image: Visual Studio 2015 version: 0.6.{build}.0 # Major_Version_Number.Minor_Version_Number.Build_Number.Revision_Number branches: only: - master environment: COMPILER: msvc VSVER: 14 matrix: - QT: C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2015_64 PLATFORM: amd64 - QT: C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2015 PLATFORM: x86 init: - ps: | $version = new-object System.Version $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_VERSION $packageVersion = "{0}.{1}.{2}" -f $version.Major, $version.Minor, $version.Revision $env:build_number = $version.Build $env:flameshot_version = $packageVersion # scripts that run after cloning repository install: - set PATH=%QT%\bin\;C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\;C:\Qt\QtIFW3.0.1\bin\;%PATH% # scripts that run before build before_build: - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %PLATFORM% # After calling vcvarsall.bat, %PLATFORM% will be X64 or x86 - qmake --version - mkdir build - cd build - if "%PLATFORM%" EQU "X64" (qmake -r -spec win32-msvc CONFIG+=x86_64 CONFIG-=debug CONFIG+=release ../ - if "%PLATFORM%" EQU "x86" (qmake -r -spec win32-msvc CONFIG+=Win32 CONFIG-=debug CONFIG+=release ../ # custom build scripts build_script: - nmake # scripts that run after build after_build: # Clone OpenSSL DLLs - git clone openssl-utils.git - mkdir distrib\flameshot - windeployqt.exe --dir .\distrib\flameshot %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\release\flameshot.exe - copy "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\release\flameshot.exe" "distrib\flameshot\flameshot.exe" - copy "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\" "distrib\flameshot\" - copy "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\LICENSE" "distrib\flameshot\LICENSE.txt" - echo %flameshot_version% > "distrib\flameshot\version.txt" - echo Build:%build_number% >> "distrib\flameshot\version.txt" - echo %APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT% >> "distrib\flameshot\version.txt" - copy "distrib\flameshot\flameshot.exe" "distrib\flameshot_win_%PLATFORM%.exe" - copy "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\translations\Internationalization_*.qm" "distrib\flameshot\translations" # Delete translations\qt_*.qm - del /F /Q "distrib\flameshot\translations\qt_*.qm" # Copy OpenSSL DLLs - if "%PLATFORM%" EQU "X64" (xcopy "openssl-utils.git\win64\*.dll" "distrib\flameshot") - if "%PLATFORM%" EQU "x86" (xcopy "openssl-utils.git\win32\*.dll" "distrib\flameshot") - cd distrib - 7z a flameshot - appveyor-retry curl --upload-file ./ # artifacts: # - path: build\distrib\ # name: portable # - path: build\distrib\flameshot_win_%PLATFORM%.exe # name: exe_only