@@ -0,0 +1,1694 @@
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+static int FUNC(obu_header)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawOBUHeader *current)
+ int err;
+ av_unused int zero = 0;
+ HEADER("OBU header");
+ fc(1, obu_forbidden_bit, 0, 0);
+ fc(4, obu_type, 0, AV1_OBU_PADDING);
+ flag(obu_extension_flag);
+ flag(obu_has_size_field);
+ fc(1, obu_reserved_1bit, 0, 0);
+ if (current->obu_extension_flag) {
+ fb(3, temporal_id);
+ fb(2, spatial_id);
+ fc(3, extension_header_reserved_3bits, 0, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(trailing_bits)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw, int nb_bits)
+ int err;
+ av_assert0(nb_bits > 0);
+ fixed(1, trailing_one_bit, 1);
+ --nb_bits;
+ while (nb_bits > 0) {
+ fixed(1, trailing_zero_bit, 0);
+ --nb_bits;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(byte_alignment)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw)
+ int err;
+ while (byte_alignment(rw) != 0)
+ fixed(1, zero_bit, 0);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(color_config)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawColorConfig *current, int seq_profile)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int err;
+ flag(high_bitdepth);
+ if (seq_profile == FF_PROFILE_AV1_PROFESSIONAL &&
+ current->high_bitdepth) {
+ flag(twelve_bit);
+ priv->bit_depth = current->twelve_bit ? 12 : 10;
+ } else {
+ priv->bit_depth = current->high_bitdepth ? 10 : 8;
+ }
+ if (seq_profile == FF_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH)
+ infer(mono_chrome, 0);
+ else
+ flag(mono_chrome);
+ priv->num_planes = current->mono_chrome ? 1 : 3;
+ flag(color_description_present_flag);
+ if (current->color_description_present_flag) {
+ fb(8, color_primaries);
+ fb(8, transfer_characteristics);
+ fb(8, matrix_coefficients);
+ } else {
+ infer(color_primaries, AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED);
+ infer(transfer_characteristics, AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED);
+ infer(matrix_coefficients, AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED);
+ }
+ if (current->mono_chrome) {
+ flag(color_range);
+ infer(subsampling_x, 1);
+ infer(subsampling_y, 1);
+ infer(chroma_sample_position, AV1_CSP_UNKNOWN);
+ infer(separate_uv_delta_q, 0);
+ } else if (current->color_primaries == AVCOL_PRI_BT709 &&
+ current->transfer_characteristics == AVCOL_TRC_IEC61966_2_1 &&
+ current->matrix_coefficients == AVCOL_SPC_RGB) {
+ infer(color_range, 1);
+ infer(subsampling_x, 0);
+ infer(subsampling_y, 0);
+ flag(separate_uv_delta_q);
+ } else {
+ flag(color_range);
+ if (seq_profile == FF_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN) {
+ infer(subsampling_x, 1);
+ infer(subsampling_y, 1);
+ } else if (seq_profile == FF_PROFILE_AV1_HIGH) {
+ infer(subsampling_x, 0);
+ infer(subsampling_y, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (priv->bit_depth == 12) {
+ fb(1, subsampling_x);
+ if (current->subsampling_x)
+ fb(1, subsampling_y);
+ else
+ infer(subsampling_y, 0);
+ } else {
+ infer(subsampling_x, 1);
+ infer(subsampling_y, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current->subsampling_x && current->subsampling_y) {
+ fc(2, chroma_sample_position, AV1_CSP_UNKNOWN,
+ }
+ flag(separate_uv_delta_q);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(timing_info)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawTimingInfo *current)
+ int err;
+ fc(32, num_units_in_display_tick, 1, MAX_UINT_BITS(32));
+ fc(32, time_scale, 1, MAX_UINT_BITS(32));
+ flag(equal_picture_interval);
+ if (current->equal_picture_interval)
+ uvlc(num_ticks_per_picture_minus_1, 0, MAX_UINT_BITS(32) - 1);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(decoder_model_info)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawDecoderModelInfo *current)
+ int err;
+ fb(5, buffer_delay_length_minus_1);
+ fb(32, num_units_in_decoding_tick);
+ fb(5, buffer_removal_time_length_minus_1);
+ fb(5, frame_presentation_time_length_minus_1);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(sequence_header_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawSequenceHeader *current)
+ int i, err;
+ HEADER("Sequence Header");
+ fc(3, seq_profile, FF_PROFILE_AV1_MAIN,
+ flag(still_picture);
+ flag(reduced_still_picture_header);
+ if (current->reduced_still_picture_header) {
+ infer(timing_info_present_flag, 0);
+ infer(decoder_model_info_present_flag, 0);
+ infer(initial_display_delay_present_flag, 0);
+ infer(operating_points_cnt_minus_1, 0);
+ infer(operating_point_idc[0], 0);
+ fb(5, seq_level_idx[0]);
+ infer(seq_tier[0], 0);
+ infer(decoder_model_present_for_this_op[0], 0);
+ infer(initial_display_delay_present_for_this_op[0], 0);
+ } else {
+ flag(timing_info_present_flag);
+ if (current->timing_info_present_flag) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(timing_info)(ctx, rw, ¤t->timing_info));
+ flag(decoder_model_info_present_flag);
+ if (current->decoder_model_info_present_flag) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(decoder_model_info)
+ (ctx, rw, ¤t->decoder_model_info));
+ }
+ } else {
+ infer(decoder_model_info_present_flag, 0);
+ }
+ flag(initial_display_delay_present_flag);
+ fb(5, operating_points_cnt_minus_1);
+ for (i = 0; i <= current->operating_points_cnt_minus_1; i++) {
+ fbs(12, operating_point_idc[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(5, seq_level_idx[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->seq_level_idx[i] > 7)
+ flags(seq_tier[i], 1, i);
+ else
+ infer(seq_tier[i], 0);
+ if (current->decoder_model_info_present_flag) {
+ flags(decoder_model_present_for_this_op[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->decoder_model_present_for_this_op[i]) {
+ int n = current->decoder_model_info.buffer_delay_length_minus_1 + 1;
+ fbs(n, decoder_buffer_delay[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(n, encoder_buffer_delay[i], 1, i);
+ flags(low_delay_mode_flag[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ infer(decoder_model_present_for_this_op[i], 0);
+ }
+ if (current->initial_display_delay_present_flag) {
+ flags(initial_display_delay_present_for_this_op[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->initial_display_delay_present_for_this_op[i])
+ fbs(4, initial_display_delay_minus_1[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fb(4, frame_width_bits_minus_1);
+ fb(4, frame_height_bits_minus_1);
+ fb(current->frame_width_bits_minus_1 + 1, max_frame_width_minus_1);
+ fb(current->frame_height_bits_minus_1 + 1, max_frame_height_minus_1);
+ if (current->reduced_still_picture_header)
+ infer(frame_id_numbers_present_flag, 0);
+ else
+ flag(frame_id_numbers_present_flag);
+ if (current->frame_id_numbers_present_flag) {
+ fb(4, delta_frame_id_length_minus_2);
+ fb(3, additional_frame_id_length_minus_1);
+ }
+ flag(use_128x128_superblock);
+ flag(enable_filter_intra);
+ flag(enable_intra_edge_filter);
+ if (current->reduced_still_picture_header) {
+ infer(enable_intraintra_compound, 0);
+ infer(enable_masked_compound, 0);
+ infer(enable_warped_motion, 0);
+ infer(enable_dual_filter, 0);
+ infer(enable_order_hint, 0);
+ infer(enable_jnt_comp, 0);
+ infer(enable_ref_frame_mvs, 0);
+ infer(seq_force_screen_content_tools,
+ infer(seq_force_integer_mv,
+ } else {
+ flag(enable_intraintra_compound);
+ flag(enable_masked_compound);
+ flag(enable_warped_motion);
+ flag(enable_dual_filter);
+ flag(enable_order_hint);
+ if (current->enable_order_hint) {
+ flag(enable_jnt_comp);
+ flag(enable_ref_frame_mvs);
+ } else {
+ infer(enable_jnt_comp, 0);
+ infer(enable_ref_frame_mvs, 0);
+ }
+ flag(seq_choose_screen_content_tools);
+ if (current->seq_choose_screen_content_tools)
+ infer(seq_force_screen_content_tools,
+ else
+ fb(1, seq_force_screen_content_tools);
+ if (current->seq_force_screen_content_tools > 0) {
+ flag(seq_choose_integer_mv);
+ if (current->seq_choose_integer_mv)
+ infer(seq_force_integer_mv,
+ else
+ fb(1, seq_force_integer_mv);
+ } else {
+ infer(seq_force_integer_mv, AV1_SELECT_INTEGER_MV);
+ }
+ if (current->enable_order_hint)
+ fb(3, order_hint_bits_minus_1);
+ }
+ flag(enable_superres);
+ flag(enable_cdef);
+ flag(enable_restoration);
+ CHECK(FUNC(color_config)(ctx, rw, ¤t->color_config,
+ current->seq_profile));
+ flag(film_grain_params_present);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(temporal_delimiter_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ HEADER("Temporal Delimiter");
+ priv->seen_frame_header = 0;
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(superres_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int denom, err;
+ if (seq->enable_superres)
+ flag(use_superres);
+ else
+ infer(use_superres, 0);
+ if (current->use_superres) {
+ fb(3, coded_denom);
+ denom = current->coded_denom + AV1_SUPERRES_DENOM_MIN;
+ } else {
+ denom = AV1_SUPERRES_NUM;
+ }
+ priv->upscaled_width = priv->frame_width;
+ priv->frame_width = (priv->upscaled_width * AV1_SUPERRES_NUM +
+ denom / 2) / denom;
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(frame_size)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int err;
+ if (current->frame_size_override_flag) {
+ fb(seq->frame_width_bits_minus_1 + 1, frame_width_minus_1);
+ fb(seq->frame_height_bits_minus_1 + 1, frame_height_minus_1);
+ priv->frame_width = current->frame_width_minus_1 + 1;
+ priv->frame_height = current->frame_height_minus_1 + 1;
+ } else {
+ priv->frame_width = seq->max_frame_width_minus_1 + 1;
+ priv->frame_height = seq->max_frame_height_minus_1 + 1;
+ }
+ CHECK(FUNC(superres_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(render_size)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int err;
+ flag(render_and_frame_size_different);
+ if (current->render_and_frame_size_different) {
+ fb(16, render_width_minus_1);
+ fb(16, render_height_minus_1);
+ priv->render_width = current->render_width_minus_1 + 1;
+ priv->render_height = current->render_height_minus_1 + 1;
+ } else {
+ priv->render_width = priv->upscaled_width;
+ priv->render_height = priv->frame_height;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(frame_size_with_refs)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int i, err;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ flag(found_ref);
+ if (current->found_ref) {
+ AV1ReferenceFrameState *ref =
+ &priv->ref[current->ref_frame_idx[i]];
+ if (!ref->valid) {
+ av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+ "Missing reference frame needed for frame size "
+ "(ref = %d, ref_frame_idx = %d).\n",
+ i, current->ref_frame_idx[i]);
+ }
+ priv->upscaled_width = ref->upscaled_width;
+ priv->frame_width = ref->frame_width;
+ priv->frame_height = ref->frame_height;
+ priv->render_width = ref->render_width;
+ priv->render_height = ref->render_height;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (current->found_ref == 0) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(render_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ } else {
+ CHECK(FUNC(superres_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(interpolation_filter)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ int err;
+ flag(is_filter_switchable);
+ if (current->is_filter_switchable)
+ infer(interpolation_filter,
+ else
+ fb(2, interpolation_filter);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(tile_info)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int mi_cols, mi_rows, sb_cols, sb_rows, sb_shift, sb_size;
+ int max_tile_width_sb, max_tile_height_sb, max_tile_area_sb;
+ int min_log2_tile_cols, max_log2_tile_cols, max_log2_tile_rows;
+ int min_log2_tiles, min_log2_tile_rows;
+ int i, err;
+ mi_cols = 2 * ((priv->frame_width + 7) >> 3);
+ mi_rows = 2 * ((priv->frame_height + 7) >> 3);
+ sb_cols = seq->use_128x128_superblock ? ((mi_cols + 31) >> 5)
+ : ((mi_cols + 15) >> 4);
+ sb_rows = seq->use_128x128_superblock ? ((mi_rows + 31) >> 5)
+ : ((mi_rows + 15) >> 4);
+ sb_shift = seq->use_128x128_superblock ? 5 : 4;
+ sb_size = sb_shift + 2;
+ max_tile_width_sb = AV1_MAX_TILE_WIDTH >> sb_size;
+ max_tile_area_sb = AV1_MAX_TILE_AREA >> (2 * sb_size);
+ min_log2_tile_cols = cbs_av1_tile_log2(max_tile_width_sb, sb_cols);
+ max_log2_tile_cols = cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, FFMIN(sb_cols, AV1_MAX_TILE_COLS));
+ max_log2_tile_rows = cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, FFMIN(sb_rows, AV1_MAX_TILE_ROWS));
+ min_log2_tiles = FFMAX(min_log2_tile_cols,
+ cbs_av1_tile_log2(max_tile_area_sb, sb_rows * sb_cols));
+ flag(uniform_tile_spacing_flag);
+ if (current->uniform_tile_spacing_flag) {
+ int tile_width_sb, tile_height_sb;
+ increment(tile_cols_log2, min_log2_tile_cols, max_log2_tile_cols);
+ tile_width_sb = (sb_cols + (1 << current->tile_cols_log2) - 1) >>
+ current->tile_cols_log2;
+ current->tile_cols = (sb_cols + tile_width_sb - 1) / tile_width_sb;
+ min_log2_tile_rows = FFMAX(min_log2_tiles - current->tile_cols_log2, 0);
+ increment(tile_rows_log2, min_log2_tile_rows, max_log2_tile_rows);
+ tile_height_sb = (sb_rows + (1 << current->tile_rows_log2) - 1) >>
+ current->tile_rows_log2;
+ current->tile_rows = (sb_rows + tile_height_sb - 1) / tile_height_sb;
+ } else {
+ int widest_tile_sb, start_sb, size_sb, max_width, max_height;
+ widest_tile_sb = 0;
+ start_sb = 0;
+ for (i = 0; start_sb < sb_cols && i < AV1_MAX_TILE_COLS; i++) {
+ max_width = FFMIN(sb_cols - start_sb, max_tile_width_sb);
+ ns(max_width, width_in_sbs_minus_1[i], 1, i);
+ size_sb = current->width_in_sbs_minus_1[i] + 1;
+ widest_tile_sb = FFMAX(size_sb, widest_tile_sb);
+ start_sb += size_sb;
+ }
+ current->tile_cols_log2 = cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, i);
+ current->tile_cols = i;
+ if (min_log2_tiles > 0)
+ max_tile_area_sb = (sb_rows * sb_cols) >> (min_log2_tiles + 1);
+ else
+ max_tile_area_sb = sb_rows * sb_cols;
+ max_tile_height_sb = FFMAX(max_tile_area_sb / widest_tile_sb, 1);
+ start_sb = 0;
+ for (i = 0; start_sb < sb_rows && i < AV1_MAX_TILE_ROWS; i++) {
+ max_height = FFMIN(sb_rows - start_sb, max_tile_height_sb);
+ ns(max_height, height_in_sbs_minus_1[i], 1, i);
+ size_sb = current->height_in_sbs_minus_1[i] + 1;
+ start_sb += size_sb;
+ }
+ current->tile_rows_log2 = cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, i);
+ current->tile_rows = i;
+ }
+ if (current->tile_cols_log2 > 0 ||
+ current->tile_rows_log2 > 0) {
+ fb(current->tile_cols_log2 + current->tile_rows_log2,
+ context_update_tile_id);
+ fb(2, tile_size_bytes_minus1);
+ } else {
+ infer(context_update_tile_id, 0);
+ }
+ priv->tile_cols = current->tile_cols;
+ priv->tile_rows = current->tile_rows;
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(quantization_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int err;
+ fb(8, base_q_idx);
+ delta_q(delta_q_y_dc);
+ if (priv->num_planes > 1) {
+ if (seq->color_config.separate_uv_delta_q)
+ flag(diff_uv_delta);
+ else
+ infer(diff_uv_delta, 0);
+ delta_q(delta_q_u_dc);
+ delta_q(delta_q_u_ac);
+ if (current->diff_uv_delta) {
+ delta_q(delta_q_v_dc);
+ delta_q(delta_q_v_ac);
+ } else {
+ infer(delta_q_v_dc, current->delta_q_u_dc);
+ infer(delta_q_v_ac, current->delta_q_u_ac);
+ }
+ } else {
+ infer(delta_q_u_dc, 0);
+ infer(delta_q_u_ac, 0);
+ infer(delta_q_v_dc, 0);
+ infer(delta_q_v_ac, 0);
+ }
+ flag(using_qmatrix);
+ if (current->using_qmatrix) {
+ fb(4, qm_y);
+ fb(4, qm_u);
+ if (seq->color_config.separate_uv_delta_q)
+ fb(4, qm_v);
+ else
+ infer(qm_v, current->qm_u);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(segmentation_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ static const uint8_t bits[AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX] = { 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 0, 0 };
+ static const uint8_t sign[AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
+ int i, j, err;
+ flag(segmentation_enabled);
+ if (current->segmentation_enabled) {
+ if (current->primary_ref_frame == AV1_PRIMARY_REF_NONE) {
+ infer(segmentation_update_map, 1);
+ infer(segmentation_temporal_update, 0);
+ infer(segmentation_update_data, 1);
+ } else {
+ flag(segmentation_update_map);
+ if (current->segmentation_update_map)
+ flag(segmentation_temporal_update);
+ else
+ infer(segmentation_temporal_update, 0);
+ flag(segmentation_update_data);
+ }
+ if (current->segmentation_update_data) {
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_MAX_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX; j++) {
+ flags(feature_enabled[i][j], 2, i, j);
+ if (current->feature_enabled[i][j] && bits[j] > 0) {
+ if (sign[j])
+ sus(1 + bits[j], feature_value[i][j], 2, i, j);
+ else
+ fbs(bits[j], feature_value[i][j], 2, i, j);
+ } else {
+ infer(feature_value[i][j], 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_MAX_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX; j++) {
+ infer(feature_enabled[i][j], 0);
+ infer(feature_value[i][j], 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(delta_q_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ int err;
+ if (current->base_q_idx > 0)
+ flag(delta_q_present);
+ else
+ infer(delta_q_present, 0);
+ if (current->delta_q_present)
+ fb(2, delta_q_res);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(delta_lf_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ int err;
+ if (current->delta_q_present) {
+ if (!current->allow_intrabc)
+ flag(delta_lf_present);
+ else
+ infer(delta_lf_present, 0);
+ if (current->delta_lf_present) {
+ fb(2, delta_lf_res);
+ flag(delta_lf_multi);
+ } else {
+ infer(delta_lf_res, 0);
+ infer(delta_lf_multi, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ infer(delta_lf_present, 0);
+ infer(delta_lf_res, 0);
+ infer(delta_lf_multi, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(loop_filter_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int i, err;
+ if (priv->coded_lossless || current->allow_intrabc) {
+ infer(loop_filter_level[0], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_level[1], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_INTRA], 1);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_LAST], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_LAST2], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_LAST3], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_BWDREF], 0);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_GOLDEN], -1);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_ALTREF], -1);
+ infer(loop_filter_ref_deltas[AV1_REF_FRAME_ALTREF2], -1);
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ infer(loop_filter_mode_deltas[i], 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fb(6, loop_filter_level[0]);
+ fb(6, loop_filter_level[1]);
+ if (priv->num_planes > 1) {
+ if (current->loop_filter_level[0] ||
+ current->loop_filter_level[1]) {
+ fb(6, loop_filter_level[2]);
+ fb(6, loop_filter_level[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ fb(3, loop_filter_sharpness);
+ flag(loop_filter_delta_enabled);
+ if (current->loop_filter_delta_enabled) {
+ flag(loop_filter_delta_update);
+ if (current->loop_filter_delta_update) {
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_TOTAL_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ flags(update_ref_delta[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->update_ref_delta[i])
+ sus(1 + 6, loop_filter_ref_deltas[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ flags(update_mode_delta[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->update_mode_delta[i])
+ sus(1 + 6, loop_filter_mode_deltas[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(cdef_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int i, err;
+ if (priv->coded_lossless || current->allow_intrabc ||
+ !seq->enable_cdef) {
+ infer(cdef_damping_minus_3, 0);
+ infer(cdef_bits, 0);
+ infer(cdef_y_pri_strength[0], 0);
+ infer(cdef_y_sec_strength[0], 0);
+ infer(cdef_uv_pri_strength[0], 0);
+ infer(cdef_uv_sec_strength[0], 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fb(2, cdef_damping_minus_3);
+ fb(2, cdef_bits);
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << current->cdef_bits); i++) {
+ fbs(4, cdef_y_pri_strength[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(2, cdef_y_sec_strength[i], 1, i);
+ if (priv->num_planes > 1) {
+ fbs(4, cdef_uv_pri_strength[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(2, cdef_uv_sec_strength[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(lr_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int uses_lr, uses_chroma_lr;
+ int i, err;
+ if (priv->all_lossless || current->allow_intrabc ||
+ !seq->enable_restoration) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uses_lr = uses_chroma_lr = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->num_planes; i++) {
+ fbs(2, lr_type[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->lr_type[i] != 0) {
+ uses_lr = 1;
+ if (i > 0)
+ uses_chroma_lr = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (uses_lr) {
+ if (seq->use_128x128_superblock)
+ increment(lr_unit_shift, 1, 2);
+ else
+ increment(lr_unit_shift, 0, 2);
+ if(seq->color_config.subsampling_x &&
+ seq->color_config.subsampling_y && uses_chroma_lr) {
+ fb(1, lr_uv_shift);
+ } else {
+ infer(lr_uv_shift, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(read_tx_mode)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int err;
+ if (priv->coded_lossless)
+ infer(tx_mode, 0);
+ else
+ increment(tx_mode, 1, 2);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(frame_reference_mode)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ int err;
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTRA_ONLY ||
+ current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY)
+ infer(reference_select, 0);
+ else
+ flag(reference_select);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(skip_mode_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int skip_mode_allowed;
+ int err;
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY ||
+ current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTRA_ONLY ||
+ !current->reference_select || !seq->enable_order_hint) {
+ skip_mode_allowed = 0;
+ } else {
+ int forward_idx, backward_idx;
+ int forward_hint, backward_hint;
+ int ref_hint, dist, i;
+ forward_idx = -1;
+ backward_idx = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ ref_hint = priv->ref[i].order_hint;
+ dist = cbs_av1_get_relative_dist(seq, ref_hint,
+ current->order_hint);
+ if (dist < 0) {
+ if (forward_idx < 0 ||
+ cbs_av1_get_relative_dist(seq, ref_hint,
+ forward_hint) > 0) {
+ forward_idx = i;
+ forward_hint = ref_hint;
+ }
+ } else if (dist > 0) {
+ if (backward_idx < 0 ||
+ cbs_av1_get_relative_dist(seq, ref_hint,
+ backward_hint) < 0) {
+ backward_idx = i;
+ backward_hint = ref_hint;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (forward_idx < 0) {
+ skip_mode_allowed = 0;
+ } else if (backward_idx >= 0) {
+ skip_mode_allowed = 1;
+ // Frames for skip mode are forward_idx and backward_idx.
+ } else {
+ int second_forward_idx;
+ int second_forward_hint;
+ second_forward_idx = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ ref_hint = priv->ref[i].order_hint;
+ if (cbs_av1_get_relative_dist(seq, ref_hint,
+ forward_hint) < 0) {
+ if (second_forward_idx < 0 ||
+ cbs_av1_get_relative_dist(seq, ref_hint,
+ second_forward_hint) > 0) {
+ second_forward_idx = i;
+ second_forward_hint = ref_hint;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (second_forward_idx < 0) {
+ skip_mode_allowed = 0;
+ } else {
+ skip_mode_allowed = 1;
+ // Frames for skip mode are forward_idx and second_forward_idx.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (skip_mode_allowed)
+ flag(skip_mode_present);
+ else
+ infer(skip_mode_present, 0);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(global_motion_param)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current,
+ int type, int ref, int idx)
+ uint32_t abs_bits, prec_bits, num_syms;
+ int err;
+ if (idx < 2) {
+ abs_bits = AV1_GM_ABS_TRANS_ONLY_BITS - !current->allow_high_precision_mv;
+ prec_bits = AV1_GM_TRANS_ONLY_PREC_BITS - !current->allow_high_precision_mv;
+ } else {
+ abs_bits = AV1_GM_ABS_TRANS_BITS;
+ prec_bits = AV1_GM_TRANS_PREC_BITS;
+ }
+ } else {
+ abs_bits = AV1_GM_ABS_ALPHA_BITS;
+ prec_bits = AV1_GM_ALPHA_PREC_BITS;
+ }
+ num_syms = 2 * (1 << abs_bits) + 1;
+ subexp(gm_params[ref][idx], num_syms, 2, ref, idx);
+ // Actual gm_params value is not reconstructed here.
+ (void)prec_bits;
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(global_motion_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ int ref, type;
+ int err;
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY ||
+ current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTRA_ONLY)
+ return 0;
+ for (ref = AV1_REF_FRAME_LAST; ref <= AV1_REF_FRAME_ALTREF; ref++) {
+ flags(is_global[ref], 1, ref);
+ if (current->is_global[ref]) {
+ flags(is_rot_zoom[ref], 1, ref);
+ if (current->is_rot_zoom[ref]) {
+ } else {
+ flags(is_translation[ref], 1, ref);
+ type = current->is_translation[ref] ? AV1_WARP_MODEL_TRANSLATION
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ if (type >= AV1_WARP_MODEL_ROTZOOM) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 2));
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 3));
+ if (type == AV1_WARP_MODEL_AFFINE) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 4));
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 5));
+ } else {
+ // gm_params[ref][4] = -gm_params[ref][3]
+ // gm_params[ref][5] = gm_params[ref][2]
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 0));
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_param)(ctx, rw, current, type, ref, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(film_grain_params)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ int num_pos_luma, num_pos_chroma;
+ int i, err;
+ if (!seq->film_grain_params_present ||
+ (!current->show_frame && !current->showable_frame))
+ return 0;
+ flag(apply_grain);
+ if (!current->apply_grain)
+ return 0;
+ fb(16, grain_seed);
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTER)
+ flag(update_grain);
+ else
+ infer(update_grain, 1);
+ if (!current->update_grain) {
+ fb(3, film_grain_params_ref_idx);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fb(4, num_y_points);
+ for (i = 0; i < current->num_y_points; i++) {
+ fbs(8, point_y_value[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(8, point_y_scaling[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ if (seq->color_config.mono_chrome)
+ infer(chroma_scaling_from_luma, 0);
+ else
+ flag(chroma_scaling_from_luma);
+ if (seq->color_config.mono_chrome ||
+ current->chroma_scaling_from_luma ||
+ (seq->color_config.subsampling_x == 1 &&
+ seq->color_config.subsampling_y == 1 &&
+ current->num_y_points == 0)) {
+ infer(num_cb_points, 0);
+ infer(num_cr_points, 0);
+ } else {
+ fb(4, num_cb_points);
+ for (i = 0; i < current->num_cb_points; i++) {
+ fbs(8, point_cb_value[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(8, point_cb_scaling[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ fb(4, num_cr_points);
+ for (i = 0; i < current->num_cr_points; i++) {
+ fbs(8, point_cr_value[i], 1, i);
+ fbs(8, point_cr_scaling[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ }
+ fb(2, grain_scaling_minus_8);
+ fb(2, ar_coeff_lag);
+ num_pos_luma = 2 * current->ar_coeff_lag * (current->ar_coeff_lag + 1);
+ if (current->num_y_points) {
+ num_pos_chroma = num_pos_luma + 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_pos_luma; i++)
+ fbs(8, ar_coeffs_y_plus_128[i], 1, i);
+ } else {
+ num_pos_chroma = num_pos_luma;
+ }
+ if (current->chroma_scaling_from_luma || current->num_cb_points) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_pos_chroma; i++)
+ fbs(8, ar_coeffs_cb_plus_128[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ if (current->chroma_scaling_from_luma || current->num_cr_points) {
+ for (i = 0; i < num_pos_chroma; i++)
+ fbs(8, ar_coeffs_cr_plus_128[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ fb(2, ar_coeff_shift_minus_6);
+ fb(2, grain_scale_shift);
+ if (current->num_cb_points) {
+ fb(8, cb_mult);
+ fb(8, cb_luma_mult);
+ fb(9, cb_offset);
+ }
+ if (current->num_cr_points) {
+ fb(8, cr_mult);
+ fb(8, cr_luma_mult);
+ fb(9, cr_offset);
+ }
+ flag(overlap_flag);
+ flag(clip_to_restricted_range);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(uncompressed_header)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ const AV1RawSequenceHeader *seq;
+ int id_len, diff_len, all_frames, frame_is_intra, order_hint_bits;
+ int i, err;
+ if (!priv->sequence_header) {
+ av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No sequence header available: "
+ "unable to decode frame header.\n");
+ }
+ seq = priv->sequence_header;
+ id_len = seq->additional_frame_id_length_minus_1 +
+ seq->delta_frame_id_length_minus_2 + 3;
+ all_frames = (1 << AV1_NUM_REF_FRAMES) - 1;
+ if (seq->reduced_still_picture_header) {
+ infer(show_existing_frame, 0);
+ infer(frame_type, AV1_FRAME_KEY);
+ infer(show_frame, 1);
+ infer(showable_frame, 0);
+ frame_is_intra = 1;
+ } else {
+ flag(show_existing_frame);
+ if (current->show_existing_frame) {
+ AV1ReferenceFrameState *frame;
+ fb(3, frame_to_show_map_idx);
+ frame = &priv->ref[current->frame_to_show_map_idx];
+ if (seq->decoder_model_info_present_flag &&
+ !seq->timing_info.equal_picture_interval) {
+ fb(seq->decoder_model_info.frame_presentation_time_length_minus_1 + 1,
+ frame_presentation_time);
+ }
+ if (seq->frame_id_numbers_present_flag)
+ fb(id_len, display_frame_id);
+ if (frame->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY)
+ infer(refresh_frame_flags, all_frames);
+ else
+ infer(refresh_frame_flags, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fb(2, frame_type);
+ frame_is_intra = (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTRA_ONLY ||
+ current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY);
+ flag(show_frame);
+ if (current->show_frame &&
+ seq->decoder_model_info_present_flag &&
+ !seq->timing_info.equal_picture_interval) {
+ fb(seq->decoder_model_info.frame_presentation_time_length_minus_1 + 1,
+ frame_presentation_time);
+ }
+ if (current->show_frame)
+ infer(showable_frame, current->frame_type != AV1_FRAME_KEY);
+ else
+ flag(showable_frame);
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_SWITCH ||
+ (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY && current->show_frame))
+ infer(error_resilient_mode, 1);
+ else
+ flag(error_resilient_mode);
+ }
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY && current->show_frame) {
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_NUM_REF_FRAMES; i++) {
+ priv->ref[i].valid = 0;
+ priv->ref[i].order_hint = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ flag(disable_cdf_update);
+ if (seq->seq_force_screen_content_tools ==
+ flag(allow_screen_content_tools);
+ } else {
+ infer(allow_screen_content_tools,
+ seq->seq_force_screen_content_tools);
+ }
+ if (current->allow_screen_content_tools) {
+ if (seq->seq_force_integer_mv == AV1_SELECT_INTEGER_MV)
+ flag(force_integer_mv);
+ else
+ infer(force_integer_mv, seq->seq_force_integer_mv);
+ } else {
+ infer(force_integer_mv, 0);
+ }
+ if (seq->frame_id_numbers_present_flag) {
+ fb(id_len, current_frame_id);
+ diff_len = seq->delta_frame_id_length_minus_2 + 2;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_NUM_REF_FRAMES; i++) {
+ if (current->current_frame_id > (1 << diff_len)) {
+ if (priv->ref[i].frame_id > current->current_frame_id ||
+ priv->ref[i].frame_id < (current->current_frame_id -
+ (1 << diff_len)))
+ priv->ref[i].valid = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (priv->ref[i].frame_id > current->current_frame_id &&
+ priv->ref[i].frame_id < ((1 << id_len) +
+ current->current_frame_id -
+ (1 << diff_len)))
+ priv->ref[i].valid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ infer(current_frame_id, 0);
+ }
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_SWITCH)
+ infer(frame_size_override_flag, 1);
+ else if(seq->reduced_still_picture_header)
+ infer(frame_size_override_flag, 0);
+ else
+ flag(frame_size_override_flag);
+ order_hint_bits =
+ seq->enable_order_hint ? seq->order_hint_bits_minus_1 + 1 : 0;
+ if (order_hint_bits > 0)
+ fb(order_hint_bits, order_hint);
+ else
+ infer(order_hint, 0);
+ if (frame_is_intra || current->error_resilient_mode)
+ infer(primary_ref_frame, AV1_PRIMARY_REF_NONE);
+ else
+ fb(3, primary_ref_frame);
+ if (seq->decoder_model_info_present_flag) {
+ flag(buffer_removal_time_present_flag);
+ if (current->buffer_removal_time_present_flag) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= seq->operating_points_cnt_minus_1; i++) {
+ if (seq->decoder_model_present_for_this_op[i]) {
+ int op_pt_idc = seq->operating_point_idc[i];
+ int in_temporal_layer = (op_pt_idc >> priv->temporal_id ) & 1;
+ int in_spatial_layer = (op_pt_idc >> (priv->spatial_id + 8)) & 1;
+ if (seq->operating_point_idc[i] == 0 ||
+ in_temporal_layer || in_spatial_layer) {
+ fbs(seq->decoder_model_info.buffer_removal_time_length_minus_1 + 1,
+ buffer_removal_time[i], 1, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_SWITCH ||
+ (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY && current->show_frame))
+ infer(refresh_frame_flags, all_frames);
+ else
+ fb(8, refresh_frame_flags);
+ if (!frame_is_intra || current->refresh_frame_flags != all_frames) {
+ if (current->error_resilient_mode && seq->enable_order_hint) {
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_NUM_REF_FRAMES; i++) {
+ fbs(order_hint_bits, ref_order_hint[i], 1, i);
+ if (current->ref_order_hint[i] != priv->ref[i].order_hint)
+ priv->ref[i].valid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_KEY ||
+ current->frame_type == AV1_FRAME_INTRA_ONLY) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(render_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ if (current->allow_screen_content_tools &&
+ priv->upscaled_width == priv->frame_width)
+ flag(allow_intrabc);
+ else
+ infer(allow_intrabc, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (!seq->enable_order_hint) {
+ infer(frame_refs_short_signaling, 0);
+ } else {
+ flag(frame_refs_short_signaling);
+ if (current->frame_refs_short_signaling) {
+ fb(3, last_frame_idx);
+ fb(3, golden_frame_idx);
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ infer(ref_frame_idx[i], current->last_frame_idx);
+ else if (i == AV1_REF_FRAME_GOLDEN -
+ infer(ref_frame_idx[i], current->golden_frame_idx);
+ else
+ infer(ref_frame_idx[i], -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
+ if (!current->frame_refs_short_signaling)
+ fbs(3, ref_frame_idx[i], 1, i);
+ if (seq->frame_id_numbers_present_flag) {
+ fb(seq->delta_frame_id_length_minus_2 + 2,
+ delta_frame_id_minus1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current->frame_size_override_flag &&
+ !current->error_resilient_mode) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_size_with_refs)(ctx, rw, current));
+ } else {
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(render_size)(ctx, rw, current));
+ }
+ if (current->force_integer_mv)
+ infer(allow_high_precision_mv, 0);
+ else
+ flag(allow_high_precision_mv);
+ CHECK(FUNC(interpolation_filter)(ctx, rw, current));
+ flag(is_motion_mode_switchable);
+ if (current->error_resilient_mode ||
+ !seq->enable_ref_frame_mvs)
+ infer(use_ref_frame_mvs, 0);
+ else
+ flag(use_ref_frame_mvs);
+ infer(allow_intrabc, 0);
+ }
+ if (!frame_is_intra) {
+ // Derive reference frame sign biases.
+ }
+ if (seq->reduced_still_picture_header || current->disable_cdf_update)
+ infer(disable_frame_end_update_cdf, 1);
+ else
+ flag(disable_frame_end_update_cdf);
+ if (current->primary_ref_frame == AV1_PRIMARY_REF_NONE) {
+ // Init non-coeff CDFs.
+ // Setup past independence.
+ } else {
+ // Load CDF tables from previous frame.
+ // Load params from previous frame.
+ }
+ if (current->use_ref_frame_mvs) {
+ // Perform motion field estimation process.
+ }
+ CHECK(FUNC(tile_info)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(quantization_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(segmentation_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(delta_q_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(delta_lf_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ // Init coeff CDFs / load previous segments.
+ priv->coded_lossless = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_MAX_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+ int qindex;
+ if (current->feature_enabled[i][AV1_SEG_LVL_ALT_Q]) {
+ qindex = (current->base_q_idx +
+ current->feature_value[i][AV1_SEG_LVL_ALT_Q]);
+ } else {
+ qindex = current->base_q_idx;
+ }
+ qindex = av_clip_uintp2(qindex, 8);
+ if (qindex || current->delta_q_y_dc ||
+ current->delta_q_u_ac || current->delta_q_u_dc ||
+ current->delta_q_v_ac || current->delta_q_v_dc) {
+ priv->coded_lossless = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ priv->all_lossless = priv->coded_lossless &&
+ priv->frame_width == priv->upscaled_width;
+ CHECK(FUNC(loop_filter_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(cdef_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(lr_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(read_tx_mode)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_reference_mode)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(skip_mode_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ if (frame_is_intra || current->error_resilient_mode ||
+ !seq->enable_warped_motion)
+ infer(allow_warped_motion, 0);
+ else
+ flag(allow_warped_motion);
+ flag(reduced_tx_set);
+ CHECK(FUNC(global_motion_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ CHECK(FUNC(film_grain_params)(ctx, rw, current));
+ for (i = 0; i < AV1_NUM_REF_FRAMES; i++) {
+ if (current->refresh_frame_flags & (1 << i)) {
+ priv->ref[i] = (AV1ReferenceFrameState) {
+ .valid = 1,
+ .frame_id = current->current_frame_id,
+ .upscaled_width = priv->upscaled_width,
+ .frame_width = priv->frame_width,
+ .frame_height = priv->frame_height,
+ .render_width = priv->render_width,
+ .render_height = priv->render_height,
+ .frame_type = current->frame_type,
+ .subsampling_x = seq->color_config.subsampling_x,
+ .subsampling_y = seq->color_config.subsampling_y,
+ .bit_depth = priv->bit_depth,
+ .order_hint = current->order_hint,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ av_log(ctx->log_ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Frame %d: size %dx%d "
+ "upscaled %d render %dx%d subsample %dx%d "
+ "bitdepth %d tiles %dx%d.\n", current->order_hint,
+ priv->frame_width, priv->frame_height, priv->upscaled_width,
+ priv->render_width, priv->render_height,
+ seq->color_config.subsampling_x + 1,
+ seq->color_config.subsampling_y + 1, priv->bit_depth,
+ priv->tile_rows, priv->tile_cols);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(frame_header_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrameHeader *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int err;
+ HEADER("Frame Header");
+ if (priv->seen_frame_header) {
+ // Nothing to do.
+ } else {
+ priv->seen_frame_header = 1;
+ CHECK(FUNC(uncompressed_header)(ctx, rw, current));
+ if (current->show_existing_frame) {
+ priv->seen_frame_header = 0;
+ } else {
+ priv->seen_frame_header = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(tile_group_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawTileGroup *current)
+ CodedBitstreamAV1Context *priv = ctx->priv_data;
+ int num_tiles, tile_bits;
+ int err;
+ HEADER("Tile Group");
+ num_tiles = priv->tile_cols * priv->tile_rows;
+ if (num_tiles > 1)
+ flag(tile_start_and_end_present_flag);
+ else
+ infer(tile_start_and_end_present_flag, 0);
+ if (num_tiles == 1 || !current->tile_start_and_end_present_flag) {
+ infer(tg_start, 0);
+ infer(tg_end, num_tiles - 1);
+ } else {
+ tile_bits = cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, priv->tile_cols) +
+ cbs_av1_tile_log2(1, priv->tile_rows);
+ fb(tile_bits, tg_start);
+ fb(tile_bits, tg_end);
+ }
+ CHECK(FUNC(byte_alignment)(ctx, rw));
+ // Reset header for next frame.
+ if (current->tg_end == num_tiles - 1)
+ priv->seen_frame_header = 0;
+ // Tile data follows.
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(frame_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawFrame *current)
+ int err;
+ CHECK(FUNC(frame_header_obu)(ctx, rw, ¤t->header));
+ CHECK(FUNC(byte_alignment)(ctx, rw));
+ CHECK(FUNC(tile_group_obu)(ctx, rw, ¤t->tile_group));
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(tile_list_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawTileList *current)
+ int err;
+ fb(8, output_frame_width_in_tiles_minus_1);
+ fb(8, output_frame_height_in_tiles_minus_1);
+ fb(16, tile_count_minus_1);
+ // Tile data follows.
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(metadata_hdr_cll)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadataHDRCLL *current)
+ int err;
+ fb(16, max_cll);
+ fb(16, max_fall);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(metadata_hdr_mdcv)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadataHDRMDCV *current)
+ int err, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ fcs(16, primary_chromaticity_x[i], 0, 50000, 1, i);
+ fcs(16, primary_chromaticity_y[i], 0, 50000, 1, i);
+ }
+ fc(16, white_point_chromaticity_x, 0, 50000);
+ fc(16, white_point_chromaticity_y, 0, 50000);
+ fc(32, luminance_max, 1, MAX_UINT_BITS(32));
+ fc(32, luminance_min, 0, current->luminance_max >> 6);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(metadata_scalability)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadataScalability *current)
+ // TODO: scalability metadata.
+static int FUNC(metadata_itut_t35)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadataITUTT35 *current)
+ int err;
+ size_t i;
+ fb(8, itu_t_t35_country_code);
+ if (current->itu_t_t35_country_code == 0xff)
+ fb(8, itu_t_t35_country_code_extension_byte);
+#ifdef READ
+ // The payload runs up to the start of the trailing bits, but there might
+ // be arbitrarily many trailing zeroes so we need to read through twice.
+ {
+ GetBitContext tmp = *rw;
+ current->payload_size = 0;
+ for (i = 0; get_bits_left(rw) >= 8; i++) {
+ if (get_bits(rw, 8))
+ current->payload_size = i;
+ }
+ *rw = tmp;
+ }
+ current->payload_ref = av_buffer_alloc(current->payload_size);
+ if (!current->payload_ref)
+ current->payload = current->payload_ref->data;
+ for (i = 0; i < current->payload_size; i++)
+ xf(8, itu_t_t35_payload_bytes[i], current->payload[i],
+ 0x00, 0xff, 1, i);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(metadata_timecode)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadataTimecode *current)
+ int err;
+ fb(5, counting_type);
+ flag(full_timestamp_flag);
+ flag(discontinuity_flag);
+ flag(cnt_dropped_flag);
+ fb(9, n_frames);
+ if (current->full_timestamp_flag) {
+ fb(6, seconds_value);
+ fb(6, minutes_value);
+ fb(5, hours_value);
+ } else {
+ flag(seconds_flag);
+ if (current->seconds_flag) {
+ fb(6, seconds_value);
+ flag(minutes_flag);
+ if (current->minutes_flag) {
+ fb(6, minutes_value);
+ flag(hours_flag);
+ if (current->hours_flag)
+ fb(5, hours_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fb(5, time_offset_length);
+ if (current->time_offset_length > 0)
+ fb(current->time_offset_length, time_offset_value);
+ return 0;
+static int FUNC(metadata_obu)(CodedBitstreamContext *ctx, RWContext *rw,
+ AV1RawMetadata *current)
+ int err;
+ leb128(metadata_type);
+ switch (current->metadata_type) {
+ CHECK(FUNC(metadata_hdr_cll)(ctx, rw, ¤t->metadata.hdr_cll));
+ break;
+ CHECK(FUNC(metadata_hdr_mdcv)(ctx, rw, ¤t->metadata.hdr_mdcv));
+ break;
+ CHECK(FUNC(metadata_scalability)(ctx, rw, ¤t->metadata.scalability));
+ break;
+ CHECK(FUNC(metadata_itut_t35)(ctx, rw, ¤t->metadata.itut_t35));
+ break;
+ CHECK(FUNC(metadata_timecode)(ctx, rw, ¤t->metadata.timecode));
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unknown metadata type.
+ }
+ return 0;