@@ -5186,26 +5186,3 @@ pkgconfig_generate libpostproc "FFmpeg postprocessing library" "$LIBPOS
pkgconfig_generate libavresample "Libav audio resampling library" "$LIBAVRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$extralibs" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
pkgconfig_generate libswscale "FFmpeg image rescaling library" "$LIBSWSCALE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
pkgconfig_generate libswresample "FFmpeg audio resampling library" "$LIBSWRESAMPLE_VERSION" "$LIBM" "libavutil${build_suffix} = $LIBAVUTIL_VERSION"
- git_remote_from=$1
- git_remote_to=$2
- fixme_remote=$(git --git-dir=$source_path/.git --work-tree=$source_path remote -v | grep $git_remote_from | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq)
- if [ "$fixme_remote" != "" ]; then
- echolog "
-Outdated domain in git config, the official domain for ffmpeg git is since
-November 2011, source.ffmpeg.org, both the old and the new point to the same
-repository and server. To update it enter the following commands:
- for remote in $fixme_remote; do
- echolog "git remote set-url $remote $git_remote_to"
- done
- fi
-if test -f "$source_path/.git/config"; then
- remote_from=git.videolan.org
- remote_to=source.ffmpeg.org
- fix_ffmpeg_remote git@$remote_from:ffmpeg git@$remote_to:ffmpeg
- fix_ffmpeg_remote git://$remote_from/ffmpeg git://$remote_to/ffmpeg