patcheck 8.6 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # if no argument provided, write stdin to a file and re-run the script
  3. if [ $# = 0 ]; then
  4. cat > patcheck.stdout
  5. $0 patcheck.stdout
  6. rm -f patcheck.stdout
  7. exit
  8. fi
  9. GREP=grep
  10. EGREP=egrep
  11. TMP=patcheck.tmp
  12. OPT="-nH"
  13. #FILES=$($GREP '^+++' $* | sed 's/+++ //g')
  14. echo patCHeck 1e10.0
  15. echo This tool is intended to help a human check/review patches. It is very far from
  16. echo being free of false positives and negatives, and its output are just hints of what
  17. echo may or may not be bad. When you use it and it misses something or detects
  18. echo something wrong, fix it and send a patch to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list.
  19. echo License: GPL, Author: Michael Niedermayer
  20. ERE_PRITYP='(unsigned *|)(char|short|long|int|long *int|short *int|void|float|double|(u|)int(8|16|32|64)_t)'
  21. ERE_TYPES='(const|static|av_cold|inline| *)*('$ERE_PRITYP'|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)[* ]{1,}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  22. ERE_FUNCS="$ERE_TYPES"' *\('
  23. hiegrep(){
  24. arg="$1"
  25. msg="$2"
  26. shift 2
  27. $GREP $OPT '^+' $* | $GREP -v ':+++'| $EGREP --color=always -- "$arg"> $TMP && printf "\n$msg\n"
  28. cat $TMP
  29. }
  30. hiegrep2(){
  31. arg="$1"
  32. varg="$2"
  33. msg="$3"
  34. shift 3
  35. $GREP $OPT '^+' $* | $GREP -v ':+++' | $EGREP -v -- "$varg" | $EGREP --color=always -- "$arg" > $TMP && printf "\n$msg\n"
  36. cat $TMP
  37. }
  38. hiegrep 'static[^(]*\*[a-zA-Z_]*\[' 'pointer array is not const' $*
  39. hiegrep '[[:space:]]$' 'trailing whitespace' $*
  40. hiegrep "$(echo x | tr 'x' '\t')" 'tabs' $*
  41. #hiegrep ':\+$' 'Empty lines' $*
  42. hiegrep ';;' 'double ;' $*
  43. hiegrep2 '\b_[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}' '__(asm|attribute)([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' 'reserved identifer' $*
  44. hiegrep '//[-/<\* ]*$' 'empty comment' $*
  45. hiegrep '/\*[-<\* ]*\*/' 'empty comment' $*
  46. hiegrep 'for *\( *'"$ERE_PRITYP"' ' 'not gcc 2.95 compatible' $*
  47. hiegrep '(static|inline|const) *\1[^_a-zA-Z]' 'duplicate word' $*
  48. hiegrep 'INIT_VLC_USE_STATIC' 'forbidden ancient vlc type' $*
  49. hiegrep '=[-+\*\&] ' 'looks like compound assignment' $*
  50. hiegrep2 '/\*\* *[a-zA-Z0-9].*' '\*/' 'Inconsistently formatted doxygen comment' $*
  51. hiegrep '; */\*\*[^<]' 'Misformatted doxygen comment' $*
  52. hiegrep '//!|/\*!' 'inconsistent doxygen syntax' $*
  53. hiegrep2 '(int|unsigned|static|void)[a-zA-Z0-9 _]*(init|end)[a-zA-Z0-9 _]*\(.*[^;]$' '(av_cold|:\+[^a-zA-Z_])' 'These functions may need av_cold, please review the whole patch for similar functions needing av_cold' $*
  54. hiegrep '\+= *1 *;' 'can be simplified to ++' $*
  55. hiegrep '-= *1 *;' 'can be simplified to --' $*
  56. hiegrep '((!|=)= *(0|NULL)[^0-9a-z]|[^0-9a-z](0|NULL) *(!|=)=)' 'x==0 / x!=0 can be simplified to !x / x' $*
  57. $EGREP $OPT '^\+ *(const *|)static' $*| $EGREP --color=always '[^=]= *(0|NULL)[^0-9a-zA-Z]'> $TMP && printf '\nuseless 0 init\n'
  58. cat $TMP
  59. hiegrep '# *ifdef * (HAVE|CONFIG)_' 'ifdefs that should be #if' $*
  60. hiegrep '\b(awnser|cant|dont|wont|doesnt|usefull|successfull|occured|teh|alot|wether|skiped|skiping|heigth|informations|colums|loosy|loosing|ouput|seperate|preceed|upto|paket|posible|unkown|inpossible|dimention|acheive|funtions|overriden|outputing|seperation|initalize|compatibilty|bistream|knwon|unknwon|choosen|additonal|gurantee|availble|wich)\b' 'common typos' $*
  61. hiegrep 'av_log\( *NULL' 'Missing context in av_log' $*
  62. hiegrep '[^sn]printf' 'Please use av_log' $*
  63. hiegrep '\bmalloc' 'Please use av_malloc' $*
  64. hiegrep '\) *av_malloc' 'useless casts' $*
  65. hiegrep ':\+ *'"$ERE_PRITYP"' *inline' 'non static inline or strangely ordered inline+static' $*
  66. hiegrep "$ERE_FUNCS"' *\)' 'missing void' $*
  67. hiegrep '(sprintf|strcat|strcpy)' 'Possible security issue, make sure this is safe or use snprintf/av_strl*' $*
  68. hiegrep '/ *(2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16384|32768|65536)[^0-9]' 'divide by 2^x could use >> maybe' $*
  69. hiegrep '#(el|)if *(0|1)' 'useless #if' $*
  70. hiegrep 'if *\( *(0|1) *\)' 'useless if()' $*
  71. hiegrep '& *[a-zA-Z0-9_]* *\[ *0 *\]' 'useless & [0]' $*
  72. hiegrep '(\( *[0-9] *(&&|\|\|)|(&&|\|\|) *[0-9] *\))' 'overriding condition' $*
  73. hiegrep '(:\+|,|;)( *|static|\*)*'"$ERE_PRITYP"' *\*( |\*)*(src|source|input|in[^a-z])' 'missing const?' $*
  74. hiegrep '(:\+|,|;)( *|static|\*)*'"$ERE_PRITYP"' *(src|source|input|in)([0-9A-Z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*){1,} *\[' 'missing const (test2)?' $*
  75. hiegrep ' *static *'"$ERE_FUNCS"'[^)]*\);' 'static prototype, maybe you should reorder your functions' $*
  76. hiegrep '@file: *[a-zA-Z0-9_]' 'doxy filetag with filename can in the future cause problems when forgotten during a rename' $*
  77. hiegrep '\bassert' 'Please use av_assert0, av_assert1 or av_assert2' $*
  78. hiegrep2 '\.long_name *=' 'NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMAL' 'missing NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMAL' $*
  79. hiegrep2 '\.pix_fmts *= *\(' 'const' 'missing const for pix_fmts array' $*
  80. hiegrep2 '\.sample_fmts *= *\(' 'const' 'missing const for sample_fmts array' $*
  81. hiegrep2 '\.supported_framerates *= *\(' 'const' 'missing const for supported_framerates array' $*
  82. hiegrep2 '\.channel_layouts *= *\(' 'const' 'missing const for channel_layouts array' $*
  83. #$EGREP $OPT '^\+.*const ' $*| $GREP -v 'static'> $TMP && printf '\nnon static const\n'
  84. #cat $TMP
  85. hiegrep2 "$ERE_TYPES" '(static|av_|ff_|typedef|:\+[^a-zA-Z_])' 'Non static with no ff_/av_ prefix' $*
  86. hiegrep ':\+[^}#]*else' 'missing } prior to else' $*
  87. hiegrep '(if|while|for)\(' 'missing whitespace between keyword and ( (feel free to ignore)' $*
  88. hiegrep '(else|do){' 'missing whitespace between keyword and { (feel free to ignore)' $*
  89. hiegrep '}(else|while)' 'missing whitespace between } and keyword (feel free to ignore)' $*
  90. #FIXME this should print the previous statement maybe
  91. hiegrep ':\+ *{ *$' '{ should be on the same line as the related previous statement' $*
  92. rm $TMP
  93. for i in $($GREP -H '^+.*@param' $*| sed 's/^\([^:]*\):.*@param\(\[.*\]\|\) *\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\) .*$/\1:\3/') ; do
  94. doxpar=$(echo $i | sed 's/^.*:\(.*\)$/\1/')
  95. file=$(echo $i | sed 's/^\([^:]*\):.*$/\1/')
  96. $GREP " *$doxpar *[),]" $file | $GREP -v '@param' >/dev/null || $GREP --color=always "@param *$doxpar" $file >>$TMP
  97. done
  98. if test -e $TMP ; then
  99. printf '\nmismatching doxy params\n'
  100. cat $TMP
  101. fi
  102. $EGREP -B2 $OPT '^(\+|) *('"$ERE_TYPES"'|# *define)' $* | $EGREP -A2 --color=always '(:|-)\+[^/]*/(\*([^*]|$)|/([^/]|$))' > $TMP && printf "\n Non doxy comments\n"
  103. cat $TMP
  104. rm $TMP
  105. for i in \
  106. $($EGREP -H '^\+ *'"$ERE_TYPES" $* |\
  107. $GREP -v '(' | $EGREP -v '\Wgoto\W' |\
  108. xargs -d '\n' -n 1 |\
  109. $GREP -o '[* ][* ]*[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]* *[,;=]' |\
  110. sed 's/.[* ]*\([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*\) *[,;=]/\1/') \
  111. ; do
  112. echo $i | $GREP '^NULL$' && continue
  113. $EGREP $i' *(\+|-|\*|/|\||&|%|)=[^=]' $* >/dev/null || echo "possibly never written:"$i >> $TMP
  114. $EGREP '(=|\(|return).*'$i'(==|[^=])*$' $* >/dev/null || echo "possibly never read :"$i >> $TMP
  115. $EGREP -o $i' *((\+|-|\*|/|\||&|%|)=[^=]|\+\+|--) *(0x|)[0-9]*(;|)' $* |\
  116. $EGREP -v $i' *= *(0x|)[0-9]{1,};'>/dev/null || echo "possibly constant :"$i >> $TMP
  117. done
  118. if test -e $TMP ; then
  119. printf '\npossibly unused variables\n'
  120. cat $TMP
  121. fi
  122. $GREP '^+++ .*Changelog' $* >/dev/null || printf "\nMissing changelog entry (ignore if minor change)\n"
  123. cat $* | $GREP -v '^-' | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP --color=always -o '(fprintf|av_log|printf)\([^)]*\)[+ ;@]*\1' >$TMP && printf "\nMergeable calls\n"
  124. cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  125. cat $* | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP --color=always -o '\+ *if *\( *([A-Za-z0-9_]*) *[<>]=? *[0-9]* *\) * \1 *= *[0-9]* *;[ @\\+]*else *if *\( *\1 *[<>]=? *[0-9]* *\) *\1 *= *[0-9]* *;' >$TMP && printf "\nav_clip / av_clip_uint8 / av_clip_int16 / ...\n"
  126. cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  127. cat $* | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP --color=always -o '\+ *if *\( *([A-Za-z0-9_]*) *[<>]=? *([A-Za-z0-9_]*) *\)[ @\\+]*(\1|\2) *= *(\1|\2) *;' >$TMP && printf "\nFFMIN/FFMAX\n"
  128. cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  129. cat $* | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP --color=always -o '\+ *if *\( *([A-Za-z0-9_]*) *\)[ @\\+]*av_free(p|) *\( *(&|) *\1[^-.]' >$TMP && printf "\nav_free(NULL) is safe\n"
  130. cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  131. cat $* | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP --color=always -o '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) *= *av_malloc *\([^)]*\)[ @;\\+]*memset *\( *\1' >$TMP && printf "\nav_mallocz()\n"
  132. cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  133. # does not work
  134. #cat $* | tr '\n' '@' | $EGREP -o '[^a-zA-Z_0-9]([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*) *=[^=].*\1' | $EGREP -o '[^a-zA-Z_0-9]([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*) *=[^=].*\1 *=[^=]' >$TMP && printf "\nPossibly written 2x before read\n"
  135. #cat $TMP | tr '@' '\n'
  136. exit
  137. TODO/idea list:
  138. for all demuxers & muxers
  139. $EGREP for "avctx->priv_data"
  140. vertical align =
  141. /* and * align
  142. arrays fitting in smaller types
  143. variables written to twice with no interspaced read
  144. memset(block, 0, 6*64*sizeof(int16_t)); -> clear_blocks
  145. check existence of long_name in AVCodec
  146. check that the patch does not touch codec & (de)muxer layer at the same time ->split
  147. write a regression test containing at least a line that triggers each warning once