# Contributing Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help: - [Translating](#translations) - [Contributing code](#code) - [Reporting issues](#issues) - [Donating](#donations) ## Translations See [translation instructions](https://github.com/flameshot-org/translation-instruction). ## Code For small fixes or incremental improvements simply fork the repo and follow the process below. For larger changes submit an [RFC:](RFC.md) 1. [Fork](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) the repository and [clone](https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/) your fork. 2. Start coding! - Implement your feature. - Check your code works as expected. - Run the code formatter: `clang-format -i $(git ls-files "*.cpp" "*.h")` 3. Commit your changes to a new branch (not `master`, one change per branch) and push it: - Commit messages should: - Header line: explain the commit in one line (use the imperative) - Be descriptive. - Have a first line with less than *80 characters* and have a second line that is *empty* if you want to add a description. 4. Once you are happy with your changes, submit a pull request. - Open the pull-request. - Add a short description explaining briefly what you've done (or if it's a work-in-progress - what you need to do) ## Issues 1. Do a quick search on GitHub to check if the issue has already been reported. 2. [Open an issue](https://github.com/flameshot-org/flameshot/issues/new) and describe the issue you are having - you could include: - Screenshots - Ways to reproduce the issue. - Your Flameshot version. - Your platform (e.g. Windows 10 or Ubuntu 15.04 x64) After reporting you should aim to answer questions or clarifications as this helps pinpoint the cause of the issue. ## Donations The best way to fund flameshot is to create a bounty here: https://rysolv.com/issues