AbstractWidgetListAdd NewMove UpMove DownRemoveAcceptToolAcceptAccept the captureAppLauncher應用程式啟動器選擇一個程式打開此截圖AppLauncherWidget打開在終端機中啟動選擇後維持此視窗開啟錯誤無法在終端機中啟動。無法寫入ArrowTool箭頭選擇箭頭作為繪製工具BlurTool模糊選擇模糊作為繪製工具CaptureLauncher<b>擷取模式</b>矩形區域全螢幕(目前螢幕)全螢幕(所有螢幕)無延遲 秒 秒擷取新螢幕截圖區域:Capture LauncherTextLabelCapture Mode延遲:WxH+x+yCaptureWidget無法擷取螢幕MouseSelect screenshot area滑鼠滑輪Change tool size右鍵Show color pickerOpen side panelEsc離開Flameshot has lost focus. Keyboard shortcuts won't work until you click somewhere.Configuration error resolved. Launch `flameshot gui` again to apply it.使用滑鼠選擇一片區域,或按Esc退出。
按Space打開側面板。工具設定CircleCountToolCircle Counter新增一個自動計數的泡泡CircleTool圓形選擇圈型作為繪畫工具ColorDialogSelect ColorSaturationHueHexBlueValueGreenAlphaRedColorGrabWidgetAccept colorPrecisely select colorToggle magnifierCancelEscColorPickerEditorEdit Preset:Enter color to update preset更新Press button to update the selected presetDeletePress button to delete the selected presetAdd Preset:Enter color manually or select it using the color-wheelAddPress button to add preset錯誤Unable to add preset. Maximum limit reached.Unable to remove preset. Minimum limit reached.ConfigErrorDetailsConfiguration errorsConfigHandlerUnrecognized setting: '%1'
Unrecognized shortcut name: '%1'.
Shortcut conflict: '%1' and '%2' have the same shortcut: %3
Bad value in '%1'. Expected: %2
You have successfully resolved the configuration error.The configuration contains an error. Open configuration to resolve.Bad config key '%1' in ConfigHandler. Please report this as a bug.ConfigResolverResolve configuration errors<b>You must resolve all errors before continuing:</b>重設Reset to the default value.RemoveRemove this setting.Some keyboard shortcuts have conflicts.
This will NOT prevent flameshot from starting.
Please solve them manually in the configuration file.Resolve allResolve all listed errors.DetailsConfigWindow設定介面檔案名稱編輯器一般捷徑Resolve<b>Configuration file has errors. Resolve them before continuing.</b>Controller已有新版本 %1 可取得您已安裝最新版本無法取得最新版本的資訊。錯誤Unable to close active modal widgets&進行截圖&打開啟動器&設定&關於檢查更新&最近上傳&資訊&結束CopyTool複製Copy selection to clipboard把截圖複製到剪貼簿DBusUtils無法透過 DBus 進行連接ExitTool離開離開螢幕擷取FileNameEditor編輯您的截圖名稱:編輯器:預覽:存檔儲存樣式恢復重設恢復儲存的樣式清空刪除這個名稱Flameshot錯誤Unable to close active modal widgetsURL copied to clipboard.FlameshotDaemon已有新版本 %1 可取得您已安裝最新版本無法取得最新版本的資訊。無法透過 DBus 進行連接GeneneralConf顯示説明資訊在擷取之前顯示説明資訊顯示桌面通知顯示託盤圖示顯示工作列圖示匯入錯誤無法讀取檔案無法寫入檔案存檔確認重設你確定你想要重設?設定檔匯出重設自動啟動GeneralConf匯入錯誤無法讀取檔案。無法寫入檔案。存檔確認重設你確定要重設嗎?顯示説明資訊在擷取之前顯示説明資訊。顯示側面板按鈕在擷取模式下顯示側面板按鈕。顯示桌面通知顯示工具列圖示顯示工作列圖示從最近上傳刪除截圖時須確認設定檔匯出重設自動檢查更新Allow multiple flameshot GUI instances simultaneouslyAutomatically close daemon when it is not needed自動啟動啟動 Flameshot在啟動時顯示歡迎訊息Use large predefined color palette上傳後自動複製網址上傳後自動複製網址並關閉視窗複製圖片後自動儲存複製圖片後自動儲存Show the help message at the beginning in the capture modeUse last regionUses the last region as the default selection for the next screenshotShow the side panel toggle button in the capture modeEnable desktop notificationsShow icon in the system trayAsk for confirmation to delete screenshot from the latest uploadsCheck for updates automaticallyThis allows you to take screenshots of Flameshot itself for exampleLaunch Flameshot daemon when computer is bootedShow the welcome message box in the middle of the screen while taking a screenshotUse a large predefined color paletteCopy on double clickEnable Copy on Double ClickCopy URL and close window after uploading was successfulAfter copying the screenshot, save it to a file as well儲存路徑變更...使用固定的路徑來儲存螢幕截圖Preferred save file extension:Latest Uploads Max SizeImgur Application Client IDUndo limit複製到剪貼簿時使用 JPG 格式 (預設為PNG)儲存後自動複製檔案路徑Copy the file path to clipboard after the file is savedAnti-aliasing image when zoom the pinned imageAfter zooming the pinned image, should the image get smoothened or stay pixelatedUpload image without confirmation選擇一個資料夾無法寫入至資料夾。Show magnifierEnable a magnifier while selecting the screenshot areaSquare shaped magnifierMake the magnifier to be square-shapedHistoryWidget最近上傳無螢幕截圖歷史紀錄複製網址網址已複製到剪貼簿。在瀏覽器開啟確認刪除Are you sure you want to delete a screenshot from the latest uploads and server?ImgS3Uploader正在上傳連結已複製到剪貼簿錯誤ImgUploadDialogUpload ConfirmationDo you want to upload this capture?Upload without confirmationImgUploader正在上傳無法打開此連結連結已複製到剪貼簿截圖已複製到剪貼簿複製連結打開連結將檔案複製到剪貼簿ImgUploaderBaseUpload image正在上傳Copy URL打開連結刪除圖片Image to Clipboard.Save imageUnable to open the URL.URL copied to clipboard.Screenshot copied to clipboard.Unable to save the screenshot to disk.Screenshot saved.ImgUploaderTool上傳圖片Upload the selectionImgurUploader上傳到 Imgur正在上傳複製連結打開連結刪除圖片將檔案複製到剪貼簿。無法打開此連結。連結已複製到剪貼簿。截圖已複製到剪貼簿。ImgurUploaderTool上傳圖片上傳到 ImgurInfoWindow關於IconLicenseGPLv3+VersionFlameshot vOS InfoCopy Info右鍵滑鼠滑輪移動 1px調整大小 1px結束擷取複製到剪貼簿將選擇範圍另存新檔復原上次修改顯示顏色選擇器改變工具的寬度鍵描述<u><b>授權條款</b></u><u><b>版本</b></u><u><b>快速鍵</b></u>螢幕擷取模式中的可用快速鍵InvertToolInvertSet Inverter as the paint toolLineTool直線將直線線設定為繪畫工具MarkerTool標記將標記設定為繪畫工具MoveTool移動移動選擇區域PencilTool鉛筆將鉛筆設定為繪畫工具PinTool釘選工具將圖片釘選在桌面上PinWidgetContext menu複製到剪貼簿Save to filePixelateTool馬賽克Set Pixelate as the paint toolQHotkeyFailed to register %1. Error: %2Failed to unregister %1. Error: %2QObject存檔錯誤截圖已另存為 已將截圖複製到剪貼簿。已將截圖複製到剪貼簿複製至剪貼簿時發生錯誤嘗試儲存時發生錯誤 儲存截圖Path copied to clipboard as 已取消儲存已取消儲存Capture is saved and copied to the clipboard as 無法透過 DBus 進行連接Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software.SeeCapture the entire desktop.Open the capture launcher.Start a manual capture in GUI mode.設定Capture a single screen.Path where the capture will be savedExisting directory or new file to save toSave the capture to the clipboardPin the capture to the screenUpload screenshotDelay time in millisecondsRepeat screenshot with previously selected regionScreenshot region to select設置檔名格式Accept capture as soon as a selection is madeEnable or disable the trayicon開啟或關閉開機時啟動Check the configuration for errors在擷取模式時顯示幫助資訊Define the main UI colorDefine the contrast UI colorPrint raw PNG capturePrint geometry of the selection in the format WxH+X+Y. Does nothing if raw is specifiedDefine the screen to capture (starting from 0)Invalid delay, it must be a number greater than 0Invalid region, use 'WxH+X+Y' or 'all' or 'screen0/screen1/...'.Invalid path, must be an existing directory or a new file in an existing directoryDefine the screen to capturedefault: screen containing the cursor螢幕編號Invalid color, this flag supports the following formats:
- #RGB (each of R, G, and B is a single hex digit)
- Named colors like 'blue' or 'red'
You may need to escape the '#' sign as in '\#FFF'延遲秒數無效,必須大於 0Invalid screen number, it must be non negativeInvalid path, it must be a real path in the systemInvalid value, it must be defined as 'true' or 'false'錯誤無法寫入Requested screen exceeds screen countFull screen screenshot pinned to screen連結已複製到剪貼簿。選項ArgumentsargumentsUsageoptionsPer default runs Flameshot in the background and adds a tray icon for configuration.嗨,我在這裡!左鍵點擊工具欄的圖示來截圖,或點擊右鍵來查看更多選項。開關側邊欄Resize selection left 1pxResize selection right 1pxResize selection up 1pxResize selection down 1px選取整個畫面Move selection left 1pxMove selection right 1pxMove selection up 1pxMove selection down 1pxCommit text in text area刪除目前工具結束擷取截圖記錄擷取畫面顯示吸色管Change the tool's size改變工具的寬度RectangleTool實心矩形將實心矩形設定為繪畫工具RedoToolRedoRedo the next modificationSaveTool儲存Save screenshot to a file儲存擷取ScreenGrabberUnable to detect desktop environment (GNOME? KDE? Sway? ...)Hint: try setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable.無法擷取螢幕SelectionTool矩形選擇將矩形選擇設定為繪畫工具SetShortcutDialogSet ShortcutEnter new shortcut to change 按下 Esc 以取消或按下 ⌘+Backspace 來停用鍵盤快捷鍵。按下 Esc 以取消或按下 Backspace 來停用鍵盤快捷鍵。Flameshot must be restarted for changes to take effect.ShortcutsWidgetHot Keys螢幕擷取模式中的可用快速鍵。描述鍵開關側邊欄Resize selection left 1pxResize selection right 1pxResize selection up 1pxResize selection down 1px選取整個畫面Move selection left 1pxMove selection right 1pxMove selection up 1pxMove selection down 1pxCommit text in text area刪除目前工具擷取畫面截圖記錄SidePanelWidgetActive thickness:Active color:按下 Esc 以取消Active tool size: Active Color: Grab ColorSizeDecreaseToolDecrease Tool SizeDecrease the size of the other toolsSizeIncreaseToolIncrease Tool SizeIncrease the size of the other toolsSizeIndicatorTool選擇尺寸指示Show X and Y dimensions of the selection顯示選擇的尺寸 (X Y)StrftimeChooserWidget世紀 (00-99)年 (00-99)年 (2000)月 (一)月 (一月)月 (01-12)平常日 (1-7)周 (01-53)星期 (一)星期 (一)天 (01-31)一月中的某天 (1-31)天 (001-366)時間 (%H-%M-%S)時間 (%H-%M)小時 (00-23)小時 (01-12)分鐘 (00-59)秒 (00-59)日期 (%m/%d/%y)日期 (%Y-%m-%d)SystemNotificationFlameshot 資訊TextConfig刪除線底線粗體斜體Left AlignCenter AlignRight AlignTextTool文字在你的截圖中新增文字TrayIcon&進行截圖&打開啟動器&設定&關於檢查更新已有新版本 %1 可取得&結束&最近上傳UIcolorEditorUI 顏色編輯器移動顏色選擇並在預覽按鈕檢視。選擇一個按鈕來修改它主色點選按鈕來設定主要顏色。對比色點選按鈕來設定對比顏色。UndoTool復原復原上次修改UpdateNotificationWidgetFlameshot 的新版本 %1 可供使用忽略之後再說更新UploadHistoryUpload History無螢幕截圖歷史紀錄UploadLineItemFormTextLabelCopy URLOpen In Browser確認刪除Are you sure you want to delete a screenshot from the latest uploads and server?UtilityPanel關閉<空>VisualsEditor選擇區域以外的不透明度:UI 顏色編輯器Colorpicker Editor按鈕選擇全選color_widgets::ColorDialogPickcolor_widgets::ColorPaletteUnnamedcolor_widgets::ColorPaletteModelUnnamed%1 (%2 colors)color_widgets::ColorPaletteWidgetOpen a new palette from fileCreate a new paletteDuplicate the current paletteDelete the current paletteRevert changes to the current paletteSave changes to the current paletteAdd a color to the paletteRemove the selected color from the paletteNew PaletteNameGIMP Palettes (*.gpl)Palette Image (%1)All Files (*)Open PaletteFailed to load the palette file
%1color_widgets::GradientEditorAdd ColorRemove ColorEdit Color...color_widgets::GradientListModel%1 (%2 colors)color_widgets::SwatchClear Color%1 (%2)