperset nottrue ntilde nu null null-control numbersign numbersign.spacer numbersign_braceleft.liga numbersign_braceleft.liga.cv29 numbersign_bracketleft.liga numbersign_colon.liga numbersign_colon.liga_rem numbersign_end.seq numbersign_equal.liga numbersign_exclam.liga numbersign_middle.seq numbersign_parenleft.liga numbersign_question.liga numbersign_start.seq numbersign_underscore.liga numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga numeral-greek numero o o-cy oacute oacute.loclPLK obarred-cy obarreddieresis-cy obreve ocircumflex odieresis odieresis-cy oe ogonek ograve ohungarumlaut omacron omega omega-cy omegadasia omegadasiaoxia omegadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni omegadasiaperispomeni omegadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni omegadasiavaria omegadasiavariaypogegrammeni omegadasiaypogegrammeni omegaoxia omegaoxiaypogegrammeni omegaperispomeni omegaperispomeniypogegrammeni omegapsili omegapsilioxia omegapsilioxiaypogegrammeni omegapsiliperispomeni omegapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni omegapsilivaria omegapsilivariaypogegrammeni omegapsiliypogegrammeni omegatonos omegavaria omegavariaypogegrammeni omegaypogegrammeni omicron omicrondasia omicrondasiaoxia omicrondasiavaria omicronoxia omicronpsili omicronpsilioxia omicronpsilivaria omicrontonos omicronvaria one one.dnom one.numr one.tosf oneeighth onefifth onefraction onehalf oneinferior onequarter onesixth onesuperior onethird optionKey ordfeminine ordmasculine oslash oslashacute otilde overlinecomb oxia p pagedown pageup palochka-cy pamphyliandigamma paragraph parenleft parenleft.cv31 parenleft.dnom parenleft.numr parenleft.spacer parenleftextension parenleftinferior parenleftlowerhook parenleftsuperior parenleftupperhook parenright parenright.cv31 parenright.dnom parenright.numr parenrightextension parenrightinferior parenrightlowerhook parenrightsuperior parenrightupperhook partialdiff pe-cy pedescender-cy pemiddlehook-cy percent percent.cv18 percent.spacer percent_percent.liga percent_percent.liga.cv18 period period.spacer period_equal.cv32 period_hyphen.cv25 period_period.liga period_period_equal.liga period_period_less.liga period_period_period.liga period_question.liga periodcentered perispomeni perispomenicomb perspective perthousand perthousand.cv18 phi phiSymbol pi piSymbol plus plus.dnom plus.numr plus.spacer plus_greater.liga plus_plus.liga plus_plus_plus.liga plusinferior plusminus plussuperior primemod product projective propellor proportion prosgegrammeni psi psi-cy psili psilioxia psiliperispomeni psilivaria q qa-cy quadrantLowerLeft quadrantLowerRight quadrantUpperLeft quadrantUpperLeftAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight quadrantUpperLeftAndLowerRight quadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightAndLowerLeft quadrantUpperLeftAndUpperRightAndLowerRight quadrantUpperRight quadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeft quadrantUpperRightAndLowerLeftAndLowerRight question question.spacer question_equal.liga question_period.liga question_question.liga questiondown questiongreek quotedbl quotedblbase quotedblleft quotedblright quoteleft quoteright quotesinglbase quotesingle r r.ss01 racute radical ratio rcaron rcommaaccent recordSeparator-control reflexsubset reflexsuperset registered replacementCharacter returnsymbol reverseddottedlunatesigmasymbol reversedlunatesigmasymbol reversedze-cy revlogicalnot rha-cy rho rhoStrokeSymbol rhoSymbol rhodasia rhopsili rightBlackTriangle rightBlock rightCircledPlusArrow rightHalfBlackCircle rightHalfBlackSquare rightHalfBlackWhiteCircle rightHookArrow rightLongDoubleArrow rightLongDoubleFromBarArrow rightLongFromBarArrow rightLongSquiggleArrow rightOneEighthBlock rightTabArrow rightanglebracket-math rightcurlybracketlowerhook rightcurlybracketmiddlepiece rightcurlybracketupperhook rightlongArrow rightsquarebracketextension rightsquarebracketlowercorner rightsquarebracketuppercorner righttack ring ringcomb ruble rupeeIndian s sacute sacute.loclPLK sampi san scaron scedilla schwa-cy schwadieresis-cy scircumflex scommaaccent section semicolon semicolon.spacer semicolon_semicolon.liga semisoftsign-cy seven seven.dnom seven.numr seven.tosf seveneighths seveninferior sevensuperior sha-cy shade shcha-cy shha-cy shhadescender-cy shiftIn-control shiftOut-control sho sigma sigmaLunateSymbol sigmafinal six six.dnom six.numr six.tosf sixinferior sixsuperior skullAndCrossbones slash slash.spacer slash_asterisk.liga slash_asterisk.liga.cv16 slash_backslash.liga slash_equal_end.seq slash_equal_middle.seq slash_equal_start.seq slash_greater.liga slash_slash.liga slash_slash_equal_end.seq slash_slash_equal_middle.seq slash_slash_equal_start.seq slash_slash_slash.liga smileface softhyphen softsign-cy space-control spade squarewhitewithsmallblack startOfHeading-control startOfText-control sterling stigma strokelongoverlay strokeshortoverlay subset subsetnotequal substitute-control substituteFormTwo-control suchthat summation sun superset supersetnotequal synchronousIdle-control t tackdown tackleft tau tbar tcaron tcedilla tcommaaccent te-cy tedescender-cy tetse-cy theredoesnotexist therefore theta thetaSymbol thorn three three.cv14 three.cv14.dnom three.cv14.numr three.dnom three.dnom.cv14 three.numr three.numr.cv14 three.tosf three.tosf.cv14 threeTurned threeeighths threeemdash threefifths threeinferior threeinferior.cv14 threequarters threesuperior threesuperior.cv14 thunderTrigram tilde tildecomb tironiansignet tonos trademark triaglf triagupTriangle triangledown triangleright tripletilde tripleverticalbarrightturnstile true tse-cy tshe-cy two two.dnom two.numr two.tosf twoTurned twoemdash twofifths twoinferior twosuperior twothirds u u-cy u1F10D u1F10E u1F10F u1F16D u1F16E u1F16F u1F1AD uacute ubreve ucircumflex udieresis udieresis-cy ugrave uhungarumlaut uhungarumlaut-cy uk-cy umacron umacron-cy underscore underscore.spacer underscore_end.seq underscore_middle.seq underscore_start.seq underscoredbl uni256D uni256E uni256F uni2570 uniE000 uniE001 uniE002 uniE003 uniE0A0 uniE0A1 uniE0A2 uniE0B0 uniE0B1 uniE0B2 uniE0B3 uniEE00 uniEE01 uniEE02 uniEE03 uniEE04 uniEE05 uniEE06 uniEE07 uniEE08 uniEE09 uniEE0A uniEE0B uniFEFF union unitSeparator-control universal uogonek upBetweenTwoHorizontalBarsArrowHead upBlackArrow upBlock upQuadrupleArrow upTipLeftArrow upTipRightArrow upperHalfArc upperHalfBlackWhiteCircle upperHalfInverseWhiteCircle upperLeftArc upperLeftDiagonalHalfBlackSquare upperLeftQuadrantWhiteCircle upperLeftWhiteCircle upperOneEighthBlock upperRightArc upperRightQuadrantWhiteCircle upperlefttolowerrightFillSquare upperrighttolowerleftFillSquare upsilon upsilondasia upsilondasiaoxia upsilondasiaperispomeni upsilondasiavaria upsilondialytikaoxia upsilondialytikaperispomeni upsilondialytikavaria upsilondieresis upsilondieresistonos upsilonmacron upsilonoxia upsilonperispomeni upsilonpsili upsilonpsilioxia upsilonpsiliperispomeni upsilonpsilivaria upsilontonos upsilonvaria upsilonvrachy uptack uring ushort-cy ustrait-cy ustraitstroke-cy utilde v varia ve-cy verticalBisectingLineWhiteSquare verticalFillSquare verticalTabulation-control w w.spacer w_w_w.liga wacute waterTrigram wcircumflex wdieresis we-cy wgrave whiteCircle whiteDiamond whiteFrowningFace whiteRect whiteSquareWithLowerLeftQuadrant whiteSquareWithLowerRightQuadrant whiteSquareWithRoundedCorners whiteSquareWithUpperLeftQuadrant whiteSquareWithUpperRightQuadrant whiteVerticalRect windTrigram x x.multiply x.multiply.tosf xi y yacute yae-cy yat-cy ycircumflex ydieresis yen yeru-cy yerudieresis-cy ygrave yi-cy yot ypogegrammeni ypogegrammenicomb yusbig-cy yusbigiotified-cy yuslittle-cy yuslittleiotified-cy z zacute zacute.loclPLK zcaron zdotaccent ze-cy zedescender-cy zedieresis-cy zero zero.cv11 zero.cv12 zero.cv13 zero.dnom zero.numr zero.tosf zero.tosf.cv11 zero.tosf.cv12 zero.tosf.cv13 zeroinferior zerosuperior zeta zhe-cy zhebreve-cy zhedescender-cy zhedieresis-cy";
  16. name = NotSpace;
  17. },
  18. {
  19. automatic = 1;
  20. code = "A Aacute Abreve Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Amacron Aogonek Aring Atilde AE AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Emacron Eogonek F G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent H Hbar Hcircumflex I IJ Iacute Ibreve Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Imacron Iogonek Itilde J Jcircumflex K Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Lslash M N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Eng Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Oslashacute Otilde OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent S Sacute Scaron Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Germandbls T Tbar Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent U Uacute Ubreve Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK F.spacer T.spacer A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Iishorttail-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Omega-cy Yat-cy Eiotified-cy Yuslittle-cy Yuslittleiotified-cy Yusbig-cy Yusbigiotified-cy Ksi-cy Psi-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Izhitsadblgrave-cy Uk-cy Ghestroke-cy Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kastroke-cy Kabashkir-cy Endescender-cy Enghe-cy Pemiddlehook-cy Pedescender-cy Haabkhasian-cy Esdescender-cy Tedescender-cy Ustrait-cy Ustraitstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Tetse-cy Chedescender-cy Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Shhadescender-cy Cheabkhasian-cy Chedescenderabkhasian-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Kahook-cy Eltail-cy Enhook-cy Entail-cy Chekhakassian-cy Emtail-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Aie-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Schwadieresis-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Dzeabkhasian-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Obarreddieresis-cy Edieresis-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Gestrokehook-cy Hahook-cy Hastroke-cy Komide-cy Komidje-cy Komizje-cy Komidzje-cy Komilje-cy Kominje-cy Komisje-cy Komitje-cy Reversedze-cy Elhook-cy Lha-cy Rha-cy Yae-cy Qa-cy We-cy Aleutka-cy Elmiddlehook-cy Enmiddlehook-cy Semisoftsign-cy Ertick-cy EnLeftHook-cy Dzzhe-cy Dche-cy Eldescender-cy Yot-greek Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega Alphatonos Epsilontonos Etatonos Iotatonos Omicrontonos Upsilontonos Omegatonos Iotadieresis Upsilondieresis Heta Archaicsampi Pamphyliandigamma KoppaArchaic Stigma Digamma Koppa Sampi KaiSymbol UpsilonhookSymbol UpsilonacutehookSymbol UpsilondieresishookSymbol ThetaSymbol Sho SigmaLunateSymbol San SigmaLunateReversedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedSymbol SigmaLunateDottedReversedSymbol Alphapsili Alphadasia Alphapsilivaria Alphadasiavaria Alphapsilioxia Alphadasiaoxia Alphapsiliperispomeni Alphadasiaperispomeni Alphavaria Alphaoxia Alphavrachy Alphamacron Alphaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Epsilonpsili Epsilondasia Epsilonpsilivaria Epsilondasiavaria Epsilonpsilioxia Epsilondasiaoxia Epsilonvaria Epsilonoxia Etapsili Etadasia Etapsilivaria Etadasiavaria Etapsilioxia Etadasiaoxia Etapsiliperispomeni Etadasiaperispomeni Etavaria Etaoxia Etaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliprosgegrammeni Etadasiaprosgegrammeni Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni Iotapsili Iotadasia Iotapsilivaria Iotadasiavaria Iotapsilioxia Iotadasiaoxia Iotapsiliperispomeni Iotadasiaperispomeni Iotavaria Iotaoxia Iotavrachy Iotamacron Omicronpsili Omicrondasia Omicronpsilivaria Omicrondasiavaria Omicronpsilioxia Omicrondasiaoxia Omicronvaria Omicronoxia Rhodasia Upsilondasia Upsilondasiavaria Upsilondasiaoxia Upsilondasiaperispomeni Upsilonvaria Upsilonoxia Upsilonvrachy Upsilonmacron Omegapsili Omegadasia Omegapsilivaria Omegadasiavaria Omegapsilioxia Omegadasiaoxia Omegapsiliperispomeni Omegadasiaperispomeni Omegavaria Omegaoxia Omegaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni BdoubleStruck CdoubleStruck HdoubleStruck NdoubleStruck PdoubleStruck QdoubleStruck RdoubleStruck ZdoubleStruck";
  21. name = Uppercase;
  22. },
  23. {
  24. code = "a aacute abreve acircumflex adieresis agrave amacron aogonek aring atilde ae aeacute b c cacute ccaron ccedilla ccircumflex cdotaccent d eth dcaron dcroat e eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent egrave emacron eogonek f g gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent h hbar hcircumflex i idotless iacute ibreve icircumflex idieresis idotaccent igrave ij imacron iogonek itilde j dotlessj jcircumflex k kcommaaccent kgreenlandic l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldot lslash m n nacute napostrophe ncaron ncommaaccent eng ntilde o oacute obreve ocircumflex odieresis ograve ohungarumlaut omacron oslash oslashacute otilde oe p thorn q r racute rcaron rcommaaccent s sacute scaron scedilla scircumflex scommaaccent germandbls t tbar tcaron tcedilla tcommaaccent u uacute ubreve ucircumflex udieresis ugrave uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde v w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave x y yacute ycircumflex ydieresis ygrave z zacute zcaron zdotaccent x.multiply cacute.loclPLK nacute.loclPLK oacute.loclPLK sacute.loclPLK zacute.loclPLK w_w_w.liga ordfeminine ordmasculine nmod a-cy be-cy ve-cy ge-cy gje-cy gheupturn-cy de-cy ie-cy iegrave-cy io-cy zhe-cy ze-cy ii-cy iishort-cy iigrave-cy iishorttail-cy ka-cy kje-cy el-cy em-cy en-cy o-cy pe-cy er-cy es-cy te-cy u-cy ushort-cy ef-cy ha-cy che-cy tse-cy sha-cy shcha-cy dzhe-cy softsign-cy hardsign-cy yeru-cy lje-cy nje-cy dze-cy e-cy ereversed-cy i-cy yi-cy je-cy tshe-cy iu-cy ia-cy dje-cy omega-cy yat-cy eiotified-cy yuslittle-cy yuslittleiotified-cy yusbig-cy yusbigiotified-cy ksi-cy psi-cy fita-cy izhitsa-cy izhitsadblgrave-cy uk-cy ghestroke-cy ghemiddlehook-cy zhedescender-cy zedescender-cy kadescender-cy kaverticalstroke-cy kastroke-cy kabashkir-cy endescender-cy pedescender-cy pemiddlehook-cy haabkhasian-cy esdescender-cy tedescender-cy ustrait-cy ustraitstroke-cy hadescender-cy chedescender-cy cheverticalstroke-cy shha-cy shhadescender-cy cheabkhasian-cy chedescenderabkhasian-cy palochka-cy zhebreve-cy kahook-cy eltail-cy enhook-cy entail-cy chekhakassian-cy emtail-cy abreve-cy adieresis-cy iebreve-cy schwa-cy schwadieresis-cy zhedieresis-cy zedieresis-cy dzeabkhasian-cy imacron-cy idieresis-cy odieresis-cy obarred-cy obarreddieresis-cy edieresis-cy umacron-cy udieresis-cy uhungarumlaut-cy chedieresis-cy gedescender-cy yerudieresis-cy gestrokehook-cy hahook-cy hastroke-cy komide-cy komidje-cy komizje-cy komidzje-cy komilje-cy kominje-cy komisje-cy komitje-cy reversedze-cy elhook-cy lha-cy rha-cy yae-cy qa-cy we-cy aleutka-cy elmiddlehook-cy enmiddlehook-cy semisoftsign-cy ertick-cy dche-cy dzzhe-cy eldescender-cy enlefthook-cy enghe-cy tetse-cy aie-cy alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigmafinal sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega iotatonos iotadieresis iotadieresistonos upsilontonos upsilondieresis upsilondieresistonos omicrontonos omegatonos alphatonos epsilontonos etatonos heta archaicsampi pamphyliandigamma reversedlunatesigmasymbol dottedlunatesigmasymbol reverseddottedlunatesigmasymbol koppaArchaic stigma digamma koppa sampi kaiSymbol betaSymbol thetaSymbol phiSymbol piSymbol kappaSymbol rhoSymbol sigmaLunateSymbol yot epsilonLunateSymbol sho san rhoStrokeSymbol alphapsili alphadasia alphapsilivaria alphadasiavaria alphapsilioxia alphadasiaoxia alphapsiliperispomeni alphadasiaperispomeni alphavaria alphaoxia alphaperispomeni alphavrachy alphamacron alphaypogegrammeni alphavariaypogegrammeni alphaoxiaypogegrammeni alphapsiliypogegrammeni alphadasiaypogegrammeni alphapsilivariaypogegrammeni alphadasiavariaypogegrammeni alphapsilioxiaypogegrammeni alphadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni alphapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni alphadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni alphaperispomeniypogegrammeni epsilonpsili epsilondasia epsilonpsilivaria epsilondasiavaria epsilonpsilioxia epsilondasiaoxia epsilonvaria epsilonoxia etapsili etadasia etapsilivaria etadasiavaria etapsilioxia etadasiaoxia etapsiliperispomeni etadasiaperispomeni etavaria etaoxia etaperispomeni etaypogegrammeni etavariaypogegrammeni etaoxiaypogegrammeni etapsiliypogegrammeni etadasiaypogegrammeni etapsilivariaypogegrammeni etadasiavariaypogegrammeni etapsilioxiaypogegrammeni etadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni etapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni etadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni etaperispomeniypogegrammeni iotapsili iotadasia iotapsilivaria iotadasiavaria iotapsilioxia iotadasiaoxia iotapsiliperispomeni iotadasiaperispomeni iotavaria iotaoxia iotaperispomeni iotavrachy iotamacron iotadialytikavaria iotadialytikaoxia iotadialytikaperispomeni omicronpsili omicrondasia omicronpsilivaria omicrondasiavaria omicronpsilioxia omicrondasiaoxia omicronvaria omicronoxia rhopsili rhodasia upsilonpsili upsilondasia upsilonpsilivaria upsilondasiavaria upsilonpsilioxia upsilondasiaoxia upsilonpsiliperispomeni upsilondasiaperispomeni upsilonvaria upsilonoxia upsilonperispomeni upsilonvrachy upsilonmacron upsilondialytikavaria upsilondialytikaoxia upsilondialytikaperispomeni omegapsili omegadasia omegapsilivaria omegadasiavaria omegapsilioxia omegadasiaoxia omegapsiliperispomeni omegadasiaperispomeni omegavaria omegaoxia omegaperispomeni omegaypogegrammeni omegavariaypogegrammeni omegaoxiaypogegrammeni omegapsiliypogegrammeni omegadasiaypogegrammeni omegapsilivariaypogegrammeni omegadasiavariaypogegrammeni omegapsilioxiaypogegrammeni omegadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni omegapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni omegadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni omegaperispomeniypogegrammeni prosgegrammeni ypogegrammeni";
  25. name = Lowercase;
  26. },
  27. {
  28. code = "bracketleft braceleft parenleft";
  29. name = OpeningBracket;
  30. },
  31. {
  32. code = "bracketright braceright parenright";
  33. name = ClosingBracket;
  34. },
  35. {
  36. code = "zero
  38. one
  39. two
  40. twoTurned
  41. threeTurned
  42. three
  43. four
  44. five
  45. six
  46. seven
  47. eight
  48. nine";
  49. name = Digit;
  50. },
  51. {
  52. code = "zero.tosf
  55. one.tosf
  56. two.tosf
  57. three.tosf
  58. four.tosf
  59. five.tosf
  60. six.tosf
  61. seven.tosf
  62. eight.tosf
  63. nine.tosf";
  64. name = DigitTosf;
  65. },
  66. {
  67. code = "a b c d e f A B C D E F";
  68. name = HexDigit;
  69. },
  70. {
  71. code = "@Uppercase zero one two twoTurned threeTurned three four five six seven eight nine @OpeningBracket @ClosingBracket bar";
  72. name = Tall;
  73. },
  74. {
  75. code = "Alpha
  76. Beta
  77. Gamma
  78. Delta
  79. Epsilon
  80. Zeta
  81. Eta
  82. Theta
  83. Iota
  84. Kappa
  85. Lambda
  86. Mu
  87. Nu
  88. Xi
  89. Omicron
  90. Pi
  91. Rho
  92. Sigma
  93. Tau
  94. Upsilon
  95. Phi
  96. Chi
  97. Psi
  98. Omega
  99. Alphatonos
  100. Epsilontonos
  101. Etatonos
  102. Iotatonos
  103. Omicrontonos
  104. Upsilontonos
  105. Omegatonos
  106. Iotadieresis
  107. Upsilondieresis
  108. Alphapsili
  109. Alphadasia
  110. Alphapsilivaria
  111. Alphadasiavaria
  112. Alphapsilioxia
  113. Alphadasiaoxia
  114. Alphapsiliperispomeni
  115. Alphadasiaperispomeni
  116. Alphavaria
  117. Alphaoxia
  118. Alphavrachy
  119. Alphamacron
  120. Alphaprosgegrammeni
  121. Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni
  122. Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni
  123. Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  124. Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  125. Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  126. Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  127. Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  128. Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  129. Epsilonpsili
  130. Epsilondasia
  131. Epsilonpsilivaria
  132. Epsilondasiavaria
  133. Epsilonpsilioxia
  134. Epsilondasiaoxia
  135. Epsilonvaria
  136. Epsilonoxia
  137. Etapsili
  138. Etadasia
  139. Etapsilivaria
  140. Etadasiavaria
  141. Etapsilioxia
  142. Etadasiaoxia
  143. Etapsiliperispomeni
  144. Etadasiaperispomeni
  145. Etavaria
  146. Etaoxia
  147. Etaprosgegrammeni
  148. Etapsiliprosgegrammeni
  149. Etadasiaprosgegrammeni
  150. Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  151. Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  152. Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  153. Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  154. Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  155. Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  156. Iotapsili
  157. Iotadasia
  158. Iotapsilivaria
  159. Iotadasiavaria
  160. Iotapsilioxia
  161. Iotadasiaoxia
  162. Iotapsiliperispomeni
  163. Iotadasiaperispomeni
  164. Iotavaria
  165. Iotaoxia
  166. Iotavrachy
  167. Iotamacron
  168. Omicronpsili
  169. Omicrondasia
  170. Omicronpsilivaria
  171. Omicrondasiavaria
  172. Omicronpsilioxia
  173. Omicrondasiaoxia
  174. Omicronvaria
  175. Omicronoxia
  176. Rhodasia
  177. Upsilondasia
  178. Upsilondasiavaria
  179. Upsilondasiaoxia
  180. Upsilondasiaperispomeni
  181. Upsilonvaria
  182. Upsilonoxia
  183. Upsilonvrachy
  184. Upsilonmacron
  185. Omegapsili
  186. Omegadasia
  187. Omegapsilivaria
  188. Omegadasiavaria
  189. Omegapsilioxia
  190. Omegadasiaoxia
  191. Omegapsiliperispomeni
  192. Omegadasiaperispomeni
  193. Omegavaria
  194. Omegaoxia
  195. Omegaprosgegrammeni
  196. Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni
  197. Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni
  198. Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  199. Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  200. Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  201. Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  202. Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  203. Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni";
  204. name = GreekUC;
  205. },
  206. {
  207. code = "Alphatonos
  208. Epsilontonos
  209. Etatonos
  210. Iotatonos
  211. Omicrontonos
  212. Upsilontonos
  213. Omegatonos
  214. Alphapsili
  215. Alphadasia
  216. Alphapsilivaria
  217. Alphadasiavaria
  218. Alphapsilioxia
  219. Alphadasiaoxia
  220. Alphapsiliperispomeni
  221. Alphadasiaperispomeni
  222. Alphavaria
  223. Alphaoxia
  224. Alphavrachy
  225. Alphamacron
  226. Alphaprosgegrammeni
  227. Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni
  228. Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni
  229. Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  230. Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  231. Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  232. Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  233. Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  234. Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  235. Epsilonpsili
  236. Epsilondasia
  237. Epsilonpsilivaria
  238. Epsilondasiavaria
  239. Epsilonpsilioxia
  240. Epsilondasiaoxia
  241. Epsilonvaria
  242. Epsilonoxia
  243. Etapsili
  244. Etadasia
  245. Etapsilivaria
  246. Etadasiavaria
  247. Etapsilioxia
  248. Etadasiaoxia
  249. Etapsiliperispomeni
  250. Etadasiaperispomeni
  251. Etavaria
  252. Etaoxia
  253. Etaprosgegrammeni
  254. Etapsiliprosgegrammeni
  255. Etadasiaprosgegrammeni
  256. Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  257. Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  258. Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  259. Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  260. Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  261. Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  262. Iotapsili
  263. Iotadasia
  264. Iotapsilivaria
  265. Iotadasiavaria
  266. Iotapsilioxia
  267. Iotadasiaoxia
  268. Iotapsiliperispomeni
  269. Iotadasiaperispomeni
  270. Iotavaria
  271. Iotaoxia
  272. Iotavrachy
  273. Iotamacron
  274. Omicronpsili
  275. Omicrondasia
  276. Omicronpsilivaria
  277. Omicrondasiavaria
  278. Omicronpsilioxia
  279. Omicrondasiaoxia
  280. Omicronvaria
  281. Omicronoxia
  282. Rhodasia
  283. Upsilondasia
  284. Upsilondasiavaria
  285. Upsilondasiaoxia
  286. Upsilondasiaperispomeni
  287. Upsilonvaria
  288. Upsilonoxia
  289. Upsilonvrachy
  290. Upsilonmacron
  291. Omegapsili
  292. Omegadasia
  293. Omegapsilivaria
  294. Omegadasiavaria
  295. Omegapsilioxia
  296. Omegadasiaoxia
  297. Omegapsiliperispomeni
  298. Omegadasiaperispomeni
  299. Omegavaria
  300. Omegaoxia
  301. Omegaprosgegrammeni
  302. Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni
  303. Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni
  304. Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  305. Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  306. Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  307. Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  308. Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  309. Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni";
  310. name = GreekUCAcc;
  311. },
  312. {
  313. code = "Alphatonos
  314. Epsilontonos
  315. Omicrontonos
  316. Upsilontonos
  317. Alphapsili
  318. Alphadasia
  319. Alphapsilivaria
  320. Alphadasiavaria
  321. Alphapsilioxia
  322. Alphadasiaoxia
  323. Alphapsiliperispomeni
  324. Alphadasiaperispomeni
  325. Alphavaria
  326. Alphaoxia
  327. Alphavrachy
  328. Alphamacron
  329. Alphaprosgegrammeni
  330. Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni
  331. Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni
  332. Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  333. Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  334. Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  335. Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  336. Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  337. Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  338. Epsilonpsili
  339. Epsilondasia
  340. Epsilonpsilivaria
  341. Epsilondasiavaria
  342. Epsilonpsilioxia
  343. Epsilondasiaoxia
  344. Epsilonvaria
  345. Epsilonoxia
  346. Omicronpsili
  347. Omicrondasia
  348. Omicronpsilivaria
  349. Omicrondasiavaria
  350. Omicronpsilioxia
  351. Omicrondasiaoxia
  352. Omicronvaria
  353. Omicronoxia
  354. Upsilondasia
  355. Upsilondasiavaria
  356. Upsilondasiaoxia
  357. Upsilondasiaperispomeni
  358. Upsilonvaria
  359. Upsilonoxia
  360. Upsilonvrachy
  361. Upsilonmacron";
  362. name = GreekUCdiphIOTA;
  363. },
  364. {
  365. code = "Alphatonos
  366. Epsilontonos
  367. Omicrontonos
  368. Alphapsili
  369. Alphadasia
  370. Alphapsilivaria
  371. Alphadasiavaria
  372. Alphapsilioxia
  373. Alphadasiaoxia
  374. Alphapsiliperispomeni
  375. Alphadasiaperispomeni
  376. Alphavaria
  377. Alphaoxia
  378. Alphavrachy
  379. Alphamacron
  380. Alphaprosgegrammeni
  381. Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni
  382. Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni
  383. Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni
  384. Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni
  385. Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni
  386. Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni
  387. Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  388. Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni
  389. Epsilonpsili
  390. Epsilondasia
  391. Epsilonpsilivaria
  392. Epsilondasiavaria
  393. Epsilonpsilioxia
  394. Epsilondasiaoxia
  395. Epsilonvaria
  396. Epsilonoxia
  397. Omicronpsili
  398. Omicrondasia
  399. Omicronpsilivaria
  400. Omicrondasiavaria
  401. Omicronpsilioxia
  402. Omicrondasiaoxia
  403. Omicronvaria
  404. Omicronoxia";
  405. name = GreekUCdiphUPSILON;
  406. },
  407. {
  408. code = "Alpha
  409. Epsilon
  410. Eta
  411. Iota
  412. Omicron
  413. Upsilon
  414. Omega
  415. Alpha
  416. Alpha
  417. Alpha
  418. Alpha
  419. Alpha
  420. Alpha
  421. Alpha
  422. Alpha
  423. Alpha
  424. Alpha
  425. Alpha
  426. Alpha
  427. Alpha
  428. Alpha
  429. Alpha
  430. Alpha
  431. Alpha
  432. Alpha
  433. Alpha
  434. Alpha
  435. Alpha
  436. Epsilon
  437. Epsilon
  438. Epsilon
  439. Epsilon
  440. Epsilon
  441. Epsilon
  442. Epsilon
  443. Epsilon
  444. Eta
  445. Eta
  446. Eta
  447. Eta
  448. Eta
  449. Eta
  450. Eta
  451. Eta
  452. Eta
  453. Eta
  454. Eta
  455. Eta
  456. Eta
  457. Eta
  458. Eta
  459. Eta
  460. Eta
  461. Eta
  462. Eta
  463. Iota
  464. Iota
  465. Iota
  466. Iota
  467. Iota
  468. Iota
  469. Iota
  470. Iota
  471. Iota
  472. Iota
  473. Iota
  474. Iota
  475. Omicron
  476. Omicron
  477. Omicron
  478. Omicron
  479. Omicron
  480. Omicron
  481. Omicron
  482. Omicron
  483. Rho
  484. Upsilon
  485. Upsilon
  486. Upsilon
  487. Upsilon
  488. Upsilon
  489. Upsilon
  490. Upsilon
  491. Upsilon
  492. Omega
  493. Omega
  494. Omega
  495. Omega
  496. Omega
  497. Omega
  498. Omega
  499. Omega
  500. Omega
  501. Omega
  502. Omega
  503. Omega
  504. Omega
  505. Omega
  506. Omega
  507. Omega
  508. Omega
  509. Omega
  510. Omega";
  511. name = GreekUCcalt;
  512. }
  513. );
  514. customParameters = (
  515. {
  516. name = "Family Alignment Zones";
  517. value = (
  518. {
  519. pos = 1478;
  520. size = 28;
  521. },
  522. {
  523. pos = 1378;
  524. size = 28;
  525. },
  526. {
  527. pos = 1054;
  528. size = 28;
  529. },
  530. {
  531. pos = 0;
  532. size = -28;
  533. },
  534. {
  535. pos = -404;
  536. size = -28;
  537. }
  538. );
  539. },
  540. {
  541. name = isFixedPitch;
  542. value = 1;
  543. },
  544. {
  545. name = "Use Typo Metrics";
  546. value = 1;
  547. },
  548. {
  549. name = fsType;
  550. value = (
  551. );
  552. },
  553. {
  554. name = openTypeOS2Panose;
  555. value = (
  556. 2,
  557. 11,
  558. 8,
  559. 9,
  560. 5,
  561. 0,
  562. 0,
  563. 2,
  564. 0,
  565. 4
  566. );
  567. }
  568. );
  569. date = "2025-02-08 14:47:16 +0000";
  570. familyName = "Fira Code";
  571. featurePrefixes = (
  572. {
  573. code = "languagesystem DFLT dflt;
  574. languagesystem zyyy dflt;
  575. languagesystem zinh dflt;
  576. languagesystem cyrl dflt;
  577. languagesystem grek dflt;
  578. languagesystem latn dflt;
  579. languagesystem latn TAT;
  580. languagesystem latn TRK;
  581. languagesystem latn MOL;
  582. languagesystem latn ROM;
  583. languagesystem latn KAZ;
  584. languagesystem latn PLK;
  585. languagesystem latn AZE;
  586. languagesystem latn CAT;
  587. languagesystem latn CRT;
  588. languagesystem latn AFK;
  589. ";
  590. name = Languagesystems;
  591. }
  592. );
  593. features = (
  594. {
  595. automatic = 1;
  596. code = "feature subs;
  597. feature sups;
  598. feature numr;
  599. feature dnom;
  600. feature frac;
  601. feature ordn;
  602. feature tnum;
  603. feature onum;
  604. feature case;
  605. feature locl;
  606. feature zero;
  607. feature calt;
  608. feature salt;
  609. feature ss01;
  610. feature ss02;
  611. feature ss03;
  612. feature ss04;
  613. feature ss05;
  614. feature ss06;
  615. feature ss07;
  616. feature ss08;
  617. feature ss09;
  618. feature ss10;
  619. feature sinf;
  620. feature hwid;
  621. feature cv01;
  622. feature cv02;
  623. feature cv03;
  624. feature cv04;
  625. feature cv05;
  626. feature cv06;
  627. feature cv07;
  628. feature cv08;
  629. feature cv09;
  630. feature cv10;
  631. feature cv11;
  632. feature cv12;
  633. feature cv13;
  634. feature cv14;
  635. feature cv15;
  636. feature cv16;
  637. feature cv17;
  638. feature cv18;
  639. feature cv19;
  640. feature cv20;
  641. feature cv21;
  642. feature cv22;
  643. feature cv23;
  644. feature cv24;
  645. feature cv25;
  646. feature cv26;
  647. feature cv27;
  648. feature cv28;
  649. feature cv29;
  650. ";
  651. tag = aalt;
  652. },
  653. {
  654. automatic = 1;
  655. code = "sub zero by zeroinferior;
  656. sub one by oneinferior;
  657. sub two by twoinferior;
  658. sub three by threeinferior;
  659. sub four by fourinferior;
  660. sub five by fiveinferior;
  661. sub six by sixinferior;
  662. sub seven by seveninferior;
  663. sub eight by eightinferior;
  664. sub nine by nineinferior;
  665. sub parenleft by parenleftinferior;
  666. sub parenright by parenrightinferior;
  667. sub minus by minusinferior;
  668. sub plus by plusinferior;
  669. ";
  670. tag = subs;
  671. },
  672. {
  673. automatic = 1;
  674. code = "sub zero by zerosuperior;
  675. sub one by onesuperior;
  676. sub two by twosuperior;
  677. sub three by threesuperior;
  678. sub four by foursuperior;
  679. sub five by fivesuperior;
  680. sub six by sixsuperior;
  681. sub seven by sevensuperior;
  682. sub eight by eightsuperior;
  683. sub nine by ninesuperior;
  684. sub parenleft by parenleftsuperior;
  685. sub parenright by parenrightsuperior;
  686. sub equal by equalsuperior;
  687. sub minus by minussuperior;
  688. sub plus by plussuperior;
  689. ";
  690. tag = sups;
  691. },
  692. {
  693. automatic = 1;
  694. code = "sub three.cv14 by three.cv14.numr;
  695. sub zero by zero.numr;
  696. sub one by one.numr;
  697. sub two by two.numr;
  698. sub three by three.numr;
  699. sub four by four.numr;
  700. sub five by five.numr;
  701. sub six by six.numr;
  702. sub seven by seven.numr;
  703. sub eight by eight.numr;
  704. sub nine by nine.numr;
  705. sub parenleft by parenleft.numr;
  706. sub parenright by parenright.numr;
  707. sub plus by plus.numr;
  708. sub minus by minus.numr;
  709. sub equal by equal.numr;
  710. ";
  711. tag = numr;
  712. },
  713. {
  714. automatic = 1;
  715. code = "sub three.cv14 by three.cv14.dnom;
  716. sub zero by zero.dnom;
  717. sub one by one.dnom;
  718. sub two by two.dnom;
  719. sub three by three.dnom;
  720. sub four by four.dnom;
  721. sub five by five.dnom;
  722. sub six by six.dnom;
  723. sub seven by seven.dnom;
  724. sub eight by eight.dnom;
  725. sub nine by nine.dnom;
  726. sub parenleft by parenleft.dnom;
  727. sub parenright by parenright.dnom;
  728. sub plus by plus.dnom;
  729. sub minus by minus.dnom;
  730. sub equal by equal.dnom;
  731. ";
  732. tag = dnom;
  733. },
  734. {
  735. automatic = 1;
  736. code = "lookup FRAC {
  737. sub slash by fraction;
  738. } FRAC;
  739. lookup UP {
  740. sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] by [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr];
  741. } UP;
  742. lookup DOWN {
  743. sub fraction [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom];
  744. sub [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom] [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom];
  745. } DOWN;
  746. ";
  747. tag = frac;
  748. },
  749. {
  750. automatic = 1;
  751. code = "sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [A a]' by ordfeminine;
  752. sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [O o]' by ordmasculine;
  753. sub N o period by numero;
  754. ";
  755. tag = ordn;
  756. },
  757. {
  758. automatic = 1;
  759. code = "sub figurespace by;
  760. ";
  761. tag = tnum;
  762. },
  763. {
  764. code = "sub zero by zero.tosf;
  765. sub by;
  766. sub one by one.tosf;
  767. sub two by two.tosf;
  768. sub three by three.tosf;
  769. sub four by four.tosf;
  770. sub five by five.tosf;
  771. sub six by six.tosf;
  772. sub seven by seven.tosf;
  773. sub eight by eight.tosf;
  774. sub nine by nine.tosf;
  775. sub x.multiply by x.multiply.tosf;";
  776. tag = onum;
  777. },
  778. {
  779. automatic = 1;
  780. code = "sub exclamdown by;
  781. sub questiondown by;
  782. sub parenleft by;
  783. sub parenright by;
  784. sub braceleft by;
  785. sub braceright by;
  786. sub bracketleft by;
  787. sub bracketright by;
  788. sub hyphen by;
  789. sub softhyphen by;
  790. sub endash by;
  791. sub emdash by;
  792. sub guillemetleft by;
  793. sub guillemetright by;
  794. sub guilsinglleft by;
  795. sub guilsinglright by;
  796. sub infinity by;
  797. sub commaaccent by;
  798. sub dieresis by;
  799. sub dotaccent by;
  800. sub grave by;
  801. sub acute by;
  802. sub hungarumlaut by;
  803. sub circumflex by;
  804. sub caron by;
  805. sub breve by;
  806. sub ring by;
  807. sub tilde by;
  808. sub macron by;
  809. sub cedilla by;
  810. sub tonos by;
  811. sub varia by;
  812. sub oxia by;
  813. sub breve-cy by;
  814. ";
  815. tag = case;
  816. },
  817. {
  818. automatic = 1;
  819. code = "lookupflag IgnoreMarks;
  820. sub bar bar bar greater by bar_bar_bar_greater.liga;
  821. sub less bar bar bar by less_bar_bar_bar.liga;
  822. sub less exclam hyphen hyphen by less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga;
  823. sub asciitilde asciitilde greater by asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga;
  824. sub asterisk asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga;
  825. sub bar bar bar by bar_bar_bar.liga;
  826. sub bar bar greater by bar_bar_greater.liga;
  827. sub colon colon colon by colon_colon_colon.liga;
  828. sub colon colon equal by colon_colon_equal.liga;
  829. sub equal equal equal by equal_equal_equal.liga;
  830. sub exclam equal equal by exclam_equal_equal.liga;
  831. sub exclam exclam period by exclam_exclam_period.liga;
  832. sub greater greater greater by greater_greater_greater.liga;
  833. sub less asciitilde asciitilde by less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;
  834. sub less asciitilde greater by less_asciitilde_greater.liga;
  835. sub less asterisk greater by less_asterisk_greater.liga;
  836. sub less bar bar by less_bar_bar.liga;
  837. sub less bar greater by less_bar_greater.liga;
  838. sub less dollar greater by less_dollar_greater.liga;
  839. sub less less less by less_less_less.liga;
  840. sub less plus greater by less_plus_greater.liga;
  841. sub less slash greater by less_slash_greater.liga;
  842. sub numbersign underscore parenleft by numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga;
  843. sub period period equal by period_period_equal.liga;
  844. sub period period less by period_period_less.liga;
  845. sub period period period by period_period_period.liga;
  846. sub plus plus plus by plus_plus_plus.liga;
  847. sub slash slash slash by slash_slash_slash.liga;
  848. sub w w w by w_w_w.liga;
  849. sub ampersand ampersand by ampersand_ampersand.liga;
  850. sub asciicircum equal by asciicircum_equal.liga;
  851. sub asciitilde asciitilde by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;
  852. sub asciitilde at by asciitilde_at.liga;
  853. sub asciitilde greater by asciitilde_greater.liga;
  854. sub asciitilde hyphen by asciitilde_hyphen.liga;
  855. sub asterisk asterisk by asterisk_asterisk.liga;
  856. sub asterisk greater by asterisk_greater.liga;
  857. sub asterisk slash by asterisk_slash.liga;
  858. sub backslash slash by backslash_slash.liga;
  859. sub bar bar by bar_bar.liga;
  860. sub bar braceright by bar_braceright.liga;
  861. sub bar bracketright by bar_bracketright.liga;
  862. sub bar greater by bar_greater.liga;
  863. sub braceleft bar by braceleft_bar.liga;
  864. sub bracketleft bar by bracketleft_bar.liga;
  865. sub bracketright numbersign by bracketright_numbersign.liga;
  866. sub colon colon by colon_colon.liga;
  867. sub colon equal by colon_equal.liga;
  868. sub dollar greater by dollar_greater.liga;
  869. sub equal equal by equal_equal.liga;
  870. sub exclam equal by exclam_equal.liga;
  871. sub exclam exclam by exclam_exclam.liga;
  872. sub greater equal by greater_equal.liga;
  873. sub greater greater by greater_greater.liga;
  874. sub hyphen asciitilde by hyphen_asciitilde.liga;
  875. sub hyphen hyphen by hyphen_hyphen.liga;
  876. sub less asciitilde by less_asciitilde.liga;
  877. sub less asterisk by less_asterisk.liga;
  878. sub less bar by less_bar.liga;
  879. sub less dollar by less_dollar.liga;
  880. sub less equal by less_equal.liga;
  881. sub less greater by less_greater.liga;
  882. sub less less by less_less.liga;
  883. sub less plus by less_plus.liga;
  884. sub less slash by less_slash.liga;
  885. sub numbersign braceleft by numbersign_braceleft.liga;
  886. sub numbersign bracketleft by numbersign_bracketleft.liga;
  887. sub numbersign colon by numbersign_colon.liga;
  888. sub numbersign equal by numbersign_equal.liga;
  889. sub numbersign exclam by numbersign_exclam.liga;
  890. sub numbersign parenleft by numbersign_parenleft.liga;
  891. sub numbersign question by numbersign_question.liga;
  892. sub numbersign underscore by numbersign_underscore.liga;
  893. sub percent percent by percent_percent.liga;
  894. sub period period by period_period.liga;
  895. sub period question by period_question.liga;
  896. sub plus greater by plus_greater.liga;
  897. sub plus plus by plus_plus.liga;
  898. sub question equal by question_equal.liga;
  899. sub question period by question_period.liga;
  900. sub question question by question_question.liga;
  901. sub semicolon semicolon by semicolon_semicolon.liga;
  902. sub slash asterisk by slash_asterisk.liga;
  903. sub slash backslash by slash_backslash.liga;
  904. sub slash greater by slash_greater.liga;
  905. sub slash slash by slash_slash.liga;
  906. ";
  907. disabled = 1;
  908. tag = liga;
  909. },
  910. {
  911. code = "script latn;
  912. language TAT;
  913. sub i by idotaccent;
  914. language TRK;
  915. sub i by idotaccent;
  916. language MOL;
  917. sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
  918. sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
  919. sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
  920. sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
  921. language ROM;
  922. sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
  923. sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
  924. sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
  925. sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
  926. language KAZ;
  927. sub i by idotaccent;
  928. language PLK;
  929. sub Cacute by Cacute.loclPLK;
  930. sub Nacute by Nacute.loclPLK;
  931. sub Oacute by Oacute.loclPLK;
  932. sub Sacute by Sacute.loclPLK;
  933. sub Zacute by Zacute.loclPLK;
  934. sub cacute by cacute.loclPLK;
  935. sub nacute by nacute.loclPLK;
  936. sub oacute by oacute.loclPLK;
  937. sub sacute by sacute.loclPLK;
  938. sub zacute by zacute.loclPLK;
  939. sub acute by acute.loclPLK;
  940. language AZE;
  941. sub i by idotaccent;
  942. language CAT;
  943. sub l' periodcentered' l by ldot;
  944. sub L' periodcentered' L by Ldot;
  945. language CRT;
  946. sub i by idotaccent;
  947. language AFK;
  948. sub quoteright n by napostrophe;
  949. sub quotesingle n by napostrophe;";
  950. tag = locl;
  951. },
  952. {
  953. code = "sub zero by;
  954. sub zero.tosf by;";
  955. notes = "Zero with a dot inside";
  956. tag = zero;
  957. },
  958. {
  959. code = "lookup less_bar_greater {
  960. ignore sub less less' bar greater;
  961. ignore sub less' bar greater greater;
  962. sub less.spacer bar.spacer greater' by less_bar_greater.liga;
  963. sub less.spacer bar' greater by bar.spacer;
  964. sub less' bar greater by less.spacer;
  965. } less_bar_greater;
  966. lookup bar_bar_bar_greater {
  967. ignore sub bar bar' bar bar greater;
  968. ignore sub bar' bar bar greater greater;
  969. sub bar.spacer bar.spacer bar.spacer greater' by bar_bar_bar_greater.liga;
  970. sub bar.spacer bar.spacer bar' greater by bar.spacer;
  971. sub bar.spacer bar' bar greater by bar.spacer;
  972. sub bar' bar bar greater by bar.spacer;
  973. } bar_bar_bar_greater;
  974. lookup less_bar_bar_bar {
  975. ignore sub less less' bar bar bar;
  976. ignore sub less' bar bar bar bar;
  977. sub less.spacer bar.spacer bar.spacer bar' by less_bar_bar_bar.liga;
  978. sub less.spacer bar.spacer bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  979. sub less.spacer bar' bar bar by bar.spacer;
  980. sub less' bar bar bar by less.spacer;
  981. } less_bar_bar_bar;
  982. lookup bar_bar_greater {
  983. ignore sub bar bar' bar greater;
  984. ignore sub bar' bar greater greater;
  985. ignore sub less bar' bar greater;
  986. sub bar.spacer bar.spacer greater' by bar_bar_greater.liga;
  987. sub bar.spacer bar' greater by bar.spacer;
  988. sub bar' bar greater by bar.spacer;
  989. } bar_bar_greater;
  990. lookup less_bar_bar {
  991. ignore sub less less' bar bar;
  992. ignore sub less' bar bar bar;
  993. ignore sub less' bar bar greater;
  994. sub less.spacer bar.spacer bar' by less_bar_bar.liga;
  995. sub less.spacer bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  996. sub less' bar bar by less.spacer;
  997. } less_bar_bar;
  998. lookup bar_greater {
  999. ignore sub bar bar' greater;
  1000. ignore sub bar' greater greater;
  1001. sub bar.spacer greater' by bar_greater.liga;
  1002. sub bar' greater by bar.spacer;
  1003. } bar_greater;
  1004. lookup less_bar {
  1005. ignore sub less less' bar;
  1006. ignore sub less' bar bar;
  1007. sub less.spacer bar' by less_bar.liga;
  1008. sub less' bar by less.spacer;
  1009. } less_bar;
  1010. lookup bar_bar_bar {
  1011. ignore sub bar bar' bar bar;
  1012. ignore sub bar' bar bar bar;
  1013. sub bar.spacer bar.spacer bar' by bar_bar_bar.liga;
  1014. sub bar.spacer bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  1015. sub bar' bar bar by bar.spacer;
  1016. } bar_bar_bar;
  1017. lookup greater_greater_greater {
  1018. ignore sub greater greater' greater greater;
  1019. ignore sub greater' greater greater greater;
  1020. ignore sub [asterisk plus dollar] greater' greater greater;
  1021. sub greater.spacer greater.spacer greater' by greater_greater_greater.liga;
  1022. sub greater.spacer greater' greater by greater.spacer;
  1023. sub greater' greater greater by greater.spacer;
  1024. } greater_greater_greater;
  1025. lookup less_less_less {
  1026. ignore sub less less' less less;
  1027. ignore sub less' less less less;
  1028. ignore sub less' less less [asterisk plus dollar];
  1029. sub less.spacer less.spacer less' by less_less_less.liga;
  1030. sub less.spacer less' less by less.spacer;
  1031. sub less' less less by less.spacer;
  1032. } less_less_less;
  1033. lookup bar_bar {
  1034. ignore sub bar bar' bar;
  1035. ignore sub bar' bar bar;
  1036. ignore sub [hyphen equal] bar' bar;
  1037. ignore sub bar' bar hyphen;
  1038. ignore sub bar' bar equal [equal less greater bar colon exclam slash];
  1039. sub bar.spacer bar' by bar_bar.liga;
  1040. sub bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  1041. } bar_bar;
  1042. lookup greater_greater {
  1043. ignore sub greater greater' greater;
  1044. ignore sub greater' greater greater;
  1045. ignore sub [asterisk plus dollar] greater' greater;
  1046. ignore sub [hyphen equal] greater' greater;
  1047. ignore sub greater' greater hyphen;
  1048. ignore sub greater' greater equal [equal less greater bar colon exclam slash];
  1049. sub greater.spacer greater' by greater_greater.liga;
  1050. sub greater' greater by greater.spacer;
  1051. } greater_greater;
  1052. lookup less_less {
  1053. ignore sub less less' less;
  1054. ignore sub less' less less;
  1055. ignore sub less' less [asterisk plus dollar];
  1056. ignore sub [hyphen equal] less' less;
  1057. ignore sub less' less hyphen;
  1058. ignore sub less' less equal [equal less greater bar colon exclam slash];
  1059. sub less.spacer less' by less_less.liga;
  1060. sub less' less by less.spacer;
  1061. } less_less;
  1062. lookup less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen {
  1063. ignore sub less less' exclam hyphen hyphen;
  1064. ignore sub less' exclam hyphen hyphen hyphen;
  1065. ignore sub parenleft question less' exclam hyphen hyphen;
  1066. sub less.spacer exclam.spacer hyphen.spacer hyphen' by less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga;
  1067. sub less.spacer exclam.spacer hyphen' hyphen by hyphen.spacer;
  1068. sub less.spacer exclam' hyphen hyphen by exclam.spacer;
  1069. sub less' exclam hyphen hyphen by less.spacer;
  1070. } less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen;
  1071. lookup asciitilde_asciitilde_greater {
  1072. ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' asciitilde greater;
  1073. ignore sub asciitilde' asciitilde greater greater;
  1074. sub asciitilde.spacer asciitilde.spacer greater' by asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga;
  1075. sub asciitilde.spacer asciitilde' greater by asciitilde.spacer;
  1076. sub asciitilde' asciitilde greater by asciitilde.spacer;
  1077. } asciitilde_asciitilde_greater;
  1078. lookup asterisk_asterisk_asterisk {
  1079. ignore sub asterisk asterisk' asterisk asterisk;
  1080. ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk asterisk;
  1081. ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk asterisk;
  1082. ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk slash;
  1083. sub asterisk.spacer asterisk.spacer asterisk' by asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga;
  1084. sub asterisk.spacer asterisk' asterisk by asterisk.spacer;
  1085. sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk by asterisk.spacer;
  1086. } asterisk_asterisk_asterisk;
  1087. lookup colon_colon_colon {
  1088. ignore sub colon colon' colon colon;
  1089. ignore sub colon' colon colon colon;
  1090. ignore sub parenleft question colon' colon colon;
  1091. ignore sub colon' colon colon [less greater];
  1092. ignore sub [less greater] colon' colon colon;
  1093. sub colon.spacer colon.spacer colon' by colon_colon_colon.liga;
  1094. sub colon.spacer colon' colon by colon.spacer;
  1095. sub colon' colon colon by colon.spacer;
  1096. } colon_colon_colon;
  1097. lookup colon_colon_equal {
  1098. ignore sub colon colon' colon equal;
  1099. ignore sub colon' colon equal equal;
  1100. ignore sub parenleft question colon' colon equal;
  1101. sub colon.spacer colon.spacer equal' by colon_colon_equal.liga;
  1102. sub colon.spacer colon' equal by colon.spacer;
  1103. sub colon' colon equal by colon.spacer;
  1104. } colon_colon_equal;
  1105. lookup equal_equal_equal {
  1106. ignore sub equal equal' equal equal;
  1107. ignore sub equal' equal equal equal;
  1108. ignore sub parenleft question equal' equal equal;
  1109. ignore sub parenleft question less equal' equal equal;
  1110. ignore sub less question equal' equal equal;
  1111. ignore sub bracketleft equal' equal equal;
  1112. ignore sub equal' equal equal bracketright;
  1113. ignore sub equal [colon exclam] equal' equal equal;
  1114. ignore sub [less greater bar slash] equal' equal equal;
  1115. ignore sub equal' equal equal [less greater bar slash];
  1116. ignore sub equal' equal equal [colon exclam] equal;
  1117. sub equal.spacer equal.spacer equal' by equal_equal_equal.liga;
  1118. sub equal.spacer equal' equal by equal.spacer;
  1119. sub equal' equal equal by equal.spacer;
  1120. } equal_equal_equal;
  1121. lookup exclam_equal_equal {
  1122. ignore sub exclam exclam' equal equal;
  1123. ignore sub exclam' equal equal equal;
  1124. ignore sub parenleft question exclam' equal equal;
  1125. ignore sub parenleft question less exclam' equal equal;
  1126. ignore sub equal exclam' equal equal;
  1127. sub exclam.spacer equal.spacer equal' by exclam_equal_equal.liga;
  1128. sub exclam.spacer equal' equal by equal.spacer;
  1129. sub exclam' equal equal by exclam.spacer;
  1130. } exclam_equal_equal;
  1131. lookup exclam_exclam_period {
  1132. ignore sub exclam exclam' exclam period;
  1133. ignore sub exclam' exclam period period;
  1134. ignore sub parenleft question exclam' exclam period;
  1135. ignore sub parenleft question less exclam' exclam period;
  1136. sub exclam.spacer exclam.spacer period' by exclam_exclam_period.liga;
  1137. sub exclam.spacer exclam' period by exclam.spacer;
  1138. sub exclam' exclam period by exclam.spacer;
  1139. } exclam_exclam_period;
  1140. lookup less_asciitilde_asciitilde {
  1141. ignore sub less less' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1142. ignore sub less' asciitilde asciitilde asciitilde;
  1143. sub less.spacer asciitilde.spacer asciitilde' by less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;
  1144. sub less.spacer asciitilde' asciitilde by asciitilde.spacer;
  1145. sub less' asciitilde asciitilde by less.spacer;
  1146. } less_asciitilde_asciitilde;
  1147. lookup less_asciitilde_greater {
  1148. ignore sub less less' asciitilde greater;
  1149. ignore sub less' asciitilde greater greater;
  1150. sub less.spacer asciitilde.spacer greater' by less_asciitilde_greater.liga;
  1151. sub less.spacer asciitilde' greater by asciitilde.spacer;
  1152. sub less' asciitilde greater by less.spacer;
  1153. } less_asciitilde_greater;
  1154. lookup less_asterisk_greater {
  1155. sub less.spacer asterisk.spacer greater' by less_asterisk_greater.liga;
  1156. sub less.spacer asterisk' greater by asterisk.spacer;
  1157. sub less' asterisk greater by less.spacer;
  1158. } less_asterisk_greater;
  1159. lookup less_dollar_greater {
  1160. sub less.spacer dollar.spacer greater' by less_dollar_greater.liga;
  1161. sub less.spacer dollar' greater by dollar.spacer;
  1162. sub less' dollar greater by less.spacer;
  1163. } less_dollar_greater;
  1164. lookup less_plus_greater {
  1165. sub less.spacer plus.spacer greater' by less_plus_greater.liga;
  1166. sub less.spacer plus' greater by plus.spacer;
  1167. sub less' plus greater by less.spacer;
  1168. } less_plus_greater;
  1169. lookup less_slash_greater {
  1170. ignore sub less less' slash greater;
  1171. ignore sub less' slash greater greater;
  1172. sub less.spacer slash.spacer greater' by less_slash_greater.liga;
  1173. sub less.spacer slash' greater by slash.spacer;
  1174. sub less' slash greater by less.spacer;
  1175. } less_slash_greater;
  1176. lookup numbersign_underscore_parenleft {
  1177. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' underscore parenleft;
  1178. ignore sub numbersign' underscore parenleft parenleft;
  1179. sub numbersign.spacer underscore.spacer parenleft' by numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga;
  1180. sub numbersign.spacer underscore' parenleft by underscore.spacer;
  1181. sub numbersign' underscore parenleft by numbersign.spacer;
  1182. } numbersign_underscore_parenleft;
  1183. lookup period_period_equal {
  1184. ignore sub period period' period equal;
  1185. ignore sub period' period equal equal;
  1186. sub period.spacer period.spacer equal' by period_period_equal.liga;
  1187. sub period.spacer period' equal by period.spacer;
  1188. sub period' period equal by period.spacer;
  1189. } period_period_equal;
  1190. lookup period_period_less {
  1191. ignore sub period period' period less;
  1192. ignore sub period' period less less;
  1193. sub period.spacer period.spacer less' by period_period_less.liga;
  1194. sub period.spacer period' less by period.spacer;
  1195. sub period' period less by period.spacer;
  1196. } period_period_less;
  1197. lookup period_period_period {
  1198. ignore sub period period' period period;
  1199. ignore sub period' period period period;
  1200. sub period.spacer period.spacer period' by period_period_period.liga;
  1201. sub period.spacer period' period by period.spacer;
  1202. sub period' period period by period.spacer;
  1203. } period_period_period;
  1204. lookup plus_plus_plus {
  1205. ignore sub plus plus' plus plus;
  1206. ignore sub plus' plus plus plus;
  1207. sub plus.spacer plus.spacer plus' by plus_plus_plus.liga;
  1208. sub plus.spacer plus' plus by plus.spacer;
  1209. sub plus' plus plus by plus.spacer;
  1210. } plus_plus_plus;
  1211. lookup slash_slash_slash {
  1212. ignore sub slash slash' slash slash;
  1213. ignore sub slash' slash slash slash;
  1214. sub slash.spacer slash.spacer slash' by slash_slash_slash.liga;
  1215. sub slash.spacer slash' slash by slash.spacer;
  1216. sub slash' slash slash by slash.spacer;
  1217. } slash_slash_slash;
  1218. lookup w_w_w {
  1219. ignore sub w w' w w;
  1220. ignore sub w' w w w;
  1221. sub w.spacer w.spacer w' by w_w_w.liga;
  1222. sub w.spacer w' w by w.spacer;
  1223. sub w' w w by w.spacer;
  1224. } w_w_w;
  1225. lookup ampersand_ampersand {
  1226. ignore sub ampersand ampersand' ampersand;
  1227. ignore sub ampersand' ampersand ampersand;
  1228. sub ampersand.spacer ampersand' by ampersand_ampersand.liga;
  1229. sub ampersand' ampersand by ampersand.spacer;
  1230. } ampersand_ampersand;
  1231. lookup asciicircum_equal {
  1232. ignore sub asciicircum asciicircum' equal;
  1233. ignore sub asciicircum' equal equal;
  1234. sub asciicircum.spacer equal' by asciicircum_equal.liga;
  1235. sub asciicircum' equal by asciicircum.spacer;
  1236. } asciicircum_equal;
  1237. lookup asciitilde_asciitilde {
  1238. ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' asciitilde;
  1239. ignore sub asciitilde' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1240. sub asciitilde.spacer asciitilde' by asciitilde_asciitilde.liga;
  1241. sub asciitilde' asciitilde by asciitilde.spacer;
  1242. } asciitilde_asciitilde;
  1243. lookup asciitilde_at {
  1244. ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' at;
  1245. ignore sub asciitilde' at at;
  1246. sub asciitilde.spacer at' by asciitilde_at.liga;
  1247. sub asciitilde' at by asciitilde.spacer;
  1248. } asciitilde_at;
  1249. lookup asciitilde_greater {
  1250. ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' greater;
  1251. ignore sub asciitilde' greater greater;
  1252. sub asciitilde.spacer greater' by asciitilde_greater.liga;
  1253. sub asciitilde' greater by asciitilde.spacer;
  1254. } asciitilde_greater;
  1255. lookup asciitilde_hyphen {
  1256. ignore sub asciitilde asciitilde' hyphen;
  1257. ignore sub asciitilde' hyphen hyphen;
  1258. sub asciitilde.spacer hyphen' by asciitilde_hyphen.liga;
  1259. sub asciitilde' hyphen by asciitilde.spacer;
  1260. } asciitilde_hyphen;
  1261. lookup asterisk_asterisk {
  1262. ignore sub asterisk asterisk' asterisk;
  1263. ignore sub asterisk' asterisk asterisk;
  1264. ignore sub slash asterisk' asterisk;
  1265. ignore sub asterisk' asterisk slash;
  1266. sub asterisk.spacer asterisk' by asterisk_asterisk.liga;
  1267. sub asterisk' asterisk by asterisk.spacer;
  1268. } asterisk_asterisk;
  1269. lookup asterisk_greater {
  1270. ignore sub asterisk asterisk' greater;
  1271. ignore sub asterisk' greater greater;
  1272. sub asterisk.spacer greater' by asterisk_greater.liga;
  1273. sub asterisk' greater by asterisk.spacer;
  1274. } asterisk_greater;
  1275. lookup asterisk_slash {
  1276. ignore sub asterisk asterisk' slash;
  1277. ignore sub asterisk' slash slash;
  1278. ignore sub slash asterisk' slash;
  1279. ignore sub asterisk' slash asterisk;
  1280. sub asterisk.spacer slash' by asterisk_slash.liga;
  1281. sub asterisk' slash by asterisk.spacer;
  1282. } asterisk_slash;
  1283. lookup bar_braceright {
  1284. ignore sub bar bar' braceright;
  1285. ignore sub bar' braceright braceright;
  1286. ignore sub braceleft bar' braceright;
  1287. sub bar.spacer braceright' by bar_braceright.liga;
  1288. sub bar' braceright by bar.spacer;
  1289. } bar_braceright;
  1290. lookup bar_bracketright {
  1291. ignore sub bar bar' bracketright;
  1292. ignore sub bar' bracketright bracketright;
  1293. ignore sub bracketleft bar' bracketright;
  1294. sub bar.spacer bracketright' by bar_bracketright.liga;
  1295. sub bar' bracketright by bar.spacer;
  1296. } bar_bracketright;
  1297. lookup braceleft_bar {
  1298. ignore sub braceleft braceleft' bar;
  1299. ignore sub braceleft' bar bar;
  1300. ignore sub braceleft' bar braceright;
  1301. sub braceleft.spacer bar' by braceleft_bar.liga;
  1302. sub braceleft' bar by braceleft.spacer;
  1303. } braceleft_bar;
  1304. lookup bracketleft_bar {
  1305. ignore sub bracketleft bracketleft' bar;
  1306. ignore sub bracketleft' bar bar;
  1307. ignore sub bracketleft' bar bracketright;
  1308. sub bracketleft.spacer bar' by bracketleft_bar.liga;
  1309. sub bracketleft' bar by bracketleft.spacer;
  1310. } bracketleft_bar;
  1311. lookup bracketright_numbersign {
  1312. ignore sub bracketright bracketright' numbersign;
  1313. ignore sub bracketright' numbersign numbersign;
  1314. sub bracketright.spacer numbersign' by bracketright_numbersign.liga;
  1315. sub bracketright' numbersign by bracketright.spacer;
  1316. } bracketright_numbersign;
  1317. lookup colon_colon {
  1318. ignore sub colon colon' colon;
  1319. ignore sub colon' colon colon;
  1320. ignore sub parenleft question colon' colon;
  1321. ignore sub colon' colon [less greater];
  1322. ignore sub [less greater] colon' colon;
  1323. sub colon.spacer colon' by colon_colon.liga;
  1324. sub colon' colon by colon.spacer;
  1325. } colon_colon;
  1326. lookup colon_equal {
  1327. ignore sub colon colon' equal;
  1328. ignore sub colon' equal equal;
  1329. ignore sub parenleft question colon' equal;
  1330. ignore sub equal colon' equal;
  1331. sub colon.spacer equal' by colon_equal.liga;
  1332. sub colon' equal by colon.spacer;
  1333. } colon_equal;
  1334. lookup dollar_greater {
  1335. ignore sub dollar dollar' greater;
  1336. ignore sub dollar' greater greater;
  1337. sub dollar.spacer greater' by dollar_greater.liga;
  1338. sub dollar' greater by dollar.spacer;
  1339. } dollar_greater;
  1340. lookup equal_equal {
  1341. ignore sub equal equal' equal;
  1342. ignore sub equal' equal equal;
  1343. ignore sub parenleft question equal' equal;
  1344. ignore sub parenleft question less equal' equal;
  1345. ignore sub less question equal' equal;
  1346. ignore sub bracketleft equal' equal;
  1347. ignore sub equal' equal bracketright;
  1348. ignore sub equal [colon exclam] equal' equal;
  1349. ignore sub [less greater bar slash] equal' equal;
  1350. ignore sub equal' equal [less greater bar slash] ;
  1351. ignore sub equal' equal [colon exclam] equal;
  1352. sub equal.spacer equal' by equal_equal.liga;
  1353. sub equal' equal by equal.spacer;
  1354. } equal_equal;
  1355. lookup exclam_equal {
  1356. ignore sub exclam exclam' equal;
  1357. ignore sub exclam' equal equal;
  1358. ignore sub parenleft question exclam' equal;
  1359. ignore sub parenleft question less exclam' equal;
  1360. ignore sub equal exclam' equal;
  1361. sub exclam.spacer equal' by exclam_equal.liga;
  1362. sub exclam' equal by exclam.spacer;
  1363. } exclam_equal;
  1364. lookup exclam_exclam {
  1365. ignore sub exclam exclam' exclam;
  1366. ignore sub exclam' exclam exclam;
  1367. ignore sub parenleft question exclam' exclam;
  1368. ignore sub parenleft question less exclam' exclam;
  1369. sub exclam.spacer exclam' by exclam_exclam.liga;
  1370. sub exclam' exclam by exclam.spacer;
  1371. } exclam_exclam;
  1372. lookup greater_equal {
  1373. ignore sub greater greater' equal;
  1374. ignore sub greater' equal equal;
  1375. ignore sub equal greater' equal;
  1376. ignore sub greater' equal [less greater bar colon exclam slash];
  1377. sub greater.spacer equal' by greater_equal.liga;
  1378. sub greater' equal by greater.spacer;
  1379. } greater_equal;
  1380. lookup hyphen_asciitilde {
  1381. ignore sub hyphen hyphen' asciitilde;
  1382. ignore sub hyphen' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1383. sub hyphen.spacer asciitilde' by hyphen_asciitilde.liga;
  1384. sub hyphen' asciitilde by hyphen.spacer;
  1385. } hyphen_asciitilde;
  1386. lookup hyphen_hyphen {
  1387. ignore sub hyphen hyphen' hyphen;
  1388. ignore sub hyphen' hyphen hyphen;
  1389. ignore sub [less greater bar] hyphen' hyphen;
  1390. ignore sub hyphen' hyphen [less greater bar];
  1391. sub hyphen.spacer hyphen' by hyphen_hyphen.liga;
  1392. sub hyphen' hyphen by hyphen.spacer;
  1393. } hyphen_hyphen;
  1394. lookup less_asciitilde {
  1395. ignore sub less less' asciitilde;
  1396. ignore sub less' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1397. sub less.spacer asciitilde' by less_asciitilde.liga;
  1398. sub less' asciitilde by less.spacer;
  1399. } less_asciitilde;
  1400. lookup less_asterisk {
  1401. ignore sub less less' asterisk;
  1402. ignore sub less' asterisk asterisk;
  1403. sub less.spacer asterisk' by less_asterisk.liga;
  1404. sub less' asterisk by less.spacer;
  1405. } less_asterisk;
  1406. lookup less_dollar {
  1407. ignore sub less less' dollar;
  1408. ignore sub less' dollar dollar;
  1409. sub less.spacer dollar' by less_dollar.liga;
  1410. sub less' dollar by less.spacer;
  1411. } less_dollar;
  1412. lookup less_equal {
  1413. ignore sub less less' equal;
  1414. ignore sub less' equal equal;
  1415. ignore sub parenleft question less' equal;
  1416. ignore sub equal less' equal;
  1417. ignore sub less' equal [less greater bar colon exclam slash];
  1418. sub less.spacer equal' by less_equal.liga;
  1419. sub less' equal by less.spacer;
  1420. } less_equal;
  1421. lookup less_greater {
  1422. ignore sub less less' greater;
  1423. ignore sub less' greater greater;
  1424. sub less.spacer greater' by less_greater.liga;
  1425. sub less' greater by less.spacer;
  1426. } less_greater;
  1427. lookup less_plus {
  1428. ignore sub less less' plus;
  1429. ignore sub less' plus plus;
  1430. sub less.spacer plus' by less_plus.liga;
  1431. sub less' plus by less.spacer;
  1432. } less_plus;
  1433. lookup less_slash {
  1434. ignore sub less less' slash;
  1435. ignore sub less' slash slash;
  1436. sub less.spacer slash' by less_slash.liga;
  1437. sub less' slash by less.spacer;
  1438. } less_slash;
  1439. lookup numbersign_braceleft {
  1440. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' braceleft;
  1441. ignore sub numbersign' braceleft braceleft;
  1442. sub numbersign.spacer braceleft' by numbersign_braceleft.liga;
  1443. sub numbersign' braceleft by numbersign.spacer;
  1444. } numbersign_braceleft;
  1445. lookup numbersign_bracketleft {
  1446. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' bracketleft;
  1447. ignore sub numbersign' bracketleft bracketleft;
  1448. sub numbersign.spacer bracketleft' by numbersign_bracketleft.liga;
  1449. sub numbersign' bracketleft by numbersign.spacer;
  1450. } numbersign_bracketleft;
  1451. lookup numbersign_colon {
  1452. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' colon;
  1453. ignore sub numbersign' colon colon;
  1454. sub numbersign.spacer colon' by numbersign_colon.liga;
  1455. sub numbersign' colon by numbersign.spacer;
  1456. } numbersign_colon;
  1457. lookup numbersign_equal {
  1458. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' equal;
  1459. ignore sub numbersign' equal equal;
  1460. sub numbersign.spacer equal' by numbersign_equal.liga;
  1461. sub numbersign' equal by numbersign.spacer;
  1462. } numbersign_equal;
  1463. lookup numbersign_exclam {
  1464. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' exclam;
  1465. ignore sub numbersign' exclam exclam;
  1466. sub numbersign.spacer exclam' by numbersign_exclam.liga;
  1467. sub numbersign' exclam by numbersign.spacer;
  1468. } numbersign_exclam;
  1469. lookup numbersign_parenleft {
  1470. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' parenleft;
  1471. ignore sub numbersign' parenleft parenleft;
  1472. sub numbersign.spacer parenleft' by numbersign_parenleft.liga;
  1473. sub numbersign' parenleft by numbersign.spacer;
  1474. } numbersign_parenleft;
  1475. lookup numbersign_question {
  1476. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' question;
  1477. ignore sub numbersign' question question;
  1478. sub numbersign.spacer question' by numbersign_question.liga;
  1479. sub numbersign' question by numbersign.spacer;
  1480. } numbersign_question;
  1481. lookup numbersign_underscore {
  1482. ignore sub numbersign numbersign' underscore;
  1483. ignore sub numbersign' underscore underscore;
  1484. sub numbersign.spacer underscore' by numbersign_underscore.liga;
  1485. sub numbersign' underscore by numbersign.spacer;
  1486. } numbersign_underscore;
  1487. lookup percent_percent {
  1488. ignore sub percent percent' percent;
  1489. ignore sub percent' percent percent;
  1490. sub percent.spacer percent' by percent_percent.liga;
  1491. sub percent' percent by percent.spacer;
  1492. } percent_percent;
  1493. lookup period_period {
  1494. ignore sub period period' period;
  1495. ignore sub period' period period;
  1496. sub period.spacer period' by period_period.liga;
  1497. sub period' period by period.spacer;
  1498. } period_period;
  1499. lookup period_question {
  1500. ignore sub period period' question;
  1501. ignore sub period' question question;
  1502. sub period.spacer question' by period_question.liga;
  1503. sub period' question by period.spacer;
  1504. } period_question;
  1505. lookup plus_greater {
  1506. ignore sub plus plus' greater;
  1507. ignore sub plus' greater greater;
  1508. sub plus.spacer greater' by plus_greater.liga;
  1509. sub plus' greater by plus.spacer;
  1510. } plus_greater;
  1511. lookup plus_plus {
  1512. ignore sub plus plus' plus;
  1513. ignore sub plus' plus plus;
  1514. sub plus.spacer plus' by plus_plus.liga;
  1515. sub plus' plus by plus.spacer;
  1516. } plus_plus;
  1517. lookup question_equal {
  1518. ignore sub question question' equal;
  1519. ignore sub question' equal equal;
  1520. ignore sub parenleft question' equal;
  1521. ignore sub less question' equal;
  1522. sub question.spacer equal' by question_equal.liga;
  1523. sub question' equal by question.spacer;
  1524. } question_equal;
  1525. lookup question_period {
  1526. ignore sub question question' period;
  1527. ignore sub question' period period;
  1528. sub question.spacer period' by question_period.liga;
  1529. sub question' period by question.spacer;
  1530. } question_period;
  1531. lookup question_question {
  1532. ignore sub question question' question;
  1533. ignore sub question' question question;
  1534. sub question.spacer question' by question_question.liga;
  1535. sub question' question by question.spacer;
  1536. } question_question;
  1537. lookup semicolon_semicolon {
  1538. ignore sub semicolon semicolon' semicolon;
  1539. ignore sub semicolon' semicolon semicolon;
  1540. sub semicolon.spacer semicolon' by semicolon_semicolon.liga;
  1541. sub semicolon' semicolon by semicolon.spacer;
  1542. } semicolon_semicolon;
  1543. lookup slash_asterisk {
  1544. ignore sub slash slash' asterisk;
  1545. ignore sub slash' asterisk asterisk;
  1546. ignore sub slash' asterisk slash;
  1547. ignore sub asterisk slash' asterisk;
  1548. sub slash.spacer asterisk' by slash_asterisk.liga;
  1549. sub slash' asterisk by slash.spacer;
  1550. } slash_asterisk;
  1551. lookup slash_greater {
  1552. ignore sub slash slash' greater;
  1553. ignore sub slash' greater greater;
  1554. sub slash.spacer greater' by slash_greater.liga;
  1555. sub slash' greater by slash.spacer;
  1556. } slash_greater;
  1557. lookup slash_slash {
  1558. ignore sub slash slash' slash;
  1559. ignore sub slash' slash slash;
  1560. ignore sub equal slash' slash;
  1561. ignore sub slash' slash equal;
  1562. sub slash.spacer slash' by slash_slash.liga;
  1563. sub slash' slash by slash.spacer;
  1564. } slash_slash;
  1565. ### Vertical-align colon/greater/less
  1566. # :> :< >: <:
  1567. # :>: :<:
  1568. # <:> >:< <:< >:>
  1569. # <::> <::< >::< >::>
  1570. # <:::> <:::< >:::< >:::>
  1571. # <::::> <::::< >::::< >::::>
  1572. lookup center {
  1573. #574 :>= :<=
  1574. ignore sub colon' [less greater] [equal hyphen];
  1575. #1145 ::< ::> <:: >::
  1576. ignore sub colon colon' [less greater];
  1577. ignore sub [less greater]' colon colon;
  1578. # middles & ends
  1579. sub [] colon' by;
  1580. sub [less greater]' by [];
  1581. # starts
  1582. sub [less greater]' colon by [];
  1583. sub colon' [less greater] by;
  1584. } center;
  1585. ### Logical conjunction/disjunction #738
  1586. lookup slash_backslash {
  1587. ignore sub @NotSpace slash' backslash;
  1588. ignore sub slash' backslash @NotSpace;
  1589. sub slash.spacer backslash' by slash_backslash.liga;
  1590. sub slash' backslash by slash.spacer;
  1591. } slash_backslash;
  1592. lookup backslash_slash {
  1593. ignore sub @NotSpace backslash' slash;
  1594. ignore sub backslash' slash @NotSpace;
  1595. sub backslash.spacer slash' by backslash_slash.liga;
  1596. sub backslash' slash by backslash.spacer;
  1597. } backslash_slash;
  1598. lookup hexadecimal_x {
  1599. ### 0xFF
  1600. sub [zero] x' [@Digit @HexDigit] by x.multiply;
  1601. sub [zero.tosf] x' [@DigitTosf @HexDigit] by x.multiply.tosf;
  1602. ### 800x600
  1603. sub @Digit x' @Digit by x.multiply;
  1604. sub @DigitTosf x' @DigitTosf by x.multiply.tosf;
  1605. } hexadecimal_x;
  1606. ### Long dashes
  1607. sub twoemdash by hyphen_start.seq hyphen_end.seq;
  1608. sub threeemdash by hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq hyphen_end.seq;
  1609. lookup equal_arrows {
  1610. # Disable |||
  1611. ignore sub bar bar' bar equal;
  1612. ignore sub bar bar' equal;
  1613. ignore sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar' bar bar;
  1614. # equal middle & end
  1615. sub [less_equal_start.seq less_less_equal_start.seq less_equal_middle.seq less_less_equal_middle.seq greater_equal_start.seq greater_greater_equal_start.seq greater_equal_middle.seq greater_greater_equal_middle.seq bar_equal_start.seq bar_bar_equal_start.seq bar_equal_middle.seq bar_bar_equal_middle.seq slash_equal_start.seq slash_slash_equal_start.seq slash_equal_middle.seq slash_slash_equal_middle.seq colon_equal_middle.seq exclam_equal_middle.seq equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] equal' [equal less greater bar slash colon exclam] by equal_middle.seq;
  1616. sub [less_equal_start.seq less_less_equal_start.seq less_equal_middle.seq less_less_equal_middle.seq greater_equal_start.seq greater_greater_equal_start.seq greater_equal_middle.seq greater_greater_equal_middle.seq bar_equal_start.seq bar_bar_equal_start.seq bar_equal_middle.seq bar_bar_equal_middle.seq slash_equal_start.seq slash_slash_equal_start.seq slash_equal_middle.seq slash_slash_equal_middle.seq colon_equal_middle.seq exclam_equal_middle.seq equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] equal' by equal_end.seq;
  1617. # double middles
  1618. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less.spacer less' equal by less_less_equal_middle.seq;
  1619. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less' less equal by less.spacer;
  1620. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater.spacer greater' equal by greater_greater_equal_middle.seq;
  1621. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater' greater equal by greater.spacer;
  1622. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar.spacer bar' equal by bar_bar_equal_middle.seq;
  1623. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar' bar equal by bar.spacer;
  1624. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash.spacer slash' equal by slash_slash_equal_middle.seq;
  1625. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash' slash equal by slash.spacer;
  1626. # single middles
  1627. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less' equal by less_equal_middle.seq;
  1628. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater' equal by greater_equal_middle.seq;
  1629. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar' equal by bar_equal_middle.seq;
  1630. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash' equal by slash_equal_middle.seq;
  1631. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] colon' equal by colon_equal_middle.seq;
  1632. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] exclam' equal by exclam_equal_middle.seq;
  1633. # double ends
  1634. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less.spacer less' by less_less_equal_end.seq;
  1635. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less' less by less.spacer;
  1636. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater.spacer greater' by greater_greater_equal_end.seq;
  1637. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater' greater by greater.spacer;
  1638. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar.spacer bar' by bar_bar_equal_end.seq;
  1639. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  1640. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash.spacer slash' by slash_slash_equal_end.seq;
  1641. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash' slash by slash.spacer;
  1642. # single ends
  1643. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] less' by less_equal_end.seq;
  1644. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] greater' by greater_equal_end.seq;
  1645. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] bar' by bar_equal_end.seq;
  1646. sub [equal_start.seq equal_middle.seq] slash' by slash_equal_end.seq;
  1647. # double beginnings
  1648. sub less.spacer less' equal by less_less_equal_start.seq;
  1649. sub less' less equal by less.spacer;
  1650. sub greater.spacer greater' equal by greater_greater_equal_start.seq;
  1651. sub greater' greater equal by greater.spacer;
  1652. sub bar.spacer bar' equal by bar_bar_equal_start.seq;
  1653. sub bar' bar equal by bar.spacer;
  1654. sub slash.spacer slash' equal by slash_slash_equal_start.seq;
  1655. sub slash' slash equal by slash.spacer;
  1656. # Disable >=< #548
  1657. sub greater' equal less [equal less] by greater_equal_start.seq;
  1658. ignore sub greater' equal less;
  1659. # Disable =< #479 #468 #424 #406 #355 #305
  1660. sub equal' less [equal less] by equal_start.seq;
  1661. # Disable =/ #1056
  1662. sub equal' slash [equal slash] by equal_start.seq;
  1663. # single beginnings
  1664. sub less' equal by less_equal_start.seq;
  1665. sub greater' equal by greater_equal_start.seq;
  1666. sub bar' equal [equal less greater bar colon exclam slash] by bar_equal_start.seq; # disable |=
  1667. sub slash' equal by slash_equal_start.seq;
  1668. sub equal' [equal greater bar colon exclam] by equal_start.seq;
  1669. } equal_arrows;
  1670. ### fi/fl #795
  1671. sub [f i.salt_low j.salt_low] [i j]' by [i.salt_low j.salt_low];
  1672. sub [F T I l.salt_low] l' by l.salt_low;
  1673. ### Greek
  1674. lookup caltGreekUCdiph {
  1675. sub @GreekUCdiphIOTA Iota' by Iotadieresis;
  1676. sub @GreekUCdiphUPSILON Upsilon' by Upsilondieresis;
  1677. } caltGreekUCdiph;
  1678. lookup caltGreekUC {
  1679. sub @GreekUCAcc' @GreekUC by @GreekUCcalt;
  1680. sub @GreekUC @GreekUCAcc' by @GreekUCcalt;
  1681. sub @GreekUCAcc' space @GreekUC by @GreekUCcalt;
  1682. sub @GreekUC space @GreekUCAcc' by @GreekUCcalt;
  1683. } caltGreekUC;
  1684. ### Arbitrary-length arrows #346
  1685. lookup hyphen_arrows {
  1686. # Disable |||
  1687. ignore sub bar bar' bar hyphen;
  1688. ignore sub bar bar' hyphen;
  1689. ignore sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar' bar bar;
  1690. # hyphen middle & end
  1691. sub [less_hyphen_start.seq less_less_hyphen_start.seq less_hyphen_middle.seq less_less_hyphen_middle.seq greater_hyphen_start.seq greater_greater_hyphen_start.seq greater_hyphen_middle.seq greater_greater_hyphen_middle.seq bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_hyphen_middle.seq bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] hyphen' [hyphen less greater bar] by hyphen_middle.seq;
  1692. sub [less_hyphen_start.seq less_less_hyphen_start.seq less_hyphen_middle.seq less_less_hyphen_middle.seq greater_hyphen_start.seq greater_greater_hyphen_start.seq greater_hyphen_middle.seq greater_greater_hyphen_middle.seq bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq bar_hyphen_middle.seq bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] hyphen' by hyphen_end.seq;
  1693. # double middles
  1694. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less.spacer less' hyphen by less_less_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1695. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less' less hyphen by less.spacer;
  1696. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater.spacer greater' hyphen by greater_greater_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1697. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater' greater hyphen by greater.spacer;
  1698. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar.spacer bar' hyphen by bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1699. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar' bar hyphen by bar.spacer;
  1700. # single middles
  1701. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less' hyphen by less_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1702. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater' hyphen by greater_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1703. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar' hyphen by bar_hyphen_middle.seq;
  1704. # double ends
  1705. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less.spacer less' by less_less_hyphen_end.seq;
  1706. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less' less by less.spacer;
  1707. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater.spacer greater' by greater_greater_hyphen_end.seq;
  1708. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater' greater by greater.spacer;
  1709. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar.spacer bar' by bar_bar_hyphen_end.seq;
  1710. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar' bar by bar.spacer;
  1711. # single ends
  1712. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] less' by less_hyphen_end.seq;
  1713. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] greater' by greater_hyphen_end.seq;
  1714. sub [hyphen_start.seq hyphen_middle.seq] bar' by bar_hyphen_end.seq;
  1715. # double beginnings
  1716. sub less.spacer less' hyphen by less_less_hyphen_start.seq;
  1717. sub less' less hyphen by less.spacer;
  1718. sub greater.spacer greater' hyphen by greater_greater_hyphen_start.seq;
  1719. sub greater' greater hyphen by greater.spacer;
  1720. sub bar.spacer bar' hyphen by bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq;
  1721. sub bar' bar hyphen by bar.spacer;
  1722. # single beginnings
  1723. sub less' hyphen by less_hyphen_start.seq;
  1724. sub greater' hyphen by greater_hyphen_start.seq;
  1725. sub bar' hyphen by bar_hyphen_start.seq;
  1726. sub hyphen' [hyphen less greater bar] by hyphen_start.seq;
  1727. } hyphen_arrows;
  1728. ### Lowercase/uppercase operators
  1729. # Must go after hyphen_arrows.fea
  1730. lookup lowercase_hyphen {
  1731. ignore sub @Tall \\hyphen' @Lowercase;
  1732. ignore sub @Lowercase \\hyphen' @Tall;
  1733. sub \\hyphen' @Lowercase by \\;
  1734. sub @Lowercase \\hyphen' by \\;
  1735. } lowercase_hyphen;
  1736. lookup lowercase_plus {
  1737. ignore sub @Tall \\plus' @Lowercase;
  1738. ignore sub @Lowercase \\plus' @Tall;
  1739. sub \\plus' @Lowercase by \\;
  1740. sub @Lowercase \\plus' by \\;
  1741. } lowercase_plus;
  1742. lookup lowercase_asterisk {
  1743. ignore sub @Tall \\asterisk' @Lowercase;
  1744. ignore sub @Lowercase \\asterisk' @Tall;
  1745. sub \\asterisk' @Lowercase by \\;
  1746. sub @Lowercase \\asterisk' by \\;
  1747. } lowercase_asterisk;
  1748. lookup lowercase_asteriskmath {
  1749. ignore sub @Tall \\asteriskmath' @Lowercase;
  1750. ignore sub @Lowercase \\asteriskmath' @Tall;
  1751. sub \\asteriskmath' @Lowercase by \\;
  1752. sub @Lowercase \\asteriskmath' by \\;
  1753. } lowercase_asteriskmath;
  1754. lookup uppercase_colon {
  1755. ignore sub @Tall \\colon' @Lowercase;
  1756. ignore sub @Lowercase \\colon' @Tall;
  1757. sub @Tall \\colon' by \\colon.uc;
  1758. sub \\colon' @Tall by \\colon.uc;
  1759. # pos @Tall \\colon' <0 160 0 0>;
  1760. # pos \\colon' @Tall <0 160 0 0>;
  1761. } uppercase_colon;
  1762. lookup numbersigns {
  1763. # middle parts
  1764. sub [numbersign_start.seq numbersign_middle.seq] numbersign' numbersign by numbersign_middle.seq;
  1765. # ends
  1766. sub [numbersign_start.seq numbersign_middle.seq] numbersign' by numbersign_end.seq;
  1767. # beginnings
  1768. sub numbersign' numbersign by numbersign_start.seq;
  1769. } numbersigns;
  1770. lookup underscores {
  1771. # ignore
  1772. ignore sub [bracketleft comma] [underscore_start.seq underscore_middle.seq] bar' underscore;
  1773. # middle parts
  1774. sub [underscore_start.seq underscore_middle.seq] bar' underscore by bar_underscore_middle.seq;
  1775. sub [underscore_start.seq underscore_middle.seq bar_underscore_middle.seq] underscore' bar underscore by underscore_middle.seq;
  1776. sub [underscore_start.seq underscore_middle.seq bar_underscore_middle.seq] underscore' underscore by underscore_middle.seq;
  1777. # ends
  1778. sub [underscore_start.seq underscore_middle.seq bar_underscore_middle.seq] underscore' by underscore_end.seq;
  1779. # beginnings
  1780. sub underscore' bar underscore by underscore_start.seq;
  1781. sub underscore' underscore by underscore_start.seq;
  1782. } underscores;";
  1783. tag = calt;
  1784. },
  1785. {
  1786. automatic = 1;
  1787. code = "sub r by r.ss01;
  1788. ";
  1789. tag = salt;
  1790. },
  1791. {
  1792. code = "sub r by r.ss01;";
  1793. labels = (
  1794. {
  1795. language = dflt;
  1796. value = "Sans serif lowercase r";
  1797. }
  1798. );
  1799. tag = ss01;
  1800. },
  1801. {
  1802. code = "sub greater_equal.liga by greater_equal.ss02;
  1803. sub less_equal.liga by less_equal.ss02;";
  1804. labels = (
  1805. {
  1806. language = dflt;
  1807. value = "Less Than/Greater Than with horizontal bar";
  1808. }
  1809. );
  1810. tag = ss02;
  1811. },
  1812. {
  1813. code = "sub ampersand by ampersand.ss03;
  1814. sub ampersand_ampersand.liga by ampersand.ss03;
  1815. sub ampersand.spacer' ampersand.ss03 by ampersand.before.ss03;
  1816. sub [ampersand ampersand.ss03]' [ampersand ampersand.ss03] by ampersand.before.ss03;";
  1817. labels = (
  1818. {
  1819. language = dflt;
  1820. value = "Traditional Ampersand";
  1821. }
  1822. );
  1823. tag = ss03;
  1824. },
  1825. {
  1826. code = "sub dollar by dollar.ss04;
  1827. sub dollar_greater.liga by dollar_greater.liga.ss04;
  1828. sub less_dollar_greater.liga by less_dollar_greater.liga.ss04;
  1829. sub less_dollar.liga by less_dollar.liga.ss04;";
  1830. labels = (
  1831. {
  1832. language = dflt;
  1833. value = "Lightweight Dollar Sign";
  1834. }
  1835. );
  1836. tag = ss04;
  1837. },
  1838. {
  1839. code = "sub at by at.ss05;
  1840. sub asciitilde.spacer' asciitilde_at.liga by asciitilde;
  1841. sub asciitilde asciitilde_at.liga' by at.ss05;";
  1842. labels = (
  1843. {
  1844. language = dflt;
  1845. value = "Traditional At sign";
  1846. }
  1847. );
  1848. tag = ss05;
  1849. },
  1850. {
  1851. code = "lookup backslash_thin {
  1852. ignore sub backslash.ss06 backslash';
  1853. sub backslash' by backslash.ss06;
  1854. } backslash_thin;";
  1855. labels = (
  1856. {
  1857. language = dflt;
  1858. value = "Thin backslash";
  1859. }
  1860. );
  1861. tag = ss06;
  1862. },
  1863. {
  1864. code = "lookup equal_asciitilde {
  1865. ignore sub equal equal' asciitilde;
  1866. ignore sub equal' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1867. sub equal.spacer asciitilde' by equal_asciitilde.ss07;
  1868. sub equal' asciitilde by equal.spacer;
  1869. } equal_asciitilde;
  1870. lookup exclam_asciitilde {
  1871. ignore sub exclam exclam' asciitilde;
  1872. ignore sub exclam' asciitilde asciitilde;
  1873. sub exclam.spacer asciitilde' by exclam_asciitilde.ss07;
  1874. sub exclam' asciitilde by exclam.spacer;
  1875. } exclam_asciitilde;";
  1876. labels = (
  1877. {
  1878. language = dflt;
  1879. value = "Regex matching operator";
  1880. }
  1881. );
  1882. tag = ss07;
  1883. },
  1884. {
  1885. code = "sub equal_equal.liga by equal_equal.ss08;
  1886. sub equal_equal_equal.liga by equal_equal_equal.ss08;
  1887. sub exclam_equal.liga by exclam_equal.ss08;
  1888. sub exclam_equal_equal.liga by exclam_equal_equal.ss08;";
  1889. labels = (
  1890. {
  1891. language = dflt;
  1892. value = "Gaps in double-triple equals";
  1893. }
  1894. );
  1895. tag = ss08;
  1896. },
  1897. {
  1898. code = "lookup restore_greater_greater_equal {
  1899. sub greater_greater_equal_start.seq equal' by equal_end.seq;
  1900. sub greater_greater.liga' equal by greater_greater_equal_start.seq;
  1901. } restore_greater_greater_equal;
  1902. lookup restore_less_less_equal {
  1903. sub less_less_equal_start.seq equal' by equal_end.seq;
  1904. sub less_less.liga' equal by less_less_equal_start.seq;
  1905. } restore_less_less_equal;
  1906. lookup restore_bar_bar_equal {
  1907. sub bar_bar_equal_start.seq equal' by equal_end.seq;
  1908. sub bar_bar.liga' equal by bar_bar_equal_start.seq;
  1909. } restore_bar_bar_equal;
  1910. lookup restore_bar_equal {
  1911. sub bar_equal_start.seq equal' by equal_end.seq;
  1912. sub bar' equal by bar_equal_start.seq;
  1913. } restore_bar_equal;";
  1914. labels = (
  1915. {
  1916. language = dflt;
  1917. value = "Restore <<= >>= ||= |= as arrows";
  1918. }
  1919. );
  1920. tag = ss09;
  1921. },
  1922. {
  1923. code = "lookup T_l {
  1924. sub T.spacer [l l.salt_low]' by T_l.liga.ss10;
  1925. sub T' [l l.salt_low] by T.spacer;
  1926. } T_l;
  1927. lookup F_l {
  1928. sub F.spacer [l l.salt_low]' by F_l.liga.ss10;
  1929. sub F' [l l.salt_low] by F.spacer;
  1930. } F_l;
  1931. lookup f_i {
  1932. sub f.spacer [i i.salt_low]' by f_i.liga.ss10;
  1933. sub f' [i i.salt_low] by f.spacer;
  1934. } f_i;
  1935. lookup f_j {
  1936. sub f.spacer [j j.salt_low]' by f_j.liga.ss10;
  1937. sub f' [j j.salt_low] by f.spacer;
  1938. } f_j;
  1939. lookup f_l {
  1940. sub f.spacer l' by f_l.liga.ss10;
  1941. sub f' l by f.spacer;
  1942. } f_l;
  1943. lookup f_t {
  1944. sub f.spacer t' by f_t.liga.ss10;
  1945. sub f' t by f.spacer;
  1946. } f_t;";
  1947. labels = (
  1948. {
  1949. language = dflt;
  1950. value = "Ligatures for Tl Fl fi fj fl ft";
  1951. }
  1952. );
  1953. tag = ss10;
  1954. },
  1955. {
  1956. automatic = 1;
  1957. code = "lookup ccmp_Other_1 {
  1958. @CombiningTopAccents = [acutecomb brevecomb caroncomb circumflexcomb commaabovecomb commareversedabovecomb dblgravecomb dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb hungarumlautcomb macroncomb perispomenicomb ringcomb tildecomb];
  1959. @CombiningNonTopAccents = [cedillacomb commaaccent ypogegrammenicomb];
  1960. sub [i]' @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless];
  1961. sub [i]' @CombiningNonTopAccents @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless];
  1962. @Markscomb = [commaaccent dieresis dotaccent grave acute hungarumlaut circumflex caron breve ring tilde macron cedilla tonos varia oxia];
  1963. @MarkscombCase = [];
  1964. sub @Markscomb @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
  1965. sub @Uppercase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
  1966. } ccmp_Other_1;
  1967. lookup ccmp_Other_2 {
  1968. sub @Markscomb' @MarkscombCase by @MarkscombCase;
  1969. sub @MarkscombCase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
  1970. } ccmp_Other_2;
  1971. ";
  1972. tag = ccmp;
  1973. },
  1974. {
  1975. automatic = 1;
  1976. code = "sub zero by zeroinferior;
  1977. sub one by oneinferior;
  1978. sub two by twoinferior;
  1979. sub three by threeinferior;
  1980. sub four by fourinferior;
  1981. sub five by fiveinferior;
  1982. sub six by sixinferior;
  1983. sub seven by seveninferior;
  1984. sub eight by eightinferior;
  1985. sub nine by nineinferior;
  1986. sub parenleft by parenleftinferior;
  1987. sub parenright by parenrightinferior;
  1988. sub minus by minusinferior;
  1989. sub plus by plusinferior;
  1990. ";
  1991. tag = sinf;
  1992. },
  1993. {
  1994. automatic = 1;
  1995. code = "sub cornerbracketleft by cornerbracketleft.half;
  1996. sub cornerbracketright by cornerbracketright.half;
  1997. ";
  1998. tag = hwid;
  1999. },
  2000. {
  2001. code = "sub a by a.cv01;
  2002. sub aacute by aacute.cv01;
  2003. sub abreve by abreve.cv01;
  2004. sub acircumflex by acircumflex.cv01;
  2005. sub adieresis by adieresis.cv01;
  2006. sub agrave by agrave.cv01;
  2007. sub amacron by amacron.cv01;
  2008. sub aogonek by aogonek.cv01;
  2009. sub aring by aring.cv01;
  2010. sub atilde by atilde.cv01;";
  2011. notes = "alternate lowercase a";
  2012. tag = cv01;
  2013. },
  2014. {
  2015. code = "sub g by g.cv02;
  2016. sub gbreve by gbreve.cv02;
  2017. sub gcircumflex by gcircumflex.cv02;
  2018. sub gcommaaccent by gcommaaccent.cv02;
  2019. sub gdotaccent by gdotaccent.cv02;";
  2020. notes = "single storey lowercase g";
  2021. tag = cv02;
  2022. },
  2023. {
  2024. code = "sub i by i.cv03;
  2025. sub idotless by idotless.cv03;
  2026. sub iacute by iacute.cv03;
  2027. sub ibreve by ibreve.cv03;
  2028. sub icircumflex by icircumflex.cv03;
  2029. sub idieresis by idieresis.cv03;
  2030. sub idotaccent by idotaccent.cv03;
  2031. sub igrave by igrave.cv03;
  2032. sub imacron by imacron.cv03;
  2033. sub iogonek by iogonek.cv03;
  2034. sub itilde by itilde.cv03;";
  2035. notes = "lowercase I without any horizontal decorations";
  2036. tag = cv03;
  2037. },
  2038. {
  2039. code = "sub i by i.cv04;
  2040. sub idotless by idotless.cv04;
  2041. sub iacute by iacute.cv04;
  2042. sub ibreve by ibreve.cv04;
  2043. sub icircumflex by icircumflex.cv04;
  2044. sub idieresis by idieresis.cv04;
  2045. sub idotaccent by idotaccent.cv04;
  2046. sub igrave by igrave.cv04;
  2047. sub imacron by imacron.cv04;
  2048. sub iogonek by iogonek.cv04;
  2049. sub itilde by itilde.cv04;";
  2050. notes = "lowercase I with horizontal left line at the top";
  2051. tag = cv04;
  2052. },
  2053. {
  2054. code = "sub i by i.cv05;
  2055. sub idotless by idotless.cv05;
  2056. sub iacute by iacute.cv05;
  2057. sub ibreve by ibreve.cv05;
  2058. sub icircumflex by icircumflex.cv05;
  2059. sub idieresis by idieresis.cv05;
  2060. sub idotaccent by idotaccent.cv05;
  2061. sub igrave by igrave.cv05;
  2062. sub imacron by imacron.cv05;
  2063. sub iogonek by iogonek.cv05;
  2064. sub itilde by itilde.cv05;";
  2065. notes = "lowercase I with horizontal left line at the top and right line at the bottom";
  2066. tag = cv05;
  2067. },
  2068. {
  2069. code = "sub i by i.cv06;
  2070. sub idotless by idotless.cv06;
  2071. sub iacute by iacute.cv06;
  2072. sub ibreve by ibreve.cv06;
  2073. sub icircumflex by icircumflex.cv06;
  2074. sub idieresis by idieresis.cv06;
  2075. sub idotaccent by idotaccent.cv06;
  2076. sub igrave by igrave.cv06;
  2077. sub imacron by imacron.cv06;
  2078. sub iogonek by iogonek.cv06;
  2079. sub itilde by itilde.cv06;";
  2080. notes = "lowercase I with horizontal left line at the top and curved right hook at the bottom";
  2081. tag = cv06;
  2082. },
  2083. {
  2084. code = "sub l by l.cv07;
  2085. sub lacute by lacute.cv07;
  2086. sub lcaron by lcaron.cv07;
  2087. sub lcommaaccent by lcommaaccent.cv07;
  2088. sub ldot by ldot.cv07;
  2089. sub lslash by lslash.cv07;";
  2090. notes = "lowercase L without any horizontal decorations";
  2091. tag = cv07;
  2092. },
  2093. {
  2094. code = "sub l by l.cv08;
  2095. sub lacute by lacute.cv08;
  2096. sub lcaron by lcaron.cv08;
  2097. sub lcommaaccent by lcommaaccent.cv08;
  2098. sub ldot by ldot.cv08;
  2099. sub lslash by lslash.cv08;";
  2100. notes = "lowercase L with horizontal left line at the top";
  2101. tag = cv08;
  2102. },
  2103. {
  2104. code = "sub l by l.cv09;
  2105. sub lacute by lacute.cv09;
  2106. sub lcaron by lcaron.cv09;
  2107. sub lcommaaccent by lcommaaccent.cv09;
  2108. sub ldot by ldot.cv09;
  2109. sub lslash by lslash.cv09;";
  2110. notes = "lowercase L with horizontal left line at the top and right line at the bottom";
  2111. tag = cv09;
  2112. },
  2113. {
  2114. code = "sub l by l.cv10;
  2115. sub lacute by lacute.cv10;
  2116. sub lcaron by lcaron.cv10;
  2117. sub lcommaaccent by lcommaaccent.cv10;
  2118. sub ldot by ldot.cv10;
  2119. sub lslash by lslash.cv10;";
  2120. notes = "lowercase L with horizontal left line at the top and horizontal base";
  2121. tag = cv10;
  2122. },
  2123. {
  2124. code = "sub zero by zero.cv11;
  2125. sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.cv11;";
  2126. notes = "zero without anything inside";
  2127. tag = cv11;
  2128. },
  2129. {
  2130. code = "sub zero by zero.cv12;
  2131. sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.cv12;";
  2132. notes = "zero with a backslash inside";
  2133. tag = cv12;
  2134. },
  2135. {
  2136. code = "sub zero by zero.cv13;
  2137. sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.cv13;";
  2138. notes = "zero with a vertical line inside";
  2139. tag = cv13;
  2140. },
  2141. {
  2142. code = "sub three by three.cv14;
  2143. sub three.tosf by three.tosf.cv14;
  2144. sub threeinferior by threeinferior.cv14;
  2145. sub three.dnom by three.dnom.cv14;
  2146. sub three.numr by three.numr.cv14;
  2147. sub threesuperior by threesuperior.cv14;";
  2148. notes = "3 with straight lines for the top half";
  2149. tag = cv14;
  2150. },
  2151. {
  2152. code = "sub [asterisk] by asterisk.cv15;
  2153. sub [asteriskmath] by asteriskmath.cv15;";
  2154. notes = "Top-aligned asterisk";
  2155. tag = cv15;
  2156. },
  2157. {
  2158. code = "sub [asterisk asterisk.cv15 asteriskmath asteriskmath.cv15]
  2159. by [asteriskmath asteriskmath.cv15 asterisk asterisk.cv15];
  2160. sub [asterisk_asterisk.liga asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga asterisk_slash.liga slash_asterisk.liga less_asterisk.liga less_asterisk_greater.liga asterisk_greater.liga]
  2161. by [asterisk_asterisk.liga.cv16 asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga.cv16 asterisk_slash.liga.cv16 slash_asterisk.liga.cv16 less_asterisk.liga.cv16 less_asterisk_greater.liga.cv16 asterisk_greater.liga.cv16];";
  2162. notes = "Hexagonal asterisk";
  2163. tag = cv16;
  2164. },
  2165. {
  2166. code = "sub asciitilde by asciitilde.cv17;";
  2167. notes = "Top-aligned tilde";
  2168. tag = cv17;
  2169. },
  2170. {
  2171. code = "sub percent by percent.cv18;
  2172. sub perthousand by perthousand.cv18;
  2173. sub percent_percent.liga by percent_percent.liga.cv18;";
  2174. notes = "percent sign with dots instead of hollow circles";
  2175. tag = cv18;
  2176. },
  2177. {
  2178. code = "sub less_equal.liga by less_equal.ss02;";
  2179. notes = "Less Than + Equal with horizontal bar";
  2180. tag = cv19;
  2181. },
  2182. {
  2183. code = "lookup less_equal_cv20 {
  2184. sub less_equal_start.seq less_equal.liga' by equal_end.seq;
  2185. sub less.spacer' less_equal.liga by less_equal_start.seq;
  2186. } less_equal_cv20;";
  2187. notes = "Less Than + Equal as an arrow";
  2188. tag = cv20;
  2189. },
  2190. {
  2191. code = "lookup equal_less_cv21 {
  2192. ignore sub equal equal' less;
  2193. ignore sub equal' less [less greater equal];
  2194. sub equal.spacer less' by less_equal.liga;
  2195. sub equal' less by equal.spacer;
  2196. } equal_less_cv21;";
  2197. notes = "=<";
  2198. tag = cv21;
  2199. },
  2200. {
  2201. code = "lookup equal_less_cv22 {
  2202. ignore sub equal equal' less;
  2203. ignore sub equal' less [less greater equal];
  2204. sub equal.spacer less' by less_equal.ss02;
  2205. sub equal' less by equal.spacer;
  2206. } equal_less_cv22;";
  2207. notes = "=< with horizontal bar";
  2208. tag = cv22;
  2209. },
  2210. {
  2211. code = "sub greater_equal.liga by greater_equal.ss02;";
  2212. notes = ">= with horizontal bar";
  2213. tag = cv23;
  2214. },
  2215. {
  2216. code = "lookup slash_equal_as_not_equal {
  2217. sub slash.spacer equal_end.seq' by exclam_equal.liga;
  2218. sub slash_equal_start.seq' equal_end.seq by slash.spacer;
  2219. } slash_equal_as_not_equal;";
  2220. notes = "/= as not equal";
  2221. tag = cv24;
  2222. },
  2223. {
  2224. code = "lookup period_hyphen {
  2225. ignore sub period period' hyphen;
  2226. ignore sub period' hyphen hyphen;
  2227. sub period.spacer hyphen' by period_hyphen.cv25;
  2228. sub period' hyphen by period.spacer;
  2229. } period_hyphen;";
  2230. notes = ".- as ligature";
  2231. tag = cv25;
  2232. },
  2233. {
  2234. code = "lookup colon_hyphen {
  2235. ignore sub colon colon' hyphen;
  2236. ignore sub colon' hyphen hyphen;
  2237. sub colon.spacer hyphen' by colon_hyphen.cv26;
  2238. sub colon' hyphen by colon.spacer;
  2239. } colon_hyphen;";
  2240. notes = ":- as ligature";
  2241. tag = cv26;
  2242. },
  2243. {
  2244. code = "lookup bracketleft_bracketright {
  2245. sub bracketleft.spacer bracketright' by bracketleft_bracketright.cv27;
  2246. sub bracketleft' bracketright by bracketleft.spacer;
  2247. } bracketleft_bracketright;";
  2248. notes = "[] as ligature";
  2249. tag = cv27;
  2250. },
  2251. {
  2252. code = "sub braceleft period' by bullet;
  2253. sub period' braceright by bullet;";
  2254. notes = "{. .} as ligature";
  2255. tag = cv28;
  2256. },
  2257. {
  2258. code = "sub braceleft by braceleft.cv29;
  2259. sub braceright by braceright.cv29;
  2260. sub numbersign_braceleft.liga by numbersign_braceleft.liga.cv29;";
  2261. notes = "Rounded curly braces {}";
  2262. tag = cv29;
  2263. },
  2264. {
  2265. code = "sub bar by bar.cv30;
  2266. sub bar_bar.liga by bar_bar.liga.cv30;
  2267. sub bar_bar_bar.liga by bar_bar_bar.liga.cv30;
  2268. sub bar_bar_equal_middle.seq by bar_bar_equal_middle.seq.cv30;
  2269. sub bar_equal_middle.seq by bar_equal_middle.seq.cv30;
  2270. sub bar_bar_equal_end.seq by bar_bar_equal_end.seq.cv30;
  2271. sub bar_bar_equal_start.seq by bar_bar_equal_start.seq.cv30;
  2272. sub bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq by bar_bar_hyphen_middle.seq.cv30;
  2273. sub bar_hyphen_middle.seq by bar_hyphen_middle.seq.cv30;
  2274. sub bar_bar_hyphen_end.seq by bar_bar_hyphen_end.seq.cv30;
  2275. sub bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq by bar_bar_hyphen_start.seq.cv30;
  2276. sub bar_equal_end.seq by bar_equal_end.seq.cv30;
  2277. sub bar_equal_start.seq by bar_equal_start.seq.cv30;
  2278. sub bar_hyphen_end.seq by bar_hyphen_end.seq.cv30;
  2279. sub bar_hyphen_start.seq by bar_hyphen_start.seq.cv30;
  2280. sub bar_underscore_middle.seq by bar_underscore_middle.seq.cv30;";
  2281. notes = "longer pipe symbol";
  2282. tag = cv30;
  2283. },
  2284. {
  2285. code = "sub parenleft by parenleft.cv31;
  2286. sub parenright by parenright.cv31;";
  2287. notes = "Circular parentheses";
  2288. tag = cv31;
  2289. },
  2290. {
  2291. code = "lookup period_equal {
  2292. ignore sub period period' equal;
  2293. ignore sub period' equal equal;
  2294. sub period.spacer equal' by period_equal.cv32;
  2295. sub period' equal by period.spacer;
  2296. } period_equal;";
  2297. notes = ".= as ligature";
  2298. tag = cv32;
  2299. }
  2300. );
  2301. fontMaster = (
  2302. {
  2303. axesValues = (
  2304. 62
  2305. );
  2306. customParameters = (
  2307. {
  2308. name = typoAscender;
  2309. value = 1887;
  2310. },
  2311. {
  2312. name = typoDescender;
  2313. value = -513;
  2314. },
  2315. {
  2316. name = typoLineGap;
  2317. value = 0;
  2318. },
  2319. {
  2320. name = winAscent;
  2321. value = 1887;
  2322. },
  2323. {
  2324. name = winDescent;
  2325. value = 513;
  2326. },
  2327. {
  2328. name = hheaAscender;
  2329. value = 1887;
  2330. },
  2331. {
  2332. name = hheaDescender;
  2333. value = -513;
  2334. },
  2335. {
  2336. name = hheaLineGap;
  2337. value = 0;
  2338. },
  2339. {
  2340. name = weightClass;
  2341. value = 300;
  2342. },
  2343. {
  2344. name = strikeoutPosition;
  2345. value = 318;
  2346. },
  2347. {
  2348. name = strikeoutSize;
  2349. value = 50;
  2350. }
  2351. );
  2352. guides = (
  2353. {
  2354. pos = (-708,2100);
  2355. }
  2356. );
  2357. iconName = Light;
  2358. id = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  2359. metricValues = (
  2360. {
  2361. pos = 1887;
  2362. },
  2363. {
  2364. over = 24;
  2365. pos = 1374;
  2366. },
  2367. {
  2368. over = 24;
  2369. pos = 1050;
  2370. },
  2371. {
  2372. over = -22;
  2373. },
  2374. {
  2375. pos = -513;
  2376. },
  2377. {
  2378. },
  2379. {
  2380. over = 22;
  2381. pos = 1476;
  2382. },
  2383. {
  2384. over = -24;
  2385. pos = -386;
  2386. }
  2387. );
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  2389. stemValues = (
  2390. 110,
  2391. 124
  2392. );
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  2397. 158
  2398. );
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  2400. {
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  2402. value = 1887;
  2403. },
  2404. {
  2405. name = typoDescender;
  2406. value = -513;
  2407. },
  2408. {
  2409. name = typoLineGap;
  2410. value = 0;
  2411. },
  2412. {
  2413. name = winAscent;
  2414. value = 1887;
  2415. },
  2416. {
  2417. name = winDescent;
  2418. value = 513;
  2419. },
  2420. {
  2421. name = hheaAscender;
  2422. value = 1887;
  2423. },
  2424. {
  2425. name = hheaDescender;
  2426. value = -513;
  2427. },
  2428. {
  2429. name = hheaLineGap;
  2430. value = 0;
  2431. },
  2432. {
  2433. name = weightClass;
  2434. value = 700;
  2435. },
  2436. {
  2437. name = strikeoutPosition;
  2438. value = 318;
  2439. },
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  3318. upper
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  3462. upper
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  3566. );
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  3568. upper
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  3616. );
  3617. tags = (
  3618. upper
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  3633. pos = (-26,-12);
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  3654. upper
  3655. );
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  3675. ref = Eth;
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  3677. );
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  3680. );
  3681. tags = (
  3682. upper
  3683. );
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  3805. );
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  3808. );
  3809. tags = (
  3810. upper
  3811. );
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  3837. {
  3838. pos = (40,0);
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  3844. );
  3845. tags = (
  3846. upper
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  3855. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  3858. ref = E;
  3859. },
  3860. {
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  3877. );
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  3880. );
  3881. tags = (
  3882. upper
  3883. );
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  3891. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  3907. ref = E;
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  3909. {
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  3916. );
  3917. tags = (
  3918. upper
  3919. );
  3920. unicode = 202;
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  5478. );
  5479. tags = (
  5480. upper
  5481. );
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  5516. upper
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  5552. upper
  5553. );
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  5588. upper
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  5856. upper
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  8286. upper
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  18016. {
  18017. ref = g.cv02;
  18018. },
  18019. {
  18020. pos = (2,-12);
  18021. ref = breve;
  18022. }
  18023. );
  18024. width = 1200;
  18025. }
  18026. );
  18027. tags = (
  18028. lower
  18029. );
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  18037. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  18040. ref = g.cv02;
  18041. },
  18042. {
  18043. pos = (-17,0);
  18044. ref = circumflex;
  18045. }
  18046. );
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  18051. shapes = (
  18052. {
  18053. ref = g.cv02;
  18054. },
  18055. {
  18056. pos = (2,-12);
  18057. ref = circumflex;
  18058. }
  18059. );
  18060. width = 1200;
  18061. }
  18062. );
  18063. tags = (
  18064. lower
  18065. );
  18066. },
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  18068. color = 3;
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  18070. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18071. layers = (
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  18073. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18074. shapes = (
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  18076. ref = g.cv02;
  18077. },
  18078. {
  18079. angle = 180;
  18080. pos = (1182,1050);
  18081. ref = commaaccent;
  18082. }
  18083. );
  18084. width = 1200;
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  18087. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18088. shapes = (
  18089. {
  18090. ref = g.cv02;
  18091. },
  18092. {
  18093. angle = 180;
  18094. pos = (1204,1050);
  18095. ref = commaaccent;
  18096. }
  18097. );
  18098. width = 1200;
  18099. }
  18100. );
  18101. tags = (
  18102. lower
  18103. );
  18104. },
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  18106. color = 3;
  18107. glyphname = gdotaccent.cv02;
  18108. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18109. layers = (
  18110. {
  18111. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18112. shapes = (
  18113. {
  18114. ref = g.cv02;
  18115. },
  18116. {
  18117. pos = (-17,0);
  18118. ref = dotaccent;
  18119. }
  18120. );
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  18124. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18125. shapes = (
  18126. {
  18127. ref = g.cv02;
  18128. },
  18129. {
  18130. pos = (2,-12);
  18131. ref = dotaccent;
  18132. }
  18133. );
  18134. width = 1200;
  18135. }
  18136. );
  18137. tags = (
  18138. lower
  18139. );
  18140. },
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  18144. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18145. layers = (
  18146. {
  18147. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18148. shapes = (
  18149. {
  18150. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18151. },
  18152. {
  18153. ref = dotaccent;
  18154. }
  18155. );
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  18159. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18160. shapes = (
  18161. {
  18162. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18163. },
  18164. {
  18165. pos = (0,-12);
  18166. ref = dotaccent;
  18167. }
  18168. );
  18169. width = 1200;
  18170. }
  18171. );
  18172. tags = (
  18173. lower
  18174. );
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  18179. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18182. anchors = (
  18183. {
  18184. name = ogonek;
  18185. pos = (682,0);
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  18188. name = top;
  18189. pos = (600,1050);
  18190. }
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  18192. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  18195. closed = 1;
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  18197. (538,1050,l),
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  18199. (662,0,l),
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  18202. }
  18203. );
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  18207. anchors = (
  18208. {
  18209. name = ogonek;
  18210. pos = (779,0);
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  18212. {
  18213. name = top;
  18214. pos = (600,1050);
  18215. }
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  18217. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  18221. nodes = (
  18222. (442,1050,l),
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  18230. }
  18231. );
  18232. tags = (
  18233. lower
  18234. );
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  18237. color = 3;
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  18239. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18242. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  18245. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18246. },
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  18248. ref = acute;
  18249. }
  18250. );
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  18255. shapes = (
  18256. {
  18257. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18258. },
  18259. {
  18260. pos = (0,-12);
  18261. ref = acute;
  18262. }
  18263. );
  18264. width = 1200;
  18265. }
  18266. );
  18267. tags = (
  18268. lower
  18269. );
  18270. },
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  18272. color = 3;
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  18274. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18275. layers = (
  18276. {
  18277. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18278. shapes = (
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  18280. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18281. },
  18282. {
  18283. ref = breve;
  18284. }
  18285. );
  18286. width = 1200;
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  18289. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18290. shapes = (
  18291. {
  18292. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18293. },
  18294. {
  18295. pos = (0,-12);
  18296. ref = breve;
  18297. }
  18298. );
  18299. width = 1200;
  18300. }
  18301. );
  18302. tags = (
  18303. lower
  18304. );
  18305. },
  18306. {
  18307. color = 3;
  18308. glyphname = icircumflex.cv03;
  18309. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18310. layers = (
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  18312. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18313. shapes = (
  18314. {
  18315. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18316. },
  18317. {
  18318. ref = circumflex;
  18319. }
  18320. );
  18321. width = 1200;
  18322. },
  18323. {
  18324. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18325. shapes = (
  18326. {
  18327. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18328. },
  18329. {
  18330. pos = (0,-12);
  18331. ref = circumflex;
  18332. }
  18333. );
  18334. width = 1200;
  18335. }
  18336. );
  18337. tags = (
  18338. lower
  18339. );
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  18342. color = 3;
  18343. glyphname = idieresis.cv03;
  18344. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18347. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18348. shapes = (
  18349. {
  18350. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18351. },
  18352. {
  18353. ref = dieresis;
  18354. }
  18355. );
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  18359. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18360. shapes = (
  18361. {
  18362. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18363. },
  18364. {
  18365. pos = (0,-12);
  18366. ref = dieresis;
  18367. }
  18368. );
  18369. width = 1200;
  18370. }
  18371. );
  18372. tags = (
  18373. lower
  18374. );
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  18377. color = 3;
  18378. glyphname = idotaccent.cv03;
  18379. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18381. {
  18382. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18383. shapes = (
  18384. {
  18385. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18386. },
  18387. {
  18388. ref = dotaccent;
  18389. }
  18390. );
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  18394. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18395. shapes = (
  18396. {
  18397. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18398. },
  18399. {
  18400. pos = (0,-12);
  18401. ref = dotaccent;
  18402. }
  18403. );
  18404. width = 1200;
  18405. }
  18406. );
  18407. tags = (
  18408. lower
  18409. );
  18410. },
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  18412. color = 3;
  18413. glyphname = igrave.cv03;
  18414. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18415. layers = (
  18416. {
  18417. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18418. shapes = (
  18419. {
  18420. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18421. },
  18422. {
  18423. ref = grave;
  18424. }
  18425. );
  18426. width = 1200;
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  18429. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18430. shapes = (
  18431. {
  18432. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18433. },
  18434. {
  18435. pos = (0,-12);
  18436. ref = grave;
  18437. }
  18438. );
  18439. width = 1200;
  18440. }
  18441. );
  18442. tags = (
  18443. lower
  18444. );
  18445. },
  18446. {
  18447. color = 3;
  18448. glyphname = imacron.cv03;
  18449. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18450. layers = (
  18451. {
  18452. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18453. shapes = (
  18454. {
  18455. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18456. },
  18457. {
  18458. ref = macron;
  18459. }
  18460. );
  18461. width = 1200;
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  18464. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18465. shapes = (
  18466. {
  18467. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18468. },
  18469. {
  18470. pos = (0,-12);
  18471. ref = macron;
  18472. }
  18473. );
  18474. width = 1200;
  18475. }
  18476. );
  18477. tags = (
  18478. lower
  18479. );
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  18482. color = 3;
  18483. glyphname = iogonek.cv03;
  18484. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18486. {
  18487. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18488. shapes = (
  18489. {
  18490. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18491. },
  18492. {
  18493. ref = dotaccent;
  18494. },
  18495. {
  18496. pos = (-145,0);
  18497. ref = ogonek;
  18498. }
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  18500. width = 1200;
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  18503. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18504. shapes = (
  18505. {
  18506. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18507. },
  18508. {
  18509. pos = (0,-12);
  18510. ref = dotaccent;
  18511. },
  18512. {
  18513. pos = (-31,0);
  18514. ref = ogonek;
  18515. }
  18516. );
  18517. width = 1200;
  18518. }
  18519. );
  18520. tags = (
  18521. lower
  18522. );
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  18525. color = 3;
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  18527. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18528. layers = (
  18529. {
  18530. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18531. shapes = (
  18532. {
  18533. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18534. },
  18535. {
  18536. ref = tilde;
  18537. }
  18538. );
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  18542. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18543. shapes = (
  18544. {
  18545. ref = idotless.cv03;
  18546. },
  18547. {
  18548. pos = (0,-12);
  18549. ref = tilde;
  18550. }
  18551. );
  18552. width = 1200;
  18553. }
  18554. );
  18555. tags = (
  18556. lower
  18557. );
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  18560. color = 3;
  18561. glyphname = i.cv04;
  18562. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18563. layers = (
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  18565. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18566. shapes = (
  18567. {
  18568. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18569. },
  18570. {
  18571. pos = (4,0);
  18572. ref = dotaccent;
  18573. }
  18574. );
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  18578. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18579. shapes = (
  18580. {
  18581. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18582. },
  18583. {
  18584. pos = (-2,-12);
  18585. ref = dotaccent;
  18586. }
  18587. );
  18588. width = 1200;
  18589. }
  18590. );
  18591. tags = (
  18592. lower
  18593. );
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  18598. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18599. layers = (
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  18602. {
  18603. name = ogonek;
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  18607. name = top;
  18608. pos = (604,1050);
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  18618. (594,942,l),
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  18622. );
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  18629. {
  18630. name = ogonek;
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  18634. name = top;
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  18642. nodes = (
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  18648. (789,1050,l)
  18649. );
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  18653. }
  18654. );
  18655. tags = (
  18656. lower
  18657. );
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  18660. color = 3;
  18661. glyphname = iacute.cv04;
  18662. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18663. layers = (
  18664. {
  18665. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18666. shapes = (
  18667. {
  18668. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18669. },
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  18671. pos = (4,0);
  18672. ref = acute;
  18673. }
  18674. );
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  18678. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18679. shapes = (
  18680. {
  18681. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18682. },
  18683. {
  18684. pos = (-2,-12);
  18685. ref = acute;
  18686. }
  18687. );
  18688. width = 1200;
  18689. }
  18690. );
  18691. tags = (
  18692. lower
  18693. );
  18694. },
  18695. {
  18696. color = 3;
  18697. glyphname = ibreve.cv04;
  18698. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18699. layers = (
  18700. {
  18701. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18702. shapes = (
  18703. {
  18704. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18705. },
  18706. {
  18707. pos = (4,0);
  18708. ref = breve;
  18709. }
  18710. );
  18711. width = 1200;
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  18714. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18715. shapes = (
  18716. {
  18717. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18718. },
  18719. {
  18720. pos = (-2,-12);
  18721. ref = breve;
  18722. }
  18723. );
  18724. width = 1200;
  18725. }
  18726. );
  18727. tags = (
  18728. lower
  18729. );
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  18732. color = 3;
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  18734. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18735. layers = (
  18736. {
  18737. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18738. shapes = (
  18739. {
  18740. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18741. },
  18742. {
  18743. pos = (4,0);
  18744. ref = circumflex;
  18745. }
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  18750. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18751. shapes = (
  18752. {
  18753. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18754. },
  18755. {
  18756. pos = (-2,-12);
  18757. ref = circumflex;
  18758. }
  18759. );
  18760. width = 1200;
  18761. }
  18762. );
  18763. tags = (
  18764. lower
  18765. );
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  18767. {
  18768. color = 3;
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  18770. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18771. layers = (
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  18773. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18774. shapes = (
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  18776. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18777. },
  18778. {
  18779. pos = (4,0);
  18780. ref = dieresis;
  18781. }
  18782. );
  18783. width = 1200;
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  18786. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  18788. {
  18789. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18790. },
  18791. {
  18792. pos = (-2,-12);
  18793. ref = dieresis;
  18794. }
  18795. );
  18796. width = 1200;
  18797. }
  18798. );
  18799. tags = (
  18800. lower
  18801. );
  18802. },
  18803. {
  18804. color = 3;
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  18806. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18807. layers = (
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  18809. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18810. shapes = (
  18811. {
  18812. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18813. },
  18814. {
  18815. pos = (4,0);
  18816. ref = dotaccent;
  18817. }
  18818. );
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  18822. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  18824. {
  18825. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18826. },
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  18828. pos = (-2,-12);
  18829. ref = dotaccent;
  18830. }
  18831. );
  18832. width = 1200;
  18833. }
  18834. );
  18835. tags = (
  18836. lower
  18837. );
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  18839. {
  18840. color = 3;
  18841. glyphname = igrave.cv04;
  18842. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18843. layers = (
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  18845. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18846. shapes = (
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  18848. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18849. },
  18850. {
  18851. pos = (4,0);
  18852. ref = grave;
  18853. }
  18854. );
  18855. width = 1200;
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  18858. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18859. shapes = (
  18860. {
  18861. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18862. },
  18863. {
  18864. pos = (-2,-12);
  18865. ref = grave;
  18866. }
  18867. );
  18868. width = 1200;
  18869. }
  18870. );
  18871. tags = (
  18872. lower
  18873. );
  18874. },
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  18876. color = 3;
  18877. glyphname = imacron.cv04;
  18878. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18879. layers = (
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  18881. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18882. shapes = (
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  18884. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18885. },
  18886. {
  18887. pos = (4,0);
  18888. ref = macron;
  18889. }
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  18891. width = 1200;
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  18894. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18895. shapes = (
  18896. {
  18897. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18898. },
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  18900. pos = (-2,-12);
  18901. ref = macron;
  18902. }
  18903. );
  18904. width = 1200;
  18905. }
  18906. );
  18907. tags = (
  18908. lower
  18909. );
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  18912. color = 3;
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  18914. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18915. layers = (
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  18917. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  18920. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18921. },
  18922. {
  18923. pos = (4,0);
  18924. ref = dotaccent;
  18925. },
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  18927. pos = (-89,0);
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  18929. }
  18930. );
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  18934. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  18936. {
  18937. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18938. },
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  18940. pos = (-2,-12);
  18941. ref = dotaccent;
  18942. },
  18943. {
  18944. pos = (-1,0);
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  18946. }
  18947. );
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  18949. }
  18950. );
  18951. tags = (
  18952. lower
  18953. );
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  18956. color = 3;
  18957. glyphname = itilde.cv04;
  18958. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  18961. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  18964. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18965. },
  18966. {
  18967. pos = (4,0);
  18968. ref = tilde;
  18969. }
  18970. );
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  18974. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  18975. shapes = (
  18976. {
  18977. ref = idotless.cv04;
  18978. },
  18979. {
  18980. pos = (-2,-12);
  18981. ref = tilde;
  18982. }
  18983. );
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  18985. }
  18986. );
  18987. tags = (
  18988. lower
  18989. );
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  18992. color = 3;
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  18994. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  18995. layers = (
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  18997. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  18998. shapes = (
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  19000. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19001. },
  19002. {
  19003. pos = (4,0);
  19004. ref = dotaccent;
  19005. }
  19006. );
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  19012. {
  19013. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19014. },
  19015. {
  19016. pos = (-2,-12);
  19017. ref = dotaccent;
  19018. }
  19019. );
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  19021. }
  19022. );
  19023. tags = (
  19024. lower
  19025. );
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  19030. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  19056. );
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  19090. );
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  19092. lower
  19093. );
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  19101. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  19104. ref = idotless.cv05;
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  19107. pos = (4,0);
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  19115. shapes = (
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  19117. ref = idotless.cv05;
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  19120. pos = (-2,-12);
  19121. ref = acute;
  19122. }
  19123. );
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  19126. );
  19127. tags = (
  19128. lower
  19129. );
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  19134. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19135. layers = (
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  19137. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19138. shapes = (
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  19140. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19141. },
  19142. {
  19143. pos = (4,0);
  19144. ref = breve;
  19145. }
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  19150. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19151. shapes = (
  19152. {
  19153. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19154. },
  19155. {
  19156. pos = (-2,-12);
  19157. ref = breve;
  19158. }
  19159. );
  19160. width = 1200;
  19161. }
  19162. );
  19163. tags = (
  19164. lower
  19165. );
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  19168. color = 3;
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  19170. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19171. layers = (
  19172. {
  19173. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19174. shapes = (
  19175. {
  19176. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19177. },
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  19179. pos = (4,0);
  19180. ref = circumflex;
  19181. }
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  19186. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19187. shapes = (
  19188. {
  19189. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19190. },
  19191. {
  19192. pos = (-2,-12);
  19193. ref = circumflex;
  19194. }
  19195. );
  19196. width = 1200;
  19197. }
  19198. );
  19199. tags = (
  19200. lower
  19201. );
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  19204. color = 3;
  19205. glyphname = idieresis.cv05;
  19206. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19207. layers = (
  19208. {
  19209. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19210. shapes = (
  19211. {
  19212. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19213. },
  19214. {
  19215. pos = (4,0);
  19216. ref = dieresis;
  19217. }
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  19222. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19223. shapes = (
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  19225. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19226. },
  19227. {
  19228. pos = (-2,-12);
  19229. ref = dieresis;
  19230. }
  19231. );
  19232. width = 1200;
  19233. }
  19234. );
  19235. tags = (
  19236. lower
  19237. );
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  19240. color = 3;
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  19242. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19243. layers = (
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  19245. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19246. shapes = (
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  19248. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19249. },
  19250. {
  19251. pos = (4,0);
  19252. ref = dotaccent;
  19253. }
  19254. );
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  19258. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19259. shapes = (
  19260. {
  19261. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19262. },
  19263. {
  19264. pos = (-2,-12);
  19265. ref = dotaccent;
  19266. }
  19267. );
  19268. width = 1200;
  19269. }
  19270. );
  19271. tags = (
  19272. lower
  19273. );
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  19275. {
  19276. color = 3;
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  19278. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19279. layers = (
  19280. {
  19281. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19282. shapes = (
  19283. {
  19284. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19285. },
  19286. {
  19287. pos = (4,0);
  19288. ref = grave;
  19289. }
  19290. );
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  19294. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19295. shapes = (
  19296. {
  19297. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19298. },
  19299. {
  19300. pos = (-2,-12);
  19301. ref = grave;
  19302. }
  19303. );
  19304. width = 1200;
  19305. }
  19306. );
  19307. tags = (
  19308. lower
  19309. );
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  19314. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19315. layers = (
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  19317. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  19320. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19321. },
  19322. {
  19323. pos = (4,0);
  19324. ref = macron;
  19325. }
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  19331. shapes = (
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  19333. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19334. },
  19335. {
  19336. pos = (-2,-12);
  19337. ref = macron;
  19338. }
  19339. );
  19340. width = 1200;
  19341. }
  19342. );
  19343. tags = (
  19344. lower
  19345. );
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  19350. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  19353. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  19356. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19357. },
  19358. {
  19359. pos = (4,0);
  19360. ref = dotaccent;
  19361. },
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  19363. pos = (-89,0);
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  19365. }
  19366. );
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  19370. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19371. shapes = (
  19372. {
  19373. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19374. },
  19375. {
  19376. pos = (-2,-12);
  19377. ref = dotaccent;
  19378. },
  19379. {
  19380. pos = (-1,0);
  19381. ref = ogonek;
  19382. }
  19383. );
  19384. width = 1200;
  19385. }
  19386. );
  19387. tags = (
  19388. lower
  19389. );
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  19394. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  19396. {
  19397. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19398. shapes = (
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  19400. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19401. },
  19402. {
  19403. pos = (4,0);
  19404. ref = tilde;
  19405. }
  19406. );
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  19412. {
  19413. ref = idotless.cv05;
  19414. },
  19415. {
  19416. pos = (-2,-12);
  19417. ref = tilde;
  19418. }
  19419. );
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  19421. }
  19422. );
  19423. tags = (
  19424. lower
  19425. );
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  19433. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  19436. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19437. },
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  19439. pos = (67,0);
  19440. ref = dotaccent;
  19441. }
  19442. );
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  19446. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19447. shapes = (
  19448. {
  19449. ref = idotless.cv06;
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  19451. {
  19452. pos = (7,-12);
  19453. ref = dotaccent;
  19454. }
  19455. );
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  19457. }
  19458. );
  19459. tags = (
  19460. lower
  19461. );
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  19521. closed = 1;
  19522. nodes = (
  19523. (160,1050,l),
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  19525. (473,835,l),
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  19528. (589,-34,o),
  19529. (845,-34,cs),
  19530. (980,-34,o),
  19531. (1080,-2,o),
  19532. (1152,36,c),
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  19537. (841,215,o),
  19538. (789,248,o),
  19539. (789,332,cs),
  19540. (789,1050,l)
  19541. );
  19542. }
  19543. );
  19544. width = 1200;
  19545. }
  19546. );
  19547. tags = (
  19548. lower
  19549. );
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  19557. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  19559. {
  19560. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19561. },
  19562. {
  19563. pos = (67,0);
  19564. ref = acute;
  19565. }
  19566. );
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  19570. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  19573. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19574. },
  19575. {
  19576. pos = (7,-12);
  19577. ref = acute;
  19578. }
  19579. );
  19580. width = 1200;
  19581. }
  19582. );
  19583. tags = (
  19584. lower
  19585. );
  19586. },
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  19588. color = 3;
  19589. glyphname = ibreve.cv06;
  19590. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19591. layers = (
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  19593. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19594. shapes = (
  19595. {
  19596. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19597. },
  19598. {
  19599. pos = (67,0);
  19600. ref = breve;
  19601. }
  19602. );
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  19606. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19607. shapes = (
  19608. {
  19609. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19610. },
  19611. {
  19612. pos = (7,-12);
  19613. ref = breve;
  19614. }
  19615. );
  19616. width = 1200;
  19617. }
  19618. );
  19619. tags = (
  19620. lower
  19621. );
  19622. },
  19623. {
  19624. color = 3;
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  19626. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19627. layers = (
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  19629. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19630. shapes = (
  19631. {
  19632. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19633. },
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  19635. pos = (67,0);
  19636. ref = circumflex;
  19637. }
  19638. );
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  19643. shapes = (
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  19645. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19646. },
  19647. {
  19648. pos = (7,-12);
  19649. ref = circumflex;
  19650. }
  19651. );
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  19653. }
  19654. );
  19655. tags = (
  19656. lower
  19657. );
  19658. },
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  19660. color = 3;
  19661. glyphname = idieresis.cv06;
  19662. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19663. layers = (
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  19665. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19666. shapes = (
  19667. {
  19668. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19669. },
  19670. {
  19671. pos = (67,0);
  19672. ref = dieresis;
  19673. }
  19674. );
  19675. width = 1200;
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  19678. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19679. shapes = (
  19680. {
  19681. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19682. },
  19683. {
  19684. pos = (7,-12);
  19685. ref = dieresis;
  19686. }
  19687. );
  19688. width = 1200;
  19689. }
  19690. );
  19691. tags = (
  19692. lower
  19693. );
  19694. },
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  19696. color = 3;
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  19698. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19699. layers = (
  19700. {
  19701. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19702. shapes = (
  19703. {
  19704. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19705. },
  19706. {
  19707. pos = (67,0);
  19708. ref = dotaccent;
  19709. }
  19710. );
  19711. width = 1200;
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  19714. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19715. shapes = (
  19716. {
  19717. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19718. },
  19719. {
  19720. pos = (7,-12);
  19721. ref = dotaccent;
  19722. }
  19723. );
  19724. width = 1200;
  19725. }
  19726. );
  19727. tags = (
  19728. lower
  19729. );
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  19732. color = 3;
  19733. glyphname = igrave.cv06;
  19734. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19735. layers = (
  19736. {
  19737. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19738. shapes = (
  19739. {
  19740. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19741. },
  19742. {
  19743. pos = (67,0);
  19744. ref = grave;
  19745. }
  19746. );
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  19750. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19751. shapes = (
  19752. {
  19753. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19754. },
  19755. {
  19756. pos = (7,-12);
  19757. ref = grave;
  19758. }
  19759. );
  19760. width = 1200;
  19761. }
  19762. );
  19763. tags = (
  19764. lower
  19765. );
  19766. },
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  19768. color = 3;
  19769. glyphname = imacron.cv06;
  19770. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  19773. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19774. shapes = (
  19775. {
  19776. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19777. },
  19778. {
  19779. pos = (67,0);
  19780. ref = macron;
  19781. }
  19782. );
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  19784. },
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  19786. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19787. shapes = (
  19788. {
  19789. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19790. },
  19791. {
  19792. pos = (7,-12);
  19793. ref = macron;
  19794. }
  19795. );
  19796. width = 1200;
  19797. }
  19798. );
  19799. tags = (
  19800. lower
  19801. );
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  19804. color = 3;
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  19806. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  19809. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19810. shapes = (
  19811. {
  19812. alignment = -1;
  19813. pos = (-15,0);
  19814. ref = dotaccent;
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  19816. {
  19817. alignment = -1;
  19818. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19819. },
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  19821. alignment = -1;
  19822. pos = (-89,0);
  19823. ref = ogonek;
  19824. }
  19825. );
  19826. width = 1200;
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  19829. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  19830. shapes = (
  19831. {
  19832. alignment = -1;
  19833. pos = (4,0);
  19834. ref = dotaccent;
  19835. },
  19836. {
  19837. alignment = -1;
  19838. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19839. },
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  19841. alignment = -1;
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  19843. ref = ogonek;
  19844. }
  19845. );
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  19847. }
  19848. );
  19849. tags = (
  19850. lower
  19851. );
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  19859. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19860. shapes = (
  19861. {
  19862. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19863. },
  19864. {
  19865. pos = (67,0);
  19866. ref = tilde;
  19867. }
  19868. );
  19869. width = 1200;
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  19873. shapes = (
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  19875. ref = idotless.cv06;
  19876. },
  19877. {
  19878. pos = (7,-12);
  19879. ref = tilde;
  19880. }
  19881. );
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  19883. }
  19884. );
  19885. tags = (
  19886. lower
  19887. );
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  19890. color = 3;
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  19895. anchors = (
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  19897. name = bottom;
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  19903. },
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  19909. name = top;
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  19911. },
  19912. {
  19913. name = topright;
  19914. pos = (751,1475);
  19915. }
  19916. );
  19917. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19918. shapes = (
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  19920. closed = 1;
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  19922. (538,1475,l),
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  19924. (662,0,l),
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  19928. );
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  19933. {
  19934. name = bottom;
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  19940. },
  19941. {
  19942. name = middle;
  19943. pos = (600,757);
  19944. },
  19945. {
  19946. name = top;
  19947. pos = (600,1467);
  19948. },
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  19950. name = topright;
  19951. pos = (818,1467);
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  19959. (442,1467,l),
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  19967. }
  19968. );
  19969. tags = (
  19970. lower
  19971. );
  19972. },
  19973. {
  19974. color = 3;
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  19976. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  19977. layers = (
  19978. {
  19979. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  19980. shapes = (
  19981. {
  19982. ref = l.cv07;
  19983. },
  19984. {
  19985. pos = (11,425);
  19986. ref = acute;
  19987. }
  19988. );
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  19995. ref = l.cv07;
  19996. },
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  19998. pos = (0,405);
  19999. ref = acute;
  20000. }
  20001. );
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  20004. );
  20005. tags = (
  20006. lower
  20007. );
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  20010. color = 3;
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  20012. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  20013. layers = (
  20014. {
  20015. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20016. shapes = (
  20017. {
  20018. ref = l.cv07;
  20019. },
  20020. {
  20021. pos = (250,97);
  20022. ref = caron.alt;
  20023. }
  20024. );
  20025. width = 1200;
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  20028. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  20029. shapes = (
  20030. {
  20031. ref = l.cv07;
  20032. },
  20033. {
  20034. pos = (377,89);
  20035. ref = caron.alt;
  20036. }
  20037. );
  20038. width = 1200;
  20039. }
  20040. );
  20041. tags = (
  20042. lower
  20043. );
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  20046. color = 3;
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  20051. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20052. shapes = (
  20053. {
  20054. ref = l.cv07;
  20055. },
  20056. {
  20057. pos = (1,0);
  20058. ref = commaaccent;
  20059. }
  20060. );
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  20064. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  20065. shapes = (
  20066. {
  20067. ref = l.cv07;
  20068. },
  20069. {
  20070. pos = (-2,0);
  20071. ref = commaaccent;
  20072. }
  20073. );
  20074. width = 1200;
  20075. }
  20076. );
  20077. tags = (
  20078. lower
  20079. );
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  20084. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  20085. layers = (
  20086. {
  20087. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20088. shapes = (
  20089. {
  20090. ref = l.cv07;
  20091. },
  20092. {
  20093. pos = (519,-662);
  20094. ref = dotaccent;
  20095. }
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  20101. shapes = (
  20102. {
  20103. ref = l.cv07;
  20104. },
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  20106. pos = (536,-683);
  20107. ref = dotaccent;
  20108. }
  20109. );
  20110. width = 1200;
  20111. }
  20112. );
  20113. tags = (
  20114. lower
  20115. );
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  20120. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  20122. {
  20123. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20124. shapes = (
  20125. {
  20126. ref = l.cv07;
  20127. },
  20128. {
  20129. pos = (71,0);
  20130. ref = slashaccent;
  20131. }
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  20136. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  20137. shapes = (
  20138. {
  20139. ref = l.cv07;
  20140. },
  20141. {
  20142. pos = (64,-9);
  20143. ref = slashaccent;
  20144. }
  20145. );
  20146. width = 1200;
  20147. }
  20148. );
  20149. tags = (
  20150. lower
  20151. );
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  20154. color = 3;
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  20157. layers = (
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  20159. anchors = (
  20160. {
  20161. name = bottom;
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  20167. },
  20168. {
  20169. name = middle;
  20170. pos = (600,766);
  20171. },
  20172. {
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  20175. },
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  20177. name = topright;
  20178. pos = (751,1475);
  20179. }
  20180. );
  20181. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20182. shapes = (
  20183. {
  20184. closed = 1;
  20185. nodes = (
  20186. (212,1475,l),
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  20188. (538,1367,l),
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  20191. (662,1475,l)
  20192. );
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  20199. {
  20200. name = bottom;
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  20206. },
  20207. {
  20208. name = middle;
  20209. pos = (600,757);
  20210. },
  20211. {
  20212. name = top;
  20213. pos = (576,1467);
  20214. },
  20215. {
  20216. name = topright;
  20217. pos = (818,1467);
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  20235. }
  20236. );
  20237. tags = (
  20238. lower
  20239. );
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  20246. {
  20247. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20250. ref = l.cv08;
  20251. },
  20252. {
  20253. pos = (11,425);
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  20255. }
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  20260. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  20261. shapes = (
  20262. {
  20263. ref = l.cv08;
  20264. },
  20265. {
  20266. pos = (-24,405);
  20267. ref = acute;
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  20270. width = 1200;
  20271. }
  20272. );
  20273. tags = (
  20274. lower
  20275. );
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  20278. color = 3;
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  20280. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  20299. ref = l.cv08;
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  20308. );
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  20310. lower
  20311. );
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  20319. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20322. ref = l.cv08;
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  20345. tags = (
  20346. lower
  20347. );
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  20371. ref = l.cv08;
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  20377. );
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  20379. }
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  20382. lower
  20383. );
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  20418. lower
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  20510. lower
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  20546. lower
  20547. );
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  20555. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20570. {
  20571. ref = l.cv09;
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  20582. lower
  20583. );
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  20591. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20607. ref = l.cv09;
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  20617. tags = (
  20618. lower
  20619. );
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  20627. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20643. ref = l.cv09;
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  20654. lower
  20655. );
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  20663. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20666. ref = l.cv09;
  20667. },
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  20679. ref = l.cv09;
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  20689. tags = (
  20690. lower
  20691. );
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  20707. },
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  20717. name = topright;
  20718. pos = (807,1475);
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  20736. );
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  20754. },
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  20758. },
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  20760. name = topright;
  20761. pos = (849,1467);
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  20768. nodes = (
  20769. (182,1467,l),
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  20776. (1059,216,l),
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  20786. lower
  20787. );
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  20795. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20820. );
  20821. tags = (
  20822. lower
  20823. );
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  20831. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20854. width = 1200;
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  20856. );
  20857. tags = (
  20858. lower
  20859. );
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  20867. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  20870. ref = l.cv10;
  20871. },
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  20883. ref = l.cv10;
  20884. },
  20885. {
  20886. pos = (29,0);
  20887. ref = commaaccent;
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  20889. );
  20890. width = 1200;
  20891. }
  20892. );
  20893. tags = (
  20894. lower
  20895. );
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  20898. color = 3;
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  20901. layers = (
  20902. {
  20903. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20904. shapes = (
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  20906. ref = l.cv10;
  20907. },
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  20918. {
  20919. ref = l.cv10;
  20920. },
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  20925. );
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  20927. }
  20928. );
  20929. tags = (
  20930. lower
  20931. );
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  20937. layers = (
  20938. {
  20939. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  20940. shapes = (
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  20942. ref = l.cv10;
  20943. },
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  20945. pos = (127,0);
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  20947. }
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  20955. ref = l.cv10;
  20956. },
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  20963. }
  20964. );
  20965. tags = (
  20966. lower
  20967. );
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  20971. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  20972. layers = (
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  20974. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  20977. ref = c;
  20978. },
  20979. {
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  20990. ref = c;
  20991. },
  20992. {
  20993. pos = (155,-14);
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  20998. }
  20999. );
  21000. tags = (
  21001. lower
  21002. );
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  21004. {
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  21006. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
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  21008. {
  21009. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  21010. shapes = (
  21011. {
  21012. ref = n;
  21013. },
  21014. {
  21015. pos = (78,-12);
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  21025. ref = n;
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  21027. {
  21028. pos = (66,0);
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  21034. );
  21035. tags = (
  21036. lower
  21037. );
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  47655. (923,687,cs),
  47656. (923,254,o),
  47657. (724,98,o),
  47658. (476,98,cs),
  47659. (318,98,o),
  47660. (222,151,o),
  47661. (150,212,c),
  47662. (78,119,l),
  47663. (156,44,o),
  47664. (283,-20,o),
  47665. (474,-20,cs),
  47666. (797,-20,o),
  47667. (1056,229,o),
  47668. (1056,687,cs),
  47669. (1056,1151,o),
  47670. (843,1393,o),
  47671. (504,1393,cs)
  47672. );
  47673. }
  47674. );
  47675. width = 1200;
  47676. }
  47677. );
  47678. tags = (
  47679. upper
  47680. );
  47681. unicode = 1021;
  47682. },
  47683. {
  47684. glyphname = SigmaLunateDottedSymbol;
  47685. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47686. layers = (
  47687. {
  47688. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  47690. {
  47691. ref = SigmaLunateSymbol;
  47692. },
  47693. {
  47694. anchor = center;
  47695. pos = (175,-584);
  47696. ref = dotaccentcomb;
  47697. scale = (0.9379,0.9379);
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  47699. );
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  47704. shapes = (
  47705. {
  47706. ref = SigmaLunateSymbol;
  47707. },
  47708. {
  47709. anchor = center;
  47710. pos = (104,-654);
  47711. ref = dotaccentcomb;
  47712. scale = (1.0282,1.0282);
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  47714. );
  47715. width = 1200;
  47716. }
  47717. );
  47718. tags = (
  47719. upper
  47720. );
  47721. unicode = 1022;
  47722. },
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  47724. glyphname = SigmaLunateDottedReversedSymbol;
  47725. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47726. layers = (
  47727. {
  47728. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  47729. shapes = (
  47730. {
  47731. ref = SigmaLunateReversedSymbol;
  47732. },
  47733. {
  47734. pos = (-105,-584);
  47735. ref = dotaccentcomb;
  47736. scale = (0.9379,0.9379);
  47737. }
  47738. );
  47739. width = 1200;
  47740. },
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  47742. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47743. shapes = (
  47744. {
  47745. ref = SigmaLunateReversedSymbol;
  47746. },
  47747. {
  47748. pos = (-142,-654);
  47749. ref = dotaccentcomb;
  47750. scale = (1.0282,1.0282);
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  47752. );
  47753. width = 1200;
  47754. }
  47755. );
  47756. tags = (
  47757. upper
  47758. );
  47759. unicode = 1023;
  47760. },
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  47762. glyphname = Alphapsili;
  47763. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
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  47766. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  47768. {
  47769. alignment = -1;
  47770. ref = Alpha;
  47771. },
  47772. {
  47773. alignment = -1;
  47774. pos = (-461,-258);
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  47776. }
  47777. );
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  47779. },
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  47781. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47782. shapes = (
  47783. {
  47784. alignment = -1;
  47785. ref = Alpha;
  47786. },
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  47788. alignment = -1;
  47789. pos = (-343,-183);
  47790. ref = psili;
  47791. }
  47792. );
  47793. width = 1200;
  47794. }
  47795. );
  47796. tags = (
  47797. upper
  47798. );
  47799. unicode = 7944;
  47800. },
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  47803. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
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  47805. {
  47806. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  47808. {
  47809. ref = Alpha;
  47810. },
  47811. {
  47812. alignment = -1;
  47813. pos = (-511,-258);
  47814. ref = dasia;
  47815. }
  47816. );
  47817. width = 1200;
  47818. },
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  47820. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47821. shapes = (
  47822. {
  47823. ref = Alpha;
  47824. },
  47825. {
  47826. alignment = -1;
  47827. pos = (-367,-182);
  47828. ref = dasia;
  47829. }
  47830. );
  47831. width = 1200;
  47832. }
  47833. );
  47834. tags = (
  47835. upper
  47836. );
  47837. unicode = 7945;
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  47841. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47842. layers = (
  47843. {
  47844. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  47846. {
  47847. ref = Alpha;
  47848. },
  47849. {
  47850. alignment = -1;
  47851. pos = (-729,-278);
  47852. ref = psilivaria;
  47853. }
  47854. );
  47855. width = 1200;
  47856. },
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  47858. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47859. shapes = (
  47860. {
  47861. ref = Alpha;
  47862. },
  47863. {
  47864. alignment = -1;
  47865. pos = (-489,-191);
  47866. ref = psilivaria;
  47867. }
  47868. );
  47869. width = 1200;
  47870. }
  47871. );
  47872. tags = (
  47873. upper
  47874. );
  47875. unicode = 7946;
  47876. },
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  47879. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47880. layers = (
  47881. {
  47882. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  47883. shapes = (
  47884. {
  47885. ref = Alpha;
  47886. },
  47887. {
  47888. alignment = -1;
  47889. pos = (-739,-278);
  47890. ref = dasiavaria;
  47891. }
  47892. );
  47893. width = 1200;
  47894. },
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  47896. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47897. shapes = (
  47898. {
  47899. ref = Alpha;
  47900. },
  47901. {
  47902. alignment = -1;
  47903. pos = (-496,-191);
  47904. ref = dasiavaria;
  47905. }
  47906. );
  47907. width = 1200;
  47908. }
  47909. );
  47910. tags = (
  47911. upper
  47912. );
  47913. unicode = 7947;
  47914. },
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  47916. glyphname = Alphapsilioxia;
  47917. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47918. layers = (
  47919. {
  47920. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  47921. shapes = (
  47922. {
  47923. ref = Alpha;
  47924. },
  47925. {
  47926. alignment = -1;
  47927. pos = (-677,-278);
  47928. ref = psilioxia;
  47929. }
  47930. );
  47931. width = 1200;
  47932. },
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  47934. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47935. shapes = (
  47936. {
  47937. ref = Alpha;
  47938. },
  47939. {
  47940. alignment = -1;
  47941. pos = (-440,-191);
  47942. ref = psilioxia;
  47943. }
  47944. );
  47945. width = 1200;
  47946. }
  47947. );
  47948. tags = (
  47949. upper
  47950. );
  47951. unicode = 7948;
  47952. },
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  47954. glyphname = Alphadasiaoxia;
  47955. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47956. layers = (
  47957. {
  47958. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  47959. shapes = (
  47960. {
  47961. ref = Alpha;
  47962. },
  47963. {
  47964. alignment = -1;
  47965. pos = (-675,-278);
  47966. ref = dasiaoxia;
  47967. }
  47968. );
  47969. width = 1200;
  47970. },
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  47972. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  47973. shapes = (
  47974. {
  47975. ref = Alpha;
  47976. },
  47977. {
  47978. alignment = -1;
  47979. pos = (-423,-191);
  47980. ref = dasiaoxia;
  47981. }
  47982. );
  47983. width = 1200;
  47984. }
  47985. );
  47986. tags = (
  47987. upper
  47988. );
  47989. unicode = 7949;
  47990. },
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  47992. glyphname = Alphapsiliperispomeni;
  47993. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  47994. layers = (
  47995. {
  47996. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  47997. shapes = (
  47998. {
  47999. ref = Alpha;
  48000. },
  48001. {
  48002. alignment = -1;
  48003. pos = (-592,-486);
  48004. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  48005. }
  48006. );
  48007. width = 1200;
  48008. },
  48009. {
  48010. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48011. shapes = (
  48012. {
  48013. ref = Alpha;
  48014. },
  48015. {
  48016. alignment = -1;
  48017. pos = (-496,-277);
  48018. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  48019. }
  48020. );
  48021. width = 1200;
  48022. }
  48023. );
  48024. tags = (
  48025. upper
  48026. );
  48027. unicode = 7950;
  48028. },
  48029. {
  48030. glyphname = Alphadasiaperispomeni;
  48031. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48032. layers = (
  48033. {
  48034. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48035. shapes = (
  48036. {
  48037. ref = Alpha;
  48038. },
  48039. {
  48040. alignment = -1;
  48041. pos = (-621,-486);
  48042. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  48043. }
  48044. );
  48045. width = 1200;
  48046. },
  48047. {
  48048. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48049. shapes = (
  48050. {
  48051. ref = Alpha;
  48052. },
  48053. {
  48054. alignment = -1;
  48055. pos = (-480,-277);
  48056. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  48057. }
  48058. );
  48059. width = 1200;
  48060. }
  48061. );
  48062. tags = (
  48063. upper
  48064. );
  48065. unicode = 7951;
  48066. },
  48067. {
  48068. glyphname = Alphavaria;
  48069. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48070. layers = (
  48071. {
  48072. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48073. shapes = (
  48074. {
  48075. ref = A;
  48076. },
  48077. {
  48078. alignment = -1;
  48079. pos = (-539,0);
  48080. ref =;
  48081. }
  48082. );
  48083. width = 1200;
  48084. },
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  48086. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48087. shapes = (
  48088. {
  48089. ref = A;
  48090. },
  48091. {
  48092. alignment = -1;
  48093. pos = (-409,0);
  48094. ref =;
  48095. }
  48096. );
  48097. width = 1200;
  48098. }
  48099. );
  48100. tags = (
  48101. upper
  48102. );
  48103. unicode = 8122;
  48104. },
  48105. {
  48106. glyphname = Alphaoxia;
  48107. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48108. layers = (
  48109. {
  48110. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48111. shapes = (
  48112. {
  48113. ref = A;
  48114. },
  48115. {
  48116. alignment = -1;
  48117. pos = (-499,0);
  48118. ref =;
  48119. }
  48120. );
  48121. width = 1200;
  48122. },
  48123. {
  48124. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48125. shapes = (
  48126. {
  48127. ref = A;
  48128. },
  48129. {
  48130. alignment = -1;
  48131. pos = (-369,0);
  48132. ref =;
  48133. }
  48134. );
  48135. width = 1200;
  48136. }
  48137. );
  48138. tags = (
  48139. upper
  48140. );
  48141. unicode = 8123;
  48142. },
  48143. {
  48144. glyphname = Alphavrachy;
  48145. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48146. layers = (
  48147. {
  48148. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48149. shapes = (
  48150. {
  48151. ref = Alpha;
  48152. },
  48153. {
  48154. pos = (0,-12);
  48155. ref =;
  48156. }
  48157. );
  48158. width = 1200;
  48159. },
  48160. {
  48161. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48162. shapes = (
  48163. {
  48164. ref = Alpha;
  48165. },
  48166. {
  48167. pos = (-3,0);
  48168. ref =;
  48169. }
  48170. );
  48171. width = 1200;
  48172. }
  48173. );
  48174. tags = (
  48175. upper
  48176. );
  48177. unicode = 8120;
  48178. },
  48179. {
  48180. glyphname = Alphamacron;
  48181. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48182. layers = (
  48183. {
  48184. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48185. shapes = (
  48186. {
  48187. ref = Alpha;
  48188. },
  48189. {
  48190. pos = (-10,-12);
  48191. ref =;
  48192. }
  48193. );
  48194. width = 1200;
  48195. },
  48196. {
  48197. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48198. shapes = (
  48199. {
  48200. ref = Alpha;
  48201. },
  48202. {
  48203. pos = (4,0);
  48204. ref =;
  48205. }
  48206. );
  48207. width = 1200;
  48208. }
  48209. );
  48210. tags = (
  48211. upper
  48212. );
  48213. unicode = 8121;
  48214. },
  48215. {
  48216. glyphname = Alphaprosgegrammeni;
  48217. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48218. layers = (
  48219. {
  48220. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48221. shapes = (
  48222. {
  48223. ref = Alpha;
  48224. },
  48225. {
  48226. pos = (128,0);
  48227. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48228. }
  48229. );
  48230. width = 1200;
  48231. },
  48232. {
  48233. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48234. shapes = (
  48235. {
  48236. ref = Alpha;
  48237. },
  48238. {
  48239. pos = (125,0);
  48240. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48241. }
  48242. );
  48243. width = 1200;
  48244. }
  48245. );
  48246. tags = (
  48247. upper
  48248. );
  48249. unicode = 8124;
  48250. },
  48251. {
  48252. glyphname = Alphapsiliprosgegrammeni;
  48253. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48254. layers = (
  48255. {
  48256. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48257. shapes = (
  48258. {
  48259. ref = Alphapsili;
  48260. },
  48261. {
  48262. pos = (128,0);
  48263. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48264. }
  48265. );
  48266. width = 1200;
  48267. },
  48268. {
  48269. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48270. shapes = (
  48271. {
  48272. ref = Alphapsili;
  48273. },
  48274. {
  48275. pos = (125,0);
  48276. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48277. }
  48278. );
  48279. width = 1200;
  48280. }
  48281. );
  48282. tags = (
  48283. upper
  48284. );
  48285. unicode = 8072;
  48286. },
  48287. {
  48288. glyphname = Alphadasiaprosgegrammeni;
  48289. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48290. layers = (
  48291. {
  48292. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48293. shapes = (
  48294. {
  48295. ref = Alphadasia;
  48296. },
  48297. {
  48298. pos = (128,0);
  48299. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48300. }
  48301. );
  48302. width = 1200;
  48303. },
  48304. {
  48305. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48306. shapes = (
  48307. {
  48308. ref = Alphadasia;
  48309. },
  48310. {
  48311. pos = (125,0);
  48312. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48313. }
  48314. );
  48315. width = 1200;
  48316. }
  48317. );
  48318. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48319. metricRight = A;
  48320. tags = (
  48321. upper
  48322. );
  48323. unicode = 8073;
  48324. },
  48325. {
  48326. glyphname = Alphapsilivariaprosgegrammeni;
  48327. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48328. layers = (
  48329. {
  48330. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48331. shapes = (
  48332. {
  48333. ref = Alphapsilivaria;
  48334. },
  48335. {
  48336. pos = (128,0);
  48337. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48338. }
  48339. );
  48340. width = 1200;
  48341. },
  48342. {
  48343. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48344. shapes = (
  48345. {
  48346. ref = Alphapsilivaria;
  48347. },
  48348. {
  48349. pos = (125,0);
  48350. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48351. }
  48352. );
  48353. width = 1200;
  48354. }
  48355. );
  48356. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48357. metricRight = A;
  48358. tags = (
  48359. upper
  48360. );
  48361. unicode = 8074;
  48362. },
  48363. {
  48364. glyphname = Alphadasiavariaprosgegrammeni;
  48365. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48366. layers = (
  48367. {
  48368. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48369. shapes = (
  48370. {
  48371. ref = Alphadasiavaria;
  48372. },
  48373. {
  48374. pos = (128,0);
  48375. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48376. }
  48377. );
  48378. width = 1200;
  48379. },
  48380. {
  48381. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48382. shapes = (
  48383. {
  48384. ref = Alphadasiavaria;
  48385. },
  48386. {
  48387. pos = (125,0);
  48388. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48389. }
  48390. );
  48391. width = 1200;
  48392. }
  48393. );
  48394. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48395. metricRight = A;
  48396. tags = (
  48397. upper
  48398. );
  48399. unicode = 8075;
  48400. },
  48401. {
  48402. glyphname = Alphapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni;
  48403. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48404. layers = (
  48405. {
  48406. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48407. shapes = (
  48408. {
  48409. ref = Alphapsilioxia;
  48410. },
  48411. {
  48412. pos = (128,0);
  48413. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48414. }
  48415. );
  48416. width = 1200;
  48417. },
  48418. {
  48419. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48420. shapes = (
  48421. {
  48422. ref = Alphapsilioxia;
  48423. },
  48424. {
  48425. pos = (125,0);
  48426. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48427. }
  48428. );
  48429. width = 1200;
  48430. }
  48431. );
  48432. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48433. metricRight = A;
  48434. tags = (
  48435. upper
  48436. );
  48437. unicode = 8076;
  48438. },
  48439. {
  48440. glyphname = Alphadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni;
  48441. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48442. layers = (
  48443. {
  48444. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48445. shapes = (
  48446. {
  48447. ref = Alphadasiaoxia;
  48448. },
  48449. {
  48450. pos = (128,0);
  48451. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48452. }
  48453. );
  48454. width = 1200;
  48455. },
  48456. {
  48457. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48458. shapes = (
  48459. {
  48460. ref = Alphadasiaoxia;
  48461. },
  48462. {
  48463. pos = (125,0);
  48464. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48465. }
  48466. );
  48467. width = 1200;
  48468. }
  48469. );
  48470. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48471. metricRight = A;
  48472. tags = (
  48473. upper
  48474. );
  48475. unicode = 8077;
  48476. },
  48477. {
  48478. glyphname = Alphapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  48479. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48480. layers = (
  48481. {
  48482. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48483. shapes = (
  48484. {
  48485. ref = Alphapsiliperispomeni;
  48486. },
  48487. {
  48488. pos = (128,0);
  48489. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48490. }
  48491. );
  48492. width = 1200;
  48493. },
  48494. {
  48495. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48496. shapes = (
  48497. {
  48498. ref = Alphapsiliperispomeni;
  48499. },
  48500. {
  48501. pos = (125,0);
  48502. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48503. }
  48504. );
  48505. width = 1200;
  48506. }
  48507. );
  48508. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48509. metricRight = A;
  48510. tags = (
  48511. upper
  48512. );
  48513. unicode = 8078;
  48514. },
  48515. {
  48516. glyphname = Alphadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  48517. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48518. layers = (
  48519. {
  48520. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48521. shapes = (
  48522. {
  48523. ref = Alphadasiaperispomeni;
  48524. },
  48525. {
  48526. pos = (128,0);
  48527. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48528. }
  48529. );
  48530. width = 1200;
  48531. },
  48532. {
  48533. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48534. shapes = (
  48535. {
  48536. ref = Alphadasiaperispomeni;
  48537. },
  48538. {
  48539. pos = (125,0);
  48540. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  48541. }
  48542. );
  48543. width = 1200;
  48544. }
  48545. );
  48546. metricLeft = Alphatonos;
  48547. metricRight = A;
  48548. tags = (
  48549. upper
  48550. );
  48551. unicode = 8079;
  48552. },
  48553. {
  48554. glyphname = Epsilonpsili;
  48555. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48556. layers = (
  48557. {
  48558. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48559. shapes = (
  48560. {
  48561. ref = Epsilon;
  48562. },
  48563. {
  48564. anchor = topleft;
  48565. pos = (-656,-270);
  48566. ref = psili;
  48567. }
  48568. );
  48569. width = 1200;
  48570. },
  48571. {
  48572. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48573. shapes = (
  48574. {
  48575. ref = Epsilon;
  48576. },
  48577. {
  48578. anchor = topleft;
  48579. pos = (-499,-183);
  48580. ref = psili;
  48581. }
  48582. );
  48583. width = 1200;
  48584. }
  48585. );
  48586. metricLeft = Epsilontonos;
  48587. metricRight = E;
  48588. tags = (
  48589. upper
  48590. );
  48591. unicode = 7960;
  48592. },
  48593. {
  48594. glyphname = Epsilondasia;
  48595. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48596. layers = (
  48597. {
  48598. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48599. shapes = (
  48600. {
  48601. ref = Epsilon;
  48602. },
  48603. {
  48604. anchor = topleft;
  48605. pos = (-687,-270);
  48606. ref = dasia;
  48607. }
  48608. );
  48609. width = 1200;
  48610. },
  48611. {
  48612. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48613. shapes = (
  48614. {
  48615. ref = Epsilon;
  48616. },
  48617. {
  48618. anchor = topleft;
  48619. pos = (-532,-183);
  48620. ref = dasia;
  48621. }
  48622. );
  48623. width = 1200;
  48624. }
  48625. );
  48626. metricRight = E;
  48627. tags = (
  48628. upper
  48629. );
  48630. unicode = 7961;
  48631. },
  48632. {
  48633. glyphname = Epsilonpsilivaria;
  48634. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48635. layers = (
  48636. {
  48637. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48638. shapes = (
  48639. {
  48640. ref = Epsilon;
  48641. },
  48642. {
  48643. anchor = topleft;
  48644. pos = (-838,-290);
  48645. ref = psilivaria;
  48646. }
  48647. );
  48648. width = 1200;
  48649. },
  48650. {
  48651. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48652. shapes = (
  48653. {
  48654. ref = Epsilon;
  48655. },
  48656. {
  48657. anchor = topleft;
  48658. pos = (-652,-191);
  48659. ref = psilivaria;
  48660. }
  48661. );
  48662. width = 1200;
  48663. }
  48664. );
  48665. metricLeft = Epsilontonos;
  48666. metricRight = E;
  48667. tags = (
  48668. upper
  48669. );
  48670. unicode = 7962;
  48671. },
  48672. {
  48673. glyphname = Epsilondasiavaria;
  48674. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48675. layers = (
  48676. {
  48677. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48678. shapes = (
  48679. {
  48680. ref = Epsilon;
  48681. },
  48682. {
  48683. anchor = topleft;
  48684. pos = (-838,-290);
  48685. ref = dasiavaria;
  48686. }
  48687. );
  48688. width = 1200;
  48689. },
  48690. {
  48691. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48692. shapes = (
  48693. {
  48694. ref = Epsilon;
  48695. },
  48696. {
  48697. anchor = topleft;
  48698. pos = (-652,-191);
  48699. ref = dasiavaria;
  48700. }
  48701. );
  48702. width = 1200;
  48703. }
  48704. );
  48705. metricLeft = Epsilontonos;
  48706. metricRight = E;
  48707. tags = (
  48708. upper
  48709. );
  48710. unicode = 7963;
  48711. },
  48712. {
  48713. glyphname = Epsilonpsilioxia;
  48714. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48715. layers = (
  48716. {
  48717. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48718. shapes = (
  48719. {
  48720. ref = Epsilon;
  48721. },
  48722. {
  48723. anchor = topleft;
  48724. pos = (-833,-290);
  48725. ref = psilioxia;
  48726. }
  48727. );
  48728. width = 1200;
  48729. },
  48730. {
  48731. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48732. shapes = (
  48733. {
  48734. ref = Epsilon;
  48735. },
  48736. {
  48737. anchor = topleft;
  48738. pos = (-614,-191);
  48739. ref = psilioxia;
  48740. }
  48741. );
  48742. width = 1200;
  48743. }
  48744. );
  48745. metricLeft = Epsilontonos;
  48746. metricRight = E;
  48747. tags = (
  48748. upper
  48749. );
  48750. unicode = 7964;
  48751. },
  48752. {
  48753. glyphname = Epsilondasiaoxia;
  48754. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48755. layers = (
  48756. {
  48757. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48758. shapes = (
  48759. {
  48760. ref = Epsilon;
  48761. },
  48762. {
  48763. anchor = topleft;
  48764. pos = (-833,-290);
  48765. ref = dasiaoxia;
  48766. }
  48767. );
  48768. width = 1200;
  48769. },
  48770. {
  48771. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48772. shapes = (
  48773. {
  48774. ref = Epsilon;
  48775. },
  48776. {
  48777. anchor = topleft;
  48778. pos = (-596,-191);
  48779. ref = dasiaoxia;
  48780. }
  48781. );
  48782. width = 1200;
  48783. }
  48784. );
  48785. metricLeft = Epsilontonos;
  48786. metricRight = E;
  48787. tags = (
  48788. upper
  48789. );
  48790. unicode = 7965;
  48791. },
  48792. {
  48793. glyphname = Epsilonvaria;
  48794. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48795. layers = (
  48796. {
  48797. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48798. shapes = (
  48799. {
  48800. ref = E;
  48801. },
  48802. {
  48803. pos = (-655,-12);
  48804. ref =;
  48805. }
  48806. );
  48807. width = 1200;
  48808. },
  48809. {
  48810. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48811. shapes = (
  48812. {
  48813. ref = E;
  48814. },
  48815. {
  48816. pos = (-514,0);
  48817. ref =;
  48818. }
  48819. );
  48820. width = 1200;
  48821. }
  48822. );
  48823. tags = (
  48824. upper
  48825. );
  48826. unicode = 8136;
  48827. },
  48828. {
  48829. glyphname = Epsilonoxia;
  48830. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48831. layers = (
  48832. {
  48833. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48834. shapes = (
  48835. {
  48836. ref = E;
  48837. },
  48838. {
  48839. pos = (-654,-12);
  48840. ref =;
  48841. }
  48842. );
  48843. width = 1200;
  48844. },
  48845. {
  48846. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48847. shapes = (
  48848. {
  48849. ref = E;
  48850. },
  48851. {
  48852. pos = (-486,0);
  48853. ref =;
  48854. }
  48855. );
  48856. width = 1200;
  48857. }
  48858. );
  48859. tags = (
  48860. upper
  48861. );
  48862. unicode = 8137;
  48863. },
  48864. {
  48865. glyphname = Etapsili;
  48866. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48867. layers = (
  48868. {
  48869. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48870. shapes = (
  48871. {
  48872. ref = Eta;
  48873. },
  48874. {
  48875. anchor = topleft;
  48876. pos = (-738,-270);
  48877. ref = psili;
  48878. }
  48879. );
  48880. width = 1200;
  48881. },
  48882. {
  48883. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48884. shapes = (
  48885. {
  48886. ref = Eta;
  48887. },
  48888. {
  48889. anchor = topleft;
  48890. pos = (-583,-183);
  48891. ref = psili;
  48892. }
  48893. );
  48894. width = 1200;
  48895. }
  48896. );
  48897. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  48898. metricRight = H;
  48899. tags = (
  48900. upper
  48901. );
  48902. unicode = 7976;
  48903. },
  48904. {
  48905. glyphname = Etadasia;
  48906. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48907. layers = (
  48908. {
  48909. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48910. shapes = (
  48911. {
  48912. ref = Eta;
  48913. },
  48914. {
  48915. anchor = topleft;
  48916. pos = (-769,-270);
  48917. ref = dasia;
  48918. }
  48919. );
  48920. width = 1200;
  48921. },
  48922. {
  48923. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48924. shapes = (
  48925. {
  48926. ref = Eta;
  48927. },
  48928. {
  48929. anchor = topleft;
  48930. pos = (-616,-183);
  48931. ref = dasia;
  48932. }
  48933. );
  48934. width = 1200;
  48935. }
  48936. );
  48937. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  48938. metricRight = H;
  48939. tags = (
  48940. upper
  48941. );
  48942. unicode = 7977;
  48943. },
  48944. {
  48945. glyphname = Etapsilivaria;
  48946. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48947. layers = (
  48948. {
  48949. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48950. shapes = (
  48951. {
  48952. ref = Eta;
  48953. },
  48954. {
  48955. anchor = topleft;
  48956. pos = (-920,-290);
  48957. ref = psilivaria;
  48958. }
  48959. );
  48960. width = 1200;
  48961. },
  48962. {
  48963. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  48964. shapes = (
  48965. {
  48966. ref = Eta;
  48967. },
  48968. {
  48969. anchor = topleft;
  48970. pos = (-736,-191);
  48971. ref = psilivaria;
  48972. }
  48973. );
  48974. width = 1200;
  48975. }
  48976. );
  48977. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  48978. metricRight = H;
  48979. tags = (
  48980. upper
  48981. );
  48982. unicode = 7978;
  48983. },
  48984. {
  48985. glyphname = Etadasiavaria;
  48986. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  48987. layers = (
  48988. {
  48989. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  48990. shapes = (
  48991. {
  48992. ref = Eta;
  48993. },
  48994. {
  48995. anchor = topleft;
  48996. pos = (-920,-290);
  48997. ref = dasiavaria;
  48998. }
  48999. );
  49000. width = 1200;
  49001. },
  49002. {
  49003. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49004. shapes = (
  49005. {
  49006. ref = Eta;
  49007. },
  49008. {
  49009. anchor = topleft;
  49010. pos = (-736,-191);
  49011. ref = dasiavaria;
  49012. }
  49013. );
  49014. width = 1200;
  49015. }
  49016. );
  49017. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49018. metricRight = H;
  49019. tags = (
  49020. upper
  49021. );
  49022. unicode = 7979;
  49023. },
  49024. {
  49025. glyphname = Etapsilioxia;
  49026. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49027. layers = (
  49028. {
  49029. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49030. shapes = (
  49031. {
  49032. ref = Eta;
  49033. },
  49034. {
  49035. anchor = topleft;
  49036. pos = (-915,-290);
  49037. ref = psilioxia;
  49038. }
  49039. );
  49040. width = 1200;
  49041. },
  49042. {
  49043. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49044. shapes = (
  49045. {
  49046. ref = Eta;
  49047. },
  49048. {
  49049. anchor = topleft;
  49050. pos = (-698,-191);
  49051. ref = psilioxia;
  49052. }
  49053. );
  49054. width = 1200;
  49055. }
  49056. );
  49057. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49058. metricRight = H;
  49059. tags = (
  49060. upper
  49061. );
  49062. unicode = 7980;
  49063. },
  49064. {
  49065. glyphname = Etadasiaoxia;
  49066. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49067. layers = (
  49068. {
  49069. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49070. shapes = (
  49071. {
  49072. ref = Eta;
  49073. },
  49074. {
  49075. anchor = topleft;
  49076. pos = (-915,-290);
  49077. ref = dasiaoxia;
  49078. }
  49079. );
  49080. width = 1200;
  49081. },
  49082. {
  49083. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49084. shapes = (
  49085. {
  49086. ref = Eta;
  49087. },
  49088. {
  49089. anchor = topleft;
  49090. pos = (-680,-191);
  49091. ref = dasiaoxia;
  49092. }
  49093. );
  49094. width = 1200;
  49095. }
  49096. );
  49097. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49098. metricRight = H;
  49099. tags = (
  49100. upper
  49101. );
  49102. unicode = 7981;
  49103. },
  49104. {
  49105. glyphname = Etapsiliperispomeni;
  49106. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49107. layers = (
  49108. {
  49109. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49110. shapes = (
  49111. {
  49112. ref = Eta;
  49113. },
  49114. {
  49115. anchor = topleft;
  49116. pos = (-881,-497);
  49117. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  49118. }
  49119. );
  49120. width = 1200;
  49121. },
  49122. {
  49123. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49124. shapes = (
  49125. {
  49126. ref = Eta;
  49127. },
  49128. {
  49129. anchor = topleft;
  49130. pos = (-757,-277);
  49131. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  49132. }
  49133. );
  49134. width = 1200;
  49135. }
  49136. );
  49137. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49138. metricRight = H;
  49139. tags = (
  49140. upper
  49141. );
  49142. unicode = 7982;
  49143. },
  49144. {
  49145. glyphname = Etadasiaperispomeni;
  49146. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49147. layers = (
  49148. {
  49149. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49150. shapes = (
  49151. {
  49152. ref = Eta;
  49153. },
  49154. {
  49155. anchor = topleft;
  49156. pos = (-908,-497);
  49157. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  49158. }
  49159. );
  49160. width = 1200;
  49161. },
  49162. {
  49163. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49164. shapes = (
  49165. {
  49166. ref = Eta;
  49167. },
  49168. {
  49169. anchor = topleft;
  49170. pos = (-744,-277);
  49171. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  49172. }
  49173. );
  49174. width = 1200;
  49175. }
  49176. );
  49177. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49178. metricRight = H;
  49179. tags = (
  49180. upper
  49181. );
  49182. unicode = 7983;
  49183. },
  49184. {
  49185. glyphname = Etavaria;
  49186. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49187. layers = (
  49188. {
  49189. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49190. shapes = (
  49191. {
  49192. ref = H;
  49193. },
  49194. {
  49195. pos = (-737,-12);
  49196. ref =;
  49197. }
  49198. );
  49199. width = 1200;
  49200. },
  49201. {
  49202. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49203. shapes = (
  49204. {
  49205. ref = H;
  49206. },
  49207. {
  49208. pos = (-598,0);
  49209. ref =;
  49210. }
  49211. );
  49212. width = 1200;
  49213. }
  49214. );
  49215. tags = (
  49216. upper
  49217. );
  49218. unicode = 8138;
  49219. },
  49220. {
  49221. glyphname = Etaoxia;
  49222. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49223. layers = (
  49224. {
  49225. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49226. shapes = (
  49227. {
  49228. ref = H;
  49229. },
  49230. {
  49231. pos = (-736,-12);
  49232. ref =;
  49233. }
  49234. );
  49235. width = 1200;
  49236. },
  49237. {
  49238. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49239. shapes = (
  49240. {
  49241. ref = H;
  49242. },
  49243. {
  49244. pos = (-570,0);
  49245. ref =;
  49246. }
  49247. );
  49248. width = 1200;
  49249. }
  49250. );
  49251. tags = (
  49252. upper
  49253. );
  49254. unicode = 8139;
  49255. },
  49256. {
  49257. glyphname = Etaprosgegrammeni;
  49258. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49259. layers = (
  49260. {
  49261. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49262. shapes = (
  49263. {
  49264. ref = Eta;
  49265. },
  49266. {
  49267. pos = (130,0);
  49268. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49269. }
  49270. );
  49271. width = 1200;
  49272. },
  49273. {
  49274. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49275. shapes = (
  49276. {
  49277. ref = Eta;
  49278. },
  49279. {
  49280. pos = (130,0);
  49281. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49282. }
  49283. );
  49284. width = 1200;
  49285. }
  49286. );
  49287. tags = (
  49288. upper
  49289. );
  49290. unicode = 8140;
  49291. },
  49292. {
  49293. glyphname = Etapsiliprosgegrammeni;
  49294. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49295. layers = (
  49296. {
  49297. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49298. shapes = (
  49299. {
  49300. ref = Etapsili;
  49301. },
  49302. {
  49303. pos = (130,0);
  49304. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49305. }
  49306. );
  49307. width = 1200;
  49308. },
  49309. {
  49310. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49311. shapes = (
  49312. {
  49313. ref = Etapsili;
  49314. },
  49315. {
  49316. pos = (130,0);
  49317. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49318. }
  49319. );
  49320. width = 1200;
  49321. }
  49322. );
  49323. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49324. metricRight = H;
  49325. tags = (
  49326. upper
  49327. );
  49328. unicode = 8088;
  49329. },
  49330. {
  49331. glyphname = Etadasiaprosgegrammeni;
  49332. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49333. layers = (
  49334. {
  49335. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49336. shapes = (
  49337. {
  49338. ref = Etadasia;
  49339. },
  49340. {
  49341. pos = (130,0);
  49342. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49343. }
  49344. );
  49345. width = 1200;
  49346. },
  49347. {
  49348. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49349. shapes = (
  49350. {
  49351. ref = Etadasia;
  49352. },
  49353. {
  49354. pos = (130,0);
  49355. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49356. }
  49357. );
  49358. width = 1200;
  49359. }
  49360. );
  49361. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49362. metricRight = H;
  49363. tags = (
  49364. upper
  49365. );
  49366. unicode = 8089;
  49367. },
  49368. {
  49369. glyphname = Etapsilivariaprosgegrammeni;
  49370. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49371. layers = (
  49372. {
  49373. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49374. shapes = (
  49375. {
  49376. ref = Etapsilivaria;
  49377. },
  49378. {
  49379. pos = (130,0);
  49380. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49381. }
  49382. );
  49383. width = 1200;
  49384. },
  49385. {
  49386. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49387. shapes = (
  49388. {
  49389. ref = Etapsilivaria;
  49390. },
  49391. {
  49392. pos = (130,0);
  49393. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49394. }
  49395. );
  49396. width = 1200;
  49397. }
  49398. );
  49399. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49400. metricRight = H;
  49401. tags = (
  49402. upper
  49403. );
  49404. unicode = 8090;
  49405. },
  49406. {
  49407. glyphname = Etadasiavariaprosgegrammeni;
  49408. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49409. layers = (
  49410. {
  49411. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49412. shapes = (
  49413. {
  49414. ref = Etadasiavaria;
  49415. },
  49416. {
  49417. pos = (130,0);
  49418. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49419. }
  49420. );
  49421. width = 1200;
  49422. },
  49423. {
  49424. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49425. shapes = (
  49426. {
  49427. ref = Etadasiavaria;
  49428. },
  49429. {
  49430. pos = (130,0);
  49431. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49432. }
  49433. );
  49434. width = 1200;
  49435. }
  49436. );
  49437. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49438. metricRight = H;
  49439. tags = (
  49440. upper
  49441. );
  49442. unicode = 8091;
  49443. },
  49444. {
  49445. glyphname = Etapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni;
  49446. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49447. layers = (
  49448. {
  49449. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49450. shapes = (
  49451. {
  49452. ref = Etapsilioxia;
  49453. },
  49454. {
  49455. pos = (130,0);
  49456. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49457. }
  49458. );
  49459. width = 1200;
  49460. },
  49461. {
  49462. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49463. shapes = (
  49464. {
  49465. ref = Etapsilioxia;
  49466. },
  49467. {
  49468. pos = (130,0);
  49469. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49470. }
  49471. );
  49472. width = 1200;
  49473. }
  49474. );
  49475. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49476. metricRight = H;
  49477. tags = (
  49478. upper
  49479. );
  49480. unicode = 8092;
  49481. },
  49482. {
  49483. glyphname = Etadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni;
  49484. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49485. layers = (
  49486. {
  49487. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49488. shapes = (
  49489. {
  49490. ref = Etadasiaoxia;
  49491. },
  49492. {
  49493. pos = (130,0);
  49494. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49495. }
  49496. );
  49497. width = 1200;
  49498. },
  49499. {
  49500. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49501. shapes = (
  49502. {
  49503. ref = Etadasiaoxia;
  49504. },
  49505. {
  49506. pos = (130,0);
  49507. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49508. }
  49509. );
  49510. width = 1200;
  49511. }
  49512. );
  49513. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49514. metricRight = H;
  49515. tags = (
  49516. upper
  49517. );
  49518. unicode = 8093;
  49519. },
  49520. {
  49521. glyphname = Etapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  49522. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49523. layers = (
  49524. {
  49525. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49526. shapes = (
  49527. {
  49528. ref = Etapsiliperispomeni;
  49529. },
  49530. {
  49531. pos = (130,0);
  49532. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49533. }
  49534. );
  49535. width = 1200;
  49536. },
  49537. {
  49538. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49539. shapes = (
  49540. {
  49541. ref = Etapsiliperispomeni;
  49542. },
  49543. {
  49544. pos = (130,0);
  49545. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49546. }
  49547. );
  49548. width = 1200;
  49549. }
  49550. );
  49551. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49552. metricRight = H;
  49553. tags = (
  49554. upper
  49555. );
  49556. unicode = 8094;
  49557. },
  49558. {
  49559. glyphname = Etadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  49560. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49561. layers = (
  49562. {
  49563. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49564. shapes = (
  49565. {
  49566. ref = Etadasiaperispomeni;
  49567. },
  49568. {
  49569. pos = (130,0);
  49570. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49571. }
  49572. );
  49573. width = 1200;
  49574. },
  49575. {
  49576. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49577. shapes = (
  49578. {
  49579. ref = Etadasiaperispomeni;
  49580. },
  49581. {
  49582. pos = (130,0);
  49583. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  49584. }
  49585. );
  49586. width = 1200;
  49587. }
  49588. );
  49589. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  49590. metricRight = H;
  49591. tags = (
  49592. upper
  49593. );
  49594. unicode = 8095;
  49595. },
  49596. {
  49597. glyphname = Iotapsili;
  49598. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49599. layers = (
  49600. {
  49601. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49602. shapes = (
  49603. {
  49604. ref = Iota;
  49605. },
  49606. {
  49607. anchor = topleft;
  49608. pos = (-692,-270);
  49609. ref = psili;
  49610. }
  49611. );
  49612. width = 1200;
  49613. },
  49614. {
  49615. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49616. shapes = (
  49617. {
  49618. ref = Iota;
  49619. },
  49620. {
  49621. anchor = topleft;
  49622. pos = (-546,-183);
  49623. ref = psili;
  49624. }
  49625. );
  49626. width = 1200;
  49627. }
  49628. );
  49629. metricLeft = Iotatonos;
  49630. metricRight = H;
  49631. tags = (
  49632. upper
  49633. );
  49634. unicode = 7992;
  49635. },
  49636. {
  49637. glyphname = Iotadasia;
  49638. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49639. layers = (
  49640. {
  49641. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49642. shapes = (
  49643. {
  49644. ref = Iota;
  49645. },
  49646. {
  49647. alignment = -1;
  49648. pos = (-683,-258);
  49649. ref = dasia;
  49650. }
  49651. );
  49652. width = 1200;
  49653. },
  49654. {
  49655. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49656. shapes = (
  49657. {
  49658. ref = Iota;
  49659. },
  49660. {
  49661. alignment = -1;
  49662. pos = (-539,-182);
  49663. ref = dasia;
  49664. }
  49665. );
  49666. width = 1200;
  49667. }
  49668. );
  49669. tags = (
  49670. upper
  49671. );
  49672. unicode = 7993;
  49673. },
  49674. {
  49675. glyphname = Iotapsilivaria;
  49676. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49677. layers = (
  49678. {
  49679. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49680. shapes = (
  49681. {
  49682. ref = Iota;
  49683. },
  49684. {
  49685. alignment = -1;
  49686. pos = (-833,-278);
  49687. ref = psilivaria;
  49688. }
  49689. );
  49690. width = 1200;
  49691. },
  49692. {
  49693. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49694. shapes = (
  49695. {
  49696. ref = Iota;
  49697. },
  49698. {
  49699. alignment = -1;
  49700. pos = (-587,-191);
  49701. ref = psilivaria;
  49702. }
  49703. );
  49704. width = 1200;
  49705. }
  49706. );
  49707. tags = (
  49708. upper
  49709. );
  49710. unicode = 7994;
  49711. },
  49712. {
  49713. glyphname = Iotadasiavaria;
  49714. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49715. layers = (
  49716. {
  49717. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49718. shapes = (
  49719. {
  49720. ref = Iota;
  49721. },
  49722. {
  49723. alignment = -1;
  49724. pos = (-822,-278);
  49725. ref = dasiavaria;
  49726. }
  49727. );
  49728. width = 1200;
  49729. },
  49730. {
  49731. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49732. shapes = (
  49733. {
  49734. ref = Iota;
  49735. },
  49736. {
  49737. alignment = -1;
  49738. pos = (-607,-191);
  49739. ref = dasiavaria;
  49740. }
  49741. );
  49742. width = 1200;
  49743. }
  49744. );
  49745. tags = (
  49746. upper
  49747. );
  49748. unicode = 7995;
  49749. },
  49750. {
  49751. glyphname = Iotapsilioxia;
  49752. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49753. layers = (
  49754. {
  49755. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49756. shapes = (
  49757. {
  49758. ref = Iota;
  49759. },
  49760. {
  49761. anchor = topleft;
  49762. pos = (-869,-290);
  49763. ref = psilioxia;
  49764. }
  49765. );
  49766. width = 1200;
  49767. },
  49768. {
  49769. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49770. shapes = (
  49771. {
  49772. ref = Iota;
  49773. },
  49774. {
  49775. anchor = topleft;
  49776. pos = (-661,-191);
  49777. ref = psilioxia;
  49778. }
  49779. );
  49780. width = 1200;
  49781. }
  49782. );
  49783. metricLeft = Iotatonos;
  49784. metricRight = H;
  49785. tags = (
  49786. upper
  49787. );
  49788. unicode = 7996;
  49789. },
  49790. {
  49791. glyphname = Iotadasiaoxia;
  49792. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49793. layers = (
  49794. {
  49795. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49796. shapes = (
  49797. {
  49798. ref = Iota;
  49799. },
  49800. {
  49801. anchor = topleft;
  49802. pos = (-869,-290);
  49803. ref = dasiaoxia;
  49804. }
  49805. );
  49806. width = 1200;
  49807. },
  49808. {
  49809. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49810. shapes = (
  49811. {
  49812. ref = Iota;
  49813. },
  49814. {
  49815. anchor = topleft;
  49816. pos = (-643,-191);
  49817. ref = dasiaoxia;
  49818. }
  49819. );
  49820. width = 1200;
  49821. }
  49822. );
  49823. metricLeft = Iotatonos;
  49824. metricRight = H;
  49825. tags = (
  49826. upper
  49827. );
  49828. unicode = 7997;
  49829. },
  49830. {
  49831. glyphname = Iotapsiliperispomeni;
  49832. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49833. layers = (
  49834. {
  49835. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49836. shapes = (
  49837. {
  49838. ref = Iota;
  49839. },
  49840. {
  49841. anchor = topleft;
  49842. pos = (-835,-497);
  49843. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  49844. }
  49845. );
  49846. width = 1200;
  49847. },
  49848. {
  49849. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49850. shapes = (
  49851. {
  49852. ref = Iota;
  49853. },
  49854. {
  49855. anchor = topleft;
  49856. pos = (-720,-277);
  49857. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  49858. }
  49859. );
  49860. width = 1200;
  49861. }
  49862. );
  49863. metricLeft = Iotatonos;
  49864. metricRight = H;
  49865. tags = (
  49866. upper
  49867. );
  49868. unicode = 7998;
  49869. },
  49870. {
  49871. glyphname = Iotadasiaperispomeni;
  49872. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49873. layers = (
  49874. {
  49875. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49876. shapes = (
  49877. {
  49878. ref = Iota;
  49879. },
  49880. {
  49881. anchor = topleft;
  49882. pos = (-862,-497);
  49883. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  49884. }
  49885. );
  49886. width = 1200;
  49887. },
  49888. {
  49889. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49890. shapes = (
  49891. {
  49892. ref = Iota;
  49893. },
  49894. {
  49895. anchor = topleft;
  49896. pos = (-707,-277);
  49897. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  49898. }
  49899. );
  49900. width = 1200;
  49901. }
  49902. );
  49903. metricLeft = Iotatonos;
  49904. metricRight = H;
  49905. tags = (
  49906. upper
  49907. );
  49908. unicode = 7999;
  49909. },
  49910. {
  49911. glyphname = Iotavaria;
  49912. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49913. layers = (
  49914. {
  49915. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49916. shapes = (
  49917. {
  49918. ref = I;
  49919. },
  49920. {
  49921. alignment = -1;
  49922. pos = (-671,0);
  49923. ref =;
  49924. }
  49925. );
  49926. width = 1200;
  49927. },
  49928. {
  49929. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49930. shapes = (
  49931. {
  49932. ref = I;
  49933. },
  49934. {
  49935. alignment = -1;
  49936. pos = (-513,0);
  49937. ref =;
  49938. }
  49939. );
  49940. width = 1200;
  49941. }
  49942. );
  49943. tags = (
  49944. upper
  49945. );
  49946. unicode = 8154;
  49947. },
  49948. {
  49949. glyphname = Iotaoxia;
  49950. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49951. layers = (
  49952. {
  49953. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49954. shapes = (
  49955. {
  49956. ref = I;
  49957. },
  49958. {
  49959. pos = (-690,-12);
  49960. ref =;
  49961. }
  49962. );
  49963. width = 1200;
  49964. },
  49965. {
  49966. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  49967. shapes = (
  49968. {
  49969. ref = I;
  49970. },
  49971. {
  49972. pos = (-533,0);
  49973. ref =;
  49974. }
  49975. );
  49976. width = 1200;
  49977. }
  49978. );
  49979. tags = (
  49980. upper
  49981. );
  49982. unicode = 8155;
  49983. },
  49984. {
  49985. glyphname = Iotavrachy;
  49986. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  49987. layers = (
  49988. {
  49989. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  49990. shapes = (
  49991. {
  49992. ref = Iota;
  49993. },
  49994. {
  49995. pos = (0,-12);
  49996. ref =;
  49997. }
  49998. );
  49999. width = 1200;
  50000. },
  50001. {
  50002. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50003. shapes = (
  50004. {
  50005. ref = Iota;
  50006. },
  50007. {
  50008. pos = (-3,0);
  50009. ref =;
  50010. }
  50011. );
  50012. width = 1200;
  50013. }
  50014. );
  50015. tags = (
  50016. upper
  50017. );
  50018. unicode = 8152;
  50019. },
  50020. {
  50021. glyphname = Iotamacron;
  50022. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50023. layers = (
  50024. {
  50025. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50026. shapes = (
  50027. {
  50028. ref = Iota;
  50029. },
  50030. {
  50031. pos = (-10,-12);
  50032. ref =;
  50033. }
  50034. );
  50035. width = 1200;
  50036. },
  50037. {
  50038. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50039. shapes = (
  50040. {
  50041. ref = Iota;
  50042. },
  50043. {
  50044. pos = (4,0);
  50045. ref =;
  50046. }
  50047. );
  50048. width = 1200;
  50049. }
  50050. );
  50051. tags = (
  50052. upper
  50053. );
  50054. unicode = 8153;
  50055. },
  50056. {
  50057. glyphname = Omicronpsili;
  50058. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50059. layers = (
  50060. {
  50061. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50062. shapes = (
  50063. {
  50064. ref = Omicron;
  50065. },
  50066. {
  50067. anchor = topleft;
  50068. pos = (-633,-270);
  50069. ref = psili;
  50070. }
  50071. );
  50072. width = 1200;
  50073. },
  50074. {
  50075. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50076. shapes = (
  50077. {
  50078. ref = Omicron;
  50079. },
  50080. {
  50081. anchor = topleft;
  50082. pos = (-532,-183);
  50083. ref = psili;
  50084. }
  50085. );
  50086. width = 1200;
  50087. }
  50088. );
  50089. metricLeft = Omicrontonos;
  50090. metricRight = O;
  50091. tags = (
  50092. upper
  50093. );
  50094. unicode = 8008;
  50095. },
  50096. {
  50097. glyphname = Omicrondasia;
  50098. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50099. layers = (
  50100. {
  50101. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50102. shapes = (
  50103. {
  50104. ref = Omicron;
  50105. },
  50106. {
  50107. alignment = -1;
  50108. pos = (-704,-258);
  50109. ref = dasia;
  50110. }
  50111. );
  50112. width = 1200;
  50113. },
  50114. {
  50115. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50116. shapes = (
  50117. {
  50118. ref = Omicron;
  50119. },
  50120. {
  50121. alignment = -1;
  50122. pos = (-605,-182);
  50123. ref = dasia;
  50124. }
  50125. );
  50126. width = 1200;
  50127. }
  50128. );
  50129. tags = (
  50130. upper
  50131. );
  50132. unicode = 8009;
  50133. },
  50134. {
  50135. glyphname = Omicronpsilivaria;
  50136. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50137. layers = (
  50138. {
  50139. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50140. shapes = (
  50141. {
  50142. ref = Omicron;
  50143. },
  50144. {
  50145. alignment = -1;
  50146. pos = (-914,-278);
  50147. ref = psilivaria;
  50148. }
  50149. );
  50150. width = 1200;
  50151. },
  50152. {
  50153. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50154. shapes = (
  50155. {
  50156. ref = Omicron;
  50157. },
  50158. {
  50159. alignment = -1;
  50160. pos = (-742,-191);
  50161. ref = psilivaria;
  50162. }
  50163. );
  50164. width = 1200;
  50165. }
  50166. );
  50167. tags = (
  50168. upper
  50169. );
  50170. unicode = 8010;
  50171. },
  50172. {
  50173. glyphname = Omicrondasiavaria;
  50174. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50175. layers = (
  50176. {
  50177. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50178. shapes = (
  50179. {
  50180. ref = Omicron;
  50181. },
  50182. {
  50183. alignment = -1;
  50184. pos = (-916,-278);
  50185. ref = dasiavaria;
  50186. }
  50187. );
  50188. width = 1200;
  50189. },
  50190. {
  50191. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50192. shapes = (
  50193. {
  50194. ref = Omicron;
  50195. },
  50196. {
  50197. alignment = -1;
  50198. pos = (-741,-191);
  50199. ref = dasiavaria;
  50200. }
  50201. );
  50202. width = 1200;
  50203. }
  50204. );
  50205. tags = (
  50206. upper
  50207. );
  50208. unicode = 8011;
  50209. },
  50210. {
  50211. glyphname = Omicronpsilioxia;
  50212. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50213. layers = (
  50214. {
  50215. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50216. shapes = (
  50217. {
  50218. ref = Omicron;
  50219. },
  50220. {
  50221. alignment = -1;
  50222. pos = (-851,-278);
  50223. ref = psilioxia;
  50224. }
  50225. );
  50226. width = 1200;
  50227. },
  50228. {
  50229. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50230. shapes = (
  50231. {
  50232. ref = Omicron;
  50233. },
  50234. {
  50235. alignment = -1;
  50236. pos = (-687,-191);
  50237. ref = psilioxia;
  50238. }
  50239. );
  50240. width = 1200;
  50241. }
  50242. );
  50243. tags = (
  50244. upper
  50245. );
  50246. unicode = 8012;
  50247. },
  50248. {
  50249. glyphname = Omicrondasiaoxia;
  50250. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50251. layers = (
  50252. {
  50253. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50254. shapes = (
  50255. {
  50256. ref = Omicron;
  50257. },
  50258. {
  50259. alignment = -1;
  50260. pos = (-850,-278);
  50261. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50262. }
  50263. );
  50264. width = 1200;
  50265. },
  50266. {
  50267. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50268. shapes = (
  50269. {
  50270. ref = Omicron;
  50271. },
  50272. {
  50273. alignment = -1;
  50274. pos = (-670,-191);
  50275. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50276. }
  50277. );
  50278. width = 1200;
  50279. }
  50280. );
  50281. tags = (
  50282. upper
  50283. );
  50284. unicode = 8013;
  50285. },
  50286. {
  50287. glyphname = Omicronvaria;
  50288. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50289. layers = (
  50290. {
  50291. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50292. shapes = (
  50293. {
  50294. ref = O;
  50295. },
  50296. {
  50297. alignment = -1;
  50298. pos = (-732,0);
  50299. ref =;
  50300. }
  50301. );
  50302. width = 1200;
  50303. },
  50304. {
  50305. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50306. shapes = (
  50307. {
  50308. ref = O;
  50309. },
  50310. {
  50311. alignment = -1;
  50312. pos = (-619,0);
  50313. ref =;
  50314. }
  50315. );
  50316. width = 1200;
  50317. }
  50318. );
  50319. tags = (
  50320. upper
  50321. );
  50322. unicode = 8184;
  50323. },
  50324. {
  50325. glyphname = Omicronoxia;
  50326. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50327. layers = (
  50328. {
  50329. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50330. shapes = (
  50331. {
  50332. ref = O;
  50333. },
  50334. {
  50335. alignment = -1;
  50336. pos = (-672,0);
  50337. ref =;
  50338. }
  50339. );
  50340. width = 1200;
  50341. },
  50342. {
  50343. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50344. shapes = (
  50345. {
  50346. ref = O;
  50347. },
  50348. {
  50349. alignment = -1;
  50350. pos = (-559,0);
  50351. ref =;
  50352. }
  50353. );
  50354. width = 1200;
  50355. }
  50356. );
  50357. tags = (
  50358. upper
  50359. );
  50360. unicode = 8185;
  50361. },
  50362. {
  50363. glyphname = Rhodasia;
  50364. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50365. layers = (
  50366. {
  50367. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50368. shapes = (
  50369. {
  50370. ref = Rho;
  50371. },
  50372. {
  50373. anchor = topleft;
  50374. pos = (-748,-270);
  50375. ref = dasia;
  50376. }
  50377. );
  50378. width = 1200;
  50379. },
  50380. {
  50381. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50382. shapes = (
  50383. {
  50384. ref = Rho;
  50385. },
  50386. {
  50387. anchor = topleft;
  50388. pos = (-539,-183);
  50389. ref = dasia;
  50390. }
  50391. );
  50392. width = 1200;
  50393. }
  50394. );
  50395. metricLeft = Etatonos;
  50396. metricRight = P;
  50397. tags = (
  50398. upper
  50399. );
  50400. unicode = 8172;
  50401. },
  50402. {
  50403. glyphname = Upsilondasia;
  50404. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50405. layers = (
  50406. {
  50407. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50408. shapes = (
  50409. {
  50410. ref = Upsilon;
  50411. },
  50412. {
  50413. alignment = -1;
  50414. pos = (-791,-258);
  50415. ref = dasia;
  50416. }
  50417. );
  50418. width = 1200;
  50419. },
  50420. {
  50421. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50422. shapes = (
  50423. {
  50424. ref = Upsilon;
  50425. },
  50426. {
  50427. alignment = -1;
  50428. pos = (-647,-182);
  50429. ref = dasia;
  50430. }
  50431. );
  50432. width = 1200;
  50433. }
  50434. );
  50435. metricRight = Y;
  50436. tags = (
  50437. upper
  50438. );
  50439. unicode = 8025;
  50440. },
  50441. {
  50442. glyphname = Upsilondasiavaria;
  50443. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50444. layers = (
  50445. {
  50446. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50447. shapes = (
  50448. {
  50449. ref = Upsilon;
  50450. },
  50451. {
  50452. alignment = -1;
  50453. pos = (-942,-278);
  50454. ref = dasiavaria;
  50455. }
  50456. );
  50457. width = 1200;
  50458. },
  50459. {
  50460. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50461. shapes = (
  50462. {
  50463. ref = Upsilon;
  50464. },
  50465. {
  50466. alignment = -1;
  50467. pos = (-753,-191);
  50468. ref = dasiavaria;
  50469. }
  50470. );
  50471. width = 1200;
  50472. }
  50473. );
  50474. tags = (
  50475. upper
  50476. );
  50477. unicode = 8027;
  50478. },
  50479. {
  50480. glyphname = Upsilondasiaoxia;
  50481. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50482. layers = (
  50483. {
  50484. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50485. shapes = (
  50486. {
  50487. ref = Upsilon;
  50488. },
  50489. {
  50490. alignment = -1;
  50491. pos = (-976,-278);
  50492. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50493. }
  50494. );
  50495. width = 1200;
  50496. },
  50497. {
  50498. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50499. shapes = (
  50500. {
  50501. ref = Upsilon;
  50502. },
  50503. {
  50504. alignment = -1;
  50505. pos = (-798,-191);
  50506. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50507. }
  50508. );
  50509. width = 1200;
  50510. }
  50511. );
  50512. tags = (
  50513. upper
  50514. );
  50515. unicode = 8029;
  50516. },
  50517. {
  50518. glyphname = Upsilondasiaperispomeni;
  50519. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50520. layers = (
  50521. {
  50522. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50523. shapes = (
  50524. {
  50525. ref = Upsilon;
  50526. },
  50527. {
  50528. alignment = -1;
  50529. pos = (-989,-486);
  50530. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  50531. }
  50532. );
  50533. width = 1200;
  50534. },
  50535. {
  50536. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50537. shapes = (
  50538. {
  50539. ref = Upsilon;
  50540. },
  50541. {
  50542. alignment = -1;
  50543. pos = (-854,-277);
  50544. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  50545. }
  50546. );
  50547. width = 1200;
  50548. }
  50549. );
  50550. tags = (
  50551. upper
  50552. );
  50553. unicode = 8031;
  50554. },
  50555. {
  50556. glyphname = Upsilonvaria;
  50557. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50558. layers = (
  50559. {
  50560. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50561. shapes = (
  50562. {
  50563. ref = Y;
  50564. },
  50565. {
  50566. alignment = -1;
  50567. pos = (-760,0);
  50568. ref =;
  50569. }
  50570. );
  50571. width = 1200;
  50572. },
  50573. {
  50574. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50575. shapes = (
  50576. {
  50577. ref = Y;
  50578. },
  50579. {
  50580. alignment = -1;
  50581. pos = (-647,0);
  50582. ref =;
  50583. }
  50584. );
  50585. width = 1200;
  50586. }
  50587. );
  50588. tags = (
  50589. upper
  50590. );
  50591. unicode = 8170;
  50592. },
  50593. {
  50594. glyphname = Upsilonoxia;
  50595. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50596. layers = (
  50597. {
  50598. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50599. shapes = (
  50600. {
  50601. ref = Y;
  50602. },
  50603. {
  50604. pos = (-836,-12);
  50605. ref =;
  50606. }
  50607. );
  50608. width = 1200;
  50609. },
  50610. {
  50611. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50612. shapes = (
  50613. {
  50614. ref = Y;
  50615. },
  50616. {
  50617. pos = (-670,0);
  50618. ref =;
  50619. }
  50620. );
  50621. width = 1200;
  50622. }
  50623. );
  50624. tags = (
  50625. upper
  50626. );
  50627. unicode = 8171;
  50628. },
  50629. {
  50630. glyphname = Upsilonvrachy;
  50631. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50632. layers = (
  50633. {
  50634. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50635. shapes = (
  50636. {
  50637. ref = Upsilon;
  50638. },
  50639. {
  50640. pos = (0,-12);
  50641. ref =;
  50642. }
  50643. );
  50644. width = 1200;
  50645. },
  50646. {
  50647. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50648. shapes = (
  50649. {
  50650. ref = Upsilon;
  50651. },
  50652. {
  50653. pos = (6,0);
  50654. ref =;
  50655. }
  50656. );
  50657. width = 1200;
  50658. }
  50659. );
  50660. tags = (
  50661. upper
  50662. );
  50663. unicode = 8168;
  50664. },
  50665. {
  50666. glyphname = Upsilonmacron;
  50667. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50668. layers = (
  50669. {
  50670. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50671. shapes = (
  50672. {
  50673. ref = Upsilon;
  50674. },
  50675. {
  50676. pos = (-10,-12);
  50677. ref =;
  50678. }
  50679. );
  50680. width = 1200;
  50681. },
  50682. {
  50683. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50684. shapes = (
  50685. {
  50686. ref = Upsilon;
  50687. },
  50688. {
  50689. pos = (13,0);
  50690. ref =;
  50691. }
  50692. );
  50693. width = 1200;
  50694. }
  50695. );
  50696. tags = (
  50697. upper
  50698. );
  50699. unicode = 8169;
  50700. },
  50701. {
  50702. glyphname = Omegapsili;
  50703. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50704. layers = (
  50705. {
  50706. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50707. shapes = (
  50708. {
  50709. ref = Omega;
  50710. },
  50711. {
  50712. anchor = topleft;
  50713. pos = (-628,-270);
  50714. ref = psili;
  50715. }
  50716. );
  50717. width = 1200;
  50718. },
  50719. {
  50720. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50721. shapes = (
  50722. {
  50723. ref = Omega;
  50724. },
  50725. {
  50726. anchor = topleft;
  50727. pos = (-535,-183);
  50728. ref = psili;
  50729. }
  50730. );
  50731. width = 1200;
  50732. }
  50733. );
  50734. metricLeft = Omegatonos;
  50735. metricRight = Omega;
  50736. tags = (
  50737. upper
  50738. );
  50739. unicode = 8040;
  50740. },
  50741. {
  50742. glyphname = Omegadasia;
  50743. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50744. layers = (
  50745. {
  50746. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50747. shapes = (
  50748. {
  50749. alignment = -1;
  50750. pos = (-4,0);
  50751. ref = Omega;
  50752. },
  50753. {
  50754. alignment = -1;
  50755. pos = (-721,-258);
  50756. ref = dasia;
  50757. }
  50758. );
  50759. width = 1200;
  50760. },
  50761. {
  50762. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50763. shapes = (
  50764. {
  50765. alignment = -1;
  50766. pos = (2,0);
  50767. ref = Omega;
  50768. },
  50769. {
  50770. alignment = -1;
  50771. pos = (-597,-182);
  50772. ref = dasia;
  50773. }
  50774. );
  50775. width = 1200;
  50776. }
  50777. );
  50778. tags = (
  50779. upper
  50780. );
  50781. unicode = 8041;
  50782. },
  50783. {
  50784. glyphname = Omegapsilivaria;
  50785. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50786. layers = (
  50787. {
  50788. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50789. shapes = (
  50790. {
  50791. ref = Omega;
  50792. },
  50793. {
  50794. alignment = -1;
  50795. pos = (-928,-278);
  50796. ref = psilivaria;
  50797. }
  50798. );
  50799. width = 1200;
  50800. },
  50801. {
  50802. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50803. shapes = (
  50804. {
  50805. ref = Omega;
  50806. },
  50807. {
  50808. alignment = -1;
  50809. pos = (-736,-191);
  50810. ref = psilivaria;
  50811. }
  50812. );
  50813. width = 1200;
  50814. }
  50815. );
  50816. tags = (
  50817. upper
  50818. );
  50819. unicode = 8042;
  50820. },
  50821. {
  50822. glyphname = Omegadasiavaria;
  50823. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50824. layers = (
  50825. {
  50826. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50827. shapes = (
  50828. {
  50829. alignment = -1;
  50830. ref = Omega;
  50831. },
  50832. {
  50833. alignment = -1;
  50834. pos = (-930,-278);
  50835. ref = dasiavaria;
  50836. }
  50837. );
  50838. width = 1200;
  50839. },
  50840. {
  50841. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50842. shapes = (
  50843. {
  50844. alignment = -1;
  50845. ref = Omega;
  50846. },
  50847. {
  50848. alignment = -1;
  50849. pos = (-735,-191);
  50850. ref = dasiavaria;
  50851. }
  50852. );
  50853. width = 1200;
  50854. }
  50855. );
  50856. tags = (
  50857. upper
  50858. );
  50859. unicode = 8043;
  50860. },
  50861. {
  50862. glyphname = Omegapsilioxia;
  50863. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50864. layers = (
  50865. {
  50866. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50867. shapes = (
  50868. {
  50869. ref = Omega;
  50870. },
  50871. {
  50872. alignment = -1;
  50873. pos = (-845,-278);
  50874. ref = psilioxia;
  50875. }
  50876. );
  50877. width = 1200;
  50878. },
  50879. {
  50880. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50881. shapes = (
  50882. {
  50883. ref = Omega;
  50884. },
  50885. {
  50886. alignment = -1;
  50887. pos = (-689,-191);
  50888. ref = psilioxia;
  50889. }
  50890. );
  50891. width = 1200;
  50892. }
  50893. );
  50894. tags = (
  50895. upper
  50896. );
  50897. unicode = 8044;
  50898. },
  50899. {
  50900. glyphname = Omegadasiaoxia;
  50901. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50902. layers = (
  50903. {
  50904. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50905. shapes = (
  50906. {
  50907. ref = Omega;
  50908. },
  50909. {
  50910. alignment = -1;
  50911. pos = (-844,-278);
  50912. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50913. }
  50914. );
  50915. width = 1200;
  50916. },
  50917. {
  50918. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50919. shapes = (
  50920. {
  50921. ref = Omega;
  50922. },
  50923. {
  50924. alignment = -1;
  50925. pos = (-672,-191);
  50926. ref = dasiaoxia;
  50927. }
  50928. );
  50929. width = 1200;
  50930. }
  50931. );
  50932. tags = (
  50933. upper
  50934. );
  50935. unicode = 8045;
  50936. },
  50937. {
  50938. glyphname = Omegapsiliperispomeni;
  50939. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50940. layers = (
  50941. {
  50942. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50943. shapes = (
  50944. {
  50945. ref = Omega;
  50946. },
  50947. {
  50948. anchor = topleft;
  50949. pos = (-771,-497);
  50950. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  50951. }
  50952. );
  50953. width = 1200;
  50954. },
  50955. {
  50956. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50957. shapes = (
  50958. {
  50959. ref = Omega;
  50960. },
  50961. {
  50962. anchor = topleft;
  50963. pos = (-709,-277);
  50964. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  50965. }
  50966. );
  50967. width = 1200;
  50968. }
  50969. );
  50970. metricLeft = Omegatonos;
  50971. metricRight = Omega;
  50972. tags = (
  50973. upper
  50974. );
  50975. unicode = 8046;
  50976. },
  50977. {
  50978. glyphname = Omegadasiaperispomeni;
  50979. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  50980. layers = (
  50981. {
  50982. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  50983. shapes = (
  50984. {
  50985. ref = Omega;
  50986. },
  50987. {
  50988. anchor = topleft;
  50989. pos = (-798,-497);
  50990. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  50991. }
  50992. );
  50993. width = 1200;
  50994. },
  50995. {
  50996. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  50997. shapes = (
  50998. {
  50999. ref = Omega;
  51000. },
  51001. {
  51002. anchor = topleft;
  51003. pos = (-696,-277);
  51004. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  51005. }
  51006. );
  51007. width = 1200;
  51008. }
  51009. );
  51010. metricLeft = Omegatonos;
  51011. metricRight = Omega;
  51012. tags = (
  51013. upper
  51014. );
  51015. unicode = 8047;
  51016. },
  51017. {
  51018. glyphname = Omegavaria;
  51019. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51020. layers = (
  51021. {
  51022. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51023. shapes = (
  51024. {
  51025. ref = Omega;
  51026. },
  51027. {
  51028. alignment = -1;
  51029. pos = (-732,0);
  51030. ref =;
  51031. }
  51032. );
  51033. width = 1200;
  51034. },
  51035. {
  51036. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51037. shapes = (
  51038. {
  51039. ref = Omega;
  51040. },
  51041. {
  51042. alignment = -1;
  51043. pos = (-619,0);
  51044. ref =;
  51045. }
  51046. );
  51047. width = 1200;
  51048. }
  51049. );
  51050. tags = (
  51051. upper
  51052. );
  51053. unicode = 8186;
  51054. },
  51055. {
  51056. glyphname = Omegaoxia;
  51057. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51058. layers = (
  51059. {
  51060. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51061. shapes = (
  51062. {
  51063. ref = Omega;
  51064. },
  51065. {
  51066. alignment = -1;
  51067. pos = (-666,0);
  51068. ref =;
  51069. }
  51070. );
  51071. width = 1200;
  51072. },
  51073. {
  51074. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51075. shapes = (
  51076. {
  51077. ref = Omega;
  51078. },
  51079. {
  51080. alignment = -1;
  51081. pos = (-561,0);
  51082. ref =;
  51083. }
  51084. );
  51085. width = 1200;
  51086. }
  51087. );
  51088. tags = (
  51089. upper
  51090. );
  51091. unicode = 8187;
  51092. },
  51093. {
  51094. glyphname = Omegaprosgegrammeni;
  51095. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51096. layers = (
  51097. {
  51098. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51099. shapes = (
  51100. {
  51101. ref = Omega;
  51102. },
  51103. {
  51104. pos = (130,0);
  51105. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51106. }
  51107. );
  51108. width = 1200;
  51109. },
  51110. {
  51111. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51112. shapes = (
  51113. {
  51114. ref = Omega;
  51115. },
  51116. {
  51117. pos = (133,0);
  51118. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51119. }
  51120. );
  51121. width = 1200;
  51122. }
  51123. );
  51124. tags = (
  51125. upper
  51126. );
  51127. unicode = 8188;
  51128. },
  51129. {
  51130. glyphname = Omegapsiliprosgegrammeni;
  51131. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51132. layers = (
  51133. {
  51134. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51135. shapes = (
  51136. {
  51137. ref = Omegapsili;
  51138. },
  51139. {
  51140. pos = (130,0);
  51141. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51142. }
  51143. );
  51144. width = 1200;
  51145. },
  51146. {
  51147. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51148. shapes = (
  51149. {
  51150. ref = Omegapsili;
  51151. },
  51152. {
  51153. pos = (133,0);
  51154. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51155. }
  51156. );
  51157. width = 1200;
  51158. }
  51159. );
  51160. tags = (
  51161. upper
  51162. );
  51163. unicode = 8104;
  51164. },
  51165. {
  51166. glyphname = Omegadasiaprosgegrammeni;
  51167. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51168. layers = (
  51169. {
  51170. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51171. shapes = (
  51172. {
  51173. ref = Omegadasia;
  51174. },
  51175. {
  51176. pos = (126,0);
  51177. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51178. }
  51179. );
  51180. width = 1200;
  51181. },
  51182. {
  51183. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51184. shapes = (
  51185. {
  51186. ref = Omegadasia;
  51187. },
  51188. {
  51189. pos = (135,0);
  51190. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51191. }
  51192. );
  51193. width = 1200;
  51194. }
  51195. );
  51196. tags = (
  51197. upper
  51198. );
  51199. unicode = 8105;
  51200. },
  51201. {
  51202. glyphname = Omegapsilivariaprosgegrammeni;
  51203. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51204. layers = (
  51205. {
  51206. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51207. shapes = (
  51208. {
  51209. ref = Omegapsilivaria;
  51210. },
  51211. {
  51212. pos = (130,0);
  51213. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51214. }
  51215. );
  51216. width = 1200;
  51217. },
  51218. {
  51219. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51220. shapes = (
  51221. {
  51222. ref = Omegapsilivaria;
  51223. },
  51224. {
  51225. pos = (133,0);
  51226. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51227. }
  51228. );
  51229. width = 1200;
  51230. }
  51231. );
  51232. tags = (
  51233. upper
  51234. );
  51235. unicode = 8106;
  51236. },
  51237. {
  51238. glyphname = Omegadasiavariaprosgegrammeni;
  51239. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51240. layers = (
  51241. {
  51242. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51243. shapes = (
  51244. {
  51245. ref = Omegadasiavaria;
  51246. },
  51247. {
  51248. pos = (130,0);
  51249. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51250. }
  51251. );
  51252. width = 1200;
  51253. },
  51254. {
  51255. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51256. shapes = (
  51257. {
  51258. ref = Omegadasiavaria;
  51259. },
  51260. {
  51261. pos = (133,0);
  51262. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51263. }
  51264. );
  51265. width = 1200;
  51266. }
  51267. );
  51268. tags = (
  51269. upper
  51270. );
  51271. unicode = 8107;
  51272. },
  51273. {
  51274. glyphname = Omegapsilioxiaprosgegrammeni;
  51275. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51276. layers = (
  51277. {
  51278. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51279. shapes = (
  51280. {
  51281. ref = Omegapsilioxia;
  51282. },
  51283. {
  51284. pos = (130,0);
  51285. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51286. }
  51287. );
  51288. width = 1200;
  51289. },
  51290. {
  51291. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51292. shapes = (
  51293. {
  51294. ref = Omegapsilioxia;
  51295. },
  51296. {
  51297. pos = (133,0);
  51298. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51299. }
  51300. );
  51301. width = 1200;
  51302. }
  51303. );
  51304. tags = (
  51305. upper
  51306. );
  51307. unicode = 8108;
  51308. },
  51309. {
  51310. glyphname = Omegadasiaoxiaprosgegrammeni;
  51311. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51312. layers = (
  51313. {
  51314. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51315. shapes = (
  51316. {
  51317. ref = Omegadasiaoxia;
  51318. },
  51319. {
  51320. pos = (130,0);
  51321. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51322. }
  51323. );
  51324. width = 1200;
  51325. },
  51326. {
  51327. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51328. shapes = (
  51329. {
  51330. ref = Omegadasiaoxia;
  51331. },
  51332. {
  51333. pos = (133,0);
  51334. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51335. }
  51336. );
  51337. width = 1200;
  51338. }
  51339. );
  51340. tags = (
  51341. upper
  51342. );
  51343. unicode = 8109;
  51344. },
  51345. {
  51346. glyphname = Omegapsiliperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  51347. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51348. layers = (
  51349. {
  51350. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51351. shapes = (
  51352. {
  51353. ref = Omegapsiliperispomeni;
  51354. },
  51355. {
  51356. pos = (130,0);
  51357. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51358. }
  51359. );
  51360. width = 1200;
  51361. },
  51362. {
  51363. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  51364. shapes = (
  51365. {
  51366. ref = Omegapsiliperispomeni;
  51367. },
  51368. {
  51369. pos = (133,0);
  51370. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51371. }
  51372. );
  51373. width = 1200;
  51374. }
  51375. );
  51376. tags = (
  51377. upper
  51378. );
  51379. unicode = 8110;
  51380. },
  51381. {
  51382. glyphname = Omegadasiaperispomeniprosgegrammeni;
  51383. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:44:40 +0000";
  51384. layers = (
  51385. {
  51386. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  51387. shapes = (
  51388. {
  51389. ref = Omegadasiaperispomeni;
  51390. },
  51391. {
  51392. pos = (130,0);
  51393. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  51394. }
  51395. );
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  57060. },
  57061. {
  57062. pos = (-68,0);
  57063. ref = psilivaria;
  57064. }
  57065. );
  57066. width = 1200;
  57067. }
  57068. );
  57069. tags = (
  57070. lower
  57071. );
  57072. unicode = 7938;
  57073. },
  57074. {
  57075. glyphname = alphadasiavaria;
  57076. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57077. layers = (
  57078. {
  57079. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57080. shapes = (
  57081. {
  57082. ref = alpha;
  57083. },
  57084. {
  57085. pos = (-82,-12);
  57086. ref = dasiavaria;
  57087. }
  57088. );
  57089. width = 1200;
  57090. },
  57091. {
  57092. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57093. shapes = (
  57094. {
  57095. ref = alpha;
  57096. },
  57097. {
  57098. pos = (-103,0);
  57099. ref = dasiavaria;
  57100. }
  57101. );
  57102. width = 1200;
  57103. }
  57104. );
  57105. tags = (
  57106. lower
  57107. );
  57108. unicode = 7939;
  57109. },
  57110. {
  57111. glyphname = alphapsilioxia;
  57112. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57113. layers = (
  57114. {
  57115. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57116. shapes = (
  57117. {
  57118. ref = alpha;
  57119. },
  57120. {
  57121. pos = (57,-12);
  57122. ref = psilioxia;
  57123. }
  57124. );
  57125. width = 1200;
  57126. },
  57127. {
  57128. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57129. shapes = (
  57130. {
  57131. ref = alpha;
  57132. },
  57133. {
  57134. pos = (20,0);
  57135. ref = psilioxia;
  57136. }
  57137. );
  57138. width = 1200;
  57139. }
  57140. );
  57141. tags = (
  57142. lower
  57143. );
  57144. unicode = 7940;
  57145. },
  57146. {
  57147. glyphname = alphadasiaoxia;
  57148. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57149. layers = (
  57150. {
  57151. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57152. shapes = (
  57153. {
  57154. ref = alpha;
  57155. },
  57156. {
  57157. pos = (-10,-12);
  57158. ref = dasiaoxia;
  57159. }
  57160. );
  57161. width = 1200;
  57162. },
  57163. {
  57164. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57165. shapes = (
  57166. {
  57167. ref = alpha;
  57168. },
  57169. {
  57170. pos = (-19,0);
  57171. ref = dasiaoxia;
  57172. }
  57173. );
  57174. width = 1200;
  57175. }
  57176. );
  57177. tags = (
  57178. lower
  57179. );
  57180. unicode = 7941;
  57181. },
  57182. {
  57183. glyphname = alphapsiliperispomeni;
  57184. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57185. layers = (
  57186. {
  57187. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57188. shapes = (
  57189. {
  57190. ref = alpha;
  57191. },
  57192. {
  57193. pos = (13,-12);
  57194. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  57195. }
  57196. );
  57197. width = 1200;
  57198. },
  57199. {
  57200. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57201. shapes = (
  57202. {
  57203. ref = alpha;
  57204. },
  57205. {
  57206. pos = (-27,0);
  57207. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  57208. }
  57209. );
  57210. width = 1200;
  57211. }
  57212. );
  57213. tags = (
  57214. lower
  57215. );
  57216. unicode = 7942;
  57217. },
  57218. {
  57219. glyphname = alphadasiaperispomeni;
  57220. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57221. layers = (
  57222. {
  57223. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57224. shapes = (
  57225. {
  57226. ref = alpha;
  57227. },
  57228. {
  57229. pos = (-34,-12);
  57230. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  57231. }
  57232. );
  57233. width = 1200;
  57234. },
  57235. {
  57236. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57237. shapes = (
  57238. {
  57239. ref = alpha;
  57240. },
  57241. {
  57242. pos = (-40,0);
  57243. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  57244. }
  57245. );
  57246. width = 1200;
  57247. }
  57248. );
  57249. tags = (
  57250. lower
  57251. );
  57252. unicode = 7943;
  57253. },
  57254. {
  57255. glyphname = alphavaria;
  57256. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57257. layers = (
  57258. {
  57259. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57260. shapes = (
  57261. {
  57262. ref = alpha;
  57263. },
  57264. {
  57265. pos = (-40,-12);
  57266. ref = grave;
  57267. }
  57268. );
  57269. width = 1200;
  57270. },
  57271. {
  57272. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57273. shapes = (
  57274. {
  57275. ref = alpha;
  57276. },
  57277. {
  57278. pos = (-49,0);
  57279. ref = grave;
  57280. }
  57281. );
  57282. width = 1200;
  57283. }
  57284. );
  57285. tags = (
  57286. lower
  57287. );
  57288. unicode = 8048;
  57289. },
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  57291. glyphname = alphaoxia;
  57292. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57293. layers = (
  57294. {
  57295. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57296. shapes = (
  57297. {
  57298. ref = alpha;
  57299. },
  57300. {
  57301. pos = (-40,-12);
  57302. ref = acute;
  57303. }
  57304. );
  57305. width = 1200;
  57306. },
  57307. {
  57308. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57309. shapes = (
  57310. {
  57311. ref = alpha;
  57312. },
  57313. {
  57314. pos = (-49,0);
  57315. ref = acute;
  57316. }
  57317. );
  57318. width = 1200;
  57319. }
  57320. );
  57321. tags = (
  57322. lower
  57323. );
  57324. unicode = 8049;
  57325. },
  57326. {
  57327. glyphname = alphaperispomeni;
  57328. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57329. layers = (
  57330. {
  57331. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57332. shapes = (
  57333. {
  57334. ref = alpha;
  57335. },
  57336. {
  57337. pos = (-40,-12);
  57338. ref = perispomeni;
  57339. }
  57340. );
  57341. width = 1200;
  57342. },
  57343. {
  57344. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57345. shapes = (
  57346. {
  57347. ref = alpha;
  57348. },
  57349. {
  57350. pos = (-49,0);
  57351. ref = perispomeni;
  57352. }
  57353. );
  57354. width = 1200;
  57355. }
  57356. );
  57357. tags = (
  57358. lower
  57359. );
  57360. unicode = 8118;
  57361. },
  57362. {
  57363. glyphname = alphavrachy;
  57364. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57365. layers = (
  57366. {
  57367. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57368. shapes = (
  57369. {
  57370. ref = alpha;
  57371. },
  57372. {
  57373. pos = (-40,-12);
  57374. ref = breve;
  57375. }
  57376. );
  57377. width = 1200;
  57378. },
  57379. {
  57380. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57381. shapes = (
  57382. {
  57383. ref = alpha;
  57384. },
  57385. {
  57386. pos = (-49,0);
  57387. ref = breve;
  57388. }
  57389. );
  57390. width = 1200;
  57391. }
  57392. );
  57393. tags = (
  57394. lower
  57395. );
  57396. unicode = 8112;
  57397. },
  57398. {
  57399. glyphname = alphamacron;
  57400. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57401. layers = (
  57402. {
  57403. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57404. shapes = (
  57405. {
  57406. ref = alpha;
  57407. },
  57408. {
  57409. pos = (-40,-12);
  57410. ref = macron;
  57411. }
  57412. );
  57413. width = 1200;
  57414. },
  57415. {
  57416. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57417. shapes = (
  57418. {
  57419. ref = alpha;
  57420. },
  57421. {
  57422. pos = (-49,0);
  57423. ref = macron;
  57424. }
  57425. );
  57426. width = 1200;
  57427. }
  57428. );
  57429. tags = (
  57430. lower
  57431. );
  57432. unicode = 8113;
  57433. },
  57434. {
  57435. glyphname = alphaypogegrammeni;
  57436. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57437. layers = (
  57438. {
  57439. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57440. shapes = (
  57441. {
  57442. ref = alpha;
  57443. },
  57444. {
  57445. pos = (147,0);
  57446. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57447. }
  57448. );
  57449. width = 1200;
  57450. },
  57451. {
  57452. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57453. shapes = (
  57454. {
  57455. ref = alpha;
  57456. },
  57457. {
  57458. pos = (116,0);
  57459. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57460. }
  57461. );
  57462. width = 1200;
  57463. }
  57464. );
  57465. tags = (
  57466. lower
  57467. );
  57468. unicode = 8115;
  57469. },
  57470. {
  57471. glyphname = alphavariaypogegrammeni;
  57472. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57473. layers = (
  57474. {
  57475. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57476. shapes = (
  57477. {
  57478. ref = alpha;
  57479. },
  57480. {
  57481. pos = (-40,-12);
  57482. ref = varia;
  57483. },
  57484. {
  57485. pos = (147,0);
  57486. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57487. }
  57488. );
  57489. width = 1200;
  57490. },
  57491. {
  57492. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57493. shapes = (
  57494. {
  57495. ref = alpha;
  57496. },
  57497. {
  57498. pos = (-49,0);
  57499. ref = varia;
  57500. },
  57501. {
  57502. pos = (116,0);
  57503. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57504. }
  57505. );
  57506. width = 1200;
  57507. }
  57508. );
  57509. tags = (
  57510. lower
  57511. );
  57512. unicode = 8114;
  57513. },
  57514. {
  57515. glyphname = alphaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  57516. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57517. layers = (
  57518. {
  57519. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57520. shapes = (
  57521. {
  57522. ref = alpha;
  57523. },
  57524. {
  57525. pos = (-40,-12);
  57526. ref = oxia;
  57527. },
  57528. {
  57529. pos = (147,0);
  57530. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57531. }
  57532. );
  57533. width = 1200;
  57534. },
  57535. {
  57536. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57537. shapes = (
  57538. {
  57539. ref = alpha;
  57540. },
  57541. {
  57542. pos = (-49,0);
  57543. ref = oxia;
  57544. },
  57545. {
  57546. pos = (116,0);
  57547. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57548. }
  57549. );
  57550. width = 1200;
  57551. }
  57552. );
  57553. tags = (
  57554. lower
  57555. );
  57556. unicode = 8116;
  57557. },
  57558. {
  57559. glyphname = alphapsiliypogegrammeni;
  57560. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57561. layers = (
  57562. {
  57563. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57564. shapes = (
  57565. {
  57566. ref = alpha;
  57567. },
  57568. {
  57569. pos = (28,-12);
  57570. ref = psili;
  57571. },
  57572. {
  57573. pos = (147,0);
  57574. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57575. }
  57576. );
  57577. width = 1200;
  57578. },
  57579. {
  57580. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57581. shapes = (
  57582. {
  57583. ref = alpha;
  57584. },
  57585. {
  57586. pos = (13,0);
  57587. ref = psili;
  57588. },
  57589. {
  57590. pos = (116,0);
  57591. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57592. }
  57593. );
  57594. width = 1200;
  57595. }
  57596. );
  57597. tags = (
  57598. lower
  57599. );
  57600. unicode = 8064;
  57601. },
  57602. {
  57603. glyphname = alphadasiaypogegrammeni;
  57604. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57605. layers = (
  57606. {
  57607. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57608. shapes = (
  57609. {
  57610. ref = alpha;
  57611. },
  57612. {
  57613. pos = (-124,-12);
  57614. ref = dasia;
  57615. },
  57616. {
  57617. pos = (147,0);
  57618. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57619. }
  57620. );
  57621. width = 1200;
  57622. },
  57623. {
  57624. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57625. shapes = (
  57626. {
  57627. ref = alpha;
  57628. },
  57629. {
  57630. pos = (-119,0);
  57631. ref = dasia;
  57632. },
  57633. {
  57634. pos = (116,0);
  57635. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57636. }
  57637. );
  57638. width = 1200;
  57639. }
  57640. );
  57641. tags = (
  57642. lower
  57643. );
  57644. unicode = 8065;
  57645. },
  57646. {
  57647. glyphname = alphapsilivariaypogegrammeni;
  57648. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57649. layers = (
  57650. {
  57651. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57652. shapes = (
  57653. {
  57654. ref = alpha;
  57655. },
  57656. {
  57657. pos = (-31,-12);
  57658. ref = psilivaria;
  57659. },
  57660. {
  57661. pos = (147,0);
  57662. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57663. }
  57664. );
  57665. width = 1200;
  57666. },
  57667. {
  57668. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57669. shapes = (
  57670. {
  57671. ref = alpha;
  57672. },
  57673. {
  57674. pos = (-68,0);
  57675. ref = psilivaria;
  57676. },
  57677. {
  57678. pos = (116,0);
  57679. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57680. }
  57681. );
  57682. width = 1200;
  57683. }
  57684. );
  57685. tags = (
  57686. lower
  57687. );
  57688. unicode = 8066;
  57689. },
  57690. {
  57691. glyphname = alphadasiavariaypogegrammeni;
  57692. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57693. layers = (
  57694. {
  57695. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57696. shapes = (
  57697. {
  57698. ref = alpha;
  57699. },
  57700. {
  57701. pos = (-82,-12);
  57702. ref = dasiavaria;
  57703. },
  57704. {
  57705. pos = (147,0);
  57706. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57707. }
  57708. );
  57709. width = 1200;
  57710. },
  57711. {
  57712. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57713. shapes = (
  57714. {
  57715. ref = alpha;
  57716. },
  57717. {
  57718. pos = (-103,0);
  57719. ref = dasiavaria;
  57720. },
  57721. {
  57722. pos = (116,0);
  57723. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57724. }
  57725. );
  57726. width = 1200;
  57727. }
  57728. );
  57729. tags = (
  57730. lower
  57731. );
  57732. unicode = 8067;
  57733. },
  57734. {
  57735. glyphname = alphapsilioxiaypogegrammeni;
  57736. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57737. layers = (
  57738. {
  57739. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57740. shapes = (
  57741. {
  57742. ref = alpha;
  57743. },
  57744. {
  57745. pos = (57,-12);
  57746. ref = psilioxia;
  57747. },
  57748. {
  57749. pos = (147,0);
  57750. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57751. }
  57752. );
  57753. width = 1200;
  57754. },
  57755. {
  57756. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57757. shapes = (
  57758. {
  57759. ref = alpha;
  57760. },
  57761. {
  57762. pos = (20,0);
  57763. ref = psilioxia;
  57764. },
  57765. {
  57766. pos = (116,0);
  57767. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57768. }
  57769. );
  57770. width = 1200;
  57771. }
  57772. );
  57773. tags = (
  57774. lower
  57775. );
  57776. unicode = 8068;
  57777. },
  57778. {
  57779. glyphname = alphadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  57780. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57781. layers = (
  57782. {
  57783. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57784. shapes = (
  57785. {
  57786. ref = alpha;
  57787. },
  57788. {
  57789. pos = (-10,-12);
  57790. ref = dasiaoxia;
  57791. },
  57792. {
  57793. pos = (147,0);
  57794. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57795. }
  57796. );
  57797. width = 1200;
  57798. },
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  57800. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57801. shapes = (
  57802. {
  57803. ref = alpha;
  57804. },
  57805. {
  57806. pos = (-19,0);
  57807. ref = dasiaoxia;
  57808. },
  57809. {
  57810. pos = (116,0);
  57811. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57812. }
  57813. );
  57814. width = 1200;
  57815. }
  57816. );
  57817. tags = (
  57818. lower
  57819. );
  57820. unicode = 8069;
  57821. },
  57822. {
  57823. glyphname = alphapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  57824. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57825. layers = (
  57826. {
  57827. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57828. shapes = (
  57829. {
  57830. ref = alpha;
  57831. },
  57832. {
  57833. pos = (13,-12);
  57834. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  57835. },
  57836. {
  57837. pos = (147,0);
  57838. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57839. }
  57840. );
  57841. width = 1200;
  57842. },
  57843. {
  57844. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57845. shapes = (
  57846. {
  57847. ref = alpha;
  57848. },
  57849. {
  57850. pos = (-27,0);
  57851. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  57852. },
  57853. {
  57854. pos = (116,0);
  57855. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57856. }
  57857. );
  57858. width = 1200;
  57859. }
  57860. );
  57861. tags = (
  57862. lower
  57863. );
  57864. unicode = 8070;
  57865. },
  57866. {
  57867. glyphname = alphadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  57868. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57869. layers = (
  57870. {
  57871. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57872. shapes = (
  57873. {
  57874. ref = alpha;
  57875. },
  57876. {
  57877. pos = (-34,-12);
  57878. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  57879. },
  57880. {
  57881. pos = (147,0);
  57882. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57883. }
  57884. );
  57885. width = 1200;
  57886. },
  57887. {
  57888. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57889. shapes = (
  57890. {
  57891. ref = alpha;
  57892. },
  57893. {
  57894. pos = (-40,0);
  57895. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  57896. },
  57897. {
  57898. pos = (116,0);
  57899. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57900. }
  57901. );
  57902. width = 1200;
  57903. }
  57904. );
  57905. tags = (
  57906. lower
  57907. );
  57908. unicode = 8071;
  57909. },
  57910. {
  57911. glyphname = alphaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  57912. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57913. layers = (
  57914. {
  57915. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57916. shapes = (
  57917. {
  57918. ref = alpha;
  57919. },
  57920. {
  57921. pos = (-40,-12);
  57922. ref = perispomenicomb;
  57923. },
  57924. {
  57925. pos = (147,0);
  57926. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57927. }
  57928. );
  57929. width = 1200;
  57930. },
  57931. {
  57932. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57933. shapes = (
  57934. {
  57935. ref = alpha;
  57936. },
  57937. {
  57938. pos = (-49,0);
  57939. ref = perispomenicomb;
  57940. },
  57941. {
  57942. pos = (116,0);
  57943. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  57944. }
  57945. );
  57946. width = 1200;
  57947. }
  57948. );
  57949. tags = (
  57950. lower
  57951. );
  57952. unicode = 8119;
  57953. },
  57954. {
  57955. glyphname = epsilonpsili;
  57956. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57957. layers = (
  57958. {
  57959. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57960. shapes = (
  57961. {
  57962. ref = epsilon;
  57963. },
  57964. {
  57965. pos = (98,-12);
  57966. ref = psili;
  57967. }
  57968. );
  57969. width = 1200;
  57970. },
  57971. {
  57972. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  57973. shapes = (
  57974. {
  57975. ref = epsilon;
  57976. },
  57977. {
  57978. pos = (95,0);
  57979. ref = psili;
  57980. }
  57981. );
  57982. width = 1200;
  57983. }
  57984. );
  57985. tags = (
  57986. lower
  57987. );
  57988. unicode = 7952;
  57989. },
  57990. {
  57991. glyphname = epsilondasia;
  57992. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  57993. layers = (
  57994. {
  57995. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  57996. shapes = (
  57997. {
  57998. ref = epsilon;
  57999. },
  58000. {
  58001. pos = (-54,-12);
  58002. ref = dasia;
  58003. }
  58004. );
  58005. width = 1200;
  58006. },
  58007. {
  58008. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58009. shapes = (
  58010. {
  58011. ref = epsilon;
  58012. },
  58013. {
  58014. pos = (-37,0);
  58015. ref = dasia;
  58016. }
  58017. );
  58018. width = 1200;
  58019. }
  58020. );
  58021. tags = (
  58022. lower
  58023. );
  58024. unicode = 7953;
  58025. },
  58026. {
  58027. glyphname = epsilonpsilivaria;
  58028. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58029. layers = (
  58030. {
  58031. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58032. shapes = (
  58033. {
  58034. ref = epsilon;
  58035. },
  58036. {
  58037. pos = (39,-12);
  58038. ref = psilivaria;
  58039. }
  58040. );
  58041. width = 1200;
  58042. },
  58043. {
  58044. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58045. shapes = (
  58046. {
  58047. ref = epsilon;
  58048. },
  58049. {
  58050. pos = (14,0);
  58051. ref = psilivaria;
  58052. }
  58053. );
  58054. width = 1200;
  58055. }
  58056. );
  58057. tags = (
  58058. lower
  58059. );
  58060. unicode = 7954;
  58061. },
  58062. {
  58063. glyphname = epsilondasiavaria;
  58064. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58065. layers = (
  58066. {
  58067. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58068. shapes = (
  58069. {
  58070. ref = epsilon;
  58071. },
  58072. {
  58073. pos = (-12,-12);
  58074. ref = dasiavaria;
  58075. }
  58076. );
  58077. width = 1200;
  58078. },
  58079. {
  58080. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58081. shapes = (
  58082. {
  58083. ref = epsilon;
  58084. },
  58085. {
  58086. pos = (-21,0);
  58087. ref = dasiavaria;
  58088. }
  58089. );
  58090. width = 1200;
  58091. }
  58092. );
  58093. tags = (
  58094. lower
  58095. );
  58096. unicode = 7955;
  58097. },
  58098. {
  58099. glyphname = epsilonpsilioxia;
  58100. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58101. layers = (
  58102. {
  58103. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58104. shapes = (
  58105. {
  58106. ref = epsilon;
  58107. },
  58108. {
  58109. pos = (127,-12);
  58110. ref = psilioxia;
  58111. }
  58112. );
  58113. width = 1200;
  58114. },
  58115. {
  58116. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58117. shapes = (
  58118. {
  58119. ref = epsilon;
  58120. },
  58121. {
  58122. pos = (102,0);
  58123. ref = psilioxia;
  58124. }
  58125. );
  58126. width = 1200;
  58127. }
  58128. );
  58129. tags = (
  58130. lower
  58131. );
  58132. unicode = 7956;
  58133. },
  58134. {
  58135. glyphname = epsilondasiaoxia;
  58136. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58137. layers = (
  58138. {
  58139. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58140. shapes = (
  58141. {
  58142. ref = epsilon;
  58143. },
  58144. {
  58145. pos = (60,-12);
  58146. ref = dasiaoxia;
  58147. }
  58148. );
  58149. width = 1200;
  58150. },
  58151. {
  58152. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58153. shapes = (
  58154. {
  58155. ref = epsilon;
  58156. },
  58157. {
  58158. pos = (63,0);
  58159. ref = dasiaoxia;
  58160. }
  58161. );
  58162. width = 1200;
  58163. }
  58164. );
  58165. tags = (
  58166. lower
  58167. );
  58168. unicode = 7957;
  58169. },
  58170. {
  58171. glyphname = epsilonvaria;
  58172. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58173. layers = (
  58174. {
  58175. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58176. shapes = (
  58177. {
  58178. ref = epsilon;
  58179. },
  58180. {
  58181. pos = (30,-12);
  58182. ref = grave;
  58183. }
  58184. );
  58185. width = 1200;
  58186. },
  58187. {
  58188. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58189. shapes = (
  58190. {
  58191. ref = epsilon;
  58192. },
  58193. {
  58194. pos = (33,0);
  58195. ref = grave;
  58196. }
  58197. );
  58198. width = 1200;
  58199. }
  58200. );
  58201. tags = (
  58202. lower
  58203. );
  58204. unicode = 8050;
  58205. },
  58206. {
  58207. glyphname = epsilonoxia;
  58208. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58209. layers = (
  58210. {
  58211. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58212. shapes = (
  58213. {
  58214. ref = epsilon;
  58215. },
  58216. {
  58217. pos = (30,-12);
  58218. ref = acute;
  58219. }
  58220. );
  58221. width = 1200;
  58222. },
  58223. {
  58224. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58225. shapes = (
  58226. {
  58227. ref = epsilon;
  58228. },
  58229. {
  58230. pos = (33,0);
  58231. ref = acute;
  58232. }
  58233. );
  58234. width = 1200;
  58235. }
  58236. );
  58237. tags = (
  58238. lower
  58239. );
  58240. unicode = 8051;
  58241. },
  58242. {
  58243. glyphname = etapsili;
  58244. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58245. layers = (
  58246. {
  58247. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58248. shapes = (
  58249. {
  58250. ref = eta;
  58251. },
  58252. {
  58253. pos = (87,-12);
  58254. ref = psili;
  58255. }
  58256. );
  58257. width = 1200;
  58258. },
  58259. {
  58260. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58261. shapes = (
  58262. {
  58263. ref = eta;
  58264. },
  58265. {
  58266. pos = (53,0);
  58267. ref = psili;
  58268. }
  58269. );
  58270. width = 1200;
  58271. }
  58272. );
  58273. tags = (
  58274. lower
  58275. );
  58276. unicode = 7968;
  58277. },
  58278. {
  58279. glyphname = etadasia;
  58280. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58281. layers = (
  58282. {
  58283. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58284. shapes = (
  58285. {
  58286. ref = eta;
  58287. },
  58288. {
  58289. pos = (-65,-12);
  58290. ref = dasia;
  58291. }
  58292. );
  58293. width = 1200;
  58294. },
  58295. {
  58296. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58297. shapes = (
  58298. {
  58299. ref = eta;
  58300. },
  58301. {
  58302. pos = (-79,0);
  58303. ref = dasia;
  58304. }
  58305. );
  58306. width = 1200;
  58307. }
  58308. );
  58309. tags = (
  58310. lower
  58311. );
  58312. unicode = 7969;
  58313. },
  58314. {
  58315. glyphname = etapsilivaria;
  58316. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58317. layers = (
  58318. {
  58319. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58320. shapes = (
  58321. {
  58322. ref = eta;
  58323. },
  58324. {
  58325. pos = (28,-12);
  58326. ref = psilivaria;
  58327. }
  58328. );
  58329. width = 1200;
  58330. },
  58331. {
  58332. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58333. shapes = (
  58334. {
  58335. ref = eta;
  58336. },
  58337. {
  58338. pos = (-28,0);
  58339. ref = psilivaria;
  58340. }
  58341. );
  58342. width = 1200;
  58343. }
  58344. );
  58345. tags = (
  58346. lower
  58347. );
  58348. unicode = 7970;
  58349. },
  58350. {
  58351. glyphname = etadasiavaria;
  58352. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58353. layers = (
  58354. {
  58355. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58356. shapes = (
  58357. {
  58358. ref = eta;
  58359. },
  58360. {
  58361. pos = (-23,-12);
  58362. ref = dasiavaria;
  58363. }
  58364. );
  58365. width = 1200;
  58366. },
  58367. {
  58368. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58369. shapes = (
  58370. {
  58371. ref = eta;
  58372. },
  58373. {
  58374. pos = (-63,0);
  58375. ref = dasiavaria;
  58376. }
  58377. );
  58378. width = 1200;
  58379. }
  58380. );
  58381. tags = (
  58382. lower
  58383. );
  58384. unicode = 7971;
  58385. },
  58386. {
  58387. glyphname = etapsilioxia;
  58388. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58389. layers = (
  58390. {
  58391. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58392. shapes = (
  58393. {
  58394. ref = eta;
  58395. },
  58396. {
  58397. pos = (116,-12);
  58398. ref = psilioxia;
  58399. }
  58400. );
  58401. width = 1200;
  58402. },
  58403. {
  58404. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58405. shapes = (
  58406. {
  58407. ref = eta;
  58408. },
  58409. {
  58410. pos = (60,0);
  58411. ref = psilioxia;
  58412. }
  58413. );
  58414. width = 1200;
  58415. }
  58416. );
  58417. tags = (
  58418. lower
  58419. );
  58420. unicode = 7972;
  58421. },
  58422. {
  58423. glyphname = etadasiaoxia;
  58424. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58425. layers = (
  58426. {
  58427. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58428. shapes = (
  58429. {
  58430. ref = eta;
  58431. },
  58432. {
  58433. pos = (49,-12);
  58434. ref = dasiaoxia;
  58435. }
  58436. );
  58437. width = 1200;
  58438. },
  58439. {
  58440. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58441. shapes = (
  58442. {
  58443. ref = eta;
  58444. },
  58445. {
  58446. pos = (21,0);
  58447. ref = dasiaoxia;
  58448. }
  58449. );
  58450. width = 1200;
  58451. }
  58452. );
  58453. tags = (
  58454. lower
  58455. );
  58456. unicode = 7973;
  58457. },
  58458. {
  58459. glyphname = etapsiliperispomeni;
  58460. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58461. layers = (
  58462. {
  58463. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58464. shapes = (
  58465. {
  58466. ref = eta;
  58467. },
  58468. {
  58469. pos = (72,-12);
  58470. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  58471. }
  58472. );
  58473. width = 1200;
  58474. },
  58475. {
  58476. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58477. shapes = (
  58478. {
  58479. ref = eta;
  58480. },
  58481. {
  58482. pos = (13,0);
  58483. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  58484. }
  58485. );
  58486. width = 1200;
  58487. }
  58488. );
  58489. tags = (
  58490. lower
  58491. );
  58492. unicode = 7974;
  58493. },
  58494. {
  58495. glyphname = etadasiaperispomeni;
  58496. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58497. layers = (
  58498. {
  58499. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58500. shapes = (
  58501. {
  58502. ref = eta;
  58503. },
  58504. {
  58505. pos = (25,-12);
  58506. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  58507. }
  58508. );
  58509. width = 1200;
  58510. },
  58511. {
  58512. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58513. shapes = (
  58514. {
  58515. ref = eta;
  58516. },
  58517. {
  58518. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  58519. }
  58520. );
  58521. width = 1200;
  58522. }
  58523. );
  58524. tags = (
  58525. lower
  58526. );
  58527. unicode = 7975;
  58528. },
  58529. {
  58530. glyphname = etavaria;
  58531. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58532. layers = (
  58533. {
  58534. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58535. shapes = (
  58536. {
  58537. ref = eta;
  58538. },
  58539. {
  58540. pos = (19,-12);
  58541. ref = grave;
  58542. }
  58543. );
  58544. width = 1200;
  58545. },
  58546. {
  58547. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58548. shapes = (
  58549. {
  58550. ref = eta;
  58551. },
  58552. {
  58553. pos = (-9,0);
  58554. ref = grave;
  58555. }
  58556. );
  58557. width = 1200;
  58558. }
  58559. );
  58560. tags = (
  58561. lower
  58562. );
  58563. unicode = 8052;
  58564. },
  58565. {
  58566. glyphname = etaoxia;
  58567. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58568. layers = (
  58569. {
  58570. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58571. shapes = (
  58572. {
  58573. ref = eta;
  58574. },
  58575. {
  58576. pos = (19,-12);
  58577. ref = acute;
  58578. }
  58579. );
  58580. width = 1200;
  58581. },
  58582. {
  58583. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58584. shapes = (
  58585. {
  58586. ref = eta;
  58587. },
  58588. {
  58589. pos = (-9,0);
  58590. ref = acute;
  58591. }
  58592. );
  58593. width = 1200;
  58594. }
  58595. );
  58596. tags = (
  58597. lower
  58598. );
  58599. unicode = 8053;
  58600. },
  58601. {
  58602. glyphname = etaperispomeni;
  58603. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58604. layers = (
  58605. {
  58606. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58607. shapes = (
  58608. {
  58609. ref = eta;
  58610. },
  58611. {
  58612. pos = (19,-12);
  58613. ref = perispomeni;
  58614. }
  58615. );
  58616. width = 1200;
  58617. },
  58618. {
  58619. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58620. shapes = (
  58621. {
  58622. ref = eta;
  58623. },
  58624. {
  58625. pos = (-9,0);
  58626. ref = perispomeni;
  58627. }
  58628. );
  58629. width = 1200;
  58630. }
  58631. );
  58632. tags = (
  58633. lower
  58634. );
  58635. unicode = 8134;
  58636. },
  58637. {
  58638. glyphname = etaypogegrammeni;
  58639. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58640. layers = (
  58641. {
  58642. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58643. shapes = (
  58644. {
  58645. ref = eta;
  58646. },
  58647. {
  58648. pos = (-206,0);
  58649. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58650. }
  58651. );
  58652. width = 1200;
  58653. },
  58654. {
  58655. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58656. shapes = (
  58657. {
  58658. ref = eta;
  58659. },
  58660. {
  58661. pos = (-192,0);
  58662. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58663. }
  58664. );
  58665. width = 1200;
  58666. }
  58667. );
  58668. tags = (
  58669. lower
  58670. );
  58671. unicode = 8131;
  58672. },
  58673. {
  58674. glyphname = etavariaypogegrammeni;
  58675. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58676. layers = (
  58677. {
  58678. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58679. shapes = (
  58680. {
  58681. ref = eta;
  58682. },
  58683. {
  58684. pos = (19,-12);
  58685. ref = varia;
  58686. },
  58687. {
  58688. pos = (-206,0);
  58689. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58690. }
  58691. );
  58692. width = 1200;
  58693. },
  58694. {
  58695. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58696. shapes = (
  58697. {
  58698. ref = eta;
  58699. },
  58700. {
  58701. pos = (-9,0);
  58702. ref = varia;
  58703. },
  58704. {
  58705. pos = (-192,0);
  58706. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58707. }
  58708. );
  58709. width = 1200;
  58710. }
  58711. );
  58712. tags = (
  58713. lower
  58714. );
  58715. unicode = 8130;
  58716. },
  58717. {
  58718. glyphname = etaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  58719. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58720. layers = (
  58721. {
  58722. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58723. shapes = (
  58724. {
  58725. ref = eta;
  58726. },
  58727. {
  58728. pos = (19,-12);
  58729. ref = oxia;
  58730. },
  58731. {
  58732. pos = (-206,0);
  58733. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58734. }
  58735. );
  58736. width = 1200;
  58737. },
  58738. {
  58739. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58740. shapes = (
  58741. {
  58742. ref = eta;
  58743. },
  58744. {
  58745. pos = (-9,0);
  58746. ref = oxia;
  58747. },
  58748. {
  58749. pos = (-192,0);
  58750. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58751. }
  58752. );
  58753. width = 1200;
  58754. }
  58755. );
  58756. tags = (
  58757. lower
  58758. );
  58759. unicode = 8132;
  58760. },
  58761. {
  58762. glyphname = etapsiliypogegrammeni;
  58763. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58764. layers = (
  58765. {
  58766. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58767. shapes = (
  58768. {
  58769. ref = eta;
  58770. },
  58771. {
  58772. pos = (87,-12);
  58773. ref = psili;
  58774. },
  58775. {
  58776. pos = (-206,0);
  58777. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58778. }
  58779. );
  58780. width = 1200;
  58781. },
  58782. {
  58783. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58784. shapes = (
  58785. {
  58786. ref = eta;
  58787. },
  58788. {
  58789. pos = (53,0);
  58790. ref = psili;
  58791. },
  58792. {
  58793. pos = (-192,0);
  58794. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58795. }
  58796. );
  58797. width = 1200;
  58798. }
  58799. );
  58800. tags = (
  58801. lower
  58802. );
  58803. unicode = 8080;
  58804. },
  58805. {
  58806. glyphname = etadasiaypogegrammeni;
  58807. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58808. layers = (
  58809. {
  58810. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58811. shapes = (
  58812. {
  58813. ref = eta;
  58814. },
  58815. {
  58816. pos = (-65,-12);
  58817. ref = dasia;
  58818. },
  58819. {
  58820. pos = (-206,0);
  58821. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58822. }
  58823. );
  58824. width = 1200;
  58825. },
  58826. {
  58827. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58828. shapes = (
  58829. {
  58830. ref = eta;
  58831. },
  58832. {
  58833. pos = (-79,0);
  58834. ref = dasia;
  58835. },
  58836. {
  58837. pos = (-192,0);
  58838. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58839. }
  58840. );
  58841. width = 1200;
  58842. }
  58843. );
  58844. tags = (
  58845. lower
  58846. );
  58847. unicode = 8081;
  58848. },
  58849. {
  58850. glyphname = etapsilivariaypogegrammeni;
  58851. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58852. layers = (
  58853. {
  58854. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58855. shapes = (
  58856. {
  58857. ref = eta;
  58858. },
  58859. {
  58860. pos = (28,-12);
  58861. ref = psilivaria;
  58862. },
  58863. {
  58864. pos = (-206,0);
  58865. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58866. }
  58867. );
  58868. width = 1200;
  58869. },
  58870. {
  58871. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58872. shapes = (
  58873. {
  58874. ref = eta;
  58875. },
  58876. {
  58877. pos = (-28,0);
  58878. ref = psilivaria;
  58879. },
  58880. {
  58881. pos = (-192,0);
  58882. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58883. }
  58884. );
  58885. width = 1200;
  58886. }
  58887. );
  58888. tags = (
  58889. lower
  58890. );
  58891. unicode = 8082;
  58892. },
  58893. {
  58894. glyphname = etadasiavariaypogegrammeni;
  58895. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58896. layers = (
  58897. {
  58898. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58899. shapes = (
  58900. {
  58901. ref = eta;
  58902. },
  58903. {
  58904. pos = (-23,-12);
  58905. ref = dasiavaria;
  58906. },
  58907. {
  58908. pos = (-206,0);
  58909. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58910. }
  58911. );
  58912. width = 1200;
  58913. },
  58914. {
  58915. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58916. shapes = (
  58917. {
  58918. ref = eta;
  58919. },
  58920. {
  58921. pos = (-63,0);
  58922. ref = dasiavaria;
  58923. },
  58924. {
  58925. pos = (-192,0);
  58926. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58927. }
  58928. );
  58929. width = 1200;
  58930. }
  58931. );
  58932. tags = (
  58933. lower
  58934. );
  58935. unicode = 8083;
  58936. },
  58937. {
  58938. glyphname = etapsilioxiaypogegrammeni;
  58939. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58940. layers = (
  58941. {
  58942. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58943. shapes = (
  58944. {
  58945. ref = eta;
  58946. },
  58947. {
  58948. pos = (116,-12);
  58949. ref = psilioxia;
  58950. },
  58951. {
  58952. pos = (-206,0);
  58953. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58954. }
  58955. );
  58956. width = 1200;
  58957. },
  58958. {
  58959. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  58960. shapes = (
  58961. {
  58962. ref = eta;
  58963. },
  58964. {
  58965. pos = (60,0);
  58966. ref = psilioxia;
  58967. },
  58968. {
  58969. pos = (-192,0);
  58970. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58971. }
  58972. );
  58973. width = 1200;
  58974. }
  58975. );
  58976. tags = (
  58977. lower
  58978. );
  58979. unicode = 8084;
  58980. },
  58981. {
  58982. glyphname = etadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  58983. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  58984. layers = (
  58985. {
  58986. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  58987. shapes = (
  58988. {
  58989. ref = eta;
  58990. },
  58991. {
  58992. pos = (49,-12);
  58993. ref = dasiaoxia;
  58994. },
  58995. {
  58996. pos = (-206,0);
  58997. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  58998. }
  58999. );
  59000. width = 1200;
  59001. },
  59002. {
  59003. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59004. shapes = (
  59005. {
  59006. ref = eta;
  59007. },
  59008. {
  59009. pos = (21,0);
  59010. ref = dasiaoxia;
  59011. },
  59012. {
  59013. pos = (-192,0);
  59014. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59015. }
  59016. );
  59017. width = 1200;
  59018. }
  59019. );
  59020. tags = (
  59021. lower
  59022. );
  59023. unicode = 8085;
  59024. },
  59025. {
  59026. glyphname = etapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  59027. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59028. layers = (
  59029. {
  59030. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59031. shapes = (
  59032. {
  59033. ref = eta;
  59034. },
  59035. {
  59036. pos = (72,-12);
  59037. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  59038. },
  59039. {
  59040. pos = (-206,0);
  59041. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59042. }
  59043. );
  59044. width = 1200;
  59045. },
  59046. {
  59047. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59048. shapes = (
  59049. {
  59050. ref = eta;
  59051. },
  59052. {
  59053. pos = (13,0);
  59054. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  59055. },
  59056. {
  59057. pos = (-192,0);
  59058. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59059. }
  59060. );
  59061. width = 1200;
  59062. }
  59063. );
  59064. tags = (
  59065. lower
  59066. );
  59067. unicode = 8086;
  59068. },
  59069. {
  59070. glyphname = etadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  59071. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59072. layers = (
  59073. {
  59074. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59075. shapes = (
  59076. {
  59077. ref = eta;
  59078. },
  59079. {
  59080. pos = (25,-12);
  59081. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  59082. },
  59083. {
  59084. pos = (-206,0);
  59085. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59086. }
  59087. );
  59088. width = 1200;
  59089. },
  59090. {
  59091. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59092. shapes = (
  59093. {
  59094. ref = eta;
  59095. },
  59096. {
  59097. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  59098. },
  59099. {
  59100. pos = (-192,0);
  59101. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59102. }
  59103. );
  59104. width = 1200;
  59105. }
  59106. );
  59107. tags = (
  59108. lower
  59109. );
  59110. unicode = 8087;
  59111. },
  59112. {
  59113. glyphname = etaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  59114. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59115. layers = (
  59116. {
  59117. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59118. shapes = (
  59119. {
  59120. ref = eta;
  59121. },
  59122. {
  59123. pos = (19,-12);
  59124. ref = perispomenicomb;
  59125. },
  59126. {
  59127. pos = (-206,0);
  59128. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59129. }
  59130. );
  59131. width = 1200;
  59132. },
  59133. {
  59134. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59135. shapes = (
  59136. {
  59137. ref = eta;
  59138. },
  59139. {
  59140. pos = (-9,0);
  59141. ref = perispomenicomb;
  59142. },
  59143. {
  59144. pos = (-192,0);
  59145. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  59146. }
  59147. );
  59148. width = 1200;
  59149. }
  59150. );
  59151. tags = (
  59152. lower
  59153. );
  59154. unicode = 8135;
  59155. },
  59156. {
  59157. glyphname = iotapsili;
  59158. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59159. layers = (
  59160. {
  59161. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59162. shapes = (
  59163. {
  59164. ref = iota;
  59165. },
  59166. {
  59167. pos = (48,-12);
  59168. ref = psili;
  59169. }
  59170. );
  59171. width = 1200;
  59172. },
  59173. {
  59174. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59175. shapes = (
  59176. {
  59177. ref = iota;
  59178. },
  59179. {
  59180. pos = (28,0);
  59181. ref = psili;
  59182. }
  59183. );
  59184. width = 1200;
  59185. }
  59186. );
  59187. tags = (
  59188. lower
  59189. );
  59190. unicode = 7984;
  59191. },
  59192. {
  59193. glyphname = iotadasia;
  59194. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59195. layers = (
  59196. {
  59197. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59198. shapes = (
  59199. {
  59200. ref = iota;
  59201. },
  59202. {
  59203. pos = (-104,-12);
  59204. ref = dasia;
  59205. }
  59206. );
  59207. width = 1200;
  59208. },
  59209. {
  59210. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59211. shapes = (
  59212. {
  59213. ref = iota;
  59214. },
  59215. {
  59216. pos = (-104,0);
  59217. ref = dasia;
  59218. }
  59219. );
  59220. width = 1200;
  59221. }
  59222. );
  59223. tags = (
  59224. lower
  59225. );
  59226. unicode = 7985;
  59227. },
  59228. {
  59229. glyphname = iotapsilivaria;
  59230. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59231. layers = (
  59232. {
  59233. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59234. shapes = (
  59235. {
  59236. ref = iota;
  59237. },
  59238. {
  59239. pos = (-11,-12);
  59240. ref = psilivaria;
  59241. }
  59242. );
  59243. width = 1200;
  59244. },
  59245. {
  59246. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59247. shapes = (
  59248. {
  59249. ref = iota;
  59250. },
  59251. {
  59252. pos = (-53,0);
  59253. ref = psilivaria;
  59254. }
  59255. );
  59256. width = 1200;
  59257. }
  59258. );
  59259. tags = (
  59260. lower
  59261. );
  59262. unicode = 7986;
  59263. },
  59264. {
  59265. glyphname = iotadasiavaria;
  59266. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59267. layers = (
  59268. {
  59269. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59270. shapes = (
  59271. {
  59272. ref = iota;
  59273. },
  59274. {
  59275. pos = (-62,-12);
  59276. ref = dasiavaria;
  59277. }
  59278. );
  59279. width = 1200;
  59280. },
  59281. {
  59282. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59283. shapes = (
  59284. {
  59285. ref = iota;
  59286. },
  59287. {
  59288. pos = (-88,0);
  59289. ref = dasiavaria;
  59290. }
  59291. );
  59292. width = 1200;
  59293. }
  59294. );
  59295. tags = (
  59296. lower
  59297. );
  59298. unicode = 7987;
  59299. },
  59300. {
  59301. glyphname = iotapsilioxia;
  59302. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59303. layers = (
  59304. {
  59305. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59306. shapes = (
  59307. {
  59308. ref = iota;
  59309. },
  59310. {
  59311. pos = (77,-12);
  59312. ref = psilioxia;
  59313. }
  59314. );
  59315. width = 1200;
  59316. },
  59317. {
  59318. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59319. shapes = (
  59320. {
  59321. ref = iota;
  59322. },
  59323. {
  59324. pos = (35,0);
  59325. ref = psilioxia;
  59326. }
  59327. );
  59328. width = 1200;
  59329. }
  59330. );
  59331. tags = (
  59332. lower
  59333. );
  59334. unicode = 7988;
  59335. },
  59336. {
  59337. glyphname = iotadasiaoxia;
  59338. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59339. layers = (
  59340. {
  59341. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59342. shapes = (
  59343. {
  59344. ref = iota;
  59345. },
  59346. {
  59347. pos = (10,-12);
  59348. ref = dasiaoxia;
  59349. }
  59350. );
  59351. width = 1200;
  59352. },
  59353. {
  59354. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59355. shapes = (
  59356. {
  59357. ref = iota;
  59358. },
  59359. {
  59360. pos = (-4,0);
  59361. ref = dasiaoxia;
  59362. }
  59363. );
  59364. width = 1200;
  59365. }
  59366. );
  59367. tags = (
  59368. lower
  59369. );
  59370. unicode = 7989;
  59371. },
  59372. {
  59373. glyphname = iotapsiliperispomeni;
  59374. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59375. layers = (
  59376. {
  59377. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59378. shapes = (
  59379. {
  59380. ref = iota;
  59381. },
  59382. {
  59383. pos = (33,-12);
  59384. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  59385. }
  59386. );
  59387. width = 1200;
  59388. },
  59389. {
  59390. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59391. shapes = (
  59392. {
  59393. ref = iota;
  59394. },
  59395. {
  59396. pos = (-12,0);
  59397. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  59398. }
  59399. );
  59400. width = 1200;
  59401. }
  59402. );
  59403. tags = (
  59404. lower
  59405. );
  59406. unicode = 7990;
  59407. },
  59408. {
  59409. glyphname = iotadasiaperispomeni;
  59410. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59411. layers = (
  59412. {
  59413. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59414. shapes = (
  59415. {
  59416. ref = iota;
  59417. },
  59418. {
  59419. pos = (-14,-12);
  59420. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  59421. }
  59422. );
  59423. width = 1200;
  59424. },
  59425. {
  59426. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59427. shapes = (
  59428. {
  59429. ref = iota;
  59430. },
  59431. {
  59432. pos = (-25,0);
  59433. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  59434. }
  59435. );
  59436. width = 1200;
  59437. }
  59438. );
  59439. tags = (
  59440. lower
  59441. );
  59442. unicode = 7991;
  59443. },
  59444. {
  59445. glyphname = iotavaria;
  59446. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59447. layers = (
  59448. {
  59449. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59450. shapes = (
  59451. {
  59452. ref = iota;
  59453. },
  59454. {
  59455. pos = (-20,-12);
  59456. ref = grave;
  59457. }
  59458. );
  59459. width = 1200;
  59460. },
  59461. {
  59462. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59463. shapes = (
  59464. {
  59465. ref = iota;
  59466. },
  59467. {
  59468. pos = (-34,0);
  59469. ref = grave;
  59470. }
  59471. );
  59472. width = 1200;
  59473. }
  59474. );
  59475. tags = (
  59476. lower
  59477. );
  59478. unicode = 8054;
  59479. },
  59480. {
  59481. glyphname = iotaoxia;
  59482. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59483. layers = (
  59484. {
  59485. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59486. shapes = (
  59487. {
  59488. ref = iota;
  59489. },
  59490. {
  59491. pos = (-20,-12);
  59492. ref = acute;
  59493. }
  59494. );
  59495. width = 1200;
  59496. },
  59497. {
  59498. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59499. shapes = (
  59500. {
  59501. ref = iota;
  59502. },
  59503. {
  59504. pos = (-34,0);
  59505. ref = acute;
  59506. }
  59507. );
  59508. width = 1200;
  59509. }
  59510. );
  59511. tags = (
  59512. lower
  59513. );
  59514. unicode = 8055;
  59515. },
  59516. {
  59517. glyphname = iotaperispomeni;
  59518. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59519. layers = (
  59520. {
  59521. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59522. shapes = (
  59523. {
  59524. ref = iota;
  59525. },
  59526. {
  59527. pos = (-20,-12);
  59528. ref = perispomeni;
  59529. }
  59530. );
  59531. width = 1200;
  59532. },
  59533. {
  59534. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59535. shapes = (
  59536. {
  59537. ref = iota;
  59538. },
  59539. {
  59540. pos = (-34,0);
  59541. ref = perispomeni;
  59542. }
  59543. );
  59544. width = 1200;
  59545. }
  59546. );
  59547. tags = (
  59548. lower
  59549. );
  59550. unicode = 8150;
  59551. },
  59552. {
  59553. glyphname = iotavrachy;
  59554. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59555. layers = (
  59556. {
  59557. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59558. shapes = (
  59559. {
  59560. ref = iota;
  59561. },
  59562. {
  59563. pos = (-20,-12);
  59564. ref = breve;
  59565. }
  59566. );
  59567. width = 1200;
  59568. },
  59569. {
  59570. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59571. shapes = (
  59572. {
  59573. ref = iota;
  59574. },
  59575. {
  59576. pos = (-34,0);
  59577. ref = breve;
  59578. }
  59579. );
  59580. width = 1200;
  59581. }
  59582. );
  59583. tags = (
  59584. lower
  59585. );
  59586. unicode = 8144;
  59587. },
  59588. {
  59589. glyphname = iotamacron;
  59590. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59591. layers = (
  59592. {
  59593. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59594. shapes = (
  59595. {
  59596. ref = iota;
  59597. },
  59598. {
  59599. pos = (-20,-12);
  59600. ref = macron;
  59601. }
  59602. );
  59603. width = 1200;
  59604. },
  59605. {
  59606. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59607. shapes = (
  59608. {
  59609. ref = iota;
  59610. },
  59611. {
  59612. pos = (-34,0);
  59613. ref = macron;
  59614. }
  59615. );
  59616. width = 1200;
  59617. }
  59618. );
  59619. tags = (
  59620. lower
  59621. );
  59622. unicode = 8145;
  59623. },
  59624. {
  59625. glyphname = iotadialytikavaria;
  59626. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59627. layers = (
  59628. {
  59629. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59630. shapes = (
  59631. {
  59632. ref = iota;
  59633. },
  59634. {
  59635. pos = (-22,-12);
  59636. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  59637. }
  59638. );
  59639. width = 1200;
  59640. },
  59641. {
  59642. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59643. shapes = (
  59644. {
  59645. ref = iota;
  59646. },
  59647. {
  59648. pos = (-33,0);
  59649. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  59650. }
  59651. );
  59652. width = 1200;
  59653. }
  59654. );
  59655. tags = (
  59656. lower
  59657. );
  59658. unicode = 8146;
  59659. },
  59660. {
  59661. glyphname = iotadialytikaoxia;
  59662. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59663. layers = (
  59664. {
  59665. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59666. shapes = (
  59667. {
  59668. ref = iota;
  59669. },
  59670. {
  59671. pos = (-22,-12);
  59672. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  59673. }
  59674. );
  59675. width = 1200;
  59676. },
  59677. {
  59678. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59679. shapes = (
  59680. {
  59681. ref = iota;
  59682. },
  59683. {
  59684. pos = (-36,0);
  59685. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  59686. }
  59687. );
  59688. width = 1200;
  59689. }
  59690. );
  59691. tags = (
  59692. lower
  59693. );
  59694. unicode = 8147;
  59695. },
  59696. {
  59697. glyphname = iotadialytikaperispomeni;
  59698. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59699. layers = (
  59700. {
  59701. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59702. shapes = (
  59703. {
  59704. ref = iota;
  59705. },
  59706. {
  59707. pos = (-20,-12);
  59708. ref = dieresistilde;
  59709. }
  59710. );
  59711. width = 1200;
  59712. },
  59713. {
  59714. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59715. shapes = (
  59716. {
  59717. ref = iota;
  59718. },
  59719. {
  59720. pos = (-34,0);
  59721. ref = dieresistilde;
  59722. }
  59723. );
  59724. width = 1200;
  59725. }
  59726. );
  59727. tags = (
  59728. lower
  59729. );
  59730. unicode = 8151;
  59731. },
  59732. {
  59733. glyphname = omicronpsili;
  59734. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59735. layers = (
  59736. {
  59737. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59738. shapes = (
  59739. {
  59740. ref = omicron;
  59741. },
  59742. {
  59743. pos = (68,-12);
  59744. ref = psili;
  59745. }
  59746. );
  59747. width = 1200;
  59748. },
  59749. {
  59750. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59751. shapes = (
  59752. {
  59753. ref = omicron;
  59754. },
  59755. {
  59756. pos = (62,0);
  59757. ref = psili;
  59758. }
  59759. );
  59760. width = 1200;
  59761. }
  59762. );
  59763. tags = (
  59764. lower
  59765. );
  59766. unicode = 8000;
  59767. },
  59768. {
  59769. glyphname = omicrondasia;
  59770. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59771. layers = (
  59772. {
  59773. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59774. shapes = (
  59775. {
  59776. ref = omicron;
  59777. },
  59778. {
  59779. pos = (-84,-12);
  59780. ref = dasia;
  59781. }
  59782. );
  59783. width = 1200;
  59784. },
  59785. {
  59786. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59787. shapes = (
  59788. {
  59789. ref = omicron;
  59790. },
  59791. {
  59792. pos = (-70,0);
  59793. ref = dasia;
  59794. }
  59795. );
  59796. width = 1200;
  59797. }
  59798. );
  59799. tags = (
  59800. lower
  59801. );
  59802. unicode = 8001;
  59803. },
  59804. {
  59805. glyphname = omicronpsilivaria;
  59806. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59807. layers = (
  59808. {
  59809. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59810. shapes = (
  59811. {
  59812. ref = omicron;
  59813. },
  59814. {
  59815. pos = (9,-12);
  59816. ref = psilivaria;
  59817. }
  59818. );
  59819. width = 1200;
  59820. },
  59821. {
  59822. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59823. shapes = (
  59824. {
  59825. ref = omicron;
  59826. },
  59827. {
  59828. pos = (-19,0);
  59829. ref = psilivaria;
  59830. }
  59831. );
  59832. width = 1200;
  59833. }
  59834. );
  59835. tags = (
  59836. lower
  59837. );
  59838. unicode = 8002;
  59839. },
  59840. {
  59841. glyphname = omicrondasiavaria;
  59842. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59843. layers = (
  59844. {
  59845. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59846. shapes = (
  59847. {
  59848. ref = omicron;
  59849. },
  59850. {
  59851. pos = (-42,-12);
  59852. ref = dasiavaria;
  59853. }
  59854. );
  59855. width = 1200;
  59856. },
  59857. {
  59858. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59859. shapes = (
  59860. {
  59861. ref = omicron;
  59862. },
  59863. {
  59864. pos = (-54,0);
  59865. ref = dasiavaria;
  59866. }
  59867. );
  59868. width = 1200;
  59869. }
  59870. );
  59871. tags = (
  59872. lower
  59873. );
  59874. unicode = 8003;
  59875. },
  59876. {
  59877. glyphname = omicronpsilioxia;
  59878. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59879. layers = (
  59880. {
  59881. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59882. shapes = (
  59883. {
  59884. ref = omicron;
  59885. },
  59886. {
  59887. pos = (97,-12);
  59888. ref = psilioxia;
  59889. }
  59890. );
  59891. width = 1200;
  59892. },
  59893. {
  59894. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59895. shapes = (
  59896. {
  59897. ref = omicron;
  59898. },
  59899. {
  59900. pos = (69,0);
  59901. ref = psilioxia;
  59902. }
  59903. );
  59904. width = 1200;
  59905. }
  59906. );
  59907. tags = (
  59908. lower
  59909. );
  59910. unicode = 8004;
  59911. },
  59912. {
  59913. glyphname = omicrondasiaoxia;
  59914. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59915. layers = (
  59916. {
  59917. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59918. shapes = (
  59919. {
  59920. ref = omicron;
  59921. },
  59922. {
  59923. pos = (30,-12);
  59924. ref = dasiaoxia;
  59925. }
  59926. );
  59927. width = 1200;
  59928. },
  59929. {
  59930. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59931. shapes = (
  59932. {
  59933. ref = omicron;
  59934. },
  59935. {
  59936. pos = (30,0);
  59937. ref = dasiaoxia;
  59938. }
  59939. );
  59940. width = 1200;
  59941. }
  59942. );
  59943. tags = (
  59944. lower
  59945. );
  59946. unicode = 8005;
  59947. },
  59948. {
  59949. glyphname = omicronvaria;
  59950. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59951. layers = (
  59952. {
  59953. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59954. shapes = (
  59955. {
  59956. ref = omicron;
  59957. },
  59958. {
  59959. pos = (0,-12);
  59960. ref = grave;
  59961. }
  59962. );
  59963. width = 1200;
  59964. },
  59965. {
  59966. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  59967. shapes = (
  59968. {
  59969. ref = omicron;
  59970. },
  59971. {
  59972. ref = grave;
  59973. }
  59974. );
  59975. width = 1200;
  59976. }
  59977. );
  59978. tags = (
  59979. lower
  59980. );
  59981. unicode = 8056;
  59982. },
  59983. {
  59984. glyphname = omicronoxia;
  59985. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  59986. layers = (
  59987. {
  59988. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  59989. shapes = (
  59990. {
  59991. ref = omicron;
  59992. },
  59993. {
  59994. pos = (0,-12);
  59995. ref = acute;
  59996. }
  59997. );
  59998. width = 1200;
  59999. },
  60000. {
  60001. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60002. shapes = (
  60003. {
  60004. ref = omicron;
  60005. },
  60006. {
  60007. ref = acute;
  60008. }
  60009. );
  60010. width = 1200;
  60011. }
  60012. );
  60013. tags = (
  60014. lower
  60015. );
  60016. unicode = 8057;
  60017. },
  60018. {
  60019. glyphname = rhopsili;
  60020. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60021. layers = (
  60022. {
  60023. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60024. shapes = (
  60025. {
  60026. ref = rho;
  60027. },
  60028. {
  60029. pos = (90,-12);
  60030. ref = psili;
  60031. }
  60032. );
  60033. width = 1200;
  60034. },
  60035. {
  60036. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60037. shapes = (
  60038. {
  60039. ref = rho;
  60040. },
  60041. {
  60042. pos = (72,0);
  60043. ref = psili;
  60044. }
  60045. );
  60046. width = 1200;
  60047. }
  60048. );
  60049. tags = (
  60050. lower
  60051. );
  60052. unicode = 8164;
  60053. },
  60054. {
  60055. glyphname = rhodasia;
  60056. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60057. layers = (
  60058. {
  60059. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60060. shapes = (
  60061. {
  60062. ref = rho;
  60063. },
  60064. {
  60065. pos = (-62,-12);
  60066. ref = dasia;
  60067. }
  60068. );
  60069. width = 1200;
  60070. },
  60071. {
  60072. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60073. shapes = (
  60074. {
  60075. ref = rho;
  60076. },
  60077. {
  60078. pos = (-60,0);
  60079. ref = dasia;
  60080. }
  60081. );
  60082. width = 1200;
  60083. }
  60084. );
  60085. tags = (
  60086. lower
  60087. );
  60088. unicode = 8165;
  60089. },
  60090. {
  60091. glyphname = upsilonpsili;
  60092. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60093. layers = (
  60094. {
  60095. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60096. shapes = (
  60097. {
  60098. ref = upsilon;
  60099. },
  60100. {
  60101. pos = (68,-12);
  60102. ref = psili;
  60103. }
  60104. );
  60105. width = 1200;
  60106. },
  60107. {
  60108. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60109. shapes = (
  60110. {
  60111. ref = upsilon;
  60112. },
  60113. {
  60114. pos = (62,0);
  60115. ref = psili;
  60116. }
  60117. );
  60118. width = 1200;
  60119. }
  60120. );
  60121. tags = (
  60122. lower
  60123. );
  60124. unicode = 8016;
  60125. },
  60126. {
  60127. glyphname = upsilondasia;
  60128. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60129. layers = (
  60130. {
  60131. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60132. shapes = (
  60133. {
  60134. ref = upsilon;
  60135. },
  60136. {
  60137. pos = (-84,-12);
  60138. ref = dasia;
  60139. }
  60140. );
  60141. width = 1200;
  60142. },
  60143. {
  60144. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60145. shapes = (
  60146. {
  60147. ref = upsilon;
  60148. },
  60149. {
  60150. pos = (-70,0);
  60151. ref = dasia;
  60152. }
  60153. );
  60154. width = 1200;
  60155. }
  60156. );
  60157. tags = (
  60158. lower
  60159. );
  60160. unicode = 8017;
  60161. },
  60162. {
  60163. glyphname = upsilonpsilivaria;
  60164. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60165. layers = (
  60166. {
  60167. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60168. shapes = (
  60169. {
  60170. ref = upsilon;
  60171. },
  60172. {
  60173. pos = (9,-12);
  60174. ref = psilivaria;
  60175. }
  60176. );
  60177. width = 1200;
  60178. },
  60179. {
  60180. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60181. shapes = (
  60182. {
  60183. ref = upsilon;
  60184. },
  60185. {
  60186. pos = (-19,0);
  60187. ref = psilivaria;
  60188. }
  60189. );
  60190. width = 1200;
  60191. }
  60192. );
  60193. tags = (
  60194. lower
  60195. );
  60196. unicode = 8018;
  60197. },
  60198. {
  60199. glyphname = upsilondasiavaria;
  60200. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60201. layers = (
  60202. {
  60203. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60204. shapes = (
  60205. {
  60206. ref = upsilon;
  60207. },
  60208. {
  60209. pos = (-42,-12);
  60210. ref = dasiavaria;
  60211. }
  60212. );
  60213. width = 1200;
  60214. },
  60215. {
  60216. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60217. shapes = (
  60218. {
  60219. ref = upsilon;
  60220. },
  60221. {
  60222. pos = (-54,0);
  60223. ref = dasiavaria;
  60224. }
  60225. );
  60226. width = 1200;
  60227. }
  60228. );
  60229. tags = (
  60230. lower
  60231. );
  60232. unicode = 8019;
  60233. },
  60234. {
  60235. glyphname = upsilonpsilioxia;
  60236. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60237. layers = (
  60238. {
  60239. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60240. shapes = (
  60241. {
  60242. ref = upsilon;
  60243. },
  60244. {
  60245. pos = (97,-12);
  60246. ref = psilioxia;
  60247. }
  60248. );
  60249. width = 1200;
  60250. },
  60251. {
  60252. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60253. shapes = (
  60254. {
  60255. ref = upsilon;
  60256. },
  60257. {
  60258. pos = (69,0);
  60259. ref = psilioxia;
  60260. }
  60261. );
  60262. width = 1200;
  60263. }
  60264. );
  60265. tags = (
  60266. lower
  60267. );
  60268. unicode = 8020;
  60269. },
  60270. {
  60271. glyphname = upsilondasiaoxia;
  60272. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60273. layers = (
  60274. {
  60275. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60276. shapes = (
  60277. {
  60278. ref = upsilon;
  60279. },
  60280. {
  60281. pos = (30,-12);
  60282. ref = dasiaoxia;
  60283. }
  60284. );
  60285. width = 1200;
  60286. },
  60287. {
  60288. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60289. shapes = (
  60290. {
  60291. ref = upsilon;
  60292. },
  60293. {
  60294. pos = (30,0);
  60295. ref = dasiaoxia;
  60296. }
  60297. );
  60298. width = 1200;
  60299. }
  60300. );
  60301. tags = (
  60302. lower
  60303. );
  60304. unicode = 8021;
  60305. },
  60306. {
  60307. glyphname = upsilonpsiliperispomeni;
  60308. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60309. layers = (
  60310. {
  60311. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60312. shapes = (
  60313. {
  60314. ref = upsilon;
  60315. },
  60316. {
  60317. pos = (53,-12);
  60318. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  60319. }
  60320. );
  60321. width = 1200;
  60322. },
  60323. {
  60324. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60325. shapes = (
  60326. {
  60327. ref = upsilon;
  60328. },
  60329. {
  60330. pos = (22,0);
  60331. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  60332. }
  60333. );
  60334. width = 1200;
  60335. }
  60336. );
  60337. tags = (
  60338. lower
  60339. );
  60340. unicode = 8022;
  60341. },
  60342. {
  60343. glyphname = upsilondasiaperispomeni;
  60344. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60345. layers = (
  60346. {
  60347. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60348. shapes = (
  60349. {
  60350. ref = upsilon;
  60351. },
  60352. {
  60353. pos = (6,-12);
  60354. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  60355. }
  60356. );
  60357. width = 1200;
  60358. },
  60359. {
  60360. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60361. shapes = (
  60362. {
  60363. ref = upsilon;
  60364. },
  60365. {
  60366. pos = (9,0);
  60367. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  60368. }
  60369. );
  60370. width = 1200;
  60371. }
  60372. );
  60373. tags = (
  60374. lower
  60375. );
  60376. unicode = 8023;
  60377. },
  60378. {
  60379. glyphname = upsilonvaria;
  60380. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60381. layers = (
  60382. {
  60383. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60384. shapes = (
  60385. {
  60386. ref = upsilon;
  60387. },
  60388. {
  60389. pos = (0,-12);
  60390. ref = grave;
  60391. }
  60392. );
  60393. width = 1200;
  60394. },
  60395. {
  60396. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60397. shapes = (
  60398. {
  60399. ref = upsilon;
  60400. },
  60401. {
  60402. ref = grave;
  60403. }
  60404. );
  60405. width = 1200;
  60406. }
  60407. );
  60408. tags = (
  60409. lower
  60410. );
  60411. unicode = 8058;
  60412. },
  60413. {
  60414. glyphname = upsilonoxia;
  60415. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60416. layers = (
  60417. {
  60418. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60419. shapes = (
  60420. {
  60421. ref = upsilon;
  60422. },
  60423. {
  60424. pos = (0,-12);
  60425. ref = acute;
  60426. }
  60427. );
  60428. width = 1200;
  60429. },
  60430. {
  60431. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60432. shapes = (
  60433. {
  60434. ref = upsilon;
  60435. },
  60436. {
  60437. ref = acute;
  60438. }
  60439. );
  60440. width = 1200;
  60441. }
  60442. );
  60443. tags = (
  60444. lower
  60445. );
  60446. unicode = 8059;
  60447. },
  60448. {
  60449. glyphname = upsilonperispomeni;
  60450. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60451. layers = (
  60452. {
  60453. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60454. shapes = (
  60455. {
  60456. ref = upsilon;
  60457. },
  60458. {
  60459. pos = (0,-12);
  60460. ref = perispomeni;
  60461. }
  60462. );
  60463. width = 1200;
  60464. },
  60465. {
  60466. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60467. shapes = (
  60468. {
  60469. ref = upsilon;
  60470. },
  60471. {
  60472. ref = perispomeni;
  60473. }
  60474. );
  60475. width = 1200;
  60476. }
  60477. );
  60478. tags = (
  60479. lower
  60480. );
  60481. unicode = 8166;
  60482. },
  60483. {
  60484. glyphname = upsilonvrachy;
  60485. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60486. layers = (
  60487. {
  60488. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60489. shapes = (
  60490. {
  60491. ref = upsilon;
  60492. },
  60493. {
  60494. pos = (0,-12);
  60495. ref = breve;
  60496. }
  60497. );
  60498. width = 1200;
  60499. },
  60500. {
  60501. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60502. shapes = (
  60503. {
  60504. ref = upsilon;
  60505. },
  60506. {
  60507. ref = breve;
  60508. }
  60509. );
  60510. width = 1200;
  60511. }
  60512. );
  60513. tags = (
  60514. lower
  60515. );
  60516. unicode = 8160;
  60517. },
  60518. {
  60519. glyphname = upsilonmacron;
  60520. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60521. layers = (
  60522. {
  60523. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60524. shapes = (
  60525. {
  60526. ref = upsilon;
  60527. },
  60528. {
  60529. pos = (0,-12);
  60530. ref = macron;
  60531. }
  60532. );
  60533. width = 1200;
  60534. },
  60535. {
  60536. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60537. shapes = (
  60538. {
  60539. ref = upsilon;
  60540. },
  60541. {
  60542. ref = macron;
  60543. }
  60544. );
  60545. width = 1200;
  60546. }
  60547. );
  60548. tags = (
  60549. lower
  60550. );
  60551. unicode = 8161;
  60552. },
  60553. {
  60554. glyphname = upsilondialytikavaria;
  60555. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60556. layers = (
  60557. {
  60558. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60559. shapes = (
  60560. {
  60561. ref = upsilon;
  60562. },
  60563. {
  60564. pos = (-2,-12);
  60565. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  60566. }
  60567. );
  60568. width = 1200;
  60569. },
  60570. {
  60571. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60572. shapes = (
  60573. {
  60574. ref = upsilon;
  60575. },
  60576. {
  60577. pos = (1,0);
  60578. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  60579. }
  60580. );
  60581. width = 1200;
  60582. }
  60583. );
  60584. tags = (
  60585. lower
  60586. );
  60587. unicode = 8162;
  60588. },
  60589. {
  60590. glyphname = upsilondialytikaoxia;
  60591. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60592. layers = (
  60593. {
  60594. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60595. shapes = (
  60596. {
  60597. ref = upsilon;
  60598. },
  60599. {
  60600. pos = (-2,-12);
  60601. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  60602. }
  60603. );
  60604. width = 1200;
  60605. },
  60606. {
  60607. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60608. shapes = (
  60609. {
  60610. ref = upsilon;
  60611. },
  60612. {
  60613. pos = (-2,0);
  60614. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  60615. }
  60616. );
  60617. width = 1200;
  60618. }
  60619. );
  60620. tags = (
  60621. lower
  60622. );
  60623. unicode = 8163;
  60624. },
  60625. {
  60626. glyphname = upsilondialytikaperispomeni;
  60627. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60628. layers = (
  60629. {
  60630. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60631. shapes = (
  60632. {
  60633. ref = upsilon;
  60634. },
  60635. {
  60636. pos = (0,-12);
  60637. ref = dieresistilde;
  60638. }
  60639. );
  60640. width = 1200;
  60641. },
  60642. {
  60643. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60644. shapes = (
  60645. {
  60646. ref = upsilon;
  60647. },
  60648. {
  60649. ref = dieresistilde;
  60650. }
  60651. );
  60652. width = 1200;
  60653. }
  60654. );
  60655. tags = (
  60656. lower
  60657. );
  60658. unicode = 8167;
  60659. },
  60660. {
  60661. glyphname = omegapsili;
  60662. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60663. layers = (
  60664. {
  60665. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60666. shapes = (
  60667. {
  60668. ref = omega;
  60669. },
  60670. {
  60671. pos = (68,-12);
  60672. ref = psili;
  60673. }
  60674. );
  60675. width = 1200;
  60676. },
  60677. {
  60678. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60679. shapes = (
  60680. {
  60681. ref = omega;
  60682. },
  60683. {
  60684. pos = (62,0);
  60685. ref = psili;
  60686. }
  60687. );
  60688. width = 1200;
  60689. }
  60690. );
  60691. tags = (
  60692. lower
  60693. );
  60694. unicode = 8032;
  60695. },
  60696. {
  60697. glyphname = omegadasia;
  60698. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60699. layers = (
  60700. {
  60701. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60702. shapes = (
  60703. {
  60704. ref = omega;
  60705. },
  60706. {
  60707. pos = (-84,-12);
  60708. ref = dasia;
  60709. }
  60710. );
  60711. width = 1200;
  60712. },
  60713. {
  60714. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60715. shapes = (
  60716. {
  60717. ref = omega;
  60718. },
  60719. {
  60720. pos = (-70,0);
  60721. ref = dasia;
  60722. }
  60723. );
  60724. width = 1200;
  60725. }
  60726. );
  60727. tags = (
  60728. lower
  60729. );
  60730. unicode = 8033;
  60731. },
  60732. {
  60733. glyphname = omegapsilivaria;
  60734. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60735. layers = (
  60736. {
  60737. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60738. shapes = (
  60739. {
  60740. ref = omega;
  60741. },
  60742. {
  60743. pos = (9,-12);
  60744. ref = psilivaria;
  60745. }
  60746. );
  60747. width = 1200;
  60748. },
  60749. {
  60750. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60751. shapes = (
  60752. {
  60753. ref = omega;
  60754. },
  60755. {
  60756. pos = (-19,0);
  60757. ref = psilivaria;
  60758. }
  60759. );
  60760. width = 1200;
  60761. }
  60762. );
  60763. tags = (
  60764. lower
  60765. );
  60766. unicode = 8034;
  60767. },
  60768. {
  60769. glyphname = omegadasiavaria;
  60770. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60771. layers = (
  60772. {
  60773. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60774. shapes = (
  60775. {
  60776. ref = omega;
  60777. },
  60778. {
  60779. pos = (-42,-12);
  60780. ref = dasiavaria;
  60781. }
  60782. );
  60783. width = 1200;
  60784. },
  60785. {
  60786. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60787. shapes = (
  60788. {
  60789. ref = omega;
  60790. },
  60791. {
  60792. pos = (-54,0);
  60793. ref = dasiavaria;
  60794. }
  60795. );
  60796. width = 1200;
  60797. }
  60798. );
  60799. tags = (
  60800. lower
  60801. );
  60802. unicode = 8035;
  60803. },
  60804. {
  60805. glyphname = omegapsilioxia;
  60806. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60807. layers = (
  60808. {
  60809. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60810. shapes = (
  60811. {
  60812. ref = omega;
  60813. },
  60814. {
  60815. pos = (97,-12);
  60816. ref = psilioxia;
  60817. }
  60818. );
  60819. width = 1200;
  60820. },
  60821. {
  60822. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60823. shapes = (
  60824. {
  60825. ref = omega;
  60826. },
  60827. {
  60828. pos = (69,0);
  60829. ref = psilioxia;
  60830. }
  60831. );
  60832. width = 1200;
  60833. }
  60834. );
  60835. tags = (
  60836. lower
  60837. );
  60838. unicode = 8036;
  60839. },
  60840. {
  60841. glyphname = omegadasiaoxia;
  60842. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60843. layers = (
  60844. {
  60845. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60846. shapes = (
  60847. {
  60848. ref = omega;
  60849. },
  60850. {
  60851. pos = (30,-12);
  60852. ref = dasiaoxia;
  60853. }
  60854. );
  60855. width = 1200;
  60856. },
  60857. {
  60858. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60859. shapes = (
  60860. {
  60861. ref = omega;
  60862. },
  60863. {
  60864. pos = (30,0);
  60865. ref = dasiaoxia;
  60866. }
  60867. );
  60868. width = 1200;
  60869. }
  60870. );
  60871. tags = (
  60872. lower
  60873. );
  60874. unicode = 8037;
  60875. },
  60876. {
  60877. glyphname = omegapsiliperispomeni;
  60878. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60879. layers = (
  60880. {
  60881. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60882. shapes = (
  60883. {
  60884. ref = omega;
  60885. },
  60886. {
  60887. pos = (53,-12);
  60888. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  60889. }
  60890. );
  60891. width = 1200;
  60892. },
  60893. {
  60894. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60895. shapes = (
  60896. {
  60897. ref = omega;
  60898. },
  60899. {
  60900. pos = (22,0);
  60901. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  60902. }
  60903. );
  60904. width = 1200;
  60905. }
  60906. );
  60907. tags = (
  60908. lower
  60909. );
  60910. unicode = 8038;
  60911. },
  60912. {
  60913. glyphname = omegadasiaperispomeni;
  60914. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60915. layers = (
  60916. {
  60917. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60918. shapes = (
  60919. {
  60920. ref = omega;
  60921. },
  60922. {
  60923. pos = (6,-12);
  60924. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  60925. }
  60926. );
  60927. width = 1200;
  60928. },
  60929. {
  60930. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60931. shapes = (
  60932. {
  60933. ref = omega;
  60934. },
  60935. {
  60936. pos = (9,0);
  60937. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  60938. }
  60939. );
  60940. width = 1200;
  60941. }
  60942. );
  60943. tags = (
  60944. lower
  60945. );
  60946. unicode = 8039;
  60947. },
  60948. {
  60949. glyphname = omegavaria;
  60950. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60951. layers = (
  60952. {
  60953. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60954. shapes = (
  60955. {
  60956. ref = omega;
  60957. },
  60958. {
  60959. pos = (0,-12);
  60960. ref = grave;
  60961. }
  60962. );
  60963. width = 1200;
  60964. },
  60965. {
  60966. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  60967. shapes = (
  60968. {
  60969. ref = omega;
  60970. },
  60971. {
  60972. ref = grave;
  60973. }
  60974. );
  60975. width = 1200;
  60976. }
  60977. );
  60978. tags = (
  60979. lower
  60980. );
  60981. unicode = 8060;
  60982. },
  60983. {
  60984. glyphname = omegaoxia;
  60985. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  60986. layers = (
  60987. {
  60988. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  60989. shapes = (
  60990. {
  60991. ref = omega;
  60992. },
  60993. {
  60994. pos = (0,-12);
  60995. ref = acute;
  60996. }
  60997. );
  60998. width = 1200;
  60999. },
  61000. {
  61001. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61002. shapes = (
  61003. {
  61004. ref = omega;
  61005. },
  61006. {
  61007. ref = acute;
  61008. }
  61009. );
  61010. width = 1200;
  61011. }
  61012. );
  61013. tags = (
  61014. lower
  61015. );
  61016. unicode = 8061;
  61017. },
  61018. {
  61019. glyphname = omegaperispomeni;
  61020. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61021. layers = (
  61022. {
  61023. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61024. shapes = (
  61025. {
  61026. ref = omega;
  61027. },
  61028. {
  61029. pos = (0,-12);
  61030. ref = perispomeni;
  61031. }
  61032. );
  61033. width = 1200;
  61034. },
  61035. {
  61036. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61037. shapes = (
  61038. {
  61039. ref = omega;
  61040. },
  61041. {
  61042. ref = perispomeni;
  61043. }
  61044. );
  61045. width = 1200;
  61046. }
  61047. );
  61048. tags = (
  61049. lower
  61050. );
  61051. unicode = 8182;
  61052. },
  61053. {
  61054. glyphname = omegaypogegrammeni;
  61055. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61056. layers = (
  61057. {
  61058. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61059. shapes = (
  61060. {
  61061. ref = omega;
  61062. },
  61063. {
  61064. pos = (128,0);
  61065. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61066. }
  61067. );
  61068. width = 1200;
  61069. },
  61070. {
  61071. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61072. shapes = (
  61073. {
  61074. ref = omega;
  61075. },
  61076. {
  61077. pos = (128,0);
  61078. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61079. }
  61080. );
  61081. width = 1200;
  61082. }
  61083. );
  61084. tags = (
  61085. lower
  61086. );
  61087. unicode = 8179;
  61088. },
  61089. {
  61090. glyphname = omegavariaypogegrammeni;
  61091. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61092. layers = (
  61093. {
  61094. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61095. shapes = (
  61096. {
  61097. ref = omega;
  61098. },
  61099. {
  61100. pos = (0,-12);
  61101. ref = varia;
  61102. },
  61103. {
  61104. pos = (128,0);
  61105. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61106. }
  61107. );
  61108. width = 1200;
  61109. },
  61110. {
  61111. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61112. shapes = (
  61113. {
  61114. ref = omega;
  61115. },
  61116. {
  61117. ref = varia;
  61118. },
  61119. {
  61120. pos = (128,0);
  61121. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61122. }
  61123. );
  61124. width = 1200;
  61125. }
  61126. );
  61127. tags = (
  61128. lower
  61129. );
  61130. unicode = 8178;
  61131. },
  61132. {
  61133. glyphname = omegaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  61134. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61135. layers = (
  61136. {
  61137. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61138. shapes = (
  61139. {
  61140. ref = omega;
  61141. },
  61142. {
  61143. pos = (0,-12);
  61144. ref = oxia;
  61145. },
  61146. {
  61147. pos = (128,0);
  61148. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61149. }
  61150. );
  61151. width = 1200;
  61152. },
  61153. {
  61154. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61155. shapes = (
  61156. {
  61157. ref = omega;
  61158. },
  61159. {
  61160. ref = oxia;
  61161. },
  61162. {
  61163. pos = (128,0);
  61164. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61165. }
  61166. );
  61167. width = 1200;
  61168. }
  61169. );
  61170. tags = (
  61171. lower
  61172. );
  61173. unicode = 8180;
  61174. },
  61175. {
  61176. glyphname = omegapsiliypogegrammeni;
  61177. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61178. layers = (
  61179. {
  61180. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61181. shapes = (
  61182. {
  61183. ref = omega;
  61184. },
  61185. {
  61186. pos = (68,-12);
  61187. ref = psili;
  61188. },
  61189. {
  61190. pos = (128,0);
  61191. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61192. }
  61193. );
  61194. width = 1200;
  61195. },
  61196. {
  61197. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61198. shapes = (
  61199. {
  61200. ref = omega;
  61201. },
  61202. {
  61203. pos = (62,0);
  61204. ref = psili;
  61205. },
  61206. {
  61207. pos = (128,0);
  61208. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61209. }
  61210. );
  61211. width = 1200;
  61212. }
  61213. );
  61214. tags = (
  61215. lower
  61216. );
  61217. unicode = 8096;
  61218. },
  61219. {
  61220. glyphname = omegadasiaypogegrammeni;
  61221. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61222. layers = (
  61223. {
  61224. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61225. shapes = (
  61226. {
  61227. ref = omega;
  61228. },
  61229. {
  61230. pos = (-84,-12);
  61231. ref = dasia;
  61232. },
  61233. {
  61234. pos = (128,0);
  61235. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61236. }
  61237. );
  61238. width = 1200;
  61239. },
  61240. {
  61241. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61242. shapes = (
  61243. {
  61244. ref = omega;
  61245. },
  61246. {
  61247. pos = (-70,0);
  61248. ref = dasia;
  61249. },
  61250. {
  61251. pos = (128,0);
  61252. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61253. }
  61254. );
  61255. width = 1200;
  61256. }
  61257. );
  61258. tags = (
  61259. lower
  61260. );
  61261. unicode = 8097;
  61262. },
  61263. {
  61264. glyphname = omegapsilivariaypogegrammeni;
  61265. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61266. layers = (
  61267. {
  61268. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61269. shapes = (
  61270. {
  61271. ref = omega;
  61272. },
  61273. {
  61274. pos = (9,-12);
  61275. ref = psilivaria;
  61276. },
  61277. {
  61278. pos = (128,0);
  61279. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61280. }
  61281. );
  61282. width = 1200;
  61283. },
  61284. {
  61285. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61286. shapes = (
  61287. {
  61288. ref = omega;
  61289. },
  61290. {
  61291. pos = (-19,0);
  61292. ref = psilivaria;
  61293. },
  61294. {
  61295. pos = (128,0);
  61296. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61297. }
  61298. );
  61299. width = 1200;
  61300. }
  61301. );
  61302. tags = (
  61303. lower
  61304. );
  61305. unicode = 8098;
  61306. },
  61307. {
  61308. glyphname = omegadasiavariaypogegrammeni;
  61309. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61310. layers = (
  61311. {
  61312. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61313. shapes = (
  61314. {
  61315. ref = omega;
  61316. },
  61317. {
  61318. pos = (-42,-12);
  61319. ref = dasiavaria;
  61320. },
  61321. {
  61322. pos = (128,0);
  61323. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61324. }
  61325. );
  61326. width = 1200;
  61327. },
  61328. {
  61329. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61330. shapes = (
  61331. {
  61332. ref = omega;
  61333. },
  61334. {
  61335. pos = (-54,0);
  61336. ref = dasiavaria;
  61337. },
  61338. {
  61339. pos = (128,0);
  61340. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61341. }
  61342. );
  61343. width = 1200;
  61344. }
  61345. );
  61346. tags = (
  61347. lower
  61348. );
  61349. unicode = 8099;
  61350. },
  61351. {
  61352. glyphname = omegapsilioxiaypogegrammeni;
  61353. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61354. layers = (
  61355. {
  61356. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61357. shapes = (
  61358. {
  61359. ref = omega;
  61360. },
  61361. {
  61362. pos = (97,-12);
  61363. ref = psilioxia;
  61364. },
  61365. {
  61366. pos = (128,0);
  61367. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61368. }
  61369. );
  61370. width = 1200;
  61371. },
  61372. {
  61373. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61374. shapes = (
  61375. {
  61376. ref = omega;
  61377. },
  61378. {
  61379. pos = (69,0);
  61380. ref = psilioxia;
  61381. },
  61382. {
  61383. pos = (128,0);
  61384. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61385. }
  61386. );
  61387. width = 1200;
  61388. }
  61389. );
  61390. tags = (
  61391. lower
  61392. );
  61393. unicode = 8100;
  61394. },
  61395. {
  61396. glyphname = omegadasiaoxiaypogegrammeni;
  61397. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61398. layers = (
  61399. {
  61400. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61401. shapes = (
  61402. {
  61403. ref = omega;
  61404. },
  61405. {
  61406. pos = (30,-12);
  61407. ref = dasiaoxia;
  61408. },
  61409. {
  61410. pos = (128,0);
  61411. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61412. }
  61413. );
  61414. width = 1200;
  61415. },
  61416. {
  61417. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61418. shapes = (
  61419. {
  61420. ref = omega;
  61421. },
  61422. {
  61423. pos = (30,0);
  61424. ref = dasiaoxia;
  61425. },
  61426. {
  61427. pos = (128,0);
  61428. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61429. }
  61430. );
  61431. width = 1200;
  61432. }
  61433. );
  61434. tags = (
  61435. lower
  61436. );
  61437. unicode = 8101;
  61438. },
  61439. {
  61440. glyphname = omegapsiliperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  61441. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61442. layers = (
  61443. {
  61444. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61445. shapes = (
  61446. {
  61447. ref = omega;
  61448. },
  61449. {
  61450. pos = (53,-12);
  61451. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  61452. },
  61453. {
  61454. pos = (128,0);
  61455. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61456. }
  61457. );
  61458. width = 1200;
  61459. },
  61460. {
  61461. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61462. shapes = (
  61463. {
  61464. ref = omega;
  61465. },
  61466. {
  61467. pos = (22,0);
  61468. ref = psiliperispomeni;
  61469. },
  61470. {
  61471. pos = (128,0);
  61472. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61473. }
  61474. );
  61475. width = 1200;
  61476. }
  61477. );
  61478. tags = (
  61479. lower
  61480. );
  61481. unicode = 8102;
  61482. },
  61483. {
  61484. glyphname = omegadasiaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  61485. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61486. layers = (
  61487. {
  61488. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61489. shapes = (
  61490. {
  61491. ref = omega;
  61492. },
  61493. {
  61494. pos = (6,-12);
  61495. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  61496. },
  61497. {
  61498. pos = (128,0);
  61499. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61500. }
  61501. );
  61502. width = 1200;
  61503. },
  61504. {
  61505. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61506. shapes = (
  61507. {
  61508. ref = omega;
  61509. },
  61510. {
  61511. pos = (9,0);
  61512. ref = dasiaperispomeni;
  61513. },
  61514. {
  61515. pos = (128,0);
  61516. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61517. }
  61518. );
  61519. width = 1200;
  61520. }
  61521. );
  61522. tags = (
  61523. lower
  61524. );
  61525. unicode = 8103;
  61526. },
  61527. {
  61528. glyphname = omegaperispomeniypogegrammeni;
  61529. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61530. layers = (
  61531. {
  61532. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61533. shapes = (
  61534. {
  61535. ref = omega;
  61536. },
  61537. {
  61538. pos = (0,-12);
  61539. ref = perispomenicomb;
  61540. },
  61541. {
  61542. pos = (128,0);
  61543. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61544. }
  61545. );
  61546. width = 1200;
  61547. },
  61548. {
  61549. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  61550. shapes = (
  61551. {
  61552. ref = omega;
  61553. },
  61554. {
  61555. ref = perispomenicomb;
  61556. },
  61557. {
  61558. pos = (128,0);
  61559. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61560. }
  61561. );
  61562. width = 1200;
  61563. }
  61564. );
  61565. tags = (
  61566. lower
  61567. );
  61568. unicode = 8183;
  61569. },
  61570. {
  61571. glyphname = prosgegrammeni;
  61572. lastChange = "2025-02-08 14:45:07 +0000";
  61573. layers = (
  61574. {
  61575. anchors = (
  61576. {
  61577. name = _bottom;
  61578. pos = (470,0);
  61579. }
  61580. );
  61581. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  61582. shapes = (
  61583. {
  61584. alignment = -1;
  61585. ref = ypogegrammenicomb;
  61586. }
  61587. );
  61588. width = 1200;
  61589. },
  61590. {
  61591. anchors = (
  61592. {
  61593. name = _bottom;
  61594. pos = (470,0);
  61595. }
  61596. );
  61597. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  67144. );
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  67289. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67370. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67415. }
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  67442. }
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  67469. }
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  67496. }
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  67523. }
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  67550. }
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  67577. }
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  67579. unicode = 185;
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  67586. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67596. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  67599. pos = (0,630);
  67600. ref = two.dnom;
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  67604. }
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  67626. pos = (0,630);
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  67631. }
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  67640. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  67641. shapes = (
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  67658. }
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  67664. lastChange = "2020-04-05 21:59:17 +0000";
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  67667. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67677. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  67684. width = 1200;
  67685. }
  67686. );
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  67691. lastChange = "2020-04-05 21:59:17 +0000";
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  67693. {
  67694. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67699. }
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  67711. width = 1200;
  67712. }
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  67718. lastChange = "2020-04-05 21:59:17 +0000";
  67719. layers = (
  67720. {
  67721. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67723. {
  67724. pos = (0,630);
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  67726. }
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  67728. width = 1200;
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  67731. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  67733. {
  67734. pos = (0,630);
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  67738. width = 1200;
  67739. }
  67740. );
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  67745. lastChange = "2020-04-05 21:59:17 +0000";
  67746. layers = (
  67747. {
  67748. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  67749. shapes = (
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  67759. shapes = (
  67760. {
  67761. pos = (0,630);
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  67765. width = 1200;
  67766. }
  67767. );
  67768. unicode = 8312;
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  67772. lastChange = "2020-04-05 21:59:17 +0000";
  67773. layers = (
  67774. {
  67775. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  67780. }
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  67788. pos = (0,630);
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  67793. }
  67794. );
  67795. unicode = 8313;
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  67803. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  67815. {
  67816. pos = (0,-386);
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  67818. }
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  67820. width = 1200;
  67821. }
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  69971. );
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  79009. );
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  79410. );
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  79435. );
  79436. unicode = 65378;
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  79443. {
  79444. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
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  79586. tags = (
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  79588. );
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  79600. nodes = (
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  79680. );
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  127808. pos = (-203,-4);
  127809. ref = dasia;
  127810. }
  127811. );
  127812. width = 1200;
  127813. },
  127814. {
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  127817. name = _top;
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  127822. pos = (846,1565);
  127823. },
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  127825. name = top;
  127826. pos = (273,1572);
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  127831. {
  127832. closed = 1;
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  127836. (822,1529,l),
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  127838. );
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  127841. alignment = -1;
  127842. pos = (-152,-16);
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  127844. }
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  127847. }
  127848. );
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  127857. {
  127858. name = _top;
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  127866. name = top;
  127867. pos = (570,1901);
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  127875. (622,1162,l),
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  127877. (714,1324,o),
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  127880. (730,1504,o),
  127881. (664,1572,o),
  127882. (573,1572,cs),
  127883. (480,1572,o),
  127884. (414,1502,o),
  127885. (414,1417,cs),
  127886. (414,1357,o),
  127887. (442,1316,o),
  127888. (501,1284,c),
  127889. (473,1162,l)
  127890. );
  127891. },
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  127893. alignment = -1;
  127894. pos = (-25,316);
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  127896. }
  127897. );
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  127911. name = top;
  127912. pos = (649,1664);
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  127920. (616,1150,l),
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  127925. (710,1417,o),
  127926. (670,1456,o),
  127927. (615,1456,cs),
  127928. (562,1456,o),
  127929. (519,1418,o),
  127930. (519,1363,cs),
  127931. (519,1326,o),
  127932. (535,1299,o),
  127933. (572,1275,c),
  127934. (530,1150,l)
  127935. );
  127936. },
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  127938. alignment = -1;
  127939. pos = (11,133);
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  127941. }
  127942. );
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  127944. }
  127945. );
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  127954. {
  127955. name = _top;
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  127959. name = _topleft;
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  127961. },
  127962. {
  127963. name = top;
  127964. pos = (598,1901);
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  127971. nodes = (
  127972. (669,1286,l),
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  127974. (753,1357,o),
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  127976. (753,1502,o),
  127977. (687,1572,o),
  127978. (594,1572,cs),
  127979. (503,1572,o),
  127980. (437,1506,o),
  127981. (437,1417,cs),
  127982. (437,1365,o),
  127983. (453,1326,o),
  127984. (497,1249,cs),
  127985. (545,1162,l),
  127986. (694,1162,l)
  127987. );
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  127990. alignment = -1;
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  127994. );
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  128006. },
  128007. {
  128008. name = top;
  128009. pos = (595,1667);
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  128014. {
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  128017. (633,1277,l),
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  128019. (688,1329,o),
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  128022. (645,1459,o),
  128023. (591,1459,cs),
  128024. (537,1459,o),
  128025. (497,1419,o),
  128026. (497,1366,cs),
  128027. (497,1340,o),
  128028. (504,1309,o),
  128029. (554,1218,cs),
  128030. (590,1153,l),
  128031. (677,1153,l)
  128032. );
  128033. },
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  128035. alignment = -1;
  128036. pos = (-3,135);
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  128038. }
  128039. );
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  128041. }
  128042. );
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  128047. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128049. {
  128050. anchors = (
  128051. {
  128052. name = _top;
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  128059. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  128060. }
  128061. );
  128062. width = 1200;
  128063. },
  128064. {
  128065. anchors = (
  128066. {
  128067. name = _top;
  128068. pos = (609,1050);
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  128071. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  128072. shapes = (
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  128074. ref = dieresisgravecomb;
  128075. }
  128076. );
  128077. width = 1200;
  128078. }
  128079. );
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  128084. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128086. {
  128087. anchors = (
  128088. {
  128089. name = _top;
  128090. pos = (606,1062);
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  128094. shapes = (
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  128096. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  128097. }
  128098. );
  128099. width = 1200;
  128100. },
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  128102. anchors = (
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  128104. name = _top;
  128105. pos = (609,1050);
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  128108. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  128109. shapes = (
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  128111. ref = dieresisacutecomb;
  128112. }
  128113. );
  128114. width = 1200;
  128115. }
  128116. );
  128117. unicode = 8174;
  128118. },
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  128121. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128123. {
  128124. anchors = (
  128125. {
  128126. name = _top;
  128127. pos = (604,1062);
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  128131. shapes = (
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  128133. ref = dieresistilde;
  128134. }
  128135. );
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  128137. },
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  128141. name = _top;
  128142. pos = (613,1050);
  128143. }
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  128145. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  128146. shapes = (
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  128148. ref = dieresistilde;
  128149. }
  128150. );
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  128152. }
  128153. );
  128154. unicode = 8129;
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  128157. glyphname = varia;
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  128160. {
  128161. anchors = (
  128162. {
  128163. name = _top;
  128164. pos = (600,1062);
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  128167. name = top;
  128168. pos = (602,1670);
  128169. }
  128170. );
  128171. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128172. shapes = (
  128173. {
  128174. alignment = -1;
  128175. ref = gravecomb;
  128176. }
  128177. );
  128178. width = 1200;
  128179. },
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  128182. {
  128183. name = _top;
  128184. pos = (600,1050);
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  128186. {
  128187. name = top;
  128188. pos = (611,1571);
  128189. }
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  128192. shapes = (
  128193. {
  128194. alignment = -1;
  128195. ref = gravecomb;
  128196. }
  128197. );
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  128199. }
  128200. );
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  128202. },
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  128204. glyphname =;
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  128207. {
  128208. anchors = (
  128209. {
  128210. name = _topleft;
  128211. pos = (821,1386);
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  128213. );
  128214. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
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  128216. {
  128217. closed = 1;
  128218. nodes = (
  128219. (392,1386,l),
  128220. (567,933,l),
  128221. (769,969,l),
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  128224. }
  128225. );
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  128230. {
  128231. name = _topleft;
  128232. pos = (764,1374);
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  128246. );
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  128248. }
  128249. );
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  128255. {
  128256. anchors = (
  128257. {
  128258. name = _top;
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  128262. name = top;
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  128264. }
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  128266. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128267. shapes = (
  128268. {
  128269. alignment = -1;
  128270. ref = acutecomb;
  128271. }
  128272. );
  128273. width = 1200;
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  128277. {
  128278. name = _top;
  128279. pos = (600,1050);
  128280. },
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  128282. name = top;
  128283. pos = (579,1571);
  128284. }
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  128286. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  128287. shapes = (
  128288. {
  128289. alignment = -1;
  128290. ref = acutecomb;
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  128292. );
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  128294. }
  128295. );
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  128299. glyphname =;
  128300. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128302. {
  128303. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128304. shapes = (
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  128306. alignment = -1;
  128307. ref =;
  128308. }
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  128310. width = 1200;
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  128313. layerId = "B67F0F2D-EC95-4CB8-966E-23AE86958A69";
  128314. shapes = (
  128315. {
  128316. alignment = -1;
  128317. ref =;
  128318. }
  128319. );
  128320. width = 1200;
  128321. }
  128322. );
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  128324. {
  128325. glyphname = perispomeni;
  128326. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
  128327. layers = (
  128328. {
  128329. anchors = (
  128330. {
  128331. name = _top;
  128332. pos = (600,1062);
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  128335. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128336. shapes = (
  128337. {
  128338. alignment = -1;
  128339. ref = tildecomb;
  128340. }
  128341. );
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  128347. name = _top;
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  128352. shapes = (
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  128354. alignment = -1;
  128355. pos = (-3,0);
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  128358. );
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  128360. }
  128361. );
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  128367. layers = (
  128368. {
  128369. anchors = (
  128370. {
  128371. name = _top;
  128372. pos = (600,1062);
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  128374. {
  128375. name = top;
  128376. pos = (600,1435);
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  128379. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128380. shapes = (
  128381. {
  128382. alignment = -1;
  128383. ref = dieresis;
  128384. }
  128385. );
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  128390. {
  128391. name = _top;
  128392. pos = (600,1050);
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  128395. name = top;
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  128400. shapes = (
  128401. {
  128402. alignment = -1;
  128403. ref = dieresis;
  128404. }
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  128407. }
  128408. );
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  128413. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
  128414. layers = (
  128415. {
  128416. anchors = (
  128417. {
  128418. name = _center;
  128419. pos = (602,1365);
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  128421. {
  128422. name = _top;
  128423. pos = (602,1062);
  128424. }
  128425. );
  128426. layerId = "4B7A3BAF-EAD8-4024-9BEA-BB1DE86CFCFA";
  128427. shapes = (
  128428. {
  128429. alignment = -1;
  128430. pos = (2,-75);
  128431. ref = dotaccent;
  128432. }
  128433. );
  128434. width = 1200;
  128435. },
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  128437. anchors = (
  128438. {
  128439. name = _center;
  128440. pos = (602,1305);
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  128448. shapes = (
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  128450. alignment = -1;
  128451. pos = (2,-117);
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  128456. }
  128457. );
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  128462. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128464. {
  128465. anchors = (
  128466. {
  128467. name = _top;
  128468. pos = (600,1062);
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  128470. );
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  128472. shapes = (
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  128475. nodes = (
  128476. (325,1432,l),
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  128478. (885,1405,l),
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  128485. {
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  128487. {
  128488. name = _top;
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  128490. }
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  128511. lastChange = "2020-04-05 22:02:26 +0000";
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  128513. {
  128514. anchors = (
  128515. {
  128516. name = _top;
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  128525. (316,1405,l),
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  128528. (752,1670,l)
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  128531. );
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  128573. pos = (2,-75);
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  128576. );
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  128582. name = _top;
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  128590. pos = (-1,-117);
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  128595. }
  128596. );
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  128620. (981,1301,l),
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  128675. (981,1438,l),
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  128733. (456,1434,o),
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  128871. shapes = (
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  128873. alignment = -1;
  128874. pos = (0,-75);
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  128883. name = _top;
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  128888. shapes = (
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  128890. alignment = -1;
  128891. pos = (3,-117);
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  128897. );
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  128916. (1065,1460,l),
  128917. (135,1460,l),
  128918. (135,1240,l),
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  128928. name = _top;
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  128966. {
  128967. alignment = -1;
  128968. pos = (1200,0);
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  128983. pos = (628,1651);
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  128987. shapes = (
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  128989. alignment = -1;
  128990. pos = (1200,0);
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  129015. pos = (-241,1715);
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  129024. name = _top;
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  129029. shapes = (
  129030. {
  129031. alignment = -1;
  129032. pos = (109,1653);
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  129057. pos = (1163,1715);
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  129067. name = _top;
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  129073. {
  129074. pos = (1088,1653);
  129075. ref = commaaccent;
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  129112. (759,-196,o),
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