issue_tracker.txt 7.3 KB

  1. FFmpeg's bug/patch/feature request tracker manual
  2. =================================================
  3. NOTE: This is a draft.
  4. Overview:
  5. ---------
  6. FFmpeg uses Roundup for tracking issues, new issues and changes to
  7. existing issues can be done through a web interface and through email.
  8. It is possible to subscribe to individual issues by adding yourself to the
  9. nosy list or to subscribe to the ffmpeg-issues mailing list which receives
  10. a mail for every change to every issue. Replies to such mails will also
  11. be properly added to the respective issue.
  12. (the above does all work already after light testing)
  13. The subscription URL for the ffmpeg-issues list is:
  14. http://live.polito/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-issues
  15. The URL of the webinterface of the tracker is:
  16. http(s)://roundup.ffmpeg/roundup/ffmpeg/
  17. Note the URLs in this document are obfuscated, you must append the top level
  18. domain for non-profit organizations to the tracker, and of Italy to the
  19. mailing list.
  20. Email Interface:
  21. ----------------
  22. There is a mailing list to which all new issues and changes to existing issues
  23. are sent. You can subscribe through
  24. http://live.polito/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-issues
  25. Replies to messages there will have their text added to the specific issues.
  26. Attachments will be added as if they had been uploaded via the web interface.
  27. You can change the status, substatus, topic, ... by changing the subject in
  28. your reply like:
  29. Re: [issue94] register_avcodec and allcodecs.h [type=patch;status=open;substatus=approved]
  30. Roundup will then change things as you requested and remove the [...] from
  31. the subject before forwarding the mail to the mailing list.
  32. NOTE: issue = (bug report || patch || feature request)
  33. Type:
  34. -----
  35. bug
  36. An error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in FFmpeg or libav* that
  37. prevents it from behaving as intended.
  38. feature request
  39. Request of support for encoding or decoding of a new codec, container
  40. or variant.
  41. Request of support for more, less or plain different output or behavior
  42. where the current implementation cannot be considered wrong.
  43. patch
  44. A patch as generated by diff which conforms to the patch submission and
  45. development policy.
  46. Priority:
  47. ---------
  48. critical
  49. Bugs and patches which deal with data loss and security issues.
  50. No feature request can be critical.
  51. important
  52. Bugs which make FFmpeg unusable for a significant number of users, and
  53. patches fixing them.
  54. Examples here might be completely broken MPEG-4 decoding or a build issue
  55. on Linux.
  56. While broken 4xm decoding or a broken OS/2 build would not be important,
  57. the separation to normal is somewhat fuzzy.
  58. For feature requests this priority would be used for things many people
  59. want.
  60. normal
  61. minor
  62. Bugs and patches about things like spelling errors, "mp2" instead of
  63. "mp3" being shown and such.
  64. Feature requests about things few people want or which do not make a big
  65. difference.
  66. wish
  67. Something that is desirable to have but that there is no urgency at
  68. all to implement, e.g. something completely cosmetic like a website
  69. restyle or a personalized doxy template or the FFmpeg logo.
  70. This priority is not valid for bugs.
  71. Status:
  72. -------
  73. new
  74. initial state
  75. open
  76. intermediate states
  77. closed
  78. final state
  79. Type/Status/Substatus:
  80. ----------
  81. */new/new
  82. Initial state of new bugs, patches and feature requests submitted by
  83. users.
  84. */open/open
  85. Issues which have been briefly looked at and which did not look outright
  86. invalid.
  87. This implicates that no real more detailed state applies yet. Conversely,
  88. the more detailed states below implicate that the issue has been briefly
  89. looked at.
  90. */closed/duplicate
  91. Bugs, patches or feature requests which are duplicates.
  92. Note that patches dealing with the same thing in a different way are not
  93. duplicates.
  94. Note, if you mark something as duplicate, do not forget setting the
  95. superseder so bug reports are properly linked.
  96. */closed/invalid
  97. Bugs caused by user errors, random ineligible or otherwise nonsense stuff.
  98. */closed/needs_more_info
  99. Issues for which some information has been requested by the developers,
  100. but which has not been provided by anyone within reasonable time.
  101. bug/open/reproduced
  102. Bugs which have been reproduced.
  103. bug/open/analyzed
  104. Bugs which have been analyzed and where it is understood what causes them
  105. and which exact chain of events triggers them. This analysis should be
  106. available as a message in the bug report.
  107. Note, do not change the status to analyzed without also providing a clear
  108. and understandable analysis.
  109. This state implicates that the bug either has been reproduced or that
  110. reproduction is not needed as the bug is already understood.
  111. bug/open/needs_more_info
  112. Bug reports which are incomplete and or where more information is needed
  113. from the submitter or another person who can provide it.
  114. This state implicates that the bug has not been analyzed or reproduced.
  115. Note, the idea behind needs_more_info is to offload work from the
  116. developers to the users whenever possible.
  117. bug/closed/fixed
  118. Bugs which have to the best of our knowledge been fixed.
  119. bug/closed/wont_fix
  120. Bugs which we will not fix. Possible reasons include legality, high
  121. complexity for the sake of supporting obscure corner cases, speed loss
  122. for similarly esoteric purposes, et cetera.
  123. This also means that we would reject a patch.
  124. If we are just too lazy to fix a bug then the correct state is open
  125. and unassigned. Closed means that the case is closed which is not
  126. the case if we are just waiting for a patch.
  127. bug/closed/works_for_me
  128. Bugs for which sufficient information was provided to reproduce but
  129. reproduction failed - that is the code seems to work correctly to the
  130. best of our knowledge.
  131. patch/open/approved
  132. Patches which have been reviewed and approved by a developer.
  133. Such patches can be applied anytime by any other developer after some
  134. reasonable testing (compile + regression tests + does the patch do
  135. what the author claimed).
  136. patch/open/needs_changes
  137. Patches which have been reviewed and need changes to be accepted.
  138. patch/closed/applied
  139. Patches which have been applied.
  140. patch/closed/rejected
  141. Patches which have been rejected.
  142. feature_request/open/needs_more_info
  143. Feature requests where it is not clear what exactly is wanted
  144. (these also could be closed as invalid ...).
  145. feature_request/closed/implemented
  146. Feature requests which have been implemented.
  147. feature_request/closed/wont_implement
  148. Feature requests which will not be implemented. The reasons here could
  149. be legal, philosophical or others.
  150. Note, please do not use type-status-substatus combinations other than the
  151. above without asking on ffmpeg-dev first!
  152. Note2, if you provide the requested info do not forget to remove the
  153. needs_more_info substate.
  154. Topic:
  155. ------
  156. A topic is a tag you should add to your issue in order to make grouping them
  157. easier.
  158. avcodec
  159. issues in libavcodec/*
  160. avformat
  161. issues in libavformat/*
  162. avutil
  163. issues in libavutil/*
  164. regression test
  165. issues in tests/*
  166. ffmpeg
  167. issues in or related to ffmpeg.c
  168. ffplay
  169. issues in or related to ffplay.c
  170. ffserver
  171. issues in or related to ffserver.c
  172. build system
  173. issues in or related to configure/Makefile
  174. regression
  175. bugs which were working in a past revision
  176. roundup
  177. issues related to our issue tracker