@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+//copyright Michael Niedermayer 2006 license:LGPL
+#define MIN_EXP -126
+#define MAX_EXP 126
+#define ONE_BITS 29
+typedef struct SoftFloat{
+ int32_t exp;
+ int32_t mant;
+static SoftFloat av_normalize_sf(SoftFloat a){
+ if(a.mant){
+#if 1
+ while((a.mant + 0x20000000U)<0x40000000U){
+ a.mant += a.mant;
+ a.exp -= 1;
+ }
+ int s=ONE_BITS + 1 - av_log2(a.mant ^ (a.mant<<1));
+ a.exp -= s;
+ a.mant <<= s;
+ if(a.exp < MIN_EXP){
+ a.exp = MIN_EXP;
+ a.mant= 0;
+ }
+ }else{
+ a.exp= MIN_EXP;
+ }
+ return a;
+static inline SoftFloat av_normalize1_sf(SoftFloat a){
+#if 1
+ if(a.mant + 0x40000000 < 0){
+ a.exp++;
+ a.mant>>=1;
+ }
+ return a;
+#elif 1
+ int t= a.mant + 0x40000000 < 0;
+ return (SoftFloat){a.exp+t, a.mant>>t};
+ int t= (a.mant + 0x40000000U)>>31;
+ return (SoftFloat){a.exp+t, a.mant>>t};
+ *
+ * @return will not be more denormalized then a+b, so if either input is
+ * normalized then the output wont be worse then the other input
+ * if both are normalized then the output will be normalized
+ */
+static inline SoftFloat av_mul_sf(SoftFloat a, SoftFloat b){
+ a.exp += b.exp;
+ a.mant = (a.mant * (int64_t)b.mant) >> ONE_BITS;
+ return av_normalize1_sf(a);
+ *
+ * b has to be normalized and not zero
+ * @return will not be more denormalized then a
+ */
+static SoftFloat av_div_sf(SoftFloat a, SoftFloat b){
+ a.exp -= b.exp+1;
+ a.mant = ((int64_t)a.mant<<(ONE_BITS+1)) / b.mant;
+ return av_normalize1_sf(a);
+static inline int av_cmp_sf(SoftFloat a, SoftFloat b){
+ int t= a.exp - b.exp;
+ if(t<0) return (a.mant >> (-t)) - b.mant ;
+ else return a.mant - (b.mant >> t);
+static inline SoftFloat av_add_sf(SoftFloat a, SoftFloat b){
+ int t= a.exp - b.exp;
+ if(t<0) return av_normalize1_sf((SoftFloat){b.exp, b.mant + (a.mant >> (-t))});
+ else return av_normalize1_sf((SoftFloat){a.exp, a.mant + (b.mant >> t )});
+static inline SoftFloat av_sub_sf(SoftFloat a, SoftFloat b){
+ return av_add_sf(a, (SoftFloat){b.exp, -b.mant});
+//FIXME sqrt, log, exp, pow, sin, cos
+static inline SoftFloat av_int2sf(int v, int frac_bits){
+ return av_normalize_sf((SoftFloat){ONE_BITS-frac_bits, v});
+ *
+ * rounding is to -inf
+ */
+static inline int av_sf2int(SoftFloat v, int frac_bits){
+ v.exp += frac_bits - ONE_BITS;
+ if(v.exp >= 0) return v.mant << v.exp ;
+ else return v.mant >>(-v.exp);