AbstractWidgetList Add New Add New Move Up Move Up Move Down Move Down Remove Remove AcceptTool Accept Accept Accept the capture Accept the capture AppLauncher App Launcher Aplikazioen abiarazlea Choose an app to open the capture Hautatu pantaila-argazkia irekitzeko aplikazio bat AppLauncherWidget Open With Ireki honekin Launch in terminal Abiarazi terminalean Keep open after selection Mantendu irekita hautapenaren ostean Error Errorea Unable to write in Ezin da hemen idatzi: Unable to launch in terminal. Ezin da terminalean abiarazi. ArrowTool Arrow Gezia Set the Arrow as the paint tool Ezarri Gezia margotzeko tresna gisa BlurTool Blur Desenfoque Set Blur as the paint tool Establece el Desenfoque como herramienta de dibujo CaptureLauncher <b>Capture Mode</b> <b>Argazki-modua</b> Rectangular Region Eremu laukizuzena Full Screen (Current Display) Pantaila osoa (uneko pantaila) Full Screen (All Monitors) Pantaila osoa (pantaila guztiak) No Delay Atzerapenik ez second segundo seconds segundo Take new screenshot Egin pantaila-argazki berria Area: Eremua: Capture Launcher Capture Launcher TextLabel TextLabel Capture Mode Capture Mode Delay: Atzerapena: WxH+x+y WxH+x+y CaptureWidget Unable to capture screen Ezin da pantailaren argazkia egin Mouse Mouse Select screenshot area Select screenshot area Mouse Wheel Saguaren gurpila Change tool size Change tool size Right Click Eskuin-klika Show color picker Show color picker Open side panel Open side panel Esc Esc Exit Irten Flameshot has lost focus. Keyboard shortcuts won't work until you click somewhere. Flameshot has lost focus. Keyboard shortcuts won't work until you click somewhere. Configuration error resolved. Launch `flameshot gui` again to apply it. Configuration error resolved. Launch `flameshot gui` again to apply it. Select an area with the mouse, or press Esc to exit. Press Enter to capture the screen. Press Right Click to show the color picker. Use the Mouse Wheel to change the thickness of your tool. Press Space to open the side panel. Hautatu eremua saguarekin edo sakatu Ihes tekla irteteko. Sakatu Sartu pantailaren argazkia egiteko. Egin eskuin-klika kolore-hautagailua erakusteko. Erabili saguaren gurpila hautatutako tresnaren lodiera aldatzeko. Sakatu Zuriunea alboko panela irekitzeko. Tool Settings Tresna-aukerak CircleCountTool Circle Counter Kontagailu biribildua Add an autoincrementing counter bubble Gehitu bere kabuz hazten den kontagailu-burbuila CircleTool Circle Zirkulua Set the Circle as the paint tool Ezarri Zirkulua margotzeko tresna gisa ColorDialog Select Color Select Color Saturation Saturation Hue Hue Hex Hex Blue Blue Value Value Green Green Alpha Alpha Red Red ColorGrabWidget Accept color Accept color Enter or Left Click Precisely select color Precisely select color Hold Left Click Toggle magnifier Toggle magnifier Space or Right Click Cancel Cancel Esc Esc ColorPickerEditor Edit Preset: Edit Preset: Enter color to update preset Enter color to update preset Update Eguneratu Press button to update the selected preset Press button to update the selected preset Delete Delete Press button to delete the selected preset Press button to delete the selected preset Add Preset: Add Preset: Enter color manually or select it using the color-wheel Enter color manually or select it using the color-wheel Add Add Press button to add preset Press button to add preset Error Errorea Unable to add preset. Maximum limit reached. Unable to add preset. Maximum limit reached. Unable to remove preset. Minimum limit reached. Unable to remove preset. Minimum limit reached. ConfigErrorDetails Configuration errors Configuration errors ConfigHandler Unrecognized setting: '%1' Unrecognized setting: '%1' Unrecognized shortcut name: '%1'. Unrecognized shortcut name: '%1'. Shortcut conflict: '%1' and '%2' have the same shortcut: %3 Shortcut conflict: '%1' and '%2' have the same shortcut: %3 Bad value in '%1'. Expected: %2 Bad value in '%1'. Expected: %2 You have successfully resolved the configuration error. You have successfully resolved the configuration error. The configuration contains an error. Open configuration to resolve. The configuration contains an error. Open configuration to resolve. Bad config key '%1' in ConfigHandler. Please report this as a bug. Bad config key '%1' in ConfigHandler. Please report this as a bug. ConfigResolver Resolve configuration errors Resolve configuration errors <b>You must resolve all errors before continuing:</b> <b>You must resolve all errors before continuing:</b> Reset Berrezarri Reset to the default value. Reset to the default value. Remove Remove Remove this setting. Remove this setting. Some keyboard shortcuts have conflicts. This will NOT prevent flameshot from starting. Please solve them manually in the configuration file. Some keyboard shortcuts have conflicts. This will NOT prevent flameshot from starting. Please solve them manually in the configuration file. Resolve all Resolve all Resolve all listed errors. Resolve all listed errors. Details Details ConfigWindow Configuration Ezarpenak Interface Interfazea Filename Editor Fitxategi-izenaren editorea General Orokorra Shortcuts Laster-teklak Resolve Resolve <b>Configuration file has errors. Resolve them before continuing.</b> <b>Configuration file has errors. Resolve them before continuing.</b> Controller New version %1 is available %1 bertsio berria eskuragarri dago You have the latest version Azken bertsioa duzu Failed to get information about the latest version. Ezin izan da azken bertsioari buruzko informazioa lortu. Error Errorea Unable to close active modal widgets Ezin dira itxi widget modal aktiboak &Take Screenshot &Pantaila-argazkia egin &Open Launcher &Abiarazlea ireki &Configuration &Ezarpenak &About &Honi buruz Check for updates Bilatu eguneraketak &Latest Uploads &Azken igoerak URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. &Information &Informazioa &Quit &Irten CopyTool Copy Kopiatu Copy selection to clipboard Copy selection to clipboard Copy the selection into the clipboard Kopiatu hautapena arbelean DBusUtils Unable to connect via DBus Ezin da DBus bidez konektatu ExitTool Exit Irten Leave the capture screen Irten argazki-hartze pantailatik FileNameEditor Edit the name of your captures: Aldatu zure pantaila-argazkien izenak: Edit: Editatu: Preview: Aurreikuspena: Save Gorde Saves the pattern Gorde txantiloia Restore Restore Reset Berrezarri Restores the saved pattern Gordetako txantiloia berrezartzen du Clear Garbitu Deletes the name Izena ezabatzen du Flameshot Error Errorea Unable to close active modal widgets Ezin dira itxi widget modal aktiboak URL copied to clipboard. URLa arbelean kopiatu da. FlameshotDaemon New version %1 is available %1 bertsio berria eskuragarri dago You have the latest version Azken bertsioa duzu Failed to get information about the latest version. Ezin izan da azken bertsioari buruzko informazioa lortu. Unable to connect via DBus Ezin da DBus bidez konektatu GeneneralConf Import Inportatu Error Errorea Unable to read file. Ezin da fitxategia irakurri. Unable to write file. Ezin da fitxategian idatzi. Save File Gorde fitxategia Confirm Reset Baieztatu berrezartzea Are you sure you want to reset the configuration? Ziur ezarpenak berrezarri nahi dituzula? Show help message Erakutsi laguntza-mezua Show the help message at the beginning in the capture mode. Erakutsi laguntza-mezua argazki-hartze modua irekitzean. Show the side panel button Erakutsi aldeko paneleko botoia Show the side panel toggle button in the capture mode. Erakutsi aldeko panela erakusteko botoia argazki-hartze moduan. Show desktop notifications Erakutsi mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak Show tray icon Erakutsi ikonoa erretiluan Show the systemtray icon Erakutsi ikonoa sistemako erretiluan Configuration File Konfigurazio-fitxategia Export Esportatu Reset Berrezarri Launch at startup Abiarazi saio-hasieran Launch Flameshot Abiarazi Flamsehot Close after capture Itxi argazkia egin ostean Close after taking a screenshot Itxi pantaila-argazkia egin ostean Copy URL after upload Kopiatu URLa igo ostean Copy URL and close window after upload Kopiatu URLa eta itxi leihoa igo ostean Save image after copy Gorde irudia kopiatu ostean Save image file after copying it Gorde irudia fitxategian kopiatu ostean Save Path Gordetzeko bidea Change... Aldatu... Choose a Folder Aukeratu karpeta Unable to write to directory. Ezin da direktorioan idatzi. GeneralConf Import Inportatu Error Errorea Unable to read file. Ezin da fitxategia irakurri. Unable to write file. Ezin da fitxategian idatzi. Save File Gorde fitxategia Confirm Reset Berretsi berrezartzea Are you sure you want to reset the configuration? Ziur ezarpenak berrezarri nahi dituzula? Show help message Bistaratu laguntza-mezua Show the help message at the beginning in the capture mode. Bistaratu laguntza-mezua argazki-hartze modua irekitzean. Show the side panel button Bistaratu aldeko paneleko botoia Show the side panel toggle button in the capture mode. Bistaratu aldeko panela erakusteko botoia argazki-hartze moduan. Show desktop notifications Bistaratu mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak Show tray icon Bistaratu ikonoa erretiluan Show the systemtray icon Bistaratu ikonoa sistemako erretiluan Confirmation required to delete screenshot from the latest uploads Berrespena behar da pantaila-argazkia azken igoeretatik ezabatzeko Configuration File Konfigurazio-fitxategia Export Esportatu Reset Berrezarri Automatic check for updates Automatikoki bilatu eguneraketak Allow multiple flameshot GUI instances simultaneously Allow multiple flameshot GUI instances simultaneously Automatically close daemon when it is not needed Automatically close daemon when it is not needed Launch at startup Abiarazi saio-hasieran Launch Flameshot Abiarazi Flameshot Show welcome message on launch Bistaratu ongietorri-mezua abioan Use large predefined color palette Use large predefined color palette Copy URL after upload Kopiatu URLa argazkia igo ostean Copy URL and close window after upload Kopiatu URLa eta itxi leihoa argazkia igo ostean Save image after copy Gorde argazkia berbera kopiatu ostean Save image file after copying it Gorde argazkia fitxategian berbera kopiatu ostean Show the help message at the beginning in the capture mode Show the help message at the beginning in the capture mode Use last region Use last region Uses the last region as the default selection for the next screenshot Uses the last region as the default selection for the next screenshot Show the side panel toggle button in the capture mode Show the side panel toggle button in the capture mode Enable desktop notifications Enable desktop notifications Show icon in the system tray Show icon in the system tray Ask for confirmation to delete screenshot from the latest uploads Ask for confirmation to delete screenshot from the latest uploads Check for updates automatically Check for updates automatically This allows you to take screenshots of Flameshot itself for example This allows you to take screenshots of Flameshot itself for example Launch Flameshot daemon when computer is booted Launch Flameshot daemon when computer is booted Show the welcome message box in the middle of the screen while taking a screenshot Show the welcome message box in the middle of the screen while taking a screenshot Use a large predefined color palette Use a large predefined color palette Copy on double click Copy on double click Enable Copy on Double Click Enable Copy on Double Click Copy URL and close window after uploading was successful Copy URL and close window after uploading was successful After copying the screenshot, save it to a file as well After copying the screenshot, save it to a file as well Save Path Gordetzeko bidea Change... Aldatu... Use fixed path for screenshots to save Erabili bide finkoa pantaila-argazkiak gordetzeko Preferred save file extension: Preferred save file extension: Latest Uploads Max Size Latest Uploads Max Size Imgur Application Client ID Imgur Application Client ID Undo limit Undo limit Use JPG format for clipboard (PNG default) Erabili JPG formatua arbelean kopiatzeko (PNG lehenetsia) Copy file path after save Kopiatu fitxategiaren bidea berbera gorde ostean Copy the file path to clipboard after the file is saved Copy the file path to clipboard after the file is saved Anti-aliasing image when zoom the pinned image Anti-aliasing image when zoom the pinned image After zooming the pinned image, should the image get smoothened or stay pixelated After zooming the pinned image, should the image get smoothened or stay pixelated Upload image without confirmation Upload image without confirmation Choose a Folder Aukeratu karpeta Unable to write to directory. Ezin da direktorioan idatzi. Show magnifier Show magnifier Enable a magnifier while selecting the screenshot area Enable a magnifier while selecting the screenshot area Square shaped magnifier Square shaped magnifier Make the magnifier to be square-shaped Make the magnifier to be square-shaped HistoryWidget Latest Uploads Azken igoerak Screenshots history is empty Pantaila-argazkien erregistroa hutsik dago Copy URL Kopiatu URLa URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. Open in browser Ireki nabigatzailean Confirm to delete Berretsi ezabatzeko Are you sure you want to delete a screenshot from the latest uploads and server? Ziur pantaila-argazkia azken igoeretatik eta zerbitzaritik ezabatu nahi duzula? ImgS3Uploader Uploading Image Irudia igotzen URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. Error Errorea ImgUploadDialog Upload Confirmation Upload Confirmation Do you want to upload this capture? Do you want to upload this capture? Upload without confirmation Upload without confirmation ImgUploader Uploading Image Irudia igotzen Unable to open the URL. Ezin da ireki URLa. URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. Screenshot copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da pantaila-argazkia. Copy URL Kopiatu URLa Open URL Ireki URLa Delete image Ezabatu irudia Image to Clipboard. Irudia arbelera. ImgUploaderBase Upload image Upload image Uploading Image Irudia kargatzen Copy URL Kopiatu URLa Open URL Ireki URLa Delete image Ezabatu irudia Image to Clipboard. Irudia arbelera. Save image Save image Unable to open the URL. Ezin da ireki URLa. URL copied to clipboard. URLa arbelean kopiatu da. Screenshot copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da pantaila-argazkia. Unable to save the screenshot to disk. Unable to save the screenshot to disk. Screenshot saved. Screenshot saved. ImgUploaderTool Image Uploader Irudi kargatzailea Upload the selection Upload the selection ImgurUploader Upload to Imgur Igo Imgur-era Uploading Image Irudia igotzen Copy URL Kopiatu URLa Open URL Ireki URLa Delete image Ezabatu irudia Image to Clipboard. Irudia arbelera. Unable to open the URL. Ezin da ireki URLa. URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. Screenshot copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da pantaila-argazkia. ImgurUploaderTool Image Uploader Irudi igotzailea Upload the selection to Imgur Igo hautapena Imgur-era InfoWindow About Honi buruz Icon Icon License License GPLv3+ GPLv3+ Version Version Flameshot v Flameshot v OS Info OS Info Copy Info Copy Info SPACEBAR ZURIUNEA Right Click Eskuin-klika Mouse Wheel Saguaren gurpila Move selection 1px Mugitu azalera 1px Resize selection 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina 1px Quit capture Irten argazki-hartzetik Copy to clipboard Kopiatu arbelean Save selection as a file Gorde hautapena fitxategi gisa Undo the last modification Desegin azken aldaketa Toggle visibility of sidebar with options of the selected tool Erakutsi/Ezkutatu alboko barra, hautatutako tresnaren aukerak erakusten dituena Show color picker Erakutsi kolore hautagailua Change the tool's thickness Aldatu tresnaren lodiera Available shortcuts in the screen capture mode. Argazki-hartze moduan erabili daitezken laster-teklak. Key Tekla Description Deskribapena <u><b>License</b></u> <u><b>Lizentzia</b></u> <u><b>Version</b></u> <u><b>Bertsioa</b></u> <u><b>Shortcuts</b></u> <u><b>Laster-teklak</b></u> InvertTool Invert Invert Set Inverter as the paint tool Set Inverter as the paint tool LineTool Line Lerroa Set the Line as the paint tool Ezarri Lerroa margotzeko tresna gisa MarkerTool Marker Errotuladorea Set the Marker as the paint tool Ezarri Errotuladorea margotzeko tresna gisa MoveTool Move Mugitu Move the selection area Mugitu hautapena PencilTool Pencil Lápiz Set the Pencil as the paint tool Establece el Lápiz como herramienta de dibujo PinTool Pin Tool Txintxeta Pin image on the desktop Finkatu irudia mahaigainan PinWidget Context menu Context menu Copy to clipboard Kopiatu arbelean Save to file Save to file PixelateTool Pixelate Pixelatu Set Pixelate as the paint tool Ezarri Pixelatu margotzeko tresna gisa QHotkey Failed to register %1. Error: %2 Ezin izan da %1 erregistratu. Errorea: %2 Failed to unregister %1. Error: %2 Ezin izan da %1 erregistrotik kendu. Errorea: %2 QObject Save Error Errorea gordetzean Capture saved as Argazkia honela gorde da: Capture saved to clipboard. Argazkia arbelean gorde da. Capture saved to clipboard Argazkia arbelean gorde da Error while saving to clipboard Errorea arbelean gordetzerakoan Error trying to save as Errorea honela gordetzean: Save screenshot Gorde pantaila-argazkia Path copied to clipboard as Path copied to clipboard as Saving canceled Saving canceled Save canceled Save canceled Capture is saved and copied to the clipboard as Pantaila-argazkia izen honekin gorde eta kopiatzen da arbelean: Unable to connect via DBus Ezin da DBus bidez konektatu Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software. Pantaila-argazki software ahaltsu baina sinplea. See Ikusi Capture the entire desktop. Pantaila osoaren argazkia egin. Open the capture launcher. Ireki argazki-hartze abiarazlea. Start a manual capture in GUI mode. Hasi eskuzko argazki-hartzea interfaze moduan. Configure Konfiguratu Capture a single screen. Leiho bakar baten argazkia egin. Path where the capture will be saved Argazkia gordeko den bidea Existing directory or new file to save to Existing directory or new file to save to Save the capture to the clipboard Gorde argazkia arbelean Pin the capture to the screen Pin the capture to the screen Upload screenshot Upload screenshot Delay time in milliseconds Atzerapen tartea milisegundotan Repeat screenshot with previously selected region Repeat screenshot with previously selected region Screenshot region to select Screenshot region to select Set the filename pattern Ezarri fitxategi-izenaren txantiloia Accept capture as soon as a selection is made Accept capture as soon as a selection is made Enable or disable the trayicon Gaitu/Desgaitu erretilu ikonoa Enable or disable run at startup Gaitu/Desgaitu saio hasieran abiaraztea Check the configuration for errors Check the configuration for errors Show the help message in the capture mode Bistaratu laguntza mezua argazki-hartze moduan Define the main UI color Zehaztu interfazearen kolore nagusia Define the contrast UI color Zehaztu interfazearen kontraste kolore Print raw PNG capture Gorde argazkia PNG gordin gisa Print geometry of the selection in the format W H X Y. Does nothing if raw is specified Inprimatu hautapenaren geometria W H X Y formatuan (Zabalera, Altuera, X ardatza, Y ardatza). Ez du ezer egiten jatorrizkoa zehazten bada Define the screen to capture (starting from 0) Define the screen to capture (starting from 0) Invalid delay, it must be a number greater than 0 Invalid delay, it must be a number greater than 0 Invalid region, use 'WxH+X+Y' or 'all' or 'screen0/screen1/...'. Invalid region, use 'WxH+X+Y' or 'all' or 'screen0/screen1/...'. Invalid path, must be an existing directory or a new file in an existing directory Invalid path, must be an existing directory or a new file in an existing directory Define the screen to capture Zehaztu argazkia egingo zaion leihoa default: screen containing the cursor lehenetsia: kurtsorea gainean duen leihoa Screen number Leiho kopurua Invalid color, this flag supports the following formats: - #RGB (each of R, G, and B is a single hex digit) - #RRGGBB - #RRRGGGBBB - #RRRRGGGGBBBB - Named colors like 'blue' or 'red' You may need to escape the '#' sign as in '\#FFF' Kolore baliogabea, bandera honek formatu hauek ditu: - #RGB (R, G eta B-ko bakoitza digitu hexagonal bakarra da) - #RRGGBB - #RRRGGGBBB - #RRRRGGGGBBBB - 'Urdina' edo 'gorria' deritzen koloreak Baliteke '#' karakterea ihes egin behar izatea, '\#FFF'n bezala Invalid delay, it must be higher than 0 Atzerapen baliogabea, 0 baino handiagoa izan behar du Invalid screen number, it must be non negative Leiho kopuru baliogabe, ezin du negatiboa izan Invalid path, it must be a real path in the system Bide baliogabe, sisteman existitzen den bide bat behar du izan Invalid value, it must be defined as 'true' or 'false' Balio baliogabea, 'true' (egi) edo 'false' (faltsu) gisa definitu behar da Error Errorea Unable to write in Ezin da hemen idatzi: Requested screen exceeds screen count Requested screen exceeds screen count Full screen screenshot pinned to screen Full screen screenshot pinned to screen URL copied to clipboard. Arbelean kopiatu da URLa. Options Aukerak Arguments Argumentuak arguments argumentuak Usage Erabilera options aukerak Per default runs Flameshot in the background and adds a tray icon for configuration. Lehenetsita, Flameshot atzealdean abiarazten du eta erretiluko ikono bat bistaratzen du, konfiguratzeko. Per default runs Flameshot in the background and adds a tray icon for configuration. Lehenetsita Flameshot atzealdean abiarazten du eta erretilu ikono bat gehitzen du ezarpenetarako. Hello, I'm here! Click icon in the tray to take a screenshot or click with a right button to see more options. Kaixo, hemen nago! Egin klik erretiluko ikonoan pantaila-argazkia hartzeko edo egin klik eskuineko botoiaz aukera gehiago ikusteko. Toggle side panel Bistaratu/Ezkutatu alboko panela Resize selection left 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 ezkerrera Resize selection right 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 eskuinera Resize selection up 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 gora Resize selection down 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 behera Select entire screen Hautatu pantaila osoa Move selection left 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 ezkerrera Move selection right 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 eskuinera Move selection up 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 gora Move selection down 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 behera Commit text in text area Idatzi testu-eremuan Delete current tool Delete current tool Quit capture Irten argazki-hartzetik Screenshot history Pantaila-argazkien erregistroa Capture screen Egin pantailaren argazkia Show color picker Bistaratu kolore hautagailua Change the tool's size Change the tool's size Change the tool's thickness Aldatu tresnaren lodiera RectangleTool Rectangle Laukizuzena Set the Rectangle as the paint tool Ezarri Laukizuzena margotzeko tresna gisa RedoTool Redo Berregin Redo the next modification Berregin azken aldaketa SaveTool Save Gorde Save screenshot to a file Save screenshot to a file Save the capture Gorde argazkia ScreenGrabber Unable to detect desktop environment (GNOME? KDE? Sway? ...) Unable to detect desktop environment (GNOME? KDE? Sway? ...) Hint: try setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable. Hint: try setting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable. Unable to capture screen Ezin da pantailaren argazkia egin SelectionTool Rectangular Selection Hautapen laukizuzena Set Selection as the paint tool Ezarri Hautapena margotzeko tresna gisa SetShortcutDialog Set Shortcut Ezarri laster-tekla Enter new shortcut to change Sakatu laster-tekla berria aldatzeko Press Esc to cancel or ⌘+Backspace to disable the keyboard shortcut. Press Esc to cancel or ⌘+Backspace to disable the keyboard shortcut. Press Esc to cancel or Backspace to disable the keyboard shortcut. Sakatu Esc irteteko edo Atzera tekla hutsik uzteko. Flameshot must be restarted for changes to take effect. Flameshot must be restarted for changes to take effect. ShortcutsWidget Hot Keys Laster-teklak Available shortcuts in the screen capture mode. Argazki-hartze moduan erabili daitezken laster-teklak. Description Deskribapena Key Tekla Left Double-click Toggle side panel Bistaratu/Ezkutatu alboko panela Resize selection left 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 ezkerrera Resize selection right 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 eskuinera Resize selection up 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 gora Resize selection down 1px Aldatu hautapenaren tamaina pixel 1 behera Select entire screen Hautatu pantaila osoa Move selection left 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 ezkerrera Move selection right 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 eskuinera Move selection up 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 gora Move selection down 1px Mugitu hautapena pixel 1 behera Commit text in text area Idatzi testua testu-eremuan Delete current tool Ezabatu uneko tresna Capture screen Egin pantailaren argazkia Screenshot history Pantaila-argazkien erregistroa SidePanelWidget Active thickness: Uneko lodiera: Active color: Uneko kolorea: Press ESC to cancel Sakatu IHES uzteko Active tool size: Active tool size: Active Color: Active Color: Grab Color Hartu kolorea SizeDecreaseTool Decrease Tool Size Decrease Tool Size Decrease the size of the other tools Decrease the size of the other tools SizeIncreaseTool Increase Tool Size Increase Tool Size Increase the size of the other tools Increase the size of the other tools SizeIndicatorTool Selection Size Indicator Hautapenaren tamaina-adierazlea Show X and Y dimensions of the selection Show X and Y dimensions of the selection Show the dimensions of the selection (X Y) Bistaratu hautapenaren dimentsioak (X Y) StrftimeChooserWidget Century (00-99) Mendea (00-99) Year (00-99) Urtea (00-99) Year (2000) Urtea (2000) Month Name (jan) Hilabetearen izena (ira) Month Name (january) Hilabetearen izena (iraila) Month (01-12) Hilabetea (01-12) Week Day (1-7) Asteko eguna (1-7) Week (01-53) Astea (01-53) Day Name (mon) Egunaren izena (ar.) Day Name (monday) Egunaren izena (asteartea) Day (01-31) Eguna (01-31) Day of Month (1-31) Hilabeteko eguna (1-31) Day (001-366) Urteko eguna (001-366) Time (%H-%M-%S) Ordua (%H-%M-%S) Time (%H-%M) Ordua (%H-%M) Hour (00-23) Eguneko ordua (00-23) Hour (01-12) Eguneko ordua (01-12) Minute (00-59) Minutua (00-59) Second (00-59) Segundoa (00-59) Full Date (%m/%d/%y) Data (%h/%e/%u) Full Date (%Y-%m-%d) Data (%U-%h-%e) SystemNotification Flameshot Info Flameshoten informazioa TextConfig StrikeOut Marratua Underline Azpimarratua Bold Lodia Italic Etzana Left Align Left Align Center Align Center Align Right Align Right Align TextTool Text Testua Add text to your capture Gehitu testua zure argazkian TrayIcon &Take Screenshot Egin &pantaila-argazkia &Open Launcher &Abiarazlea ireki &Configuration &Ezarpenak &About &Honi buruz Check for updates Bilatu eguneraketak New version %1 is available %1 bertsio berria eskuragarri dago &Quit &Irten &Latest Uploads &Azken kargak UIcolorEditor UI Color Editor Interfaze-kolorearen editorea Change the color moving the selectors and see the changes in the preview buttons. Aldatu kolorea hautagailuak mugituz eta ikusi aldaketak aurrebistako botoietan. Select a Button to modify it Aukeratu botoi bat berbera aldatzeko Main Color Kolore nagusia Click on this button to set the edition mode of the main color. Sakatu botoi hau kolore nagusia aldatzeko. Contrast Color Kontraste kolorea Click on this button to set the edition mode of the contrast color. Sakatu botoi hau kontraste kolorea aldatzeko. UndoTool Undo Desegin Undo the last modification Desegin azken aldaketa UpdateNotificationWidget New Flameshot version %1 is available Flameshot %1 bertsio berria eskuragarri dago Ignore Ezikusi Later Geroago Update Eguneratu UploadHistory Upload History Upload History Screenshots history is empty Pantaila-argazkien erregistroa hutsik dago UploadLineItem Form Form TextLabel TextLabel Copy URL Kopiatu URLa Open In Browser Open In Browser Confirm to delete Berretsi ezabatzea Are you sure you want to delete a screenshot from the latest uploads and server? Ziur pantaila-argazkia azken kargetatik eta zerbitzaritik ezabatu nahi duzula? UtilityPanel Close Itxi <Empty> <Empty> VisualsEditor Opacity of area outside selection: Hautapenaren kanpoko eremuaren opakutasuna : UI Color Editor Interfazearen kolorearen editorea Colorpicker Editor Colorpicker Editor Button Selection Botoi-hautapena Select All Hautatu guztiak color_widgets::ColorDialog Pick Pick color_widgets::ColorPalette Unnamed Unnamed color_widgets::ColorPaletteModel Unnamed Unnamed %1 (%2 colors) %1 (%2 colors) color_widgets::ColorPaletteWidget Open a new palette from file Open a new palette from file Create a new palette Create a new palette Duplicate the current palette Duplicate the current palette Delete the current palette Delete the current palette Revert changes to the current palette Revert changes to the current palette Save changes to the current palette Save changes to the current palette Add a color to the palette Add a color to the palette Remove the selected color from the palette Remove the selected color from the palette New Palette New Palette Name Name GIMP Palettes (*.gpl) GIMP Palettes (*.gpl) Palette Image (%1) Palette Image (%1) All Files (*) All Files (*) Open Palette Open Palette Failed to load the palette file %1 Failed to load the palette file %1 color_widgets::GradientEditor Add Color Add Color Remove Color Remove Color Edit Color... Edit Color... color_widgets::GradientListModel %1 (%2 colors) %1 (%2 colors) color_widgets::Swatch Clear Color Clear Color %1 (%2) %1 (%2)